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FBI Sets up Fake Child Porn Links That if Clicked Trigger Armed Raids on Users

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posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:08 PM
Again, I'd like to express my disappointment here in ATS members, who mostly seem to be falling for this hook, line, and sinker.

Today it's a fake "child porn" link being used.

But in the future, maybe it'll be a teaser link claiming to be an illegal free movie download, or perhaps classified information related to some government conspiracy an ATS member might want to check out - both technically just as illegal to click on.

"Child porn" is simply being used as a Trojan Horse here, to establish a precedent that threatens the rights of anyone. And ATS's are falling for it without a second thought, because after all, nobody wants to be seen as sympathetic to child pornographers... you are being manipulated very effectively.

About the "intent" issue - I suppose nobody in here has ever been Rick Rolled

[edit on 3/24/08 by xmotex]

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by sharpest
reply to post by sir_chancealot

Ha, I needed a good laugh. But, I guess, if you really DO become that scared of Big Brother, then he's really won, hasn't he? Even if I KNEW the FBI was raiding people who clicked on fake links, I'd still be clicking away like there was no tomorrow.

Let me put this as an allegory: I am not afraid of being eaten by a lion walking out my front door. But, let's say one day I hear a lion roar, look out my front window, and see a full grown male lion in the field across the street. You think I might pause for a just a second before going outside?

As a computer support professional, I can tell you that a LOT of user complaints (commercial and residential) are about websites that pop-up for NO REASON on their computer (i.e, pop-ups/spyware). How long before some dispicable person decides it would be a funny joke to do that to unsuspecting people?

For those of you saying "Oh, you have to follow these set of links through their server", just how difficult do you think it is to have pop-ups open those windows in the correct order?

As a network engineer who has had to deal with just about every conceivable problem when it comes to computers, I'm telling you HOW EASY IT WOULD BE TO FRAME SOMEONE USING JUST THE INFORMATION FOUND IN THIS THREAD. It would be TRIVIAL to do. It would be far harder to find a malfunctioning network card on a large network than to frame any of the users here for child pornography. Do you begin to grasp the danger now? Or do you disbelieve me?

You do realize that most of the spam in the world comes from compromised PCs, right? If you have received spam, there is a good chance that you have received it from someone who DIDN'T KNOW THEIR PC WAS SENDING SPAM. Do you grasp it now?

Are you now beginning to see the danger in what they are doing?

For those of you who don't think this is a big deal, and are so sure that the FBI are only going to prosecute pedophiles, and then only if they go through all the FBI's servers, and not a direct link, I offer this challenge: The link has been posted on this server in .PDF format. Type that link into your webbrowser. YOU EVEN HAVE THE ADVANTAGE OF BEING ABLE TO SAY THAT YOU KNEW THERE WAS NO KIDDIE PORN AT THAT ADDRESS, SO YOU AREN'T EVEN BREAKING ANY LAW. Go ahead and start that download. Then, after two weeks, let us know if the FBI have kicked in your door yet. Let us know how the case (or lack thereof) is going for you.

Go ahead. The rest of us who KNOW how networks work will be waiting. Show how CONFIDENT you are that the FBI would NEVER prosecute an innocent person. This is the perfect time to put your money where your mouth is! After all, the FBI isn't looking for INNOCENT people, right?

As proof, just post a screenshot of the link.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by HellHound63S
reply to post by ANOK
I am a vet as well, but what your getting isn't an entitlement, its compensation, GET IT RIGHT! If your a vet you can reasonably expect to be compensated for injuries incurred during service, that's pay not welfair!

Sry again you miss understand, you didn't read my post thoroughly did you?

I don't get compensated because I was a vet. I had to fight the system for a benefit check just like any other schmo. My service didn't even come into it. My injuries were not caused in my service but by being used, unknown to me, as a guinea pig during my service. But that's beside the point. My claim for military compensation has been denied many times, just like many of us from the first Gulf War.

My point was if it's so hard for someone like me to get a check from the state how easy do you really think it is for someone who can work to get 'welfare'?

Yeah get it right....

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by xmotex

Speaking of Rick Roll...Rick Rolled to child porn=you're a pedophile according to FBI

Everyone has had it happen to them: a "friend" sends you a link in IM or over IRC that purports to be something like a cat in an awkward position with a hilarious caption. Soon, however, you discover that the link wasn't to a lolcat at all; instead, you've been Rick Rolled—or even worse, sent to 2girls1cup (find it on your own, but be warned: it may scar you for life). These pranks are commonplace now, but be careful of what you click on and from whom. If that link points to anything even pretending to be child porn, that's enough evidence for the FBI of intent to download it. The authorities could then raid your home and possibly throw you in jail. No joke, it just takes one click and you're under intense suspicion.

Such is the case with Temple University doctoral student Roderick Vosburgh, who apparently clicked on an FBI-planted hyperlink somewhere on the Internet. The link pointed to a file on an FBI server that contained no porn, but logged the IP addresses of everyone attempting to access it. Vosburgh's IP was one of those, and the FBI came knockin' on his door early one morning, arrested him, and searched his home.

FBI Online Child Pornography/Child Sexual Exploitation Investigations

[edit on 3/24/2008 by biggie smalls]

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:28 PM
i have to admit that i'm all forhoney potting these animals. good on someone for setting them up, it just makes them all the easier to catch. and the sooner they are caught, the sooner we can get vulnerable children out of harms way!
i do take the point on board that through these techniques it would be easy to frame someone. and there has to be some transparency on how people would be prosecuted. for example if someone is framed, then we all know that their computer would be seized, and examined. all internet traffic on that computer can be analyzed and if it is found to be set up then fair enough, if, on the other hand there are loads of indecent pictures found on the hard drive, then string them up by the you know whats!!!

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:33 PM
Another technicality to think of. If I were to click on this fake link, there would have to be images or movies there for me to view and download. If there is nothing on the fake site, then I technically haven't broken the law, it's an empty site and I have not viewed or downloaded anything illegal. So are they going to put up real child porn so they can catch these pervs dowloading this stuff? If I'm a parent of a child who has been brutalized this way, there is no way in hell I would consent to have those images up anywhere for any reason. Maybe I'm wrong, but if I click on a link containing supposedly illegal material, but there is nothing there, then what law have I broken?

Now consider this...if undercover FBI just went up to random people on the street and approached people quietely, like psst, I've got some video of underage girls, wanna see it, and I decide to say sure show me what you got, and instead he arrests me without showing me anything, have I committed a crime? I really don't know the answer to this question so maybe someone else can chime in, but it sounds like these fake web sites would work the same way...they would be empty sites meant only to get the IP addresses of people who click the link without them actually viewing anything.

I think this is a very dangerous precedent. That said, it is indeed very disturbing how easy it is to obtain this material and how many people are interested in it. I recently heard a stat here in Ontario, Canada that claims there are approximately 15,000 people here in this province actively viewing or downloading child porn on a regular basis. I was stunned to say the least. I can't imagine how many kids are suffering around the world.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by ayame2008

That's is fine, it's just that you are missing the point. Everyone wants child molestors and child porn viewers off the street, but there are appropriate and inappropriate ways of going about things.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by Sublime620

There are legal and illegal ways of prosecuting child molesters or "criminals" in general.

In reality, we're all criminals. We've all committed crimes, intentionally or not. However, I believe as much as the next person that people who harm others, whether it be children, women, or anyone else for that matter, deserve to be punished.

I personally would like to see "an eye for an eye" punishment, as jail turns "bad" people into "really bad" people. Its not working to rehabilitate or punish people, only making them hate everyone else instead.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by biggie smalls

Our jail system needs to be revamped for sure. The first step:

Quit putting drug users in there.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:53 PM
Anyone who supports this, let me ask you this question.

Would you still support it if the FBI linked to a dummy site for prescriptions from Canada, or duty-free smokes? Would you think it was proper for the FBI to beat down your door and tear your house apart looking for contraband, because you clicked a link for one of these?

EDIT to add: Or give it a few years, when sites like ATS are considered dissident and treasonous. Imagine what they will do with such powers then.

[edit on 3/24/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

They were obviously looking for illegal drugs. Molesting children is the logical next step from taking drugs.

-Does any of that make sense?

[edit on 3/24/2008 by biggie smalls]

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by biggie smalls
This is a very slippery slope. First it is child porn that is used for raids. The success of the project will be overwhelming. It will be expanded to other areas.

Next the FBI will imbed ads in sites like ATS to self-incriminate innocent civilians.

I can see this technology being abused from the beginning.

Yeah, I can just imagine getting a trojan that will activate when a screen saver is on or their hasn't been any mouse activity for so long, then it takes you to that site and starts clicking links. I think it was all but one of those "to catch a predator busts" walked, so it wasn't successful. This is is using porn where their is so much fake kiddie porn out there too. Just seems so desperate an entrapment to me. I remember when their used to be a trojan on AOL that downloaded kiddie porn to some Navy Officers computer and man that ruined the guys whole career. They didn't find any other porn but what was downloaded that one time to an unknown folder .

- Con

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by sharpest
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

...except when you consider that the strategy of targeting users has been successful...

Successful? Realy? then why is the problem increasing at such an alarming rate? Do you really think the real monster are stupid enough to surf the web for porn and hook-ups?

These monstrous beasts that create child porn are usually not even into it themselves- but they will sell it if they can make money. Much of this stuff is made in countries outside the United States specifically for these reasons. My point is they know that America is not the country for production and distribution of this heinous crap. So to target a countries citizens who are not the source is ineffective and will only serve to create irreversible collateral damage.

Someone on here, I forget who was talking about what entrapment is- which was also a lame and ill-informed one-sided theory that had no basis in reality.

If you really want to catch a predator- preying on their victims (who have suffered enough) is insane and stupid and that is exactly what this is.

I have seen many teen prostitution documentaries where the teen had no intention of turning tricks- but one day was in the wrong place at the wrong time and in need of cash when an opportunity presented itself like- hey I'll give you $50.00 for a BJ and they got into the car when if they had walked another two blocks they would have seen the help wanted sign in a McDonald's and their problem would be solved.

All to often this happens and they can get out once they fall into it. Its really very sad and they find comfort because they were abused and sometimes not abused.

Firing a gun in a dark cave hoping to hit some game in the dark is just as lazy, stupid, irresponsible and effective as this. Just because you got lucky once and got the bear doesn't mean this is the best way to hunt them! To me it is obvious this is the worst way.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Solarskye
Good for the FBI.
Who in their right mind as an adult would want to watch kiddie porn.
I hope they catch everyone who clicks it and find out they are perverts. I know curiosity gets the best of some and they may click to just see, but to click to just see kiddie porn is bad enough in my book. It's like that guy who sets up underage girls on forums and invite them over to the girls house while the parents are away. All those guys who came and were arrested knew it was wrong and have seen the show before. Just plain crazy people who would do anything to satisfy their perversion.

Why don't they just close down the site instead of arresting people. If its not there then no one can look at it.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Brothers

The FBI gains tax dollars for each person they arrest. The prison system is flooded with cash to keep our corrupt system afloat.

They make more money arresting innocent people than they do investigating real criminals.

Its all about the number of arrests, not who they arrest.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by biggie smalls
They were obviously looking for illegal drugs. Molesting children is the logical next step from taking drugs.

-Does any of that make sense?

[edit on 3/24/2008 by biggie smalls]

Not sure if you were being sarcastic or not, but...

They can't look for illegal drugs. When a warrant is obtained, the only thing that can be searched for is what is contained in the warrant. The only warrant they could get is about possible child pornography, so if they found drugs it wouldn't make a difference.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 07:00 PM
How many Ats look at porn?

how many have come across lets say dicey images by mistake posted on porn links?

My advice is to report child porn!

many many sites post USC 18 statements but there are sometimes risque images just report it!

Better still dont look at porn!

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by biggie smalls

They make more money arresting innocent people than they do investigating real criminals.

That's grim. But it's also true. How much does that affect their sense of justice? I see plenty of evidence of corruption!

Its all about the number of arrests, not who they arrest.

You sure? You sure it's not like:

400 points for white-collar crimes
800 points for marijuana possession
900 points for homicide
1000 points for FBI homicide, and a prize-bag from the evidence room

[edit on 073131p://24u11 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620

They can't look for illegal drugs. When a warrant is obtained, the only thing that can be searched for is what is contained in the warrant. The only warrant they could get is about possible child pornography, so if they found drugs it wouldn't make a difference.

Assuming they play by the rules and do things by the book then sure. FBI has done some shady fabrication and manipulation of evidence for convictions before though! They have alot of power and resources, especially when compared to a random guy off the streets.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by ian990003100
How many Ats look at porn?

I am single and lonely. I look at porn after every ATS post.

how many have come across lets say dicey images by mistake posted on porn links?

Numerous times. Suckage

My advice is to report child porn!

That's good advice!

Well I hope reporting it doesn't result in an armed raid too actually

Better still dont look at porn!

Bye bye freedom. Bye bye Americas title of "Land of The Free"

[edit on 073131p://24u59 by Lucid Lunacy]

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