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That's It!!! This Anti-Obama Propaganda Has Got To Stop

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posted on May, 4 2008 @ 02:24 PM
It will not stop because I still have the FREEDOM to say whatever the hell I want. I don't like his left wind ideas, I dont trust him to run a 7-11 much less the USA. But I will say this...PLEASE pick him to run in November...Greatest gift you could give the GOP

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Equinox99
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Well actually the pastor's words were taken out of context. If you actually heard his whole sermon then you would understand. Fox news just wanted to get a lot of viewers so they make things up as they play along. Go to youtube and find that sermon and just listen to it. I did and I noticed the meaning changed by a whole lot.

The extend play of the sermon did not make it any better, it was just more of the same. Now after Wrights multiple interviews this past week, he just confirmed how bad he is. After living in Chicago for fifty years, there's one thing for sure, it's hometown to Black Racism, thats why Rev. Jackson, Louis Farikan live there. Most black churches are the same way there, blame whitey. Barak was an unknown when he first ran for the US Senate, and was unknown in normal political circumstances. He was always a black activist and was a civil rights lawyer working for one of them.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 04:05 PM
Obama is a member of the CFR, nuff said on that.

You can't use the fact that he just doesn't vote on hard issues or even tell the people where he stands as a sign that he didn't stand for this or that. The man doesn't stand for anything other than what is popular at the time. I could really care less if he wins or the other 2 do, they are all bad.

Strangely Americans are always crying about how they want freedom and rights and you have a Founding Father running for office and being blacked out by the press yet you do nothing. If you ask my you have had every chance for freedom and change and you choose to ignore it. I hope Ron Paul runs in 4 years. Is that enough time for you to wise up and clean the crud from your ears long enough to hear what true freedom is? I sure hope so, for your sake.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by dark_matter06

Is that enough time for you to wise up and clean the crud from your ears long enough to hear what true freedom is? I sure hope so, for your sake.

Well, it would seem that there is certainly no shortage of people who disregard ATS' TAC by not reading the thread.

Congratulations, dark_matter, you've just joined that rank.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by TXMACHINEGUNDLR

No way.

Obama has a much better chance of beating McCain than Hillary does. Why do you think the media (especially Republican news) is bashing Obama so bad, while mostly ignoring Hillary?

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by chuckk

Yeah, unfortunately, that's how much of Black America still views the world, and in still some instances today, it's justified.

These people are led by people who grew up in a much more racist time than today, or in a much more racist area than you or I probably live.

It's not just Chicago or Rev. Wright. It's a victim mentality that flourishes in much of Black America's mind.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by bigbert81

Obama has a much better chance of beating McCain than Hillary does. Why do you think the media (especially Republican news) is bashing Obama so bad, while mostly ignoring Hillary?

Evidence suggests otherwise.
Maybe they are bashing Obama because he is the least qualified candidate and he has provided some sensational stories for the media to rake over the polls?

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by bigbert81

If I had a"friend" that says that I would disown that "friend" and I don't care how long I've know he/she.

Like I've read alot of other posters say I too would like to know what does he intend to "change"?

I've listened to his speeches many times and the man seems to constantly say he is all about change but he NEVER says how he's going to change anything.

His speeches are beginning to sound like a broken record.

I've noticed that he has a knack for telling the American people exactly what HE thinks they want to hear but little does he know that many Americans are catching onto his "act".

[edit on 4-5-2008 by MagicaRose]

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by _Del_

Hmmm, interesting link.

I watch a lot of politics. A lot. And the media DEFINITELY swings in Hillary's way by always bashing Obama 8x as much.

I have seen some more recent polls (thanks to the media), that show the same thing you are.

Of course, I am very skeptical when it comes to polls, but it would seem that the majority of journalists I've seen on TV DO agree with me when I say that Obama issues vs. McCain issues, Obama wins. The thing with Hillary is that McCain can make her experience BS look like the fraud it is, plus a few other things.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 05:12 PM
Obama, Hillary, McCain ?

Those are the choices?

Dr.Ron Paul ...... now THERE`S A CHOICE

but it would seem that the people have NO CHOICE.

hmmmmmmmmmmm.. strange democracy going on there huh?

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by MagicaRose


Well, I guess I just hold friendship much closer to my heart than you. Sad, because one of my closest friends is a Bush fan, and I can't even consider ditching him for THAT radical belief.

And 'change' is just a marketing slogan. And it's worked beautifully. Even though when you actually check everybody's records, you'll see that if anyone has the better chance of bringing about change, Obama is definitely the victor.

Here's a link that goes into a little bit of that:

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by bigbert81

Of course, I am very skeptical when it comes to polls, but it would seem that the majority of journalists I've seen on TV DO agree with me when I say that Obama issues vs. McCain issues, Obama wins.

Well the latest and biggest polls show Obama losing by 3 or 5%. Clinton wins by 2% or loses by 1. Those two are also the two not connected to the media -- Rasmussen and Gallup are independent polls.

The thing with Hillary is that McCain can make her experience BS look like the fraud it is, plus a few other things.

If McCain can make her experience look bad, how will that work for Obama? You seem to be on a bent against Hillary (and believe me, I understand) but you're not considering Obama's weaknesses.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by _Del_

No, I know what you mean, but Hillary's 'experience' has been one of her selling points, one that Obama hasn't been relying on himself, so the hit will be much bigger for Hillary than Obama.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 05:39 PM
Obama has gotten the kid glove treatment from the media, while Hillary continues to get smeared at every step. The Wright controversy has only recently gotten any attention to keep the battle for the democratic nom going. Should Obama get the nom, he is going to have to start facing some real scrutiny from the media, and his boat will be sunk.

When it comes to a battle for experience, Hillary can run on Bills record, and most people will buy that argument. It becomes the nineties verses the eighties as McCain must run on Reagan's record. McCain gets pounded if he dares to bring up records. Meanwhile Obama has nothing to run on, just his tinny call for change that is already been played to death. Obama's policies are the old welfare policies that failed in the seventies. Obama is building a bridge that goes way back. Obama does not have a leg to stand on in the experience category, while Hillary has Bill's presidency.

As as already been shown on this thread, Obama has huge believability problems, and has only gotten this far because corporate controlled media wants Obama to take the DNC nom, because when the truth comes out about Obama, his candidacy is doomed.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by poet1b

I do agree that Obama does have some believability issues, but I guess to me, it's really nothing compared to what we've seen from Hillary or McCain, so I guess that's an agree to disagree scenario.

As far as what to run on, Obama has a much better legislative record, while Hillary has a ridiculous 'experience' record, so I guess we'll have to see how it plays out.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 06:53 PM
Obama's gonna flip-flop in his legislative votes too. If you know you'll be running for President a few year in advance, makes it all to easy in voting how most people would want to see it, based on what has been going on with the war etc.

I would. The votes don't count for crap anyway, so why not vote to serve a bigger purpose?

Like John Kerry filiming himself in war fatigues after the war was over. He knew at a young age he was going to run for President and would help him out by being a veteran hero. Boy was that a farce.

We want someone who won't let Iran have Nukes and if they do, stop them. Obama won't do anything because he is Muslim.

Think about it Bert.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by jetxnet

Where do you get your facts from?

Where did you get the info that Obama is Muslim? You must be privy to information nobody else is...

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 06:56 PM
A mUslim?
Not so far as I know?
A radical leftist with domestic policies out of 1968 and foreign policies out of 1932? That he is. And that alone is a good enough reason to shut him down.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 07:08 PM
True Shazam. Make no mistake about it though, Obama is a Muslim.

Obama claims he know everything about the Muslim religion and Christianity. He is trying to say he could unite both.

In his book, "Dreams of My Father", Obama states a passage: "If the political winds should change, I will stand by Muslims".

- His biological father was a Muslim radical
- His step-father is a Muslim
- His black Grandmother from Kenya is Muslim
- He has ties to Muslm leaders, even campaigned for one in Kenya

In light of just those facts, suffice it to say, Obama is Muslim.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by jetxnet

You're being ridiculous.

Despite the fact that he is a devout Christian, you call him a Muslim because of his associations.

Please come back with something solid.

P.S. I know you can't.

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