posted on May, 6 2008 @ 04:06 AM
I don't watch network news, every time I do, I get disgusted by the blatant twisting of the facts to represent the agenda of the people behind the
scenes manipulating the news. Almost all of my news I get from the internet, where I can research things from several sources and get a fairly
legitimate idea of what is going on.
The few times I have watched network news, it seemed to me that Obama was getting a free ride, as if he was a republican. I imagine that now that
Obama almost has the nom almost wrapped up, the way that the news media portrays him is beginning to change. They are eager to smear him, I bet, but
can't get too heavy on him too soon, or Hillary might succeed in pulling out a victory and taking the nom.
The news media isn't portraying Hillary as a fighter, that is the image she is going for, the media is trying to make her look ruthless, and Obama is
helping them at every chance.
Hey, you think Obama is getting a raw deal now, wait and see what happens if he gets the nom.
As far as the NWO concept goes, I don't think any single group has enough advantage to pull the whole thing off. Threre are many powerful groups
trying for a world power grab, but none of them have yet to develop that kind of power. I would say international corporations with the WTO are the
ones closest, but even their power is limited. They can't actually choose the president, only try to get the candidate they would prefer, or at
least tip the odds in favor of the one that they think would be less damaging to them.
What I can't figure out is, who would the IC's prefer, McCain or Obama. McCain is for the things that the IC's are for, but McCain would probably
be a stern task manager, and start doing something radical like enforcing the laws against white collar crime, and that really scares them. Obama
would go straight for the welfare state, but he would be easy to marginalize, and with the state of the current economy, they would let the house of
cards collapse, and blame it all on Obama, while praising GW.
Hillary scares the IC's more than anything. The Clintons have been there before, and will be the ones best able to seize control from the IC's, and
create a system that works as it should. If the middle class were to be given a fair chance once again, we could completely reverse the terrible
effects of Reaganomics and the vast accumulation of wealth, and therefore power, into the hands of fewer and fewer.