posted on May, 22 2008 @ 11:17 AM
Again I refer you to do some more researches, and you can start with the sources provided in this thread. You can also use the ATS google and search
for Tibet related threads. Most of your points are discussed many times over, and several of them also debunked. For example your third point is even
being debunked by PRO-TIBETAN websites and sources. So do some more researches first and don't simply believe anything the first thing you see or
read. Hey, but if you want to keep it that way, be my guest.
P.s. welcome to Ichi's fanclub
Another guy adding me to his respected foe list because I am a Chinese and sharing a different opinion
EDIT: By the way, it is always still amazing to see that "a paltry few" killed by the oh-so-innocent-violent-terrorists are fine because they are so
sad and are being opressed. Your hatred for China is blinding you buddy!
[edit on 22/5/08 by IchiNiSan]