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Dimensions: The Beginning

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posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 02:46 AM
Sort of reminds me what I read in the Flower of Life book by Drunvalo Melchizedek; regarding dimensions.

My interpretation of reality is what I believe strongly is the Truth.

Spirit of Space (Is the void - space) it is the 1st thought consciousness ever, well before the Singlurity (BigBang) occurred.

So I believe that the existence of other souls existed before the
Spirit of God did.

This is a simple 3 point way to understand reality quickly.

1> Spirit of Space
2> Separate thought consciousness (souls) moving through it 3 dimensionally
3> The Essence or Light Energy (ein sopf) we use to create things

The Tree of Life (10 Sephiroths) and ein sopf is all true;

kether (Crown) is the highest sephiroth; if you attained this level you can see all souls; lower levels means you can see below down to
malkuth (kingdom)

malkuth (kingdom) is the physical universe;
within this sephiroth there is 15 Physical density levels or Worlds.

0 world or 3rd physical density (is the Universal nominal)
1 world or 4th physical density (you can walk thru walls, but slowly)
2 world or 5th physical denisty (easily walk thru walls)

I tend to not use Dimension, when we talk about higher dimensions;
better to use Physical Density or World level; since your right in your
article it is high vibrational levels.

I read Drunvalo was able to get to world #1 or 4 physical density, I believe him. He is quite lucky; since most humans on this planet will not be allowed to reach higher physical density until the Awakening or Activation time.

I believe there is a EM Bioresonance implant method; where you transmit at 1-2 watts at around 520 Mhz to get to 4th physical density.

Those Zeta Reticulian 1 (Grey) aliens usually work at 5th or 6th physical density.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 06:12 AM
This thread looks great just came across it at work
I like your earlier descriptions of the dimensions and how they all exist together we just have to tune ourselves into them. Will read it all properly and join your discussion as I feel drawn to this subject

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by Enthralled Fan


Do I exist in all these dimensions simultaneously?

Answer - Not simutaneously but at the same time.

Originally posted by Mr Green

we just have to tune ourselves into them

do I have consciousness in all of them?

Yes, every one of your dimensions has a consciousness, and as I stated above, you exist in all of them at the same time.

If I have consciousness in all of these dimensions, why don't I remember it? Do I remember my consciousness from all of the dimensions in any dimension other than this one?

When you descend down through to a lower dimension the memory of the higher dimension you perceived is lost, compare it to booting down a computer, well ascending up through to a higher dimension would be booting the computer right back up. The dimensions of physicality (3rd and lower overtones of 4th) are naturally forgotten, but in the higher overtones of 4th and above (spirituality) are not forgotten.

Thanks, I hope this answered your questions

[edit on 27-3-2008 by xnibirux]

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 08:10 AM
Love the thread - Very interesting. One question that came to my mind after reading the initial post:

Quote from intial post:::
Dimensions are not linear. Every dimension exists now, in this space, in the room where you are now. To go to other dimensions you do not travel to them in some linear fashion. Geometrically, you make a perceptual shift to the next overtone of a dimension. On every overtone of every dimension, reality is perceived differently. In other words, everyone in a certain dimension essentially agrees on a certain group consciousness perception in order to experience what life is like from that reality, they all vibrate at the same wavelength.

~ The New Age community of today, has essentially decided on a group consciousness way to perceive reality different than the way we are currently told we are supposed to perceive reality. This is why many included higher dimensional ways of perceiving reality as a part of their everyday way of experiencing life. Hence the huge numbers of psychic readers, healers, etc.
End of Quote:

I didn't want to post all of the text from the inital post, figured it would be too long.


in the first paragraph above it states: other words, everyone in a certain dimension essentially agrees on a certain group consciousness perception

Then the second paragraph from above states: The New Age community of today, has essentially decided on a group consciousness way to perceive reality different than the way we are currently told we are supposed to perceive reality

So, if it takes "everyone" in a given dimension to "essentially agrees on a certain group consciousness perception"; how can a small group of individuals with in that group "decided on a group consciousness way to perceive reality different than the way we are currently told" if it takes everyone as a whole? Wouldn't you need "everyone" to essentially agree on this not just a small group? Or am I missing something??

Starred and Flagged

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 08:20 AM
I feel something around me all the time like these other dimensions. I know something is going on its like its calling out to me to change. I know I have it in me to reach out into these upper dimensions, I just know it and Im just trying to learn how to do this. I want to do this. I want to do it so much and I will.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 08:58 AM
I was getting into the website until I saw this link:

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 08:59 AM
Great thread, very interesting and insightful. I loved this quote:

"Becoming a fully 4th dimensional human being is simply the act of BEING in the moment, while shifting to the 5th dimensional consciousness is simply the passive action of ALLOWING for any and all potentiality or possibility.

No longer struggling to control, maintain, or impose limitations upon yourself or others.........but to simply BE and ALLOW."

not sure if that was from you or your source, but that was a great quote and is something that I have been throwing round in my own head for a while, if the possiility of everything is accepted, what do we structure our limitations on?

Star and flag

thanks. EMM

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by Silenceisall
I was getting into the website until I saw this link:

What I find hard to digest is that idiots like this dude with his picture on a million dollar bill, will find believers. Like they say a fool and his money ...

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Silenceisall
I was getting into the website until I saw this link:

I really don't like how that page looks...It reminds me a lot of all those other UFO, Paranormal and 2012 pages that ask you to buy something. Oh well, at least there is more insight as to how this guy works.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by 2believeor0

What I find hard to digest is that idiots like this dude with his picture on a million dollar bill, will find believers. Like they say a fool and his money ...

I personally don't even care from where the sources came. It is simply the sources themselves what I care for. I have been studying dimensions and consciousness for years now and I can tell if this Zakai Ran guy has misunderstood anything on the material, but the material is just fine, all the pieces fit properly into place with how dimensions and consciousness work, which is why I found it necessary to post

[edit on 27-3-2008 by xnibirux]

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by Leviatano

Some of the content on the site appeals to me (I believe it is, at least in part, correct), but when I saw his money making schemes I tuned out. They play into greed and materialism, which do not jive with the rest of what he is saying. You can always tell a pure source of spiritual information by his/her lack of focus on money and the material.

[edit on 27-3-2008 by Silenceisall]

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by hdchop

how can a small group of individuals with in that group "decided on a group consciousness way to perceive reality different than the way we are currently told" if it takes everyone as a whole? Wouldn't you need "everyone" to essentially agree on this not just a small group? Or am I missing something??

'everyone of a certain dimension'. Not 'everyone as a whole'. That would be a totally different concept. This is where you misunderstood. There are many people on Earth that have already become conscious of the lower overtones of the 4th dimension. Those of a 'certain' dimension would be deciding on a group consciousness of an overtone. They would become one consciousness.

We all need to evolve into higher overtones so that we can all become conscious that we are truly one consciousness. That is where it would be 'everyone as a whole' (our true destiny)

Thanks, I hope that answered your questions

[edit on 27-3-2008 by xnibirux]

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by xnibirux
reply to post by hdchop

how can a small group of individuals with in that group "decided on a group consciousness way to perceive reality different than the way we are currently told" if it takes everyone as a whole? Wouldn't you need "everyone" to essentially agree on this not just a small group? Or am I missing something??

'everyone of a certain dimension'. Not 'everyone as a whole'. That would be a totally different concept. This is where you misunderstood. There are many people on Earth that have already become conscious of the lower overtones of the 4th dimension. Those of a 'certain' dimension would be deciding on a group consciousness of an overtone. They would become one consciousness.

We all need to evolve into higher overtones so that we can all become conscious that we are truly one consciousness. That is where it would be 'everyone as a whole' (our true destiny)

Thanks, I hope that answered your questions

[edit on 27-3-2008 by xnibirux]

Thank you for the clarification - I knew it was a problem between the keyboard and chair - Need more Coffee!! lol,lol Thanx again!!

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 11:52 AM
Make sure you all watch "Nassim Haramein, "Crossing the Event Horizon," Part 1"

4 Hour video (pt1)

"If you are not yet familiar with Nassim Haramein's exciting work, prepare yourself for an exhilarating odyssey into hyperspace and beyond. ... all » Haramein, who has spent his lifetime researching fields of physics from quantum theory to relativistic equations and cosmology, will lead you along a fascinating discussion geared to a layman's understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe and creation that includes black holes, gravitational forces, dimensions, and the very structure of space itself - all of which are integral parts of his now-complete Unified Field Theory. Haramein's theory is currently in peer review process for publication in physics journals; however, the presentation does not end with the introduction of his theory alone, but includes the discussion of the path that he took to arrive at his views, which weaves between the texts and monuments of ancient civilizations, biology, chemistry and the primordial role of consciousness - all of which lend further credence to the science behind the theory."

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan

Originally posted by amigo
OP, that's all nice but it's really someone's opinion or a theory. Others are asking for links, yet they fail to realize that linked information does not add any more credibility to a claim because the links could be wrong as well. Just because someone somewhere wrote something does not make it true...

Just because I am asking for links or sources does not mean I am buying whatever the OP has to sell.

I may want to read it just because I find it interesting. Who's to say that I don't like a nice piece of fiction every now and then? I may decide to believe it, and I may decide not to.

Whether or not I find any of this credible, does not mean I don't find it interesting, Thank You, very much!

It's never about believing what someone says, so if he had links to some other individual saying the same thing makes it more "creditable"? It's about hearing thoughts, ideas, sharing them to help opening your horizon and based on ALL you hear good/bad, fake/real, light/dark you make your OWN decision, that is the ONE and ONLY TRUTH!

Nothing else is, so people need to stop looking for "facts, evidence and logic" to trust and accept the statement. We need to make your own understanding of what it all means, you live for you and not based on other peoples perception of you is!

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 12:18 PM
I also have a question! How would one "prepare" themselves for the transition phase?

Lastly, have you studied any "Psychoactive Plants (Salvia, '___', etc..) " being used as a tool to temporary access different dimensions? Based on personal experiences through these plants I believe I've peaked into the other dimension and even communicated with light enteties (higher vibration)!

What are you thoughts on this~!

PS. insightful thoughts, tnx for sharing them with us!

[edit on 27-3-2008 by freighttrain]

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by freighttrain
I also have a question! How would one "prepare" themselves for the transition phase?

Lastly, have you studied any "Psychoactive Plants (Salvia, '___', etc..) " being used as a tool to temporary access different dimensions? Based on personal experiences through these plants I believe I've peaked into the other dimension and even communicated with light enteties (higher vibration)!

What are you thoughts on this~!

PS. insightful thoughts, tnx for sharing them with us!

Thank you
Meditation, along with simply being open to all potentialities and possibilities in life, is in my opinion the best way to prepare and adjust yourself to the transition into the lower overtones of the 4th dimension. BE and ALLOW

I personally choose not to experiment with those plants, but I have friends that have done some experimenting with salvia and they have told me about similar experiences. I do read a lot about those plants in particular, and there are many sources that included communication with higher dimensional entities. Thanks for the questions, I hope that answered them

[edit on 27-3-2008 by xnibirux]

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by freighttrain

My first thoughts, be careful to stay within the TAC of the site, your post already walks the line, please for the sake of the thread and any further discussion, remove personal refrences.

Secondly, it is hard to quantify what you experiance in higher states of conciousness. Some reasons for this are., any preconcieved idea's of whats to come may alter or guide what you see and experience; Nothing in those states is really tangible (in the sense that you can touch it); while similarties can persist in those states, what you see and experience is often rarely the same from one journey to another. The last one is not true for all people and all experiences.

Overall, my personal feelings on these plants is that they are beneficial only to a portion of the population. They are not for everyone, and I believe you need to be relatively grounded to be successful with them. Also, meditation and inner reflection go hand in hand with these plants.

[edit on 27-3-2008 by InSpiteOf]

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 01:47 PM
As far as I was aware, space is simply measured in three dimensions and any matter within it exists through Time which is the fourth dimension.. giving us four dimensional Space-Time. Subsequent dimensions exist in the mathematics of quantum physics to explain string theory etc. It is suggested there up to ten or eleven dimensions in total.

I have two questions:

Do we have the same definition of the word 'dimension'?
What exactly are these vibrations you're talking about?

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by InSpiteOf
reply to post by freighttrain

My first thoughts, be careful to stay within the TAC of the site, your post already walks the line, please for the sake of the thread and any further discussion, remove personal references.

Secondly, it is hard to quantify what you experience in higher states of consciousness. Some reasons for this are., any preconceived idea's of whats to come may alter or guide what you see and experience; Nothing in those states is really tangible (in the sense that you can touch it); while similarities can persist in those states, what you see and experience is often rarely the same from one journey to another. The last one is not true for all people and all experiences.

Overall, my personal feelings on these plants is that they are beneficial only to a portion of the population. They are not for everyone, and I believe you need to be relatively grounded to be successful with them. Also, meditation and inner reflection go hand in hand with these plants.

[edit on 27-3-2008 by InSpiteOf]

Yes I've been told that before, but I refuse to limit my perception on life because of some other man written authority, so much for freedom of information. As long as I'm not insulting nor attacking anyone else's belief there should be no problem. Sharing ideas with others is the only way to truly evolve our consciousnesses. I learned about these plants form others and researched/studied them for years before experiencing with them and love to share my experiences with others as it will allow a more understanding of what it is. The more we resist a topic (religions, drugs, racism) the more reasons why we need to discuss these, in this world we need to pursuit and explore things we resist as it is all mans vision of life and not life it self. What you do with information is up to you, neither my right or anyone else to tell you what you as a grown individual like to experience with your own soul. It is your God given right to explore your world. It is why we're gifted with "curiosity"!

Some (politicians) label these as "drugs" since it "alters your consciousnesses" yet caffeine, alcohol, fluoride, aspartame, animal/vegetation steroids, pharmaceutical medications (anti-precedents, sleep pills, etc..) that do much more damage and much higher side effects are legal!! Something is really wrong with this picture and I for one will stand up to this, personal choice I don't expect others to do what I do nor accept my theories on this but someone needs to stand up for the freedom of our spirit. Salvia is legal to get in most countries and other psycho active plants are legal as well, it's the extraction of the chemical that makes them "illegal" at some states (mostly all in US). Many spiritual cultures use these as tools to achieve a higher state of consciousnesses (spiritual healing, predictions, download of information from other sources, wisdom, and openness to accept ideas/theories).

In regards to perceiving these experiences; from my own personal experiences I don't believe these were as you worded more of an "interpretation" nor an illusion. If so then we should define this world that we live in as another illusion, yet it is our interpretation of it is that creates who we are. Me and you are probably different people, live different lives and principles because we interpret this world differently. I also do lot of meditation and a student of life, yet I have never experienced anything like some of these plants I've tried.

'___' is actually a chemical created by our Pineal Glrand (still a mystery how it works), some call it seed of life, yet amazingly enough we find this exact chemical in many tropical plants. I believe this is more then just an accident. When monitored a new born, he/she has lot of this chemical in their brain and over a year of birth it reduces to 1-3% for your entire life, only active when we're at REM sleep (dreaming). Which to me seems like almost another reality at times (lucid dreams), like quick peaking into an altered universe (dimensions). Amazingly enough people that have had near death experiences (seeing the white tunnel of light, light entities, etc...) at the moment of their death the brain naturally creates the same amount of this chemical as much as the moment of your birth. As if this works as a portal/gateway to another reality. Which is why I brought this up!

"To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower Hold infinity in the palms of your hand and eternity in an hour."

“I myself do nothing. The Holy Spirit accomplishes all through me.”

“I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man's.”

“You never know what is enough unless you know more than enough.”

William Blake

[edit on 27-3-2008 by freighttrain]

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