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The Chemtrail Myth

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posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 05:32 PM
What you have written is true. In addition it is a fact that the HIV/AIDs was developed in Ft Derick, MT during the 80's and given to Africans starting with Hep and other helpful vaccines to start the culling.

reply to post by jondular

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 06:38 PM
Weatherman, you should consult a map of the SE US and you will see why there should be only a few planes flying E/.W across the state. And none would fly from the pan handle or New Orleans area straight South.
Most planes go to Atlanta. Some go to Houston, but would have to come out of Orlando, however the number of E/W trails are far, far too many.

Here is a slide show for you. It shows grids, starbursts curves and some with that non existent Black line.... YOu should find the satellite photos interesting.Slide Show

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman

Originally posted by SantaClaus

There are much easier ways of killing us people. Our water and food are already doing a damn good job, why spray inhalants? It is completely irrational, it would be VERY expensive and there are easier avenues.

[edit on 4/17/08 by SantaClaus]

Exactly....if I was going to poison someone effectively...the best thing would be to do it through a drinking water supply. Or through animal products, although vegetarians, vegans and the lactose intolerate may escape unharmed....and we couldnt have that

I never thought contrails were about poison. What would be the reason? I thought contrails were an attempt to somehow control the weather. The neatest site I have found, and I only mention it because it has interesting pictures, is

I am totally on the fence on this one guys and open to either explanation. The only thing that really made me stand up and look was this picture I saw once from the inside of a plane as they sprayed. I wish I could find that picture because it was really something to see. I'll keep my eyes open and post it if I find it.

Also, on Art bell. I've listened to him from 1996 until he went off the air and I always wondered about him a bit. Some people even went so far as to say (Bell even talked about it) that Bell was put in place by someone to spread dis-information. Hmmm... Possible, I suppose.

Bogus or not, I miss him and Neary is no where near as good as Art was. At least Art would not just say yes to everybody who came on the show... if the person was crazy or wrong Art wasn't scared to give his opinion in a respectful manner. Neary just agrees with anyone that is on his show... or at least as I have so far seen. After listening to Neary for a year I pretty much stopped listening... so forgive me if I'm wrong about that part...just my feeling is all.

[edit on 19-4-2008 by Alienmojo]

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by OhZone

OhZone, I posted this on another thread, I suggest you check out a can track airline, just type in the Airline and Flight Number (hint: get a schedule of various airlines, you can do this online) and focus on ones that fly near where you live. Then, go to the website, look them up, and go outside to watch them fly over.

You'll have fun, plus! There's a wealth of other knowledge on the site, especially to help you understand how aviation really works, and not how you imagine it works.

Engoy! WW

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Alienmojo
I never thought contrails were about poison. What would be the reason? I thought contrails were an attempt to somehow control the weather. The neatest site I have found, and I only mention it because it has interesting pictures, is

[edit on 19-4-2008 by Alienmojo]

Scott Stevens has an interesting take and it's intriguing. I found his site a few years ago. It is possible (though unlikely) that we've somehow discovered how to influence weather with EM radiation, but the chem trail thing is ridiculous. The possibility of manipulating the weather with EM is something I'm entirely open to, and some of his pics of "grids" (particularly those from satellite images) are pretty impressive, while some of his other "evidence" is rather flimsy to say the least.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 08:23 PM
Planes don't fly East/West.. that's a new one.

I mean, really?

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 08:41 PM
Hi OZ,

I have much respect for your knowledge with the weather but IMO you are totally WRONG when it comes to chemtrails.

edit to add:

How is it a myth, if you observe it is right before you.

[edit on 19-4-2008 by observe50]

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 10:36 PM
you know I must enjoy being depressed...why else would I spend so much time on ATS? I think I'll go watch an old Shirley Temple movie. Things were so much simpler then... or were they? No wait... dont tell me....I'd rather not know.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 10:58 PM
there is much wisdom in what you say.....I almost wish that I hadn't started this 2 year research endeavor......nevertheless, here we are.

reply to post by MsSmartypants

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 04:44 AM
When I see these cloud trails being laid directly over my home (in a general NW/SE direction), I am truly concerned about the potential health effects (like Morgellon’s disease) from anything ‘persistent’ coming down to earth.

Until someone up there (pun intended) provides us empirical evidence as to what these chem- or con-trails contain, I cannot believe if what I am witnessing above my head is made up water vapor, aluminum chaffs, etc.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by DOHC


There are 2 possibilities

1) During WWII the space aliens who run the cheddar and gorgonzola mines on the Moon threatened to intervene in earth affairs because the war was disrupting cheese sales and affecting their profit margins. On learning of this, the Illuminate arranged for all aircraft to start producing persistent contrails which would spread out to cover the sky. Not only would these obscure activities on the surface from the beedy compound eyes of the alien cheese miners, but by adding additional aluminium into the contrails, the aliens radar systems became inoperative. Thus humans could continue toi blow the h*ll out of one another without fear of extraterrestrial interference. So successful was this operation that it was continued through into the present day. Most people were unaware it was happening though until recent years when a huge increase in commercial air traffic made the persistent contrails more noticeable.

2) aluminium is not being sprayed into the atmopshere

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by Essan
There are 2 possibilities

1) During WWII the space aliens who run the cheddar and gorgonzola mines on the Moon threatened to intervene in earth affairs because the war was disrupting cheese sales and affecting their profit margins. On learning of this, the Illuminate arranged for all aircraft to start producing persistent contrails which would spread out to cover the sky. Not only would these obscure activities on the surface from the beedy compound eyes of the alien cheese miners, but by adding additional aluminium into the contrails, the aliens radar systems became inoperative. Thus humans could continue toi blow the h*ll out of one another without fear of extraterrestrial interference. So successful was this operation that it was continued through into the present day. Most people were unaware it was happening though until recent years when a huge increase in commercial air traffic made the persistent contrails more noticeable.

2) aluminium is not being sprayed into the atmopshere

I so want the first one to be true. Damn you William of Ockham! Damn you!

Unfortunately, the theory falls apart when you realize the alien cheese miners do NOT in fact have beady eyes. If you paid your dues on time, you'd already know this.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 06:14 AM
Ah ...... but they used to be beedy eyed ..... not my fault I have out of date info. Well, okay, maybe it is .....

btw there a new cheque in the post. Honest! Though I still say I shouldn't have to pay $2.13 a year just to get to run the world

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 07:53 AM
It isn't time yet. The spraying is designed to reduce the resistance to disease, induce lethargy and nonaggressive behavior, plus getting used to it....when the time comes to establish martial law as its set up to do, there will be areas spread with antrax or biotoxins.......

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by _Del_

Since OzWeatherman started this thread to debunk the theory
that there are planes spraying around the world I believe it's time
for him to prove it beyond all reasonable doubt to the rest of us here
he has proven nothing so far except the fact that he is fishing for links
to information on it, this is what the Government think tanks do, once
they find the information they are looking for they try to remove it.

Since 90% or better of the people on this thread seem to have just
the opposite view of what you believe your trying to prove I would
presume that between the three of you
( OzWeatherman - _Del_ And Essan ) you should be able to
prove to all of us that there are no planes spraying anything around
the world with the exception of crop dusters and cloud seeding.

If you are unable to prove this beyond all reasonable
doubt then this thread is a waste of everyone's time.

So the ball is now in your court you started it NOW PROVE IT !

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by DOHC

Proving a negative is never easy - and requests to so usually only come from those who cannot prove the positive

However, we can prove that:

1) Persistent contrails identical in nature to those claimed to be evidence of chemtrails were seen, described and photographed from WWII onwards

2) Persistent contrails identical in nature to those claimed to be evidence of chemtrails were described in scientific studies in 1970

3) Persistent contrails identical in nature to those claimed to be evidence of chemtrails are currently being studied with regards their effect on climate by NASA:

and the Imperial College, London:

and even the Ministry of Defence:

Now, in light of this, what evidence do you have that those persistent contrails which some claim to be chemtrails really are chemtrails and that all those who have been investigating and studying them for many decades are wrong and, presumably, somewhat ignorant of the atmospheric processes of which they claim to be experts?

Note: the issue of whether chemicals are being sprayed is a moot point: the issue is whether persistent contrails or anything else seen in the skies is evidence of such spraying.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 10:06 AM
Indeed, one could cede hypothetically that chemicals were being sprayed. But that would not prove "CHEMTRAILS" are anything more than contrails.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go back to defending flat earth theory.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 10:26 AM
A few other papers you may wish to read:

A laboratory study of contrails, 1958

An Empirical Model to Predict Widespread Occurrences of Contrails

Numerical simulations of persistant contrails

A Satellite-Based Climatic Description of Jet Aircraft Contrails and Associations with
Atmospheric Conditions, 1977–79

On the Transition of Contrails into Cirrus Clouds

Contrail-Cirrus and Their Potential
for Regional Climate Change

I can provide many more studies is required.

All indicate that for a very long time atmospheric scientists have been studying the phenomena of persistent contrails and aircraft produced cirrus clouds - ie what some claim to be evidence of 'chemtrails' - and are concerned about the ways in which ever increasing air traffic may be affecting weather and climate.

Of course, to counter all this, all we need is evidence that such 'chemtrails' cannot be normal contrail-cirrus ......

(and the claims of someone, who has not studied clouds, that what he - and no-one who has studied clouds - sees cannot be normal contrails is not evidence!)

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 10:29 AM
the bird flu is now being spread near Tibet as planned.....

get ready while you are discussing the flat earth theory.....your world is getting ready to change. All of these are linked.....

reply to post by _Del_

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by tgambill

I don't buy the hype. Every six months the media will latch on to another upcoming cataclysm right around the corner. Fear sells. SARS, Bird Flu, cancer from cell phones, on and on it goes. I'm sure there will be a "pandemic" sometime, perhaps even soon. But I doubt the media will be on the subject before it's pervasive.

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