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younger generation believers...with experiences

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posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 06:51 PM
How about this?

Lets all NOT worry about 2012,lets just live for the now.And if 2012 happens lets appreciate the shock and awe.We will be able to say "I knew it was coming"-for we will be more prepaired than others.

Also the southeast is easier(as far a I know)to state our feelings than,say the midwest(I lived in Tennessee,now in Illinois)Lets not stereotype the south...I know its

Also to "netherlands"-Haahaha,I know EXACTLYwhat your saying about love......I hate it.but love it.Just deal with it,cause its a part of even our lifes.I hope it works out for you my friend.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 02:26 AM
Love can break you or make you a better person. It's a lot like lottery. Most of the time you lose but when you hit then you hit BIG, jackpot hehe..
The mos difficult thing is to end a relationship..
Love is addictive..

Anyway a little about me too.
I decided to find a job. Want to earn some money to fulfill a few of my little "dreams". Since I live with parents I think that about 99% of the money will be spent for my personal needs.
I even did some math

If my calculations are correct then it should take me about a year to fulfill those "dreams".

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 07:53 PM
I just know that there is something...

I had DejaVu the other day. Not sure if I posted in here but today is sunday and friday night i had a real bad accident. I haven't recovered my full memory back yet but its close to coming back. I had told someone the day that I had Dejavu that something really bad was going to happen to me soon. I knew it in my mind because of my soul. What is weird tho is I remember seeing a UFO before the accident or something strange. I dont know what it was but it distracted me into missing a stop sign so I slammed onto my brakes and almost didn't get hit but they got about 2 ft of the front of my car and anyways i ended up in the hospital and now Im back. lol i dont know if the UFO was a delusion as it could be but i have a memory of something like that and Im just trying to figure out where it came from. Anyways. Yall take it easy and Happy Hunting.

That may not be all that relevant but my anwser to you all is that your soul will tell you the anwser if you find a way to communicate to it. Like tell yourself to find the anweres before you go to sleep or something. Your soul is there people. I know it is, more then ever now.

[edit on 20-4-2008 by rjmelter]

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08
How about this?

Lets all NOT worry about 2012,lets just live for the now.And if 2012 happens lets appreciate the shock and awe.We will be able to say "I knew it was coming"-for we will be more prepaired than others.

Also the southeast is easier(as far a I know)to state our feelings than,say the midwest(I lived in Tennessee,now in Illinois)Lets not stereotype the south...I know its

Also to "netherlands"-Haahaha,I know EXACTLYwhat your saying about love......I hate it.but love it.Just deal with it,cause its a part of even our lifes.I hope it works out for you my friend.

I dont wanna deal with it cause its ripping my way of living apart, again...

First of al, im only thinking about her instead of the things that are real important.
I cant focus on my dreams, on these topics... she gets me mad, jeaulous, dissapointed, happy, horny....

Since my ex-girlfriend left me i build up myself a life which contains of sucking knowledge and earning my money... i dont want it to change... i need to keep developing myself in topics like these, i need to find out what is happening to us, cause all these 100 percent exact same experiences and dreams arent coincidences... there is something behind all this weve talked about in this thread.... I really dont need love right now, its like standing on ice while putting on a big fire... not adviseable.

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by TheNetherlands

"its like standing on ice while putting on a big fire... not adviseable."

Nice quote..........well do what your heart tels you to do(corny I know)

**Dude,were are you getting those avatars?They are AWESOME
I esspecially liked the "darth yoda".

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 09:08 PM
I apologize if this is in any way off topic. I just saw the ongoing conversation and wanted to throw in my two cents of most likely worthless advice lol.

I would like to think that the problem can be found in the forms taken by people's relationships, rather than love itself per say. I recently learned the hard way that love and relationships are two very different things. Love can be (and is at its best in my opinion) totally unconditional. Relationships on the other hand can never be unconditional, because they are a series of compromises, pacts, understandings, and agreements (whether spoken or inferred) between two different beings.

I would like to believe that if you find someone who truly loves you and if the nature of the relationship is such that you both mutually support and nurture your respective growth and exploration of these issues (and whatever else you're passionate about,) then it can work. That's the trick though: love alone isn't sufficient; the love has to be put first by both members of the relationship in as selfless a way possible, while at the same time still seeing to each other's individual needs and wants. The nature of the relationship itself and the desires of both members of it have to align with the direction you want to take your life, consciousness, and time in. The biggest dagger in the heart of any relationship - friendship, romance, whatever - is two people wanting and needing two completely different things, such that the relationship becomes totally untenable.

I believe love can be a wonderful, beautiful, fulfilling, and enriching thing - one of the greatest things life has to offer by far, in my opinion - but forging a relationship with someone that is a pure reflection of that love and through which you both grow and improve yourselves at the same time can be extremely difficult... especially if you haven't found the right person.

That said, I'm probably the WORST person to give advice of any kind on this subject lol. Good luck to all concerned all the same!

[edit on 4/21/2008 by AceWombat04]

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 01:26 AM
Ok, first - OP, I would just like to say a big thank you for this wonderful post. Look at the amazing discussion it's brought, brilliant!

This entire thread reflects exactly what I, myself, have been "feeling" my entire LIFE.

I remember as a young child, I used to be much more "mature" for my age as well.

I used to play in the school yard and the kids used to fight a lot, for example. I remember sitting to the side and thinking to myself "What the hell are these guys doing?!?!!". Of course, it was just like any other normal thing for them to do, but to me, it was the most absurd thing in the world.

Same thing with bars and partying, really. Like everyone else mentioned, I never saw the reasoning behind pumping as much alcohol into your blood stream to the point where you would puke your guts out and would need the help of 3 other people to carry you back home. Yet, I see this happen to some of my buddies, all the time. Same goes for smoking and drugs. Why would a person inject all that smoke and chemicals into their lungs and body? I never understood this.

As a kid, I used to read a lot of books as well while everyone else was watching Micky Mouse on TV. I was fascinated with the stars, planets and dinosaurs and other such materials.

I just, for some reason that I cannot explain, always felt like I was "ahead of my time" and I would look at the world around me and wonder "WOW! What the hell is going on here?! PLEASE! Mature, people."

I, too, am 25. Unfortunately, I have never had any direct experiences with UFO's. I have never seen one or anything like that.

I do, however, firmly and strongly believe that this phenomenon is very, very real.

I remember being very skeptical at first about aliens and UFO's back in my Teens. But now, having done the research, it's almost impossible for me to believe otherwise at this point. There's been so many sightings and reports from all around the globe. Not to mention, the very legit documents and videos, as well as testimonies from very credible sources such as former government officials and military personnel which back up their existence.

There's also other strange occurrences surrounding the UFO's phenomena - such as cattle mutilations and crop circles. Both of which have never fully been explained. It's just absolutely fascinating.

IMO, one needs to look no further than this entire universe we live in and we just "know" that somehow, someway, we aren't "alone" in it. It's impossible.

I know that exact "Feeling" you're talking about. The whole "Why the hell am I here?" feeling. The feeling that you're here for something much, much "Bigger".

Personally, I feel like I should be out there exploring the many moons, planets and stars that inhabit these fabulous, far distant worlds in our galaxy. I feel a calling that's beyond this planet, but yet I am bound by the limits of my human body and what our current transportation and technology can allow.

That's one of the reasons why I think I have a hard time, sometimes, to "relate" to people as you mentioned, because it seems everyone around me is living for the "moment".

It's almost like they are living in a box and are forcingly unwilling to expand and open their minds to different possibilities that differ from their own reality and lifestyles. The moment you mention something that isn't "ordinary" or accepted by the mainstreamed society, their thoughts process explode.

I am by no means an anti-social person. I love to interact with people on a daily basis and I have no choice but to do so with the job I have, but it's extremely funny to see the attitude of some of the people I frequent. They don't seem to get the bigger picture at all. They concern and worry themselves with little meaningless things.

Then, I turn on my TV, and what do I see? I see the tape of latest scandal about Obama's pastor being played over and over again, Hillary Clinton's "sniper fire" comments or Governor Spitzer having a special rendezvous with an exotic escort, it's ridiculous.

Don't even get me started on the polygamist sect of Warren Jeffs that is on every news channel now. It is one, if not **THE** perfect example of what we're talking about here. People who cannot and are unwilling to grasp the bigger picture or think for themselves. They are easily content with living their small simple lives like a sheep, lead by a shepherd.

I often ask myself, why aren't I not seeing some of the latest pictures of NASA's space explorations on TV? Why am I not seeing other new scientific discoveries and projects that could, and would be much more useful and beneficial for us as a species? Why isn't information like this in the mainstream news? You would think some of the most stunning discoveries we see here on the internet, on a daily basis, posted on official sites like NASA, would be on every major news network in television, on the front page of every newspaper, in every town, and every city - but isn't.

On the rare occasions that I do see such news, it usually get's a broadcast time of no more than 5-10 mins, and it's back to the latest week's gossip again.

I try to talk about this to some of my family members or the people I work with, but they all think I'm nuts. They all carry a "LOL! There's nothing out there noob - Just empty space" attitude. Yet, of course, they are more concerned with knowing if Briney Spears' recovery is going well. Pathetic, really.

Unfortunately, I have come to realize and accept the sad fact that we live in a society that is more preoccupied with the latest scandals, celebrity drama and who's gonna win American Idol this year, rather than discovering new and exciting things that lie beyond this world. Things that could advance our knowledge as a species by so, so much.

It's a shame, but it's the reality we live in. The good news is, after having read this thread, I have realized that I'm not alone and I'm not the only one who has felt this way all along.

It's certainly a relief to see that so many people have had many similar, if not exact same experiences I've had. =)

This is my first post on ATS, and now that I've found this place, I look forward to being part of this great community for a long, long time.



[edit on 22-4-2008 by N3V3RM1ND]

[edit on 22-4-2008 by N3V3RM1ND]

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by N3V3RM1ND

hey N3V3RM1ND..... thanks for joining in with your great story, which i can relate to 100%
im so pleased with this thread, and thrilled to 'meet' so many people who feel the same from all different parts of the world.....

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by jkrog08
reply to post by TheNetherlands

"its like standing on ice while putting on a big fire... not adviseable."

Nice quote..........well do what your heart tels you to do(corny I know)

**Dude,were are you getting those avatars?They are AWESOME
I esspecially liked the "darth yoda".

Lol, Darth Yoda was from a wallpaper which i cut out and did some photoshop on, same with the Darth Vader one, which didnt showed up anymore so i changed it, again..

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by AceWombat04
I apologize if this is in any way off topic. I just saw the ongoing conversation and wanted to throw in my two cents of most likely worthless advice lol.

I would like to think that the problem can be found in the forms taken by people's relationships, rather than love itself per say. I recently learned the hard way that love and relationships are two very different things. Love can be (and is at its best in my opinion) totally unconditional. Relationships on the other hand can never be unconditional, because they are a series of compromises, pacts, understandings, and agreements (whether spoken or inferred) between two different beings.

I would like to believe that if you find someone who truly loves you and if the nature of the relationship is such that you both mutually support and nurture your respective growth and exploration of these issues (and whatever else you're passionate about,) then it can work. That's the trick though: love alone isn't sufficient; the love has to be put first by both members of the relationship in as selfless a way possible, while at the same time still seeing to each other's individual needs and wants. The nature of the relationship itself and the desires of both members of it have to align with the direction you want to take your life, consciousness, and time in. The biggest dagger in the heart of any relationship - friendship, romance, whatever - is two people wanting and needing two completely different things, such that the relationship becomes totally untenable.

I believe love can be a wonderful, beautiful, fulfilling, and enriching thing - one of the greatest things life has to offer by far, in my opinion - but forging a relationship with someone that is a pure reflection of that love and through which you both grow and improve yourselves at the same time can be extremely difficult... especially if you haven't found the right person.

That said, I'm probably the WORST person to give advice of any kind on this subject lol. Good luck to all concerned all the same!

[edit on 4/21/2008 by AceWombat04]

Well, its a great advice, i totally agree, and i figured it out after my last relationship turned out to be cowcrap!

And thats why i dont want it anymore, exactly like you say, its about compromises and stuff etc etc... in this important times i want to live my own life, not being afraid of what she might think or do or say or whatever...
Also im afraid i again fall in love with the wrong person. Not that i have any reason to think that but ,my own experiences... has nothing to do with her.

I really really believe the next five years are too damn important so i dont want to get set back in whichever progress i am making towards lets say 2012...
Look, maybe its all a bunch of crap in which i WANT to believe too much, but hey, in 2012 im 25/26 years old, there is enough time to find that special someone... for now im focusing on my own growth instead of relationships that never worked out for me in the past.

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by N3V3RM1ND

Nice first post and welcome to ATS!
Just found another thing I can relate to.
When I was about 6 or 7 years old I found a few encyclopedia books. Found them extremely interesting. I think I read them all from first page to the last one..

That's when I got interested in science and aliens etc.
Then I started going to the library. Read most of the books about ufos, our solar system, technology etc that I found t here.

[edit on 22-4-2008 by Blue10110]

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 02:15 PM
I hope everyone here is doing good.

Life's been pretty average for me these past couple weeks. I've been pretty distracted with work, so haven't had time to really focus on anything else. Cept for when our resident poltergeist decided to "play" with my MP3 player. But other then that, nothing new.

At any rate, since its on my mind, I dont know if you guys have heard of mute math, but, they recently did a song called "Typical". Its an amazing song, a fun video, plus the lyrics fit the main topic of this forum. Call it a theme if you will. Heres the link:

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 03:46 PM
The vid is not available in my country..
Anyway how was everyone's 22'nd april?

Any sightings of ufos OR aliens.

[edit on 23-4-2008 by Blue10110]

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by Blue10110

Lol,NO!!!..................I wasn't expecting much,but I was hoping,so I guess I was a lil' disappointed.

I did go out and observe for Astronomy was cool,we looked at Saturn and some of it's moons.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Mayan Pilot

Awesome song!Video is tight,it is like our theme song................good find,starred.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 08:00 PM
My experience with a UFO was not as exciting as alot of yours. I don't really talk about it because my parents never believed me and made me feel stupid. When I was about 8 or 9 my mom and step-dad were working in the yard and I was running around doing things kids do. I all of sudden got this strage feeling. I looked up and saw a silver disk hovering. I screamed and ran to my parents all the while watching the disk in the sky. I looked away for a second and it was gone. My parents of course didn't beleve me, but since that day I have been a firm believer
The next couple weeks I told some of my classmates about seeing it. Aparently it gave one girl nightmares, and my parents were called in I got in trouble. Not to mention it made me feel like I was crazy.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 04:34 AM
Great song (the mute math song) in my opinion.
"The spell of the typical" is a really interesting phrase that I wouldn't have ever thought of. I couldn't help but think while listening to it that, in some ways, it's sort of in contrast to "Ordinary World" by Duran Duran. In the latter, the artist is trying to find their way back to the mundane from the surreal, while in the former the artist is trying to escape the mundane and discover something beyond the "typical." That's an interesting musical microcosm of two seemingly polar opposite quests or journeys that can be found in modern society as a whole, really. We are all - almost desperately - trying to understand and even, in some people's cases, embrace something totally atypical from society's perspective, while others in life desperately want to escape from strangeness and experience some "normalcy."

(I listen to way too much music, I know.)

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 03:15 PM
I dont know if it is just me becoming smarter(since Im in college now)or me going crazy or misinterpeting feelings but recently I have just fet on "another level"of understanding.

I see purpose in all things,I can see meanings in events,and detect subtle changes in attidtude and interpet the feelings.

Its like a light has been turned on in my head and I can put the "puzzle"together a little better now.But I am starting to see things on a "grand"scale,without time being a factor,I dont know how else to explain it but is anyone else feeling this?

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by 4thefight

Hey I read your story,and WOW,what an event to live through and to be strong through all of that is AMAZING.........welcome to the thread.

That story just goes to show that we are all here for a purpose and cannot die until we finish it.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by 4thefight

Yeah that is an amazing story, glad you're okay.

Welcome friend!

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