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What are the Masonic Secrets?

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posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Calm down man, you really need to relax, we all understand, what you
are going throw, it reaaly must be terifying realising, you have been manipulated
since many years, by those who call you brother and whom you considered
part of your family.

hang on there, everything will be ok...

i am a friend

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by Road Warrior 31

hmmmmm ignorance IS bliss

i don't understand where anyone make's these claims. it's pathetic and childish.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by bushidomason

Man you have to let it go, you are so brainwash and
programmed to find ways to avoid reality, that you will all
end getting yourselfs sick playing, '' The freemason Knights ''.

i really hope, you will find a way to be honest to yourself.

your sincerely friend,

Road Warrior 31

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by bushidomason

I don't know 'bout you Brother.. but uh, I am quite glad to be brainwashed...

If the alternative is to live in a state such as Road here...

ATS would be a Phsycologist's gold mine..

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Man, just stop it , Its hurting, I can't keep laughing like this, I might break somthing.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 12:09 PM
Will anyone here list the secrets and tell us what they are too who are well above THE 34th DEG

IF no one here will do that why not have a crash because here i dont get TRUTH EITHER

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by lost in the midwest
reply to post by Rockpuck

'' I might break somthing.''

Good, you might break the psychological chain,
that keep you prisoner to freemasonry and set you free again
as you were, before getting in the Cult.

Man, i sincerely hope , you will, my friend, and don’t fear asking help man
if you need it, there is a lot of anti-Cult organisation all over the world.
to help deprogrammed misleaded, poor victims, of powerful cult.

Good luck, your friendly

RoadWarrior 31

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 12:46 PM
None of the Mason wannabees have offered up any proof that they have even so much as walked thru the doors of a lodge? I can pretend to be a Mason too. It's easy look.
I am a 32 degree mason. The masons on this website are amoung the highest degree masons.
There is no such thing as a Highest degree in masonry.
My masonic family is a brotherhood and we look out for eachother and
do alot of good charity work but will not hesitate to harrass, intimidate, mame, injure, threaten, or kill any member who reveals our precious little secrets.
LOL. This is truely fun debenking these wannabe masons.
I mean really?
I forgot to mention that in addition to being amongst the highest degrees in freemasonry which there (paradoxically) is no such thing as a highest degreee,
I am also a Navy SE.a.l. on the weekends.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by cbass

Every Mason on ATS has been verrified to be what he claims to be. Several methods have been used to determine who is, and who is not a Mason.

Usually we can tell who is, and who is not a Mason within the individuals first post.

For instance, childish behavior like yours, we would know are not Masonic qualities and can guarentee you are not a Mason.

Also, most of the Masons on ATS at some point or another learn where the others hail from. While I do not remember exact lodge numbers, I do know where all of the prominant Masons hail from. But at some point lodge name, number, district, state and so forth are learned.

We are Freemasons. And I think that upsets you..

Your quite honestly.. just sad..

PS I would just love to see where you "debunked" us.

[edit on 6/19/2008 by Rockpuck]

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

I am a Mason too.
It is easy. I am verified also. Have been several times.
Can you provide proof that you are a mason? It is really an easy question.
If you really were a Mason you would have no problem verifying this.
I suspect that in your next post you will evade this simple question by asking me a question or answering a question that wasn't even asked but the question still remains like a thorn in your side.
Where is the proof that you are who you say you are?
You have none.
If you do provide proof of being a member of the brotherhood then
my apologies. You certainly do not conduct yourself as such. I could tell by the way you construct your arguements. It is circular logic.
Alot of mason wannabees use this.
I await your proof!!!

Silence, crickets chirping.......

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by bushidomason
hmmmmm ignorance IS bliss

More often i've found the Ignore List is bliss. I tire of responding to the same accusations and misinterpretations. Especially the cheeky ones who believe they're being clever.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by cbass


My Brothers know who I am.. I don't pander information to 13yr old antimasons in the hope of satisfying their crazed ideas.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by cbass

There was no contradiction in my post, you want there to be a contradiction because you have bought into the lie that "high degrees" exist, and that this is somehow the Scottish Rite degrees. You are wrong. The highest degree is 3rd Degree Master Mason.

Try again. Please remember that because you believe in things that are not true, it does not make it a contradiction when other people point that out.

Moving on...

I have to say this is a interesting new tactic the anti-masons are trying out here. Claim to be a former mason - this is a new one. I must congratulate them on at least doing something more than the usual "OMG FREEMASONS LUCIFER SATAN WORSHIP!!!!1111" I'm afraid this new tactic works just as well as the old one though - which is to say - it doesn't work at all.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by ET_CONTACT

Oh this is rich. I can see a bunch of antis sitting a dark smoke filled room:

"We must figure out how to get the G to equal sex. All good conspiracy theories have sex in them!"
"But how do we do that? The letter G doesn't start with words that signal sex...genitals, maybe?"
"OH! OH! Ive got it - generative principle! We can make it look like its about sex and use big words!"

And exactly do we find this meaning of G in anything other than anti-masons texts? Oh, thats right...we don't. Because the G is geometry. Not nearly as sexy.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by ET_CONTACT
Everytime I'm attending I somehow feel sick to my stomach, something is defnitely wrong because there is no what you would call peaceful spirit in the lodge. Unlike something you feel when you go to church, so those who join just use your common sense and you can feel what seems to be right and what seems to be wrong.

Do you know why a lodge doesn't feel like a church? Because its not a religion.
How absolutely surprising then, that it doesn't feel like one.

Originally posted by ET_CONTACT
There are 1000's of stories of people who have left the lodge with bad experiences so I'm nothing new by saying I left because of bad vibes and because of a few incidents that I took part in that were 100% against Christianity.

Did you know that in every organization with millions of people, thousands of people leave due to a variety of things? Simple numbers.

Do tell one incident you took part in that was 100% against Christianity. As a Christian, I'd love to hear it.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by ALightinDarkness

What, have you never heard of the G spot. Been spending too much time at the lodge and not home with the better half I guest

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by lost in the midwest

Touche! You are indeed correct, the GF would not be happy if she saw that post! I was trying to roll over all the sexual terminology I could think of to figure out what else the antis had tested out to somehow bring sex into their conspiracies - I missed one!

I guess the problem they'd have with G-Spot is that if they used that one we'd have hordes of 18 year olds signing up to learn about it. Calling it a "generative principle" is enough to scare grandma but not enough to cause anyone to join.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by ALightinDarkness

Originally posted by ET_CONTACT
Everytime I'm attending I somehow feel sick to my stomach, something is
defnitely wrong because there is no what you would call peaceful spirit in
the lodge. Unlike something you feel when you go to church, so those who
join just use your common sense and you can feel what seems to be right
and what seems to be wrong.

'' Do you know why a lodge doesn't feel like a church? Because its not a religion.
How absolutely surprising then, that it doesn't feel like one. ''

'' Do you know why a lodge doesn't feel like a religion,
Because its not a religion... ''

it is more structured like a Cult and hidden under the sheep
disquise of the wolf.


'' How absolutely surprising then, that it doesn't feel like one ''

Not suprising, dangerously scary, because it give alot more
power to easely manipulate and mislead members.

The psychological brainwash strategies are then exact same, as in a cult
the only difference it is hidden behind a fraternal organisation front,

In front of lodges you can read '' Freemason Temple ''

Please, we are only trying to help you, you're having a chance to
wake up and get out with our help,

think about it man or you will have to go throw that stage alone
because we will not always be here to help you...

i found a interesting article, it is called
Freemasonry is not compatible with Christianity !
if you search, you will find thousands of prove on freemasonry being a cult.


If you are to afraid to publicly ask help, please trust me and U2U me,
i promess to discretly, do all a can to HELP YOU.


your sincerly friend

RoadWarrior 31

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Road Warrior 31

it is more structured like a Cult and hidden under the sheep

Hmm.. And how may I ask is it structured like a cult? A Cult typically has a set structure of Dogmatic beliefs.. Typically based off another religion, but has instead taken off on a specific concept and radicalized..

So out of curiosity, how is Freemasonry a cult?

Not being a Cult expert, no doubt though Brother LightinDarkness can better explain why Masonry is NOT a cult.

Not suprising, dangerously scary, because it give alot more
power to easely manipulate and mislead members.

Interesting.. how do you come to this conclusion? Having never stepped into a lodge room or sat in a meeting, how do you propose to know how Masons are being treated inside the organization?

Masonry, once inside, is a very transparent organization. Much more transparent then any other organization I have belonged to.

Please, we are only trying to help you, you're having a chance to

OK, I will play.

Let's assume Freemasonry IS in fact a cult, a religion, what ever.

Why is that a bad thing?

Freemasonry is not compatible with Christianity !

Interesting. I would assume that it is compatible with Christianity.. however some Christian deem themselves to good to be associated with non-Christians.. for them, the prospect of equality, lack of Dogma, and so forth are terrifying to a Christian.

A true Christian however will know that his faith in Christ cannot be altered by anything, let alone the philosophies of Masonry. If anything, and I am sure the Christian Masons here will attest, Freemasonry will further your beliefs in your Lord and expand your religious understandings.

However, some like myself are not considered Christian, and some, like myself partake in religions you would no doubt consider Satanic and scary (though we have no notion of a Satan like deity, for some reason anything "different" is Satanic..)

So Freemasonry is not Compatible with Masonry. And I am not a Christian. Which means you must reaaallllyyyy hate me lol...

If you are to afraid to publicly ask help, please trust me and U2U me,
i promess to discretly, do all a can to HELP YOU. ,

Ah, thank you friend.. finally a shoulder to cry on .. oh the tales I can tell you of the horrors of the Lodge Room! .. Do you know what they do to us if our posting on ATS is not satisfactory??? .. *shudder* .. just horrible..

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Road Warrior 31

I rarely throw out my credentials, but before explaining why freemasonry is not a cult, I will mention that I studied this for a degree in religion and philosophy in college, am a member of the religious studies honor society, and would have pursued a graduate degree in religion if I could make money off of it (sadly, Ph.D.'s in religion do not have a huge job market). So I have some idea of what I'm about to say.

Freemasonry is by definition not a cult. The commonly accepted academic definition of a cult is an organization whose beliefs are structured to answer existential questions about the human condition that is founded upon the reverence for a charismatic figure. The key defining thing about a cult is that upon the death of this charismatic figure, the cult must die out (as reverence for the figure and his authority on questions about life are central to the cults day to day life).

In response to people who hear this definition of a cult, they often feverishly begin going through dictionaries and screaming that this is not what the dictionary says. The dictionary's definitions are meant to be simplistic - they do not account that words used in different contexts mean different things. For example, the word "long" in every day language describes the shape of something. But the word "long" in financial markets has a specific meaning about betting in the direction a stock will go. Like wise, the word "cult" in everyday language has a broad meaning, but an actual religious cult has a specific academic meaning. The meaning in the context your using it is the definition I just gave.

Now, lets example to see if this definition fits freemasory.

an organization whose beliefs are structured to answer existential questions about the human condition

Freemasonry, depending on how you wish to perceive the ritual, may fit this part of the definition. It could be construed that the ritual conveys meaning about existential questions on life. This is up for debate, however, as I would argue the ritual describes the existential questions and orders its members to turn to their religion to find the answers.

that is founded upon the reverence for a charismatic figure. The key defining thing about a cult is that upon the death of this charismatic figure, the religion must still continue to go on.

Freemasonry does not fit this definition of a cult, because it is highly decentralized and there is no foundation upon any 1 masonic leader.

As we can see, your claims (without proof, as always) that freemasonry is a cult are wrong and slanderous.

[edit on 19-6-2008 by ALightinDarkness]

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