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Bush proposes to expand powers of Federal Reserve & financial regulation overhaul

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posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by CoffinFeeder
clinton was till worse as a president. most are just too blind to see it.

Why even drag that political garbage in here CoffinFeeder? Don't you think you push enough of your rabid political agenda around these forums?


Who cares about Clinton? He's NewWorldOrder spawn just like the Bush family.

Oh but I remember, you don't believe in NWO? Or anything that we discuss on this site right? Nah you're just here to bring up Clinton and spout tripe about liberals...


posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 12:01 PM
about the 'OverHaul'... there's a quick read Outline of the half dozen
agencies being shuffled around...
and it appears that the private corporation "Federal Reserve"
will assume a expanded role,

in an echo of the creation of the Department of Homeland Security

But Treasury Secretary H Paulson made interesting remarks,
that the overhauling will not take place in the current Market Turmoil,

also that the overhaul process will be worked out over a 2-8 year period...

that should give the financial wizards time to devise new fraud strategies, which the Fed itself nor the Treasury itself is adverse to --
as any financial or credit 'product' is automatically taxable and provides the gov't with a revenue stream...
-- after all -> it's still up to the Buyer-to-Beware !

They, the Fed & the Treasury & to lesser degrees the SEC,
have built into the financial system the element of Chaos
which we have seen materialize as 'Junk Bonds' or 'derivatives',
CDOs, SIVs, MBS, credit-swaps and all this toxic-paper created in the last
8 years...
there is no changes to outlaw this type of fraud, the mechanisms
are only being re-jiggered so that the newer credit/mortgage crud is
just re-wrapped in new swaddling clothes...
and released on the public,
both domestic and foreign

ADD: yahoo news link ('financial overhaul')

[edit on 31-3-2008 by St Udio]

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by St Udio

[...] Treasury Secretary H Paulson made (some) interesting remarks,
[...] that the 'overhaul' process will be worked out over a 2-8 year period...

They, the Fed & the Treasury & to lesser degrees the SEC,
have built into the financial system the element of Chaos
which we have seen materialize as 'Junk Bonds' or 'derivatives',
CDOs, SIVs, MBS, credit-swaps and all this toxic-paper created in the last
8 years...
there is no changes to outlaw this type of fraud, the mechanisms
are only being re-jiggered so that the newer credit/mortgage crud is
just re-wrapped in new swaddling clothes...
and released on the public,
both domestic and foreign

[i cleaned up the above quote-box wording a little]

Think that statement is wild and extreme ?

well, here's something to read between the lines about
regarding the 'Financial Overhaul' process..

in the article, a spokesperson Mr Rob Nichols, President of Financial Services Forum states the following
"These are phenomenally complex issues and a thoughtful and deliberate approach is what is needed"

~~ sound like the structuring of 'Chaos' into
the Financial-Systems-Overhaul to me...
i.e.; making the new/overhauled playing field still susceptable to all kinds of cutting-corners, unethical practices, and foisting dubois investment products on the investing public, a landscape of 'controlled' scandals and operations.
~~ at least that's what my CT mind tell me.

they, need to run many,many models and project just what supra-legal
deviations can be built to fleecing the public & the economy...
but for the Fed & the Treasury to reap gains in the process
while still looking as if they got hornswaggled, again...
nice trick, eh

btw, thanks for the star on the earlier post

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu

Originally posted by lawlb0t
This is crazy...I have no idea what to do, I am in Canada, but I am sure I will experience atleast some of this.

Hey Amaterasu,

I tried to PM you, but I don't have enough posts, could you link me to some good websites that sell books with info on Tesla, Royal Rife, etc. I dont want biographies though, but the inventions/research/theory.

[edit on 30-3-2008 by lawlb0t]

I'll see what I can dig up... I have to go to work now, but will be back later with information...

Here're some links:

You can also Google these guys and topics for additional sites...

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 10:26 PM
good topic guys

well we will have a NWO, the big question is where does the USA figure into all of this?

So long as we have the dollar as the world reserve currency, foreign taxpayers, continue to shoulder the biggest load (they finance american gov't absurd spending)

Yes the fed will have more power, this makes obvious sense considering

"The powers of financial capitalism had (a) far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank...sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world."

this is a quote from carroll quigley after having the privelage of getting a peak inside the elite's documents and then writing a book ( tradgedy and hope)

the government i.e senators and congressmen WANT the fed they will never abolish it, this would leave them with the responsibility of BALANCing the budget, instead of spending and printing money w/o restraint, the fed is not going anywhere!

I have no idea where this is going, HOWEVER , maintaining the dollar as world reserve currency is extremely important to figure out "our" spot in the NWO (assuming this occurs), regardless of the powers the fed gets.

let's hope obama (best guest) picks a new federal reserve chairman early next year, someone who gives a Flying F*** about the dollar.

[edit on 31-3-2008 by cpdaman]

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 12:17 AM
Daryl schoon at market oracle (and other sites i bet) has written some very powerful articles in the last couple months regarding the urgency of the situation regarding the foxes (bankers) guarding the henhouse (economy) and uses quote's throughout history to back up some of his statements

The power to coin money and regulate the value of the currency is among the most important responsibilities and functions of government. That the US government in 1913 turned over this public function to a group of private bankers is astounding.

it is more astounding that most people are never taught in school anything of this nature and thus the majority have no idea and perhaps more dsturbingly, when this info. is brought to their attention a wall of cognitive dissonance is erected (unless of course they are feeling a recession, and the cloak of ignorance from bliss is briefly eroded (like now)

he continues

As a consequence, almost one hundred later, the US and its citizens are now on the edge of bankruptcy, indebted up to their eyeballs to the very bankers they gave the power to coin their money and regulate their currency, private bankers who are even now being bailed out by America taxpayers with money made available to them by their fellow-bankers at the Federal Reserve. HELLO AMERICA , ARE YOU THERE? CAN YOU HEAR? ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?

here the echo, our media has betrayed us, most writers and any public figure that values their job will not speak up about the banking cartel and the unconstitutional nature, because simply their jobs will be gone, and they will be "black listed". would u speak up if you had to feed your family?

Schoon continues and quotes the head of the banking committee in congres Louis T McFadden (back when congressman were not all paid off)

we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. These twelve private credit monopolies were deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this country by the bankers who came here from Europe and repaid us for our hospitality by undermining our American institutions...The people have a valid claim against the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks

now the fed has been given more powers, to infact bailout all their bankster clique who are in dire need of funding, since the amount of leverage these investment banks have, leaves them vulnerable to any kind of head wind (especially those normal gyrations experienced during a recession) which you can understand why they have been trying to avoid at all costs (because of the vulnerability of the banking sector who losses are magnified due to leverage)

Schoon thinks the military industrial complex and the bankers are on their last legs (bail out the big guys and head for the hills)

The US military-industrial complex is still too powerful to confront and/or stop. With the bankers, they are responsible for America 's increasingly insolvable problems, their self-interests blinding them to what they have done to the nation.

Eisenhower couldn't stop them, neither could Kennedy nor can Ron Paul. Only they can stop themselves and this they will soon do; albeit inadvertently as the foundation of their power, the US economy, succumbs to the damage they have inflicted upon it.

I give them more credit and believe their is a plan to make a new order out of the chaoes they KNEW would occur when they repealed GLASS-SEAGALL act (B. clin btw) and opened the door to start leveraging banks to the hilt (Greenspan) . Perhaps the financers of the mil-ind. complex and finance back another newly formed agency as the big wigs of said oragnizations leave with golden parachutes (only to turn up in new globalist roles ) p.s in fairness to clinton and greenspan they are both puppets, hungry for $ and prestige, and power. This created the problem which they must have a solution for, unless their proves too much chaos, for them to make order out of.

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 12:28 AM
Amaterasu, thanks for the links.

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 08:02 AM

We are approaching the most serious economic crisis since the great depression, and American life is going to be disrupted in ways that we cannot now imagine. The reason is that there is too much debt, and the new bankruptcy law means that, because those debts can never be discharged, the economy will never get the chance to restart itself that has brought it out of so many slumps in the past. What is worse, the ordinary American debtor is not to blame. There is only one debtor to blame. It is the federal debtor.

When I read this back in April 2007, i knew then what was coming; however, no one seemed to care nor did they believe.

Some are listening now.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by lawlb0t
Amaterasu, thanks for the links.

Most welcome. There are a lot of books out there, too. I recommend finding anything you can on, or by, the people I mentioned.

posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by SoundFX
Was just reading this a minute ago. Absolute crap! How we can just hand over more power of the US economy to a private banker group?

Your right the whole thing needs to be abolished. I love how they use the recent economic woes to justify giving them more power. They are part of the reason we are in the mess anyway.

Whatever Bush does from now, is out of pure desperation and the sharks are watching him with big huge eyeballs to see if he can gift them before he goes to the funeral parlor, for his breakfast, expect anything from a lame duck, even treason is possible or extortion, these are the final kicks of a dying horse, the bushie kickback's.

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