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Dimensions: The Beginning

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posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by freighttrain

Sorry, I feel I need to clarify. I was not suggesting you silence yourself, merely write your post in a way that mods or admin dont feel it necessary to shut the thread down.

I have been an avid proponent for the discussion of such things on this board since day one (of my registry) but there is no changing the rules. What good is discussing the topic, if it gets thrown in the trash?

I happen to agree that such things provide a gateway to an otherwise unreachable area of conciousness. But ive been down a number of roads to know that not everything we see, feel, taste, and touch is the real deal. Further still, I need to clarify that I was not calling all experiences illusions or preconcieved preceptions, which ones are and which are not is up the individual to figure out.

Finally, one more clarification:

'___' is actually a chemical created by our Pineal Glrand (still a mystery how it works),

Actually, that is only theorized. There is not enough conclusive research to state that the Pineal is the production center for N, N-'___'. It is, for all intents and purposes, the best place for such production, as it has all the building blocks necessary for production, but its rather difficult to prove that it is the epicenter of such production.

yet amazingly enough we find this exact chemical in many tropical plants.

And animals.

Amazingly enough people that have had near death experiences (seeing the white tunnel of light, light entities, etc...) at the moment of their death the brain naturally creates the same amount of this chemical as much as the moment of your birth. As if this works as a portal/gateway to another reality. Which is why I brought this up!

Again, this is all theory. I happen to ascribe to this theory, but its not yet proven.

You do know your talking to a psychonaut, right ?

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by freighttrain

'___' is interesting. Never tried it, but have read Strassman's book and seen some McKenna YouTube clips about it. As someone who has actually tried it, I wonder what you think of the differences between OOBE experiences and experiences with '___'.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by InSpiteOf
reply to post by freighttrain

Sorry, I feel I need to clarify. I was not suggesting you silence yourself, merely write your post in a way that mods or admin dont feel it necessary to shut the thread down.

I have been an avid proponent for the discussion of such things on this board since day one (of my registry) but there is no changing the rules. What good is discussing the topic, if it gets thrown in the trash?

I happen to agree that such things provide a gateway to an otherwise unreachable area of conciousness. But ive been down a number of roads to know that not everything we see, feel, taste, and touch is the real deal. Further still, I need to clarify that I was not calling all experiences illusions or preconcieved preceptions, which ones are and which are not is up the individual to figure out.

Finally, one more clarification:

'___' is actually a chemical created by our Pineal Glrand (still a mystery how it works),

Actually, that is only theorized. There is not enough conclusive research to state that the Pineal is the production center for N, N-'___'. It is, for all intents and purposes, the best place for such production, as it has all the building blocks necessary for production, but its rather difficult to prove that it is the epicenter of such production.

yet amazingly enough we find this exact chemical in many tropical plants.

And animals.

Amazingly enough people that have had near death experiences (seeing the white tunnel of light, light entities, etc...) at the moment of their death the brain naturally creates the same amount of this chemical as much as the moment of your birth. As if this works as a portal/gateway to another reality. Which is why I brought this up!

Again, this is all theory. I happen to ascribe to this theory, but its not yet proven.

You do know your talking to a psychonaut, right ?

InSpiteOf, thank you for clarifying it for me. Good to hear your perspective on this, didn't know that ATS can shut down the entire thread if one's feedback is not to their liking, still doesn't change the fact that even this site can be filtered/control to this degree! What a shame!

On the bright site good to know there are people like you out there with open, unbiased perspective on life! A TRUE way of evolving!

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Silenceisall
reply to post by freighttrain

'___' is interesting. Never tried it, but have read Strassman's book and seen some McKenna YouTube clips about it. As someone who has actually tried it, I wonder what you think of the differences between OOBE experiences and experiences with '___'.

There are many threads, videos (not sure on ATS) other forums that many people done research/experienced it with detailed description, many trips have things in common. So I can only speak on behalf of my own personal experience. Some say it is an interpretation of ones mind, other say they have had OBE.

To me it felt MORE real then this world so I can only say it was an OBE trip, yet somehow reflecting my vision of what the other world is. The enteties that I see and communicate with teach me things that I never knew, so that part can't be part my self reflection. They speak of Unity, One and how we're all so interconnected (quantum physics also has similar theories). Even though they don't speak in words you feel their thoughts in amazing detail.

I've actually tried to keep a diary of all my trips and noticed something interesting. They all happen in a similar type of world as ours but a bit different in dimensions. When we imagine things in our mind, it seems like it's a 2D image and we explore that image. You can try doing this now, imagine an apple it seems sort of 2D image, then we can add light/shade to make it 3Dish but yet somehow it seems still like a 3D image (flat).

When opening your third eye you tend to see things much more 3D. Very hard to explain in words, but your dreams/views on things become extremely like virtual reality, with no time/hight/width. All flexible, light travels through you and you can sense every bit of it. While listening to classical music in matter of second you can pin point one of the hundred violinist and browse through them one by one. Things that we can not do in our conditioned world.

At all times I felt this overwhelming feeling of love by the light beings. It is extremely difficult to explain any of it in words, but after you analyze it you'll realize that the possibilities of our mind is being comprehension. The idea of Ego and Out There all dissolve within your boundaries. For a moment you become ONE. See things that even you can't imagine.

So I personally believe that we're peaking into another dimension for a very short period of time and since it's beyond our understanding we create certain images (tree, water, etc..) that we're familiar with to compensate for the unknown. Feels like download of spiritual information about you and the world around you. You feel like you've just take a very small step forward in your personal evolution.

Terrence Mckenna is one of my fav. people in the world and his books are great in explaining the logic/theories behind all these. A good book is called "Food of the Gods"!

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by xnibirux
reply to post by hdchop

We all need to evolve into higher overtones so that we can all become conscious that we are truly one consciousness. That is where it would be 'everyone as a whole' (our true destiny)

This is where I step back and think mind control and pyramid scheme. Our true destiny is dependant on what we "each" feel comfortable with. Informing me that unless I "tune" my being with others is when "I" will achieve being a whole is asking me to give up not only my uniqueness but also my individually.

I'm sorry but I feel this is a "tool" for a select few to sow beliefs for others to grasp in order to blind ourselves to other avenues of understanding and acceptance of what we each wish to believe based on our own experiences and what we've been exposed to both physically, mentally and spirituality.

In the 3rd dimension of course we all strive for material possession as this is how we are able to survive now. No wonder the original author is attempting to goat others into supporting him and his beliefs.

Good luck to those who pursue this thread and may you find that which makes you happy.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Willbert

I just need to clarify this, as it seems you were somewhat offended.

'True Destiny' is not the same as 'Destiny'. Destiny is each individual's unique dream at heart. True Destiny is a core destiny for all of humanity as a whole to realize the state of oneness. It is in the hands of each individual's spirit where the soul's destination is

[edit on 27-3-2008 by xnibirux]

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 05:45 PM
Btw, if you guys want to better grasp the concept of consciousness, my other thread is right here

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by freighttrain
InSpiteOf, thank you for clarifying it for me. Good to hear your perspective on this, didn't know that ATS can shut down the entire thread if one's feedback is not to their liking, still doesn't change the fact that even this site can be filtered/control to this degree! What a shame!

Ya, it is a shame. There are a few of us who have fought tooth and nail at one point or another, but the justification (i hate to say) is reasonable. The issue is, this site is designed for family usage. The topic of illegal activities often lands sites onto personal or corporate filters and thus, cutting the base of ATS readers down. Lately, threads that tread or pass the line, have been moved to RATS, but there was a time that they were simply thrown in the trash.

On the bright site good to know there are people like you out there with open, unbiased perspective on life! A TRUE way of evolving!

Quite frankly, i think the legal status of these chemicals is one of the biggest conspiracies in the history of human kind.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by InSpiteOf

Look i'm upset that I offended you, I am sorry, truly. I apologize, I didn't mean to offend you in any way, shape, or form. I do realize that I have crossed a line, and once again I'm sorry.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by xnibirux

im a little confused, what gave you the impression that you offended me? honestly, I have no idea what your talking about.

I have no hard feelings towards you in any way whatsoever, and as far as I can remember, I have no reason to harbor such feelings.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 08:21 AM
Oops sorry, the apology was for Willbert, not InSpiteOf. So Willbert, the 2nd post above was to you.

[edit on 28-3-2008 by xnibirux]

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 03:39 PM
The map of all levels of consciousness consists of 91 overlapping Trees of Life. They comprise the 42 Trees of Life representing the (6x7=42) subplanes of the six cosmic superphysical planes and the 49 Trees of Life mapping the (7x7=49) subplanes of the cosmic physical plane, which consists of seven planes, each with seven subplanes. The number of Sephirothic emanations of the 91 Trees is 550, where

550 = 10x(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10)

= 10(1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + 4^2 + 5^2),


91 = 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 +4^2 + 5^2 + 6^2.

The seven subplanes of the physical plane are mapped by the lowest seven Trees, which have 25 so-called 'Tree levels' denoting the 25 spatial dimensions of the 26-dimensional space-time predicted by quantum mechanics for spinless strings. The 42 subplanes of the cosmic physical plane above the physical plane are symbolized in the Tantric Sri Yantra by its 42 triangles.

For more information about the nature of the spiritual cosmos, its encoding in the newly discovered inner form of the Tree of Life, its polyhedral representation in the disdyakis triacontahedron, its polygonal representation in the Sri Yantra, its relation to the basic forms of matter in the physical universe and its correspondence to the mathematical structure of the seven musical scales, study the 44 research articles at:

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 04:14 AM
That above is non-sense about the Tree of Life; I don't some of these mathematicians are making things more complicated than what reality really is.

The Universe is quite simple to comprehend like this:

10 Sephiroths in the Tree of Life; are just
spiritual vision heirarchal levels.
For example; if you have attained 10th Sephiroth (Kether-crown)
you can see any soul or spirit.

Positive Kether (crown) -] There
| Positive Yesod (The 1st sephiroth -]
______malkuth (kingdom) physical universe (or posiuniverse)
daat (knowledge or abyss physical universe (or antiuniverse)
| Negative Yesod
Negative Kether (crown)

The hidden DAAT Sephiroth is really just another Tree; called
the Tree of Death (It's for the abyss (hel) universe; or could
just treat it as the antiuniverse.

Basically, if you went thru a wormhole or blackhole you would end
up into the Abyss physical universe.

Therefore the Universe has physical duality; but they don't have to be
in symetry.

So there is even Stars/Galaxies/Planets in the Abyss Universe.

lol, so try to remember when you die; and they try to put you into
an Abyss Dungeon; while in the cubic dungeon(crypt) underground, high
above there is a living planet.

So if these humans on planet earth, get into blackhole technology or gravitational lensing; if you go thru the portal(wormhole) you'll end
up into the Abyss and it is extremely dangerous there. Also you
need to be able to attain 8 th physical density to pass thru the wormhole.

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 11:05 AM
Sorry Ive missed a bit of this thread due to crazy goings on in the ascension thread... are you saying you need certain "plants" to see these dimensions? I do not think these are necessary at all, meditation is really the only way to prepare you for the increased vibration of the 4th dimension.

Meditation changes you on a spiritual level which in turn changes your vibration. This in turn changes you on a physical level.

Not sure what all these numbers and formulations have to do with it though.

Ive had a ringing in my right ear for months now, sometimes it goes really high frequency its nuts. If I listen to this frequency while my mind is completly still I can initiate astral projection...the ringing then stops in AP because I have accepted this new frequency and are able to move around in it. Not sure if I move into the 4th dimension probably not but its not this dimension.

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 11:13 AM
*Watches as humanity is lead to the lower dimensions where it can be used as a resource for the beings that exist within the higher ones*

You assume the numerical value is lower - higher = worse - better, and that is quite an assumption to make.

Sorry, but i happen to like the dimension i'm in.

I can communicate.

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 11:15 AM

You think the troubles you have in this dimension are bad, wait until you see the guys two dimensions over.

The term 'hive-mind' springs to the imagination.

p.s; if you're wondering how to do this, try remote viewing.

[edit on 30-3-2008 by Throbber]

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 12:30 AM
No, the tree of life is a 10 sphere model of kingdom or universe to understand it by; ancient civilization use it and it is the truth.

Dimension has all to do with these higher vibration you talk about; I don't use the term dimension but rather use physical density.

There is only 3D (x,y,z), and time (t); the rest is just physical density.

But some use dimension, I still sort of understand what you are talk about.

As far as astra travel goes, your soul never leave your body, if it did you would be dead. Rather when you believe you are astral travel what is actually going on is a psiball(thoughtform) or is travelling and your soulmind is looking(telepathically) talk to it.

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 07:40 AM
As there were only two of us discussing this specific issue, I will assume you were talking to us, and I will take point and clarify.

Originally posted by Mr Green
... are you saying you need certain "plants" to see these dimensions?

No, not at all. We were simply saying that those plants and chemicals often lead you to places that some people go while meditating. In my humble opinion, the method of travel isnt as important as the overall journey or destination.

I do not think these are necessary at all, meditation is really the only way to prepare you for the increased vibration of the 4th dimension.

Many native cultures would disagree with you. Hell, I disagree with you. Your method is not for me, nor is mine for you. No one walks the same path.

Meditation changes you on a spiritual level which in turn changes your vibration. This in turn changes you on a physical level.

Physically, meditation alters brain chemistry. So, if you can produce those same changes through the use of an ethnogenic substance, does it not yeild you similar results? Perhaps high active levels of tryptamine, or more acurately, N, N-'___' (Dimethyltryptamine) is really what is needed for transendence.

Not sure what all these numbers and formulations have to do with it though.

Im with you there. Theres some crazy math that, after a few re-reads, still makes absolutly no sense. I wonder if those posting it could clarify, break it down for us laymans, perhaps?

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Throbber

You think the troubles you have in this dimension are bad, wait until you see the guys two dimensions over.

The term 'hive-mind' springs to the imagination.

p.s; if you're wondering how to do this, try remote viewing.

[edit on 30-3-2008 by Throbber]

Ive tryed it and I feel its unsafe, what do you think?

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 12:31 PM
Physically, meditation alters brain chemistry. So, if you can produce those same changes through the use of an ethnogenic substance, does it not yeild you similar results? Perhaps high active levels of tryptamine, or more acurately, N, N-'___' (Dimethyltryptamine) is really what is needed for transendence. reply to post by InSpiteOf

I agree meditation alters brain activity, but its NATURAL whereas your N, N-'___' is not. What about side affects? Becoming addicted? Or maybe these drugs don't alter you in the exact way needed? They may cross react with some prescription drug you have taken that day or maybe that week.
No I say the natural way is far better, in fact I would go as far as to say the N-'___' way is just a lazy way actually.

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