posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 06:56 PM
Original Text By: Zakai Ran
Section I
~ Dimensions are not differentiated linearly, but rather perceptually and vibrationally. Every dimension has a consciousness, an inherent way of
perceiving reality, or the reality of that dimension that gives it its "structure". We are currently living in a 3rd dimensional existence. The 3rd
is a very dense physical dimension (as I'm sure you already know). The 3rd dimensional way of perceiving reality is typically a reality of survival,
competition, and control. If you can see it, taste it, feel it, or "prove" that it exists - then it is real; anything else is screened out by the
ego as being fantasy, illusion, or weird - something to be feared, or merely disreguarded.
~ The 3rd dimension is a dimension of limitation and polarity. It is a dimension where we get to experience the illusion of separation from our
spirits; from All-That-Is, (think of it as a higher dimensional being wanting to escape reality, well in truth, that is our case). We have veiled
ourselves so well so that we would believe this illusion, if we did not, then we spirits could not play this game called separation and be able to
experience physicality. Typically, reality in the 3rd dimension is patriarchal, left brain, and technologically orientated.
~ Patriarchal control uses this illusion to gain support for its reality and agenda to garner fear for support of its lack consciousness-greed. The
illusion of victimhood, that we need governments, police, religions... is how these "conservative" organizations con fearful people to support
their nefarious activities.
~ Anyway, there are 12 overtones or subdivisions to each dimension. In the 4th dimension, the lower overtones are referred to as the astral plane. In
the 4th dimension, time is perceived differently - there are less linear curves; time shifts and changes like weather. "Time" is eternal. This would
be the scenario where disembodied souls or "the living impaired" can haunt places or people for centuries - still thinking that they are in the same
time as when they died (you could also relate this to "living in the now").
~ Disembodied souls are usually desperate to be physical. They can essentially try to manipulate us to do things to experience what we experience.
This astral plane was used to manipulate us because it is the closest overtone to our 3rd dimensional reality. It is a connection to your 4th
dimensional self (be aware that you are completely multidimensional) and your lost aspects that can be manipulated because these aspects feel guilty
and "bad". If you vibrate at a high enough overtone, you cannot be interferred with.
~ Ascension is basically inviting in our higher selves into our 3rd dimensional self. The lower 4th dimensions and 3rd dimension is a "competition"
between light and dark - polarity consciousness. Without these two forces, physicality would simply not exist. The 4th dimensional way of perceiving
reality uses intuition. This is the dimension of psychic energies, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairkinescence, the energies that patriarchal
religions repress and try to destroy (the polarity is the mis-use of this vibration to control humanity with fear).
~ The 4th dimension is the first perception of spirit as spirit descends through the dimensions to where we are as physical beings. This is why the
4th dimension (and 4th dimensional experience in the 3rd dimension), is such a stage for the "war" between good and evil (light and dark),
separation and oneness. As we re-incorporate our 4th dimensional selves, past lives of negative karma, lost aspects, and our "secret" government's
involvement with extraterrestrials and advanced technology - the 3rd dimension has ever more become a war between good and evil, a polarity that is
4th dimensional.
~ Dimensions are not linear. Every dimension exists now, in this space, in the room where you are now. To go to other dimensions you do not travel to
them in some linear fashion. Geometrically, you make a perceptual shift to the next overtone of a dimension. On every overtone of every dimension,
reality is perceived differently. In other words, everyone in a certain dimension essentially agrees on a certain group consciousness perception in
order to experience what life is like from that reality, they all vibrate at the same wavelength.
~ The New Age community of today, has essentially decided on a group consciousness way to perceive reality different than the way we are currently
told we are supposed to perceive reality. This is why many included higher dimensional ways of perceiving reality as a part of their everyday way of
experiencing life. Hence the huge numbers of psychic readers, healers, etc.
~ Another integral part of the third and lower overtones of the 4th dimension - is the lie of unworthy. The lie of unworthy is the main delusion which
maintains these dimensions and the polarities of them. All survival patterns, manipulation, control, and power-related delusions are based on this
lie, that some beings and things have worth and others do not. This is the creation of lack consciousness; the haves and the have nots. This lie is a
delusion that we all decided to experience to create extreme separation, because with this delusion we could separate ourselves from each other, and
we could separate ourselves from our spirits.
~ This limited perception that we adopted, (and has been projected at us by the "dark" and our own lost aspects that feel unworthy), "that
we are sinful creatures" - was a perfect design to keep us limited. With guilt, shame, and unworthiness, we were able to efficiently explore the
illusions of separation. Perhaps the biggest dark ploy that we adopted to keep ourselves limited was to be convinced that the light was dark and the
dark was light - i.e: the suppression of truth and knowledge.
~ As a 3rd dimensional species, we are ascending through the higher overtones of the 4th dimension, bypassing the lower overtones, (astral and
reincarnational planes). In the 4th dimension there is less density than the 3rd, so manifestation is quicker. In the 3rd dimension, (as you most
likely know), manifestation is very slow, and is affected by many factors.
[edit on 26-3-2008 by xnibirux]