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That's It!!! This Anti-Obama Propaganda Has Got To Stop

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posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 07:41 AM
You Seem kinda enraged, and even offended that people are asking questions about the canidate you support... think about that...

Originally posted by bigbert81
Oh God, I'm so worn out of all this anti-Obama BS that's going on currently.

Let's take a look at some of the arguments made by people who oppose Barack Obama, but don't happen to weigh-in THEIR presidential candidates:

Barack Obama has good oratory skills, just like Hitler.

Barack Obama has been uniting people, is he the antichrist?

I might side with you there, those 2 things are pretty lame... i don't see anything comparable to hitler as of yet, and comparing him to the anti-christ... well... mabye... but anyone that is saying that cannot be serious...

Barack Obama's middle name is Hussein...Like Saddam's last name.

Barack Obama is muslim.

Whats wroung with stating someones middle name, you can tell quite a bit about middle names... for instance, someone with the middle Name Hussein... what would you guess about that person... that they are from Ireland, or somewhere in the middle east... It also tells about a familes liniage... So when people see the Middle name Hussein, it should set off an alarm in thier head, not to lynch the man, but to at least resaerch it, find where the name comes from, who he is named after, who named him... ect... these are things that a thinking person would be intrested... Also, wanting to know the religion of someone isn't an offendible offense... I can't find an audio clip of him stating, "i am a cristain, i love god' or 'Allah achbar'... so it could go either way...

Barack Obama's former preacher is saying things I disagree with.

Not just his former preacher, but close associate for over 20 years... this isnt like he met the guy at a party and talked for 15 mins, this is one of his closet people, not knowing who someone is, and what thier views are, it is reasonable to look at the peoples friends and associates... Way before the Youtube videos surfaced of this guy, and even before you were registared on these fourms, We at ATS was looking into this guy and this church... we knew that he was a black-supremiscist, but we didn't know that he was a rabid anti-american preacher... before i heard ANYTHING from any other media source, ATS was onto this guy, so when the sotry broke, we weren't surprised here... well kinda suprised, but we knew that this guy was not someone that would be considered a good decent american.

People need to look into and investigate the people that these canidates associate with. Wright is only the tip of the iceburg... Obama has more people that will grab the attention of the MajorMedia eventualy...

Barack Obama's supporters are glossy-eyed and zombie-like.

Barack Obama's supporters are like a cult.

Barack Obama preaches 'Change', yet people can't name anything he'd be changing.

attacking his supporters is just childish... mabye some people are becoming fringe Obamaites... but i wouldn't call them a cult... People ARE loving to say he brings change, and upwards of 90% of the people i have personaly talked to, cannot name anything that he has introduced into legislation during his terms, or outline any of the plans that he is planning to implement, not knowing what your canidate stands for is not a good thing...

People are voting for Barack Obama because he's black.

And... what about this fact do you dis-agree with...

Barack Obama's wife said 'For once in my adult life, I'm proud of my country'.

Yes, she did say that... what did she mean by saying that... thats debatable...

Barack Obama doesn't put his hand over his heart.

Barack Obama hasn't been wearing a lapel pin.

Thats right, he didn't, and sometimes he doesn't put his hand over his heart... its his choice and his alone... its not Law to do, just his choice, like this guy i knew in high school, he Hated America, he named was Death-Metal-Dave, and everyday when we had to say the pledge of alligence, he would just stand up, and say nothing, and keep him hands at his was just his choice... just like Obamas... Only Death-Metal-Dave was a Nazi that hated Everyone... and Obame wants to be the POTUS...but at least they can share thier unpatriotism with each other when the Pledge of Aligence, or the National Anthem is being sung...

Barack Obama is too inexperienced.

So experience is not something that you would consider when choosing a person to run the Untied States... would someone with experince at the McDonlds be just as good as someone who has spent 30 years inside the workings of goverment...

Barack Obama grew up overseas.

... yea... so... knowing where someone grew up, and lived is important when trying to think of the life experience of someone... Like, if someone lived in a Muelsum country, and attended a Muelsm school... would you not want to know that, would that be something that didn't matter, that during the most influencial years of someones life, they were in a foreign country, in a forgien culture... i would think the upbringing of someone would effect the decisions that person is going to make in thier life...

Barack Obama said 'Cling to guns and religion'.

Yes he did... and... the question is what does that mean, and what was he meaning when he said it...

Ok, this is all I can think of at the moment, so if you think of any I missed, please feel free to mention it.

Heres another quote that i found troubleing, mabye you missed it, or just agreed with him... "I dont want to let my daughter have the punishment of haveing a child"... now what does that mean... I dislike that statement 100 diffrent ways... one more... "Kingdom right here on Earth"... Obama stated he wants to create a Kingdom on Earth... what is he refering too...

So, what's my point? Look at the above arguments. They're ridiculous, each and every one of them.

Mabye 3 or 4 of the thing you mentioned are ridiculous, and none of them are being presented as argument points AGAINST Obama...

When do these questions and issues become more important than a candidate who has a VERY strong record of lying for the past 35+ years, wants to force everybody to pay for health care under risks of penalties, flip-flops on issues to gain more votes, therefore proving to be even more phony, and has demonstrated that she'll not only lie and CHEAT, but mislead the public?

Now this is where you lost me, you went from questioning other people questions, to an attack on your canidates opponent.. Basicly, it seems that you want Obama to get a free pass because he is running against a Clinton...


I think everyone should recive the same treatment... none of the Remaining MAJOR canidates or president are very strong form a Patriotic perspective...

Even though i HATE Juan McCain, he at this point is a far better option then either of the 2 democratic canidates... and that is a depressing situation for the American People.

If your tired of the Treatment that Obama is getting, just stop watching the News...

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by bigbert81
reply to post by dawnstar

Would you disown a friend of yours for 20 years for him saying G-d da-n America?

C'mon and think about that.
I wish morons like you wouldn't keep spewing complete utter bull# without knowing the details.

When the rev first said "god damn america" obama didn't do #. cause that was his friend.

if you'd pay a-#in'-ttenntion you'd have noticed it took the 3 hour CNN special of rev basically dissing obama for obama to drop him.

If you gotta friend who talkin # about you and you stick by him the first day... you strong. if he continues talkin # about you, and you drop him... you're all of a sudden the bad guy? the # outta here.

I'm movin to amsterdam, so for when the majority of morons who think like you - vote in mcain - im outa here. if you'd chose that old fool to lead your country just because of what OBAMAS "FRIENDS" are like, then this country dont deserve a future.

you # ups vote in GEORGE BUSH, but wanna question this guys every step? woooow...

and people we need to get over this "most experience" nonsense, i thought you guys where smart? unbelievable. if you think ONE PERSON (the president) does EVERYTHING while in office you're a moron. experience aint got # to do with squat. i guess bill didnt have enough experience either huh?

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[edit on 30-4-2008 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by bigbert81

Doesn't hold up to the test he just demonstrated at the Press Club. C'mon now. You are trying to tell me that all of a Sudden Rev. Wright just started acting like this? I'm not buying it. He was a relative unknown till the Obama campaign started to get investigated. That finally Obama had to speak out about the Rev's outburst speaks volumes.

As I've said Mr. Obama has more skeletons in his closet that will be dragged out, he better do his spin control alot better or he will be sunk.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 08:11 AM

People are voting for Barack Obama because he's black.

And... what about this fact do you dis-agree with...

[ so are you saying people who vote for this man vote only because he's black? HAHAHAAHAH! :lol white people somethin' else...

Barack Obama's wife said 'For once in my adult life, I'm proud of my country'.

Yes, she did say that... what did she mean by saying that... thats debatable...

[ because in her entire adult life she never saw a following for a black man like this. she never saw racist hick white people even give consideration to a black president, better yet, a black man with intelligence and charisma. and that, as a black person, is reason to respond.

oh, i guess we should have been proud before with all the police brutality, innocent men locked up over nothing and nonstop day to day racism? ]

Barack Obama doesn't put his hand over his heart.

Barack Obama hasn't been wearing a lapel pin.

Thats right, he didn't, and sometimes he doesn't put his hand over his heart... its his choice and his alone... its not Law to do, just his choice

[ exactly, who gives a #? ]

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 08:13 AM
Bert, the fact of the matter is that many sheeple are easily led by the MSM and crappy gossip e-mails. You can't really argue with people who do not source their own information or have no independent thought but instead wait to be told what to think by talking heads and talk radio. They are very entrenched in their indoctrination and will take you down with them.

These are people who define patriotism in a shallow way, by anthems and lapel pins and not necessarily action. They cannot conceive that, aside from military service, dissent is the bravest form of patriotism- to stand up against the fray and denounce what is wrong or needs changing, regardless of the blowback.

It's a generational thing that defines Obama most. Someone on the thread asked what 'change' does Obama represent - it's a break from the past. A letting go of out-dated ideas and rhetoric that have gotten this country nowhere in recent years.

The Civil Rights movement is OVER - it's time to reap the rewards of a hard fought battle, something Sharpton and Wright are too ignorant and self-selfish to recognize. Why was Obama reluctant to cut his pastor loose? Because he is ethical and has modicum of decency. He is not divisive and doesn't take cheap shots or participate in the feeding frenzy and character assassination of politics of the past. Period. It says that he is nuanced and thoughtful, a far cry from the doofus in office now (who I unfortunately voted for twice!), the McSame that wants to replace him or the shrew who will lie, cheat and steal to get her way.

IMO all of this only serves to make Obama stronger, tougher and better vetted for November and, ultimately, the White House. I would recommend he keep coming on strong and sophisticated and not let other people define him by diverting him from his core principles.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by Legendary Smoker

Since you are new to posting here, plz refrain from insulting other posters.

We don't do that here.

You can ridicule their posts with thought out responses but don't attack the poster.

I don't agree with everyone, but I am courteous.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by Legendary Smoker

It makes me laugh when people talk about what Michelle Obama has said or done - what about Hillary and her less that shining perfromance as First Lady?

If you want to hold that against the candidate, shouldn't Hillary's own action count against her as well? Let's not even get into Cindy McCain, dominatrix and recipe plagarist!

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by Legendary Smoker

so are you saying people who vote for this man vote only because he's black? HAHAHAAHAH! :lol white people somethin' else...

So explain exactly why the Black vote is so overwhelmingly Obama's over Clinton when their policies and platforms are basically the same? One would think gvien that Bill Clinton was the first Black President, that the vote would be split rather evenly. It hasn't for the most part. Clinton has carried other minorities but not the African American vote. Why?

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by kosmicjack
I would recommend he keep coming on strong and sophisticated and not let other people define him by diverting him from his core principles.

Hmmm, not what former Democratic Presidential candidate does that sound like? Like I said, Obama better have better spin control if he wants to play in the big leagues. His responses have been too little too late to prevent damage to his candidacy.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by pavil

I'm not suggesting he ignore the issues like Kerry did, only that he respond in a way that is difinitive of his own character and not gutter politics. Otherwise his opponents will succeed in taking the 'change' out of his campaign, which is his leading asset.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 09:13 AM
Obama brought the problem on himself.

If he would not have decided to play politics with the truth in the first place he would not be in this situation.

There was no need for him to distance himself from Rev. Wright.

The only people who believed it was necessary, were the people in the media.

Rev. Wright did not say anything that was wrong anymore than the things evangelical fundies like Rev. Hagee or white preachers like McCain's preacher, say everyday.

We are getting what we deserve because we kill more people for no reason than any other country on earth at this present time.

We are the great satan of today and that can be proven mathematically in the fact that we are now directly responsible just in Iraq alone for the death of over 1.5 million people who did nothing to us, that is a great work of Satan not God, unless you think murder is the business of God.

The medai are just trying to sell crap and they have no choice but to fan the fire of rasisim, you can't expect them to be able to capture the public's attention long enough to sell anything if they talk about ridiculous stuff like the election issues.

It is a trap engendered by the media, and Obama stepped in it with his eyes wide open.

The media set this whole thing up when they appeared to dump Hillary in the first place, they knew what they were doing, they never dumped Hillary she has always been the candidate that is going to win the Dem primary for them, because that is who their Corp exec masters tell them to be for.

The media is just playing up racism to increase the bottom line by suggesting that the Black believers like Wright are not real americans like the white righteous evangelicals are.

Wright is completely correct in saying it is an attack by the media on his type of Black believer not an attack on him, everything he said about what america is can be verified correct.

What made Obama so appealing in general, at the begriming of this shell game that the medai calls campaign elections, is that people thought that he could be a real human being versus a reptilian pod person type politician like the Clifton's and the Bush's.

By distancing himself from the truth of what Rev. Wright was saying, that is that it is our gov't empire that are the terrorist not the imaginary boogy men invented by the PTB's of the shadow gov't, Obama has taken away all doubt and proven that he is not a real human being, but another worthless blood sucking creature who just wants to be lord of the death machine that is America today.

I personally stand in awe of the way the medai gets away with saying white working people are on Hilary's side, that is the most blatant absurdity I have heard in an election cycle by the media since the Reagan years.

But really you need to get over it, who the president is will not change a thing, it is more meaningless than who the Pope is.

Nothing is going to change in this country until the dead enders like you, who want so desperately to believe, admit that we are the problem and stop participating in a system which has become the living body on earth of evil incarnate.

[edit on 30-4-2008 by newday]

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 09:35 AM
Ok, I'm going to have to address several people on this post because I can't keep going like I was yesterday, it's wearing me out.

A lot of people here seem to be missing my whole point on what the thread is really supposed to be about. I'm not saying that Obama is flawless, or that he couldn't have vast improvements in some areas, so please stop trying to bring me to that kind of debate.

What I am trying to say, is that this anti-Obama stuff should be considered nowhere close to any of the anti-opponent stuff out there. Let me explain, when someone is running for president, what are the 2 (usually) most brought up, important things to consider?

1) Issues
2) Honesty

Issues should be obvious, and as far as honesty, what good is a presidential candidate who has a strong record of lying and flip-flopping on the issues where the vote counts for it? Credibility is gone, but people still vote for someone based off of...well that's the point...nothing. They don't know why their voting for someone because that person has a record of changing things around.

My point of this thread is to point out how things like what a former pastor says, or wearing a lapel pin pale in comparison to:

1) Issues
2) Honesty

I hope that makes sense.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by Legendary Smoker

I wish morons like you wouldn't keep spewing complete utter bull# without knowing the details.

Really, is that the path we're going down now?

C'mon, didn't you just sign up with that username so that you could get on here and call me a moron? C'mon, didn't you? You can say it! C'mon.

I'll tell you what. When you grow up, we can have an adult conversation. Does that sound good for you? Maybe I'll buy you an ice cream cone too.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Brother Stormhammer

Well, it's good to hear how you would do things differently.

It's of course a matter of opinion between your idealistic views and someone who spent a good 8 years there, but a matter of opinion on 'what you WOULD do' if you were there.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by poet1b

First of all, your list isn't very accurate, and brings up a lot of nonsense that people do not care about to cloud the real issues about the problems with Obama.

Obama and his supporters constantly bash Hillary and McCain on a personal basis, and at the same time cry like a stuck pig when Obama is bashed on a personal basis. This is called hypocrisy, and is the worst of personal flaws. You complain about this list of attacks about Obama, and then bash Hillary on a personal basis. Your credibility is destroyed from the beginning.

I am well aware of the inaccuracies in my list, remember I made it.

Also, as far as the hypocrisy thing goes, I could just as easily say the same thing about anyone else who defends their candidate, so you're really digging there. Now, if you're just referring to me, let me explain to you that that is why I started this thread. You seem to be missing the point. As I've already pointed out, I'm not saying people should feel wrong to bash Obama, what I am saying is that the anti-Obama stuff vs. the anti-opposition stuff doesn't equate. Please go back and read the thread if you have any more questions about that.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 09:59 AM
We have been through this before. Heres a nice vid of Obama talking about having done a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations and also being dismissive about the North American Union. Then he goes on about how he voted for the patriot act but he made a few amendments so that makes it koo... right?

In the thread given below TheBandit795 explains how Samantha Power, adviser of Barack Obama is funded by the Council on Foreign Relations.

So ummm lets list a few things:

Obama voted to sustain the war in Iraq in 2006.

Obama voted for the reauthorization of the patriot act.

Obama doesn't oppose a war with Iran.

Theres more but i cant be bothered i think those 3 are enough.

I dont care about, his ethnicity, where he grew up, what religion he is in and who his pastor is, who his his parents are, which party he is in, all i care about is his voting record and his policies. Unfortunately his voting record and his policies are pretty bad and contradictory.

Ill be a big man and throw who id vote for out on the table, Ron Paul. Unfortunately i cant vote because i don't even live in the U.S.

Where I'm from i actually voted for the greens, because green is my favourite colour.

[edit on 30-4-2008 by blahdiblah]

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 10:04 AM
Thanks for creating this thread, I feel that it highlights a very serious issue facing the USA. That issue is the CONTROL the media is able to exert over the nation. In that list you provided I suppose it is possible for someone to have what they believe is a legitimate concern under normal conditions; however, in todays USA these issues are huge because the MEDIA makes them huge.

I find it especially interesting that here on ATS there still seems to be many who fall into this trap so willingly.

I do not care what Obama's middle name is, I do not care that his wife was "truly" proud of the USA for the first time, I do not care that he had a pastor tht was a crackpot (Ic ant count how many deranged men preached to me in my years in the Catholic Church).

ALL of these issues are really NON-issues that have been SPUN out of control by the corporate media (look up GATE KEEPERS) who are exerting their PERSONAL interest over the airwaves.

Yes many of these issues are true but they are only issues because you were told they were.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by TKainZero

You Seem kinda enraged, and even offended that people are asking questions about the canidate you support.

True, I did start off yesterday with a hot-head. Sorry if I came across like that too much, I had just finished debating with another individual that kept bringing up the dumbest, most uneducated arguments and didn't seem to listen.

I might side with you there, those 2 things are pretty lame... i don't see anything comparable to hitler as of yet, and comparing him to the anti-christ... well... mabye... but anyone that is saying that cannot be serious...

I wish you were right about this, brother, but from what I'm seeing, they're dead serious.

Whats wroung with stating someones middle name, you can tell quite a bit about middle names... for instance, someone with the middle Name Hussein... what would you guess about that person... that they are from Ireland, or somewhere in the middle east... It also tells about a familes liniage... So when people see the Middle name Hussein, it should set off an alarm in thier head, not to lynch the man, but to at least resaerch it, find where the name comes from, who he is named after, who named him... ect... these are things that a thinking person would be intrested... Also, wanting to know the religion of someone isn't an offendible offense... I can't find an audio clip of him stating, "i am a cristain, i love god' or 'Allah achbar'... so it could go either way...

Now this is kind of a different way of thinking about it, and I can see what you mean; however, the vast, vast majority of people don't look at it like this, so I hope you can see my point from which I'm coming.

Not just his former preacher, but close associate for over 20 years... this isnt like he met the guy at a party and talked for 15 mins, this is one of his closet people, not knowing who someone is, and what thier views are, it is reasonable to look at the peoples friends and associates.

Now this I do take issue with. As I've asked before, how long must you know someone before you can be accused of 'guilty by association'? You also use an extreme (15 mins. at a party). What about if Obama knew him for 1 year? Guilty then? How about 5? Guilty then? My closest friends whom I've known for more than half my life are Bush supporters. Does that make me one as well? Guilt by association is wrong and inaccurate.

attacking his supporters is just childish... mabye some people are becoming fringe Obamaites... but i wouldn't call them a cult... People ARE loving to say he brings change, and upwards of 90% of the people i have personaly talked to, cannot name anything that he has introduced into legislation during his terms, or outline any of the plans that he is planning to implement, not knowing what your canidate stands for is not a good thing...

This quote is mostly true. 'Change' is a marketing slogan, and it works; however, if you check the records, out of all 3 candidates, Obama DOES stand for the most change among all 3 of them.

And... what about this fact do you dis-agree with...

I'm not disagreeing with this happening, I'm disagreeing with people using that as a means of not voting for Obama.

So experience is not something that you would consider when choosing a person to run the Untied States... would someone with experince at the McDonlds be just as good as someone who has spent 30 years inside the workings of goverment...

Wow, you must really think I'm stupid, huh? Of course experience counts, but I don't just see more experience and call it good. I want to know what the experience includes, plus what we've gotten out of it. I'm not looking just for the word.

.. yea... so... knowing where someone grew up, and lived is important when trying to think of the life experience of someone... Like, if someone lived in a Muelsum country, and attended a Muelsm school... would you not want to know that, would that be something that didn't matter, that during the most influencial years of someones life, they were in a foreign country, in a forgien culture... i would think the upbringing of someone would effect the decisions that person is going to make in thier life...

Really? is age 6 to 10 that important for you? Well, I guess you could always think about the fact that it was in Indonesia, hardly a country well-known for it's radical beliefs.

Yes he did... and... the question is what does that mean, and what was he meaning when he said it...

Would you even have noticed it if the media hadn't run it over? And so what, is that really one of the bigger issues? Oh, and if you use the elite argument, think about the fact that he is the LEAST elitist of all of them.

Now this is where you lost me, you went from questioning other people questions, to an attack on your canidates opponent

You seem to have missed the point of my thread.

Even though i HATE Juan McCain, he at this point is a far better option then either of the 2 democratic canidates

Really, so apparently a perpetual war, a supporter of torture, an extremely Bush-like voting record, and multiple flip-flopping isn't very important to you...funny, these seem like the most important things of them all...

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by kosmicjack

Hey Kosmic, thanks for that post, it's very informative.

It's also nice to see that I'm not the only one who's seeing this amazing influence by the media.


posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 10:10 AM
While listening to a Black radio talk show this morning (KKDA AM - Dallas), I heard a Black caller make a few comments that went something like this:
* The best way to screw a Black Man over, is by using another Black Man.
* Jeremiah Wright is working for Hillary.
* If Hillary wins, I'm voting for McCain.

It's starting folks.

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