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Terra papers : Hidden History of Planet Earth - Now Online!

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posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 12:40 AM
Is it okay to make a copy? I don't want to be arrested for printing something out.

It's like a whole Bible in 90 pages.


posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 03:15 AM
I believe John Lear was saying he was going to head straight into the light, as he was all for doing this physical life all over again......he did not look at the soul collector as a 'bad' thing ...............and I don't think he said it was run by the Grays, I think he just used the generic term 'aliens'.....
He DID say that going into the light WAS going into the soul collector....

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 06:04 PM
Wait a minute. I read the whole thing.

If this is true, how come my parents and teachers don't know anything about it?

What's the deal here?


posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Toe Jam
Thanks for the read but I call BS on this one. There's waaaayyy too much detail in the book to be genuine. Obviously the author is a well educated man, but I have doubts that his grandfather kept such precise info when he probably followed the traditional Native American custom of listening and passing on stories orally, especially coming from an "alien". I'm Cherokee and we are the only tribe to have our own written language which was invented in recent centuries by the brilliant Sequoia. Even if the grandfather had mastered written English it would be a monumental task to listen, translate, and repeat on paper a story in such great detail as this.

Just to clarify - Robert's grandfather was among those in this story; those in this story each took on apprentices to continue the teaching and Robert was one of 6; Robert wrote the book, not his grandfather. It is written on the teachings of Bek'Ti who explained the hidden history of our planet and years later Robert (yes, very well educated) wrote this as part of his religious thesis... Not saying this to change your mind, but if it's based only on questioning the books existance, can't get very far. And that's okay - :-)

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by xweaponx
This is beyond funny.

You really think these are the real papers.


Think again.

It's funny how people will believe anything documents made by some kid.

Not sure what "real papers" are there xweaponx...?? Are newspapers real? Your mortgage papers real? Your school essay real? The papers are written to inform, not convince and are one man's writing of history based on his sources which really should be considered no more or no less than any other authors work, don't you think?

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by sarcastic

Wait a minute. I read the whole thing.

If this is true, how come my parents and teachers don't know anything about it?

What's the deal here?


Hey sarcastic - you read the whole thing? And you're wondering why your parents and teachers don't know anything about it? Because it's the "hidden" history... and it is there for people who look for it. It's in ancient writings and texts and the core of all religions more or less come upon the same premise - god=alien is a simple solution and makes the bible a MUCH more sane read when you substitute that thought - like the giants and nephelim - it's all alien - even Mary's (a title of a priestess (actually related to word "harem" if I recall, not a 'name' which is why there's so many "Mary's in the Bible") immaculate conception is nothing more than insemination - but without an understanding of science, to us, the Beasts, it is gods work all the way. Then the churches, etc. come and take it and bastardize all the original symbols and meanings and lay heaps of guilt on us and here we are - feeling bad for not being good...

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddesshe did not look at the soul collector as a 'bad' thing ...............

No not a 'bad' thing as such... but depends on how you look at it...

From a Christian point of view its St Peter at the 'pearly gate' that decides where your soul goes on to 'heaven' or 'down to hell' and since Lucifer was cast to Earth to rule... that in effect would mean coming back here.

So St Peter is actually a 'soul catcher' in that sense

Reincarnationists believe we have a destiny that we set for ourselves once we are in the 'soul' state at which point we look at our last life and pass our own judgment on whether we need to go back and either re learn a lesson, or get another lesson or are ready to advance to the next level

With the soul catcher it is the 'aliens' that man the gate

Remote viewers have tried to leave and got a strong 'feeling' to turn back or else...

Now I am part of a few forums where they discuss out of body experiences and astral travel...

So seeing as there are MANY in those threads that claim to have done this... I decided to ask a question...

I went looking for someone that was experienced and asked if they could slip out and have a look at something for me..Just a hop over to Venus... and tell me what they see, feel or experience...

Well to my shock I was blasted.... it started with "Well if you practice you can do it yourself' then it progressed to "Its really a personal experience... not to be talked about" and then to "You cannot just ask to go somewhere... it just happens"

Well that was the beginning... so I tried to explain my purpose and the mission... then things got ugly...

What this tells me is that despite all their prater... THEY CANNOT DO IT.. I could not find one person who could tell me what it is like ANYWHERE past the Earth... All I got was "Oh yeah I do it all the time its easy..."

Okay so tell me what you saw... Nope NOT ONE

Now I realize this was just a couple of threads so not really a controlled group and I plan to look 'higher up' and talk to some real guru's

There was one fellow at Open Mids who had a group and they tried I got nothing on Venus... but a nice sketch of a plant just inside a cavern on the Moon...

It is very possible that EARTH is a kindergarten I would not say prison... we just cannot leave until we are ready to leave whether WE chose that time, or St Peter, or a group of Aliens further up the ladder... seems to make little difference

The only scary part is if like on Star Trek Next Generation there really are Osirians that feed on the soul then we have a problem

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by kshaund

I haven't followed the other thread... are you the one who was with Robert?

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
reply to post by kshaund

I haven't followed the other thread... are you the one who was with Robert?

Yes, Karyn (kshaund) is the one who spent time with Robert. [smile] Just helping out here.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by theRiverGoddesshe did not look at the soul collector as a 'bad' thing ...............

Hi Zorgon - It is very possible that EARTH is a kindergarten I would not say prison... we just cannot leave until we are ready to leave whether WE chose that time, or St Peter, or a group of Aliens further up the ladder... seems to make little difference

The only scary part is if like on Star Trek Next Generation there really are Osirians that feed on the soul then we have a problem

Hey Zorgon - I do enjoy your posts as its obvious you are very knowledgeable - and I also enjoy "everyone else!" here who is likewise (like RiverGoddess, Ameratsu, etc.) I used to get really upset when people would remain stupid (could know better but don't want to) - I felt like if only they would understand, we could get on with it - but it never happened and my best choice was to let that go. So that being said, there is nothing to be done about convincing anyone of anything - if it rings true go follow your bliss - otherwise get out of my way -

I have little time for remote viewers because there's no way to validate what they're seeing is really what's out there which has nothing to do with the viewer. If someone could go to Venus and report back, how do you know they were really there anyway? That's what is so incredibly ingenious about their set up - we have no way of really knowing how ...trapped... we are.

Can we get out once we get educated as you suggest? I surely hope so! I don't think there's any guardians per se, more likely guards (my analogy is they have a racket and just bounce our essence back towards the planet before we can get past them). If we can dodge the racket, yes, we're free to choose - until that time we're living in the ILLUSION OF FREEDOM and there's NO way to win/succeed as long as you believe in it.

As for soul feeders - natives have talked about them (grays, etc.) forever - their solution is to not feed them. In other words, don't live in those dark energies they love (and create through the HAARP, etc. as it's all technology that manipulates our very sensitive electrical systems and can create mass emotions, like anger at once). We all feed off energy but just don't really pay attention to it - they're no different, just the 'other' end of the spectrum. Personally (and yes, this is most definitely a judgment) I'd like to get as far as I can away from that end towards the lighter end and go home, my real home. But what a concept, don't you think??? That our essence could be the real slaves and our lives are so full of lies and distractions we (mostly) never get the time or opportunity to even get this far (like ATS) to explore and understand. Kudos to all who do!

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 06:11 AM
Let me begin this by saying that I am a member of this site but I haven't posted in quite a while. I've got my own 'hidden history' in a book of usernames and passwords which I've misplaced. I do need to unearth that or make a new name. In any case I am familiar with the community here and read off and on.

I have read both books of the Terra Papers and it was a most interesting read. I do have a few issues with it though. (I have read all the comments here also.)

Someone mentioned that some of RMS's info/sim thoughts weren't around until recently. Wasn't Von Daniken 70's? And ancient history is widely known and has been since... well at least since the Rosetta Stone discovery. This story reminds me very much of EVD's works too.

I'm reminded of my own study of comparative religions ca. 1980. We studied all of these things in school, in fact I remember learning very specific details of ancient societies in art history even. RMS was supposedly a Theology student, yes? The study of Theology encompasses much more then the Christian religion - one would study all religions, history, ethics, philosophy. And I can't see how a professor would have rejected it as 'blasphemous'. That right there makes no sense to me. A professor might have rejected this as it's not based on formal research, but not for the subject matter.

Another thing I find hinky is this idea of 'Passion'. Now I take this as a non sexual thing - a "zest" if you will - since he addresses mating separately. According to him - some obscure bird like race gave a strand of DNA containing this 'passion' as a gift to EA and he gave it to the Humans. I'm having trouble with this because - where did all these other "Alien races" get their "passion" for war then? And if we were made with this EA's blood, who seemed to be pretty passionate about everything - wouldn't we already have this "passion" then?

Regarding this material being "forbidden", RMS's life has been threatened, etc. Well couldn't that just be a sales tactic? Granted - it is "free" - but it appears he does make money off this indirectly. Perhaps this is his 'loss leader'. Maybe all the 'secrecy' surrounding this is just a publicity tactic. (The 'missing pages' could be part of this ploy as well.)

As far as all the terms lining up to ancient words - well - we all know mystery writers start with the ending and work backward, yes?

I too am having problems with the electrical fields and cell phones. I thought to myself- RMS's grandfather would likely have died before cell phones were invented. You'd think he'd have said "radio tubes" for that era. And from that angle - if he got this info from his Grandfather, whom was told it by the Alien in 1947 - where did all his recent info - the JFK, Bush stuff come from?

Another issue is the timing of Alien warriors and power plays in relation to our own history. It seems thousands of years pass but the same Alien rulers or at best their children are then fighting with earth beings thousands of years ahead. (of course these beings could live much longer then us, I suppose.)

There are too many logic gaps here that I can see. And it borrows from many things presented elsewhere - such as the pyramids being electrical conductors. All the 'same old thing'. Why not discuss the pyramids and civilizations in the Americas? Mayans, Aztecs etc. You'd think Native Americans would be more able to relate to that and they're supposedly connected into UFOlogy also. And its just too "human" of a story. Kind of commits the Anthropomorphic Fallacy.

Its quite interesting but in my opinion there's an awful lot of logic flaws in it.

Just some food for thought and perhaps my questions can be explained as well.

Thanks for the wonderful read in any case!

I'll be back on as a 'regular' soon.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 05:00 PM
C'mon folks, you really can't blame the people who can't even look at this objectively, let alone consider that it might be the truth.

1) Christianity says that we are the special and beloved children of a God who sacrificed his only son (hey wait a sec, if that's his only son then how can we all be children.. oops, there I go OT, 'scuse me) so that we might all be 'saved' and go to a paradise called Heaven.

2) Science says that we are the culmination of a few happy accidents and a lot of trial and error, the product of lots and lots of "the survival of the fittest," and at physical death we're just .. gone.

3) This book says that we are the result of a genetic experiment intended to create dumb, obedient brutes, slaves used to perform menial labor, and got some intelligence only because some dude got ticked off at his brother and used us as part of a revenge plot, and gives some hint of a soul or spirit that maybe goes .. somewhere .. after physical death.

Now really, if you've believed 1 all your life would you go for 3? And if you could just pick one, which would you want to be?

#3 is bound to mess with the egos and self-esteem of people who think humans are the pinnacle of evolution or were created "in the image of God."

I read the entire Papers, I and II, carefully, but know I need to do some mental "digesting" and read them again at least once. I find it easier to believe than the Christian Bible and yet I also find it somewhat unpalatable.
After all, those genetic experiments never turn out well in the movies.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Heike

3) This book says that we are the result of a genetic experiment intended to create dumb, obedient brutes, slaves used to perform menial labor, and got some intelligence only because some dude got ticked off at his brother and used us as part of a revenge plot, and gives some hint of a soul or spirit that maybe goes .. somewhere .. after physical death.

Himmm lets see your 1)

God pulls out a rib from Adam to create Woman... (your Genetic sample

God wants obedient servants to blindly follow what they are told... if not he gets pissed off and wipes out everything

We get intelligence because we were tricked into eating of the fruit and God gets pissed off that we now have knowledge

I could go on by I see a LOT of similarities..

If you toss in Sumerian stuff it gets you closer to #3

And science is still looking for that missing link

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Sorry, I obviously didn't make my intent clear at all.

What I meant to say is, that I think the content of this book is likely to appear threatening and/or demeaning to some followers of various religions as well as some scientists, and for them to even consider that it might be the truth will affect their reality and their concept of their own identity so negatively that they must reject it out of hand.

Debates and discussions that I've had with Christians lead me to believe that they don't see it all all the way you put it, and their perceptions will be what their decisions on what to believe are based on.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Heike

Which is the same argument used for disclosure of Aliens etc... the Religions and the "Scientists (mainstream) will be shattered... The Religions will eventually deal with it... the Muslims already accept the possibility that Allah seeded the Universe... the Catholics are now saying its okay to believe in ET

but the Scientists will become stark raving lunatics...

and the hard core skeptics will turn terrorist

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Wow. I don't usually have so much trouble communicating. I guess I'll try boiling it down to redneck and give up if that doesn't get you there.

All I'm saying is, a lot of people ain't gonna believe it because they don't like it and don't wanna believe it, and I think that should be expected.

Me personally, I think I don't have enough information/evidence to decide what the truth is, but it sure was an interesting read and I'm open to the possibility that it's the truth.

My thanks to the OP for posting it.

PS I personally think that we've been so thoroughly 'prepped' by movies and TV and books that when contact with aliens finally happens (or is finally admitted to) it will be anticlimactic and no big deal.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 11:11 PM
I have broadband internet through satellite because I live out in the boonies, and last night just as I was trying to post my reply, my connection began to fail. Which has no bearing on anything except that my reply got posted twice and there doesn't seem to be any way to delete it. Sorry!

[edit on 12-7-2008 by Heike]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 02:53 PM
Hi there - I absolutely agree many people will not (do not) agree with the Terra Papers - and that's okay - because they aren't for everyone. I don't believe the entire race is meant to understand (or can't understand because of genetic tampering). Our history is so very new compared to the age of the universe. I've seen time and time again talking to people about this stuff and as soon as you get to 'alien' their eyes slightly roll then glaze as they utter 'um humh' - then come back with, well there's no proof; or if there were aliens we'd know; you're paranoid - yes, because they really are out there to get us!

All this stuff can be looked at through religions, new age beliefs, history, native american, it doesn't really matter because when you look at the crux, the core of it they're all similar - and we are the only ones who don't know about all the other aliens here among us because they're exponentially more advanced in every facet than we are - as well as that we were genetically manipulated to be limited, dumb, ignorant. We gotta think, think, think and use your gut instincts whether or not this or that is true - and in the end none of it matters anyway, because all we have to protect is our 'essence' that which drives us to seek so desperately to understand our existance in this ridiculous reality (ridiculous in the global political bs, the control by elite, etc.) when we could all be focusing on the advancement of our souls - just a thought -

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 02:54 PM
deleted as it was a duplicate - sorry

[edit on 14-7-2008 by kshaund]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Heike
All I'm saying is, a lot of people ain't gonna believe it because they don't like it and don't wanna believe it, and I think that should be expected.

No problem we are essentially saying the same thing...

people ain't gonna believe it because they don't like it and don't wanna believe it,

That is basically it in a nutshell... now if only the skeptics on ATS would admit to that we could get somewhere

But personally I go with...

"Most are not ready to see the light" and this is the way of the Universe

The journey to enlightenment is a long lonely road... but sometimes others share the same path

[edit on 14-7-2008 by zorgon]

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