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What are the Masonic Secrets?

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posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by senrak

Originally posted by Achilles 13
Freemasons, believe they have a mision to accomplish, a '' *** Crusade *** ''
to let freemasonry save the world..


Wherever did you get such a silly notion? Freemasonry makes no such claim, nor do Freemasons believe this.

Freemasonry is for the individual. Her goal is to make good men better. Saving the world isn't in any way our purpose. Never has been.

I dunno brother, I might actually say that in a way it is to save the world.

If through masonry we can in any way encourage a more virtuious, and honorable society then it very well just might save the world.

The greatest of horrors this world has seen in wars was because of a lack of moral character, and men not taking a stand against the cruelty of tyranny. What is German masonry for instance had all followed the Symbolic Grand Lodge, and not the Old Prussian Lodges, and stood up side by side with the Rite against Nazism? Sadly they turned in their integrity to save their lives, and ended up losing both, but the men of the Rite did stand up....what if other men had stood up to Hitler?

As the famous line goes..."all evil needs to succeed, is for good men to do nothing. " Certainly this applies to the rise of tyrants.

Many men who have taken the tenets to heart have reinforced their resolve to stand up to tyranny....and so i beleive that by propigating decent values, compassion, and the wholesome virtues of masonry, we just might save the world.

In every era evil springs forth, and in every era it will take good men to stand up to it, and preserve those values in society we hold dear.

If masonry can build more good men, whose to say those men collectively will not save the world?

[edit on 19/7/2008 by ForkandSpoon]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Hiram - ForkandSpoon - Abiff

Once again, our brother '' Hiram - ForkandSpoon - Abiff '' Show us
Freemason's salvation's Beliefs that Freemasonry could save the world


FREEMASONRY : '' We take good man and make them better...''
SCIENTOLOGY : '' We will make you a better man...''
JEHOVA WITNESS : '' We will save your soul, to become a good man''

It is all a similar * Psychological brainwash program * , strategy to
manipulate the Adeptes.

The only difference is, Freemasonry, strategicly lie about their organisation
image, to more easely, recruit new inocent sheep and avoid public's
negative Religious association critics. So they keep it secret and
brainwashed their followers to hide the endoctrination tactics.

Conspiracy Theorist have to work together..., as a team..!

Many believe ( falsly ) that ATS is own by Freemason because there is
a lot of freemason around. They strategicly work together to promot
freemasonry using propaganda and rethorics to manipulate populations
opinions, and hide their Religious identity of their lodges ( TEMPLES...)

You don't have to be freemasons to be brothers....!

All ATS Conspiracy Theorist are brothers, but we have to expose conspiracy as a team...
otherwise ignorance will win and the truth will never be expose..! so get involved..!

'' Inside the Brotherhood '' ,is a six part documentary that examines the rites,
rituals and power of influence that Freemasonry have within.....
Law, Banking, Police, Religion and Politics.


*** The Gentlemen, ATS Conspiracy Theorist Brothers ***

*** Achilles 13 ***

Google Video Link

Google Video Link

Google Video Link

Google Video Link

The freemason, Abert Pike wrote in the freemason book ( moral and dogma )

"Every Masonic lodge is a TEMPLE of RELIGION; and its teachings are
instruction in RELIGION...MASONRY, LIKE ALL RELIGIONS, all the
Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except
the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and
misinterpretations of its symbols to conceal the Truth, which it
calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it... The truth must be
kept secret, and the masses need a teaching proportioned to their
imperfect reason… every man's conception of God must be proportioned
to his mental cultivation, and intellectual powers, and moral excellence.
God is, as man conceives him, the reflected image of man himself."

and Albert Pike explained in Morals & Dogma how the true nature of
Freemasonry is kept a secret from Masons of lower degrees:

"The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the TEMPLE. Part
of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally
misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand
them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their
true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry... It is
well enough for the mass of those called Masons, to imagine that all is
contained in the Blue Degrees; and whoso attempts to undeceive them will
labor in vain."

[edit on 19-7-2008 by Achilles 13]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:15 PM
- Before a trip we check the weather chanel and use a road map...
- In a dark room, we open the light before going in...

So...Deny Ignorance..!
before going throw those doors..


*** Achilles 13 ***

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Achilles 13

Thank you, my friend, for being a shining example of why there is no masonic conspiracy. All anyone has to do is read your posts and see for themselves that there is nothing there.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by Hiram - ALightinDarkness - Abiff

Hey we go again..! Brainwashed victims, using...

- Disinformation...
- Propaganda...
- Rhetoric... respect their oath ( they have been brainwash with ) and
to defend Freemasonry's third Solomon Temple, secret blueprints.

Some Freemasons will stay in Darkness for the rest of their life

If all Freemasons, instead of searching the light..,
would only turn the switch on....they could all, finaly wakeup...!

*** Achiles 13 ***

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 04:20 PM
Why thank you. I appreciate being called after Hiram Abiff! You've done an excellent job showing there is no conspiracy - the rituals are even on video. Oh those evil masons, up to so much eeeevvviillll and secrecy that their ritual is on video and you can see theres nothing bad about it!

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 04:33 PM
I thought his name was spelled "CHiram Abiff".


posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by Achilles 13
Even some Freemason here love to shoe their art preferences.....

Our Good friend and Brother '' AugustusMasonicus '' have a for members logo
the picture of the Roman Augustus Ceasar.....

It is true, I like to shoe(sic) my preference in art by utilizing the Prima Porta statue of Gaius Octavius Thurinus better known as Augustus.

This choice is more of a nod to my Italian heritage and my appreciation of history then anything that is related to Masonry. I first saw this statue when I was 7 and traveled to Italy. I was impressed with it then as well as the subsequent times I had a chance to view the work....all of which were long before I became a Mason.

[edit on 19-7-2008 by AugustusMasonicus]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 07:36 PM
I am merely pointing out that all organizations that have any input on increasing societies moral decency integrity and character build the sort of people we need to avert the sort of horrors from tyranny.

Anarchy, and amoral attitudes only serve to foster tyranny. Any and all organizations that can encourage people to accept responsibility as citizens, and to defend freedom of thought, and show compassion to their brother man, can only serve to bring a more noble and peaceful society.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by Achilles 13
Hey we go again..! Brainwashed victims, using...

- Disinformation...
- Propaganda...
- Rhetoric... respect their oath ( they have been brainwash with ) and
to defend Freemasonry's third Solomon Temple, secret blueprints.
Well, at least you understand us.

To be good at Rhetoric, one needs

  1. the speaker's power of evincing a personal character which will make his speech credible (ethos);
  2. his power of stirring the emotions of his hearers (pathos);
  3. his power of proving a truth, or an apparent truth, by means of persuasive arguments (logos).

Likewise, as a Fellowcraft Mason I was taught

Grammar is the key by which alone a door can be opened to the understanding of speech. It is Grammar which reveals the admirable art of language and unfolds its various constituent parts, its names, definitions and respective offices; it unravels, as it were, the thread of which the web of speech is composed. These reflections seldom occur to any one before their acquaintance with the art; yet it is most certain that, without a knowledge of Grammar, it is very difficult to speak with propriety, precision and purity.

It is by Rhetoric that the art of speaking eloquently is acquired. To be an eloquent speaker, in the proper sense of the word, is far from being either a common or an easy attainment; it is the art of being persuasive and commanding; the art not only of pleasing the fancy, but of speaking both to the understanding and to the heart.

Logic is that science which directs us how to form clear and distinct ideas of things, and thereby prevents us from being misled by their similitude, or resemblance. Of all the human sciences, that concerning man is certainly most worthy of man. The precise business of Logic is to ex-plain the nature of the human mind, and the proper manner of conducting its several powers in the attainment of truth and knowledge. This science ought to be cultivated as the foundation, or ground-work of our inquiries; particularly in the pursuit of those sublime principles which claim our attention as Masons.
So telling a Mason that he's good at Rhetoric is a complement.

Truth be told, if you, yourself, were to endeavor to study all three of those above mentioned liberal arts & sciences, your own arguments here would be more credible. I recognize that English may not be your primary language, but at times it is difficult to figure out what you're trying to say. Grammar, Logic & Rhetoric would serve your position well, but quite often, you have none of the three on your side.

[edit on 7/19/2008 by JoshNorton]

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 09:21 AM
reply to ALL the.... *** '' Hiram Abiff '' ***

JoshNorton, Senrak, Augustus Masonicus, rockpunk, ForkandSpoon
emsed1, ALightinDarkness, Masonic Light, Lost in the Midwest
Fitzgibbon, etc.


STOP Lieing, your are misleading honest and respectful citizens.

If you want to ruined you life playing '' the Freemasonry's monk''

- Stop corrupting private, , public and politic organisations
- Stop promoting the CULT of Freemasonry
- Stop hidding your are a religious CULT
- Stop trying to manipulate populations
- Stop misleading populations
- Stop recruiting on ATS....

*** Your liberty stops, where others start...! ***

*** Achilles 13 ***

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by Achilles 13

Whoops. You'll have to try a different propaganda line - we've already debunked the whole religion thing about 10 times.

I believe you truly think if you keep saying this stuff that somehow you'll make it true. I'm sad to say that no one on ATS is going to believe you, except your fellow anti-masons, until you provide evidence We're all sitting here twiddling oru thumbs waiting for you to actually present something other than the same old propaganda. I won't hold my breath.

I'm pondering mimicking your posting style and accusing you of being in a diabolical plot to rule the world. I'll have just as much evidence as you do (none), but it would be interesting watching your response when the tables are turned. I can't photoshop though, but maybe one of the brethren can help me take images and write propaganda on them, replacing "mason" with "anti-mason."

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by ALightinDarkness
I'm pondering mimicking your posting style....

Great, then I would not be able to understand your posts as well. Have some consideration Hiram.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by Achilles 'acting like he is' 13

STOP Lieing, your are misleading honest and respectful citizens.

You are absolutely right. It seems my recent post was apparently, in your view, rife with untruths. I will stop my prevaricating immediately.

It does come as a surprise to me however to find that I am not of Italian ancestry, have never been to that country and have never viewed the Prima Porta statue....infact I have no idea what it is.

It would appear that any response or opinion we offer is neglected or ignored by yourself with the sentiment that we are not entitled to have said opinion because it deviates from your ardent beliefs-which border on religiousity in my opinion. Perhaps in all your infinite wisdom you can educate us lowly ill-informed Masons and teach us the truths of your wisdom.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 11:01 AM
As a '' ATS, Gentleman Conspiracy Theorist '' , When i registered...

*** I TOOK THE OATH TO....... ***

'' Deny ignorance and expose conspiracies, no mather what...''

But When i asked to ATS's Freemasons to tell me


Deny ignorance and exposing conspiracies


Defending and promoting freemasonry


They ALL AVOIDED, to answered OR... like '' emsed1 '', they clearly said

Originally posted by emsed1

I took no oath in joining ATS.....

One of the bigest secret of Freemasonry is that, their TEMPLE's brothers
and the CULT of more important then honesty and
humanity...exacly like, all CULT's followers, values.

*** Achilles 13 ***

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Achilles 13
As a '' ATS, Gentleman Conspiracy Theorist '' , When i registered...

*** I TOOK THE OATH TO....... ***

'' Deny ignorance and expose conspiracies, no mather what...''

You're not denying ignorance, you're spreading. It's already been shown that you're spreading disinformation and engaging in personal attacks and insults, all in violation of the rules here.

At first I found your posts offensive. Now, I think they're just sad, and you have my pity instead of my anger.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Masonic Light

Let me tell you my friend, that i am '' NOT at all '', anti-Masson.
i am trying to help freemasons who have been mislead..!

Maybe by insecurity BUT many freemasons here, when any
gentlemen conspiracy theorists, expose freemasonry's conspiracies,
they accuse them '' falsely '', of being against them '' personally.''
when all we want is to '' HELP '' all good man, who had been brainwashed by


1. Is there any of you, who can conceive the possibility that
freemasonry is part of a conspiracy without the majority
of followers knowledge,

2. Is there any of you, who can turn his back on freemasonry
and resign to become a Gentleman conspiracy theorist, if you realise that
indeed a conspiracy exist.


Thank you

*** Achilles 13 ***

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Achilles 13
reply to post by Masonic Light

Let me tell you my friend, that i am '' NOT at all '', anti-Masson.

I didn't say anything about you being an "anti-Mason". I simply said you are trying to deceive the readers of this forum, and that your posts contain personal attacks, both in violation of ATS rules.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Achilles 13
Maybe by insecurity BUT many freemasons here, when any
gentlemen conspiracy theorists, expose freemasonry's conspiracies,

What conspiracies have you exposed? Yopu repeatedly post pictures (which are not yours) and link videos and offer no evidence to support your purloined views.

when all we want is to '' HELP '' all good man, who had been brainwashed by

I recall your offer, perhaps you and RoadWarrior can brew up some of that tea that he/you constantly recommend for us unknowing, stressed-out Masons.

1. Is there any of you, who can conceive the possibility that
freemasonry is part of a conspiracy without the majority
of followers knowledge,

I think this question has been answered several times in the other threads it was posed by yourself.

2. Is there any of you, who can turn his back on freemasonry
and resign to become a Gentleman conspiracy theorist, if you realise that
indeed a conspiracy exist.

If Freemasonry turns out to be the New World Order I will leave. Happy?

But under no circumstances will I associate myself with you as you are very far from acting in a 'gentlemanly' manner. As a matter of fact your behavior and remarks, in my opinion, is the antithesis of such a demeanor.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Masonic Light

I honesly understand your reaction...

When a freemason start to realise that,

Freemasonry is NOT what they had been told, insecurity start to invade
followers, because they are without compass and all freemasonry's
values that have been imposed to replace personal values, feel untrustable and ....
insecurity take place and negative emotional reaction is perfecly normal.

More you will get back on your own personal values, you had before
becoming a Freemasonry follower, more you will feel confident and
secure again.

Don't hesited to ask help if you need it, there is nothing to be ashamed of
admited that you had been misleaded by a CULT...

Freemasonry Manipulation and brainwash strategies are so strong,
anybody could get endoctrinated BUT it is never to late my friends...!

*** Achilles 13 ***

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