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What are the Masonic Secrets?

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posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by bushidomason

Hmmm ..

Never met a person with the same thought process as me.. I would venture to say that Bush, ML and my self are nothing alike, except we are all Masons! *cue spooky music*

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

hey hey you said it

lol that wasn't me who said that.... now i KNOW all the anti-masons will quote you for that one

"OMG, but Rockpuck did say that Bush IS a Mason!!"

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by bushidomason

haha.. ooops..

You got to be careful what you say to antis .. I once told an anti the reason we had no windows in lodge rooms and most lodges met at night was because we where all vampires.

Swear to God, he believed me..

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

yea we had an Anti come up to one of the booths the other day at the fair and while i was doing the Child I.D. station i herd him say " so is it true that you guys really are taking over the world and worship a goat with boobs?" and one of the masons behind me looked at him and said "yes..." and was serious and no one said a word, and he just walked off...quickly lol

it was a good laugh, you must have been their toe experience it

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by bushidomason

I give up. You are not listening. You keep proving my point over and over again.
I am aware that you don't think you are in a cult!!!!!!
That is my point. Using anologies such as, sneakers, jogging suits, yogurt,
and all the rest is over the top. There are more subtle ways to operate a cult. The ones who are most subtle are the ones who will endure the longest without being discovered by their members.
Freemasonry is one of these. Of course they don't MAKE you believe anything. Of course they don't force you to castrate yourself. That is just rediculous. It is cult in that, you freely give yourself over and submit to men who are no better or worse than you, Have no more value than you,
are not favoured by God anymore tham you, Have no more power than you, but there you are submissive and subourdinate to the will of people
who are in turn submissive and subourdinate to and even smaller group of peolple.. and all of your own free will YES!!!!
Thats the point. Of course they don't make you. They keep these Secrets
on a string and just keep reeling you in. It is like a carrot on a stick.
Why do I bother???? AAAAAGHHHHHHHHH!
You still have value to me my friend due to the fact that you are my brother in a spiritual sense. But I give up. You win. You are not in a cult.
I repeat.... YOU ARE NOT IN A CULT!!!!!

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by bushidomason

lol... Anti's.. good for a laugh..

Whats funny is that I could make a you-tube video of the most absurd nonsense I can think of, and claim to be outing the Masons and....

They would believe me! Well, as long as it didn't logically make sense anyways..

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by cbass


Hang on. So your saying that Freemasonry is a Cult BECAUSE OF EQUALITY?

LOL .. omg.. that is RICH .. I'm saving that posts.. I need to show that to the lodge lol .. ahh .. funny guy, funny guy..

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by cbass

yayyyyy i win!!

what do i win?

a purple elephant?

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Freemasonry is not a cult.You win!!! Did you even read my last Post???
It is not my job to convince a mentally retarded person that he is mentally retarded,
YOU WIN!!!!!
YOU WIN!!!!!
LEt it be known to all who will listen.Hearye Hearye

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by cbass

so the means that you could be mentally retarded but not know it?
you might deny it up and down, but you could be the one with this delusion that freemasonry is a Cult, but of course you don't think differently because your not awarer that you have this delusion because its your perception of reality.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by bushidomason

Or I could be crazy. YES.
But I do not have an overwhelming nuber of people alond with you tube videos, documentaries, books written etc, all claiming that I am mentally retarded. If I did then YES!!
The same cannot be said about Freemasonry. I am not the only one that has suggested these ideas.
But agan, YOU WIN!!!!
I take it back and apologise!!!!

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by cbass

More people side with Masonry then against Masonry, or have no opinion on Masonry what so ever.

You-Tube is not a source of information, but rather, entertainment....

When you join Masonry, come tell me how it's a cult.. I would be far more likely to listen to you, then your current screaming, flailing around.. childish indeed..

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Go back to your happy lives.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by cbass
I await your "proof" that you are indeed a mason.
All I have seen so far is some poorly photocopied and scanned diplomas
with ALL of any relevant information whited out and a laughable copy of what is probly your daddys mason certificate. Probly still fake.

Your funny. If you are so convinced I have provided photoshopped images - which is impossible as (a) I can barely use paint as you can tell and (b) it would be impossible to do it given that I included a piece of paper with my ATS name saying your wrong. If this is so easily photoshopped, copy what I did - now. Put up or shut up. I've proven to you I am who I say I am, now, lets see your credentials.

Obviously I've blotted out names and places, because your probably some sort of stalker. That doesn't change reality - I obviously wouldn't have these documents otherwise. Actually think about what you are saying for once. If my name and information was not on these documents why exactly would I care about blotting them out? After all, its not me, why would it matter? Why would I care?

Originally posted by cbass
Again If you would ever like to visit Pluto just let me know, for I am the President. I will provide a link to a poorly photocopied picture of my presidential seal if you request one.

Again, put up or shut up. If this is so easy to fake, make one up. Otherwise, your just hiding and deflecting because someone has proved you wrong. Get out of mom's basement and go outside.

Originally posted by cbass
I think that help is the best answer to those under the influence on the masonic brotherhood.
But that doesn't pertain to you. You are living a lie. Without proof that you are who you say you are I can go no further in helping you.

I must say I haven't laughed this hard in a while. This must be the new anti-mason tactic. When a mason proves your wrong, believe with all your might they are not a mason. Thanks for the laugh! Talk about a new level of denial...

Originally posted by cbass
FACT: Anyone can obtain a copy of a degree and white out the relevant information.
FACT: My father was a Mason too, If you give me some time I can scan his certificate as well, and conveniantly white out all relevant info.LOL!
FACT: I am the president of Pluto and I am here to help you.
I am your brother in Christ and will help you in anyway I can if you will let me.

FACT: If this is so easy to do, do it. Lets see how easy it is to photoshop this. Your failure to do this shows that you have absolutely no evidence and your running scared now that someone has proved you wrong.

Do not claim any affiliation with Christ, by the way, its an insult to Him and all Christians. By the way, how do we know you are a Christian? Where is your baptism certificate? Anyone can claim to be a Christian, LOL

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
"Cult" simply denotes a body or congregation that share certain religious beliefs.

From what I can tell this isn't really a commonly accepted definition. A cult has a specific meaning, and it is not most religions unless they meet some specific conditions. I would be careful because when you use wide definitions like this you are inviting the antis.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
I need to show that to the lodge

So, is your lodge usually privy to your anti-antimasonry posts? Have they gotten their kicks from your ATS shenanigans more than once? Do you print out these exchanges and pass it in as an assignment for browny points or perhaps more shiny regalia?

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by Road Warrior 31
Why dont you want to accept, all the prove that conspiracy theorist, are
exposing. Thousands and thousands of time we did, and not for '' Trolling ''
like you said but to Help you open your eyes.

Actually, your not exposing anything. There are about five of you anti-masons that do the rounds on the SS board to make sure your propaganda out there. Your pretty good at spreading propaganda, but I'd hardly call it "thousands and thousands" of times - maybe 10 times a day or so for you.

You need to get out of your coma. Your so deeply enthralled with a conspiracy that your having to make up its shocking.

Originally posted by Road Warrior 31
And please calling us, conspiracy theorist '' TROLLS '' only show your lack
of desire to deny ignorance.

Rockpuck and you should listen to us and learn from all the research
we are exposing you instead of calling us childish name.

Whatever you are doing, its not being a conspiracy theorist. A conspiracy theorist would be someone like fire in the minds - I have him on ignore because while hes a good one he still has some attitude issues to work through - but at least hes doing some actual work on the matter. Please use him as a role model. It would lift the IQ of this board by 20 points.

And by the way, if "research" now consists of googling for youtube videos, the US is doing horribly in its education system.

Originally posted by Road Warrior 31
And yes All conspiracy theorist i know man, are Gentelmen.....
, educated and respected in their comunities, all very GOOD MEN

Wow, if this is your version of educated and respected, I'm speechless.

Originally posted by Road Warrior 31
ATS is a very essentiel tool to Deny Ignorance, please use it....

I really wish you would. You've done nothing but embrace ignorance since you've started posting.

I've already shown how freemasonry is not a religious cult - its pretty easy to do for those of us interested in the truth.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by cbass
It is cult in that, you freely give yourself over and submit to men who are no better or worse than you, Have no more value than you,
are not favoured by God anymore tham you, Have no more power than you, but there you are submissive and subourdinate to the will of people
who are in turn submissive and subourdinate to and even smaller group of peolple.. and all of your own free will YES!!!!
Thats the point. Of course they don't make you. They keep these Secrets
on a string and just keep reeling you in. It is like a carrot on a stick.

You see, here is your problem because you seem to really believe that.

But in real life, Masons don't "submit" to other Masons. Also, there's no "reeling people in on a stick" with any "secrets". All Masons know the "secrets" of Masonry.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men

See, and I just said something good about fire. So much so that I took him off ignore. Then he posts like this and I'm reminded of why he has to be on ignore, so I have to put him back on.

I'm afraid humor/sarcasm doesn't measure much with you for some reason. Even if Rockpuck did - exactly why would it matter? If you were subject to the perpetual slander of a group your a member of, and were constantly told you were dumb and worshiping satan, I'd be printing out such rantings, sharing them with the lodge...and then giving them to the police. Its a sign of mental illness, on a serious note most members of the lodge probably should have to read some of this to be familiar with the line of logic some of these people use. At least when they meet them in public they can then know to back away and call the people in white coats.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by ALightinDarkness
reply to post by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men

Even if Rockpuck did - exactly why would it matter?

He brought it up, not me. Fair game in a court room. If he didn't want a response ...

Besides, just by the way he said it, it made think that - yes - he has done it before; and it is probably a regular occurrence with him.

If you were subject to the perpetual slander of a group your a member of

Yada yada. I know the story. You guys may want to hold court some place else then. Cause this is a conspiracy site. It will never end here. It will continue long after you have grown tired of it.

I cringe at some of the stuff the ostensible "antis" post myself. Much of it I hold in contempt. But it ain't gonna stop.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men]

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