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younger generation believers...with experiences

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posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 11:22 AM
Btw, are there people in here seeing double numbers time and time again?

I just looked at my digital PC clock in the taskbar and again they are double numbers: 18:18

Now i see this every day, its getting irritating and now i anted to mention it.

I have seen:


It happens almost everyday now, and it only started like 2 or three months ago.
Somebody else got this irritating luck of watching the clock right at the moment they show double digits?

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Universal Light
reply to post by TheNetherlands

And it's different than a premontion which I get those as well. Some people have described it before as a glitch in time or a hiccup if you will. I don't feel that's the right answer. It's very possible that there is a bigger underlying purpose to these events but have never heard any theories that have grabbed by attention. Either way it is a truely different experience knowing what's going to happen as if time was merely a playwright scripted out far in advance and the events are nothing more than a repeated rehersal.

Its just really weird.
One moment your thinking, "O damn, huge dejavu, this happend earlier" and the next moment you remember what happend "earlier" so i know exactly what is going to happen, what is going to be said...

The most weirdest of it is that it really did not happen before. I just have memories of the future instead of of the past. I think thats the best way of describing these dejavu's i experience.

I think dejavu is indeed some chemical thingie in your brain but how does that explain the fact that i know what is going to happen because i remember it. While there is nothing to remember because it really never happend.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by TheNetherlands

Okay,this is the last thing I wil say of my comment(which wasnt really off topic)When people tell me they dont believe in aliens I dont shy away-infact I just did a persuasive speech about intelligent et life,and only 20% of my class believed in them.It hasnt hurt me socially any-I think you overthink human response and emoations,just give it a try.Also I am a HE,lol,but anyways I was just trying to say what acewambat said I was trying to say-pretty much.

Now as for the deja vu thing:It is suppossed to be a "split second mis firing of neurons in the brain"I belive that is exactly what it is-probally because I have learned quite a bit about the human brain in psycology and anatomy and physiology.It is explainable that you think you have forseen events that have not yet happened ,this again is do to the misfiring of neurons,it creates a time lapse sp to speak.

***Isnt there two types of deja vu??

[edit on 4/6/2008 by jkrog08]

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 08:34 PM
I haven't had a shared dream with anyone, so I can't really give my two cents on that. However, deja vu is an interesting concept. I agree that it can be caused by chemicals in the brain. Perhaps for that fleeting second you realize "Hey, this is familiar!" type of feeling. But that begs the question, if it is indeed caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, why can people supposedly predict future events during this?

So how do you guys feel about clairvoyance? Do you thinks its possible? Is it really just a malfunction in the brain or can some people really predict future events? I personally think, while the majority of people claiming to be psychics, dont really have the gift, I think some people do.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by Mayan Pilot
I haven't had a shared dream with anyone, so I can't really give my two cents on that. However, deja vu is an interesting concept. I agree that it can be caused by chemicals in the brain. Perhaps for that fleeting second you realize "Hey, this is familiar!" type of feeling. But that begs the question, if it is indeed caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, why can people supposedly predict future events during this?

So how do you guys feel about clairvoyance? Do you thinks its possible? Is it really just a malfunction in the brain or can some people really predict future events? I personally think, while the majority of people claiming to be psychics, dont really have the gift, I think some people do.

I dont think its clearvoyance.

First off all, i can only "predict" while having a huge dejavu, and second of all, its not like i see the future, its more of having a memory of the future, so to say.

Its just the brain i think...

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Mayan Pilot

That's exactly what doesn't make sense to me about dejavu. It would more seem like it would be an advanced reaction of the brain to produce the ability to see events in the future happen. Again, I know nothing of the subject, that's more just what would seem to make sense.

I had a clairvoyant reader view my aura last summer. She told me things that were dead on accurate ranging from things my dad did to me when I was five years old to telling me my current relationship wasn't going to last (it didn't). When it was over she told me I could spend 20 minutes asking her any questions I wanted to.

I started to ask her about contact with ET's and her experiences with the other dimensions. She was taken aback by these questions and had no answer. The grandmaster was listening at this point in time and told the reader to delve into my psychic layer and tell me about that. She ended up telling me that she had never felt someone with such a strong psychic capability but she also said I was exhausting my abilities too much (I was meditating four or five 1 hour sessions a day at this point).

My friend also had it done by another reader at the same time and they hit him so hard at home that he was bawling for the last half hour of the session. It was one of the most powerful things I've ever felt and wish I recorded the session because I couldn't remember everything that she said.

I've read that the throat and brow chakras correlate to your clairvoyance and clairaudience respectively. I do a lot of work with opening and balancing my chakras. I have sinced gained more of a capability to tap into these things, nowhere near the clairvoyant readers of course. When I try to, I can see faces, events, and other pictures that most come from nowhere instead of me focusing in on something. I frequently get the vision that the universe is a rectangular prism as is the core of the Earth. I don't know if it's true but I have had other visions come true in a matter of days. Because of that, I tend to believe those visions are accurate.

I have also had some strange things occur with my clairaudience. The most common event is when I hear what seems to be a supremely advanced language being communicated. I'm not sure if it's alien or from another dimension but the language sounds like the old dial-up sounds from computers back in the day crossed with the sound effects from 1980's video games (if that makes sense). I don't know if someone's trying to communicate with me or if I'm merely overhearing a conversation that two other organisms are having.

So I definitely believe in these things. We are so inhibited from our true, divine abilities that I think a lot more is possible by humans than most can fathom.

[edit on 7-4-2008 by Universal Light]

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 12:32 PM
I thin that we all need to try and spread out and see if others(not on this thread)are willing to do the same as us and share.Maybe,just maybe we can get a large group of people and maybe try to effect some kind of change............just a suggestion.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 01:12 PM
Hey everyone,I just made a new thread:What will your final 24 hours be like?

I really would like to get you guys(or gals,lol)input on that,thanx.

On topic:I do feel that deja vu is natrual,but I do think some people can see into the future.I remember in the spring of 2001,I had a vision(wasnt a dream,I just slipped into a semi awake state)and saw two planes crashing into two skyscrapers.....I didnt know where or when,but that was soon apparent.Whats funny is at the time I was on some painkillers for my wisdom teet(Mepergan)so I think those kinda helped me fall into an altered state of conscious.I dont tell to many people that cause...........they proly wouldnt believe me,but thought I would share that with you all.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 04:23 PM
my first classroom dream just happened two nights ago.

the funny thing is i realized i was dreaming as i approached the classroom.

lets just say i became half lucid.

simply put heres what happened,

i was basically being ushered into a room of educational purpose. just before stepping through the threshhold i remembered to look up into the night sky at the full moon.

although this will sound "off topic" i transformed into a werewolf. the transformation was intense to say the least and the devouring that took place inside the classroom should not be mentioned here.

the next day, still in the dream, i was interested to see the same room and look at the aftermath. The class room was filled with a new student body and they were talking about the incident the night before, suddenly the collective conciousness of the room decended upon me. the person (female) sitting next to me placed her hand on my head in an attempt to turn my head to look at something but at that moment i grabbed her middlefinger and bent it back until it popped. after that i felt completely alien to the other people and huddled into the corner in the fetal possition. a female approached and asked what has caused for all my mischief. i woke up.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 04:41 PM

Can you continue??

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by cosmicstorm

Hello there,
I am new to the board as of this morning. Just kind of floating around and viewing the different topics available. I have only read a few of the personal accounts posted here. Wish I could be of some help. I really mean that.
I do commend you on your bravery to talk about such things. Hopefully the world is changing somewhat in those regards.
In my day, there were just so many things that you did not talk about. I hope that we are becoming a society that listens better than was once permitted.
I have seen changes come about in kids being able to talk about abuses of various sorts, in their home life. To me that is a great advancement. Stay strong.

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 07:06 PM
Hey all,

Sorry it's been so long but I was out of town working and didn't have any chance to read or post the last few days due to no free internet. Ahh! LOL. Just starting to catch up now, but am happy to see you all still going strong and some new people as well, VERY COOL! Keep up the good work!


[edit on 8-4-2008 by janglerock]

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 09:22 PM
It is nice to meet people somewhat like myself. This is the first time I've posted a response-I signed up just for this reason. I am a 25 yr old female in FL. When I was 5, I had a grand mal seizure and died in the ER for 2 minutes before doctors brought me back. I do not remember this or any of the time shortly after this event, I only know what my mother has told me. Ever since then, I suppose, I have felt an overly spiritual connection with the earth and the animals. I have always been really good at handling even dangerous animals, from dogs, to reptiles, etc. I have never really had a fear of any animal that I can recall. I have always had really vivid dreams that were memorable after I've woken up. I have had many recurring dreams about horribly realistic car crashes and death. I have been in about 7 or 8 car crashes, but I do not believe this explains my dreams, however I do truly fear getting into another crash. I have never been on a plane because of this fear, and also the fear of hights. I have pretty much always been scared of deep water(whether it be the ocean, a lake or a dark pool) and darkness as well. I have developed a type of agoraphobia in which I am fearful of leaving the house alone. I'm not sure why. But I'm always nervous in public by myself, even if I'm not doing anything wrong. I have spent a good part of my life staring up at the sky. One interesting account took place about 12 years ago- Me and a friend were staring up at the sky at night, laying on the ground for about an hour or so. In this time, we counted over 30 "shooting stars" and saw a really strange object float over my house about 150-200 ft. in the sky. It didn't have any lights on it, nor did it make any sound. It was shaped like a large rectangle object with a tail like streamers off a box kite. But who flys a kite at night??? And I don't remember hearing anything about a meteor shower either, but who knows. The shooting stars did not all come at once, they were a couple mins. apart mostly.
Another strange experience happened more recently, some time last year. I wrote down the date somewhere but I forget now, and it is irrelevant anyways. I was sitting on the stairs of my 2nd floor apt. building, waiting for my roommate to come out so I could take him somewhere. I was staring at the sky as usual. Then, I saw something I couldn't hardly believe... a perfecly spherical, mettalic object floating by not but a couple hundred yards away. It came from behind some trees, flew across the opening, and then disappeared behind some more trees. To make sure I wasn't crazy, I tried to take a couple shots of it with my cameraphone, but they were both so #ty that my dumbass erased them right away instead of trying to edit them on my PC to see if they looked any better up close. I'm still kickin myself in the ass for this mistake, because I have no evidence but a detailed description of the event. Btw, it was broad daylight, around 5pm ET, the object appeared to be about 50-75 ft up in the air, traveling at a perfectly straight path from left to right. I viewed it for about 30 seconds and even blinked to make sure there wasnt something in my eye. It was not a balloon, for it looked to be about 10-15 ft in diameter and moved in a straight line at a constant speed. This happened in Altamonte Springs in '07, did anyone else see it? cuz nobody believes me of course. But anyways, I continue to be a believer in our ancestors from the stars, and I hope they make contact with me soon because I have so many questions... and I also have many theories that I have derived from the compiled knowledge I have acquired since I started on my quest for information. Weird coincidence? I started heavily researching UFO's about 3 days before my experience last year. But I can assure you I was not high nor did i imagine the craft. If you would like to have an interesting learning experience... visit thanx for reading if ya did

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Believer2012

Interesting story and welcome to the thread. The shooting stars you saw, sound suspiciously like a meteor show, especially if you saw a lot in that period of time. However, about the rectangular object you saw, I got nothing. You said it didn't make any sound, nor have any lights, so my question is, did it create a shadow that you could see? Was there enough light that you could see maybe streetlights or maybe the moon reflected on its surface? Just curious

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 06:57 PM
Replying about the last post.... it was a dark figure, rather ghostly, just floating along. No reflection or lights. Kind of scary really. My friend saw it as well so I know I wasn't seeing things.

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by Believer2012

You know you mentioned being afrain of the deep water......strange I always seem to have "dreams"of the deep ocean.Last night another one,now I have scuba dove off the coast of St.Lucia and my mom is a certified diver.I remember one VIVID dream of a planet and some DEEP underwater enviroment with "aliens" and they had humans tricked into thinking they were on Earth or something,it was some real,real deep lake or something........unnaturally deep for Earth standards,I remember this alien species was at war with another........but the "evil"(from my perspective)did not look like any known or speculated alien species.They looked more...insectoid so to say,the other were humanoid,similar to the Grey,but not quite the same.Anyways I remember helping the humans break out of this "planet"and stealing the ship we were one under the water and flying back to Earth.I still remember flying it.................I used my hands to control it,I just haad them over some device,like a board.I still(and this is the strangest part)remember what traveling FTL looked like,it was like in the movies in "hyperspace(which Ill add is likely real and postulated in theoretical physics)It was like a tunnel of stars zooming past me.I remember the planet looked like Jupiter in the sky-its clouds were the color of Jupiter I mean,but the surface was rocky and mountainous.But the "aliens" were disguised as was crazy,but SO real..........Im not saying it was real,but I dunno.I have had many others besides that that that were NOT JUST DREAMS.Bit yea,I always have "deep sea"dreams and they are STRANGE.Also I saw a LARGE rectangular obeject over my house in 99-01(cant pinpoint the date)I lived next to a national guard air base.Not to mention I spoke with someone who claimed to work in the past for a secret branch of the CIA and told me many things which just now are coming to pass.He said this base(in Smyrna,TN,USA)was used to house ultra secret projects.Every morning for three months out of the year(which he said this "craft"alternated locations betwen area 51,Smyrna,and some other places(Under a lake in Canada)at 5 in the morning you would hear a TREAMENDOUS jet like after talking to him,one morning I decided to get up beforehand..........and WOW...........I saw exactly what he described.........a aircraft(silver in color) that CHANGED SHAPE AT WILL,he said it was built by us with ET knowledge,its propulsion system as he described it was and I quote "Its "engine"was in the front,it contracted space in fron and expanded it in the back......."now keep in mind this was WAY before I learned of these now "modern" warp theroies(I was a freshman in highschool or in 8th grade in middle school)But this craft used a hybrid SCRAM jet for atmospheric propulsion and the unkown tech. for space propulsion.Now he(the source)also told me of an underground tunnel system that connected all these secret bases,he said this base(which I lived less than 1/4 a mile from and could see)had a large underground chamber were all this was housed.....including ET tech,bodies,nuclear weapons,etc...............Now the funny thing is about a few months after he told me this a "national food storage cyro freeze building" was built..keep in mind it was guarded by ARMED guards who road around in MP trucks.This was the cover for an expanding project as he said.He said that the government stores ALOT of ultra secret things in places where YOU NEVER WOULD GUESS,like publically known bases,but in secret levels in the base.Now as for the "rectangular mothership"as I call it.I was outside one night looking at the stars(I had a telescope)and looked up.......and as he said-that these "ships"use a cloak type shield that makes them transparent and look like regular night stars.But I noticed a large(2-400 yrds. long by 1-150 yards wide or more) rectangular "shape"is the best way to describe it pass very slowly overhead,w/o a sound.I noticed it because like I said I was looking at the stars and all the sudden this "starfield"that looked "artificial"came overhead..............everything was out of place,it looked like a bunch of clumped dim lights.....I didnt see the how high the object was from floor to top,but as far as alttitude it was no more than 500 ft above me.It than after a few 5-10 seconds speed up and moved away in the direction it was going(from a slow crwal to a RAPID speed)My memory is still a lil fuzzy as I dont remember if one of my friends was with me and it seems like some things are missing,but my source said to look for these types of "crafts"and sure enough I saw one.As for the loud object in the mornings when I went out to look at it that day I saw it change from cylindrical to spherical to trangular to looking like a regular fighter was a brilliant silver in color that sparkeled against the sunlight,it made no sound after taking off by the way,than I lost sight of it after a few 10-15 seconds.

This is a summary of odd events that happend to me and my contact with a likely military high ranking source b/w the years of 99(maybe 98)-01.............I am sorry if my memory isnt great on this but I am not lying,but have no way of proving anything,all I can say is look on Google Earth at Smyrna,TN,USA.

Also my mother today out of the blue told me she has always had a "sixth sense".............odd.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by TheNetherlands
Btw, are there people in here seeing double numbers time and time again?

I just looked at my digital PC clock in the taskbar and again they are double numbers: 18:18

Now i see this every day, its getting irritating and now i anted to mention it.

I have seen:


It happens almost everyday now, and it only started like 2 or three months ago.
Somebody else got this irritating luck of watching the clock right at the moment they show double digits?

happend again.

In the bus i saw 18:18
and some 11:11' again

nobody else?

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by TheNetherlands

Not as such, but in the past several years I have had a repeating nightmare in which I see the number "88.8"

In the dream electricity throughout the city (possibly the entire area, state, or even country; I don't know, but it feels quite widespread in the dream) has been disrupted, and I am huddled with my family and friends in the closet, hiding from some unseen threat. Whenever I tune a battery operated radio in the dream to 88.8 FM, I can hear some strange sort of interference which I somehow know is a warning that the unseen threat is approaching, and it intensifies or lessens as the threat gets closer or becomes more distant. In the dream, the only means of preventing it from getting closer and doing to us whatever it is that we're all so afraid of, is to hold hands and will it to stay away.

One day my friend pointed out to me how odd he found that, because 88.8 FM is what he has to tune his car radio to in order to play his iPod through his car's speakers.

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 02:34 AM
some more amazing stories on here, thanks all for posting..... im having an odd few weeks, very odd dreams...... i also woke up one morning and remembered something else from my childhood.... driving somewhere with my mother, down a country lane that had trees either side, i remember seeing this dark coloured very very low plane go straight across the trees in front of us, i call it a plane as thats what i thought it was but it had no wings, was more like a dark tube, anyway there was no sound and my mother didnt see it......i was only 8 or 9 so it was soon forgotten or dismissed, but recalling it now its quite odd.....also these dreams lately are getting to me, in one i wake up look out my window and there is a huge planet next to earth, in another dream, parts of the earth split open, some dreams its sentences such as 'the government dissapear' or 'mass panic' its very confusing and i wake up feeling like ive had no sleep, anyway last night i somehow ended up reading about 'planet x' and i had a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach (im not saying i believe in it and im aware there isnt strong evidence to support it so dont jump on me!).... but something made me feel very uneasy when reading about it, i do feel something big is going to happen soon and feel thats what my dreams were about, in fact it felt like a warning... do any of you ever stumble across material or books that feel like they were 'planted' there for you, like you were meant to see them??? as this happens to me all the time.........
also the numbers thing, mine is 22.22 or 11.11, this happens to my mother too.... xxx

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 03:30 AM
Haven't posted for long. I've wanted to say that I've been having strange dreams too.
Last night's dream was about the ISS. It came down from the space. Don't know where it crashed and why. Something malfunctioned. That's all I can remember.
In some of my dreams I see taht the Earth has two moons or sometimes even two suns. The two suns part is why I learned about the planet X thing.

The numbers thing. 11:11, 22:22 etc. I don't think it's anything special anymore. It happens all the time. Mostly when I have a clock or something in my field of view. I think it's the brain noticing numeric patterns or something..

Originally posted by AceWombat04
reply to post by TheNetherlands

Not as such, but in the past several years I have had a repeating nightmare in which I see the number "88.8"

In the dream electricity throughout the city (possibly the entire area, state, or even country; I don't know, but it feels quite widespread in the dream) has been disrupted, and I am huddled with my family and friends in the closet, hiding from some unseen threat. Whenever I tune a battery operated radio in the dream to 88.8 FM, I can hear some strange sort of interference which I somehow know is a warning that the unseen threat is approaching, and it intensifies or lessens as the threat gets closer or becomes more distant. In the dream, the only means of preventing it from getting closer and doing to us whatever it is that we're all so afraid of, is to hold hands and will it to stay away.

One day my friend pointed out to me how odd he found that, because 88.8 FM is what he has to tune his car radio to in order to play his iPod through his car's speakers.

Read Your post right now and it reminded me of Silent Hill. Have you seen that movie or played the games?

[edit on 12-4-2008 by Blue10110]

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