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younger generation believers...with experiences

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posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 12:47 PM
I think the movie "Signs" said it best:
"People break down into two groups when the experience something lucky. Group number one sees it as more than luck, more than coincidence. They see it as a sign, evidence, that there is someone up there, watching out for them. Group number two sees it as just pure luck. Just a happy turn of chance. I'm sure the people in Group number two are looking at those fourteen lights in a very suspicious way. For them, the situation isn't fifty-fifty. Could be bad, could be good. But deep down, they feel that whatever happens, they're on their own. And that fills them with fear. Yeah, there are those people. But there's a whole lot of people in the Group number one. When they see those fourteen lights, they're looking at a miracle. And deep down, they feel that whatever's going to happen, there will be someone there to help them. And that fills them with hope. See what you have to ask yourself is what kind of person are you? Are you the kind that sees signs, sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky? Or, look at the question this way: Is it possible that there are no coincidences?"

So, what does it mean that we all have similar experiences? Is it just pure coincidence, that we just happen to think the same way, or feel the same for no reason? Or, is there more meaning behind it. Granite, its hard to really "test" this sort of thing, since all of our experiences are pretty much what we remember, or think we remember. Maybe it is just nothing more than luck that we all feel the same. Or maybe its, well I don't really know what to label it really. It would be logical, not to mention easier, to label this as a just a fleeting feeling or just plain crazy. But a part of me, deep down doesn't want it to be a lie.

Personally, I believe it means something. But what it could pertain to, who knows. A lot of you have brought up 2012. And I have to say, I feel connected to that date as well. No clue why. But aside from the mayans, why would other cultures the world over bring up the same date? At different times in history?

Whatever there reasoning, I'd like to think it means a change. My perspective is thus: Mankind has pretty gone on a binge run of progress in the last century, without really thinking of the consequences. Example would be global warming, and if you feel it isnt a threat, read the article about part of the antarctic ice shelf breaking off thats supposedly been around for about 1500 years. Another example would be our dependency on oil and other such fossil fuels. Or how obsessed our world seems to be with materialism, and fear. How long can our current state of affairs last until something breaks...? Something needs to happen for people to really "Wake up" and start thinking about the future. And no matter what people say, it just doesnt like anyone is really concerned.

What that has to do with us, no clue. But, maybe mankind is coming to an "awakening". Where maybe, parts of us are waking up, becoming more than what we seem. Perhaps being human is more than what we thought it was, maybe we have forgotten how, or were made to forget. And, for some reason, we are remembering at this point in time. So close to 2012?

Any thoughts?


posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Mayan Pilot

We are definitly waking up and realizing our true potential is limitless. We are the guardians of this planet and this simple fact is right in front of our face, staring at us. Yet there are those of us who refuse to accept this responsibility and instead abuse everything around us. But with technology advancing at its current pace, we either wake up now or perish forever in shame of what could have been.

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by AceWombat04

Hey,great post....starred
Anyways yea that '___' is a new one,I dont recall hearing much about that before-could you provide me a link to your source via u2u?Thanx

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 07:08 PM
Does anyone else on here also seem like they always overanalyze nearly every type of situation or when they read something there brain just wont stop thinking and disecting all the possibilites-lol-to the point were it kinda gets annoying?Like Im talking about going through different scneirios(?)for every little event.Also does anyone remember dreaming and actually remember building something scientific,like an instrument or using or building,or coming up w/ an idea for some type of technology that doesnt exsist yet-and the numbers and specs in your dream making sense in the real world?I remember a dream I had where I was showing some (teachers?)a zero point enrgy(free energy)device I had constructed-they asked me what I had done or made,there were other students(I guess)in the room aswell-the room was all very high-tech,w/ monitors and all kinds of advanced scientific equipment,the teachers came in through some (blast??)door things-and I cant remember what I saw in the room they came out of,but for some reason I want to say like a control room with a large viewing window looking over a planet(Earth?)There was also some holographic projection in the middle of the room I was in.All these devices were WAY ABOVE tech we use today.Its funny I still remember this dream I had when I was 17 or 18.........cause now Im 21 almost 22(may 4th)

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by jkrog08

My brain pre-processes many conversations with other people like that. Some conversations I have with other ppl are all planned out and I know exactly what the other person is gonna tell or what to answer them.

I've built all kinds of different stuff in dreams too. Can't remember any of it right now though..

You were probably on a spaceship that is used for research or something. I really love those dreams where I'm on a spaceship
. How many "Suns" or "Moons" did that planet have?

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 11:10 AM
Most of the dreams that I can remember, really don't involve building something, but some consist of using technology that doesn't exist yet. Like crystals, teleporters, mind over matter type of things. Most dreams consist of a group of people and myself trying to stop something, or someone.

Anyone else's dreams feel more real than they should? Like have you felt pain, had extreme emotion, very vivid?

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 12:34 PM
This is a really great thread!

As has been stated on this thread already I also feel older than I am...I don't connect well with people my age. I feel like I'm an old soul trapped in this 22 yr old Body. I get irritated quite quickly when other people my age can't carry an intellegent conversation about anything other than alocohol, the bar, and the losers they date (and stay with, only to complain about them). I feel like I don't fit in my age group, and I often get offended when I am asked to provide my age, as if it alone classifies me as a person. I don't feel 22.

I have woken up with strange bruises, scratches, and minor cuts on my body. At first I figured it was just me tossing and turning...but one time the scratches were all over my back...(trust me, they weren't from sex, I was sleeping alone at the time), so how did I scratch my own back like that? I have found random scars that I don't remember getting, mostly around my ankles and large bruises on my thights...just weird little things that make me wonder. I don't know that I've been abducted, but I'm not opposed to any ideas. I believe in possibilities.

I don't want to say I'm scared of the dark, beacuse I'm not scared. I'm just uncomfortable. Things in my room need to be a certain way in order for me to sleep... my closet doors must be open, my bedroom door must be closed, my window can't be open too much (the curtains MUSt be closed), and I need to be able to see the door from where I'm sleeping. All of these things have to be this way in order for me to sleep, otherwise I get really uncomfortable. I don't know why these things need to be this way, they just do...

About 2 years ago I started having very intense vivid dreams. Dreams that feel so real, that when i wake up, I have to wonder if It actually happend. I've had a couple of dreams where I wake up crying and in the fetal position (those are mainly dreams about my father dying, he's still alive, but these dreams shake me to core). I've had dreams about being chased, and in my dreams, I can run as fast as I want (In real life, I'm NOT a runner at all), I can breathe under water, and I can fly... All of these things save me from being "caught" by whoever is chasing me. These dreams are often very colorful, in lots of detail, they feel like reality. Except that I know I can't fly, or breathe under water LOL

Like I said, I'm not opposed to ANY ideas, I'm very open to different possibilities... It's interesting to hear that some other people have been having these experiences as well...

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 01:05 PM
I can say I too have vivid dreams with elements such as:

  • Being chased by some unknown entity or group
  • Working with others whom I feel I know (or have known for a long time) but don't know in real life, usually to accomplish some sort of collective task
  • Utilizing or witnessing strange technology, usually some sort of portal-like device in my case. The portals (a common theme in many of my dreams) seem to always have to do with water somehow - pools, lakes, rivers, oceans, bays, and even fountains. Often the dreams are underwater in their entirety.
  • Abilities such as flying, underwater breathing, floating/levitating, telekinesis, and the creation of music with thought alone.

I've also had a number of dreams over the years in which I hear music which is so moving or seemingly important to me that when I wake up, I teach myself how to play the melodies. Usually in those cases there are strange lyrical phrases as well, but in one or two cases there was only music.

All of these dreams are extremely vivid, easily recalled, and mood altering throughout the day. They color my feelings and thought process for hours or more.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by AceWombat04
I can say I too have vivid dreams with elements such as:

  • Being chased by some unknown entity or group
  • Working with others whom I feel I know (or have known for a long time) but don't know in real life, usually to accomplish some sort of collective task
  • Utilizing or witnessing strange technology, usually some sort of portal-like device in my case. The portals (a common theme in many of my dreams) seem to always have to do with water somehow - pools, lakes, rivers, oceans, bays, and even fountains. Often the dreams are underwater in their entirety.
  • Abilities such as flying, underwater breathing, floating/levitating, telekinesis, and the creation of music with thought alone.

Wow, I don't chime in on these threads much (maybe I should... lol), but that desribes many of my dreams (even when I was a lil kid)!
I won't go into any of them atm though cuz I'm still trying to figure out if its all real or...what, I have to figure it out before I need to put a foot in my mouth lol.

About 2 years ago I started having very intense vivid dreams. Dreams that feel so real, that when i wake up, I have to wonder if It actually happend.

All I can say is, exactly.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by cosmicstorm
reply to post by Mayan Pilot

I definitely feel something big is coming, its a very odd feeling but its always there in the back of my mind.....i cant explain it....
the last few posts are thought provoking, there must be a reason to why we all feel like this, and is it just coincidence were all in the ufo/alien forum? and have a keen interest in this stuff?

whatever the reason, i think its a great idea to keep in touch, and share stories/ experiences......

For starters, i think its a great idea to gain knowledge about those dreams of going to school inside alien ships.
I always thought i just dreamt it but some of you guys have dreamt it too, so if someone has more info, please share. It would be a great start to figure out why we are experiencing all the same.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 03:41 PM
And indeed, the vivid dreams, i have 'em too.
The most intense one was when i woke up i really was doubting if it just was a dream.

I was at a beach, with some friends. Suddenly some guy got all crazy, started fighting anyone and such.
It was a typical hawaiian beach and beach-bar btw.

So i was trying to get this man away from the crowd because i was worried someone might got hurt. Then the guy grabs a glass, smashes it in to peaces, and stabbed it into my throat.
I immediatly woke up and i didnt dare to look in the mirror or feel my throat because i was seriously thinking that maybe there was a hole in my throat. So intense...

And i was a kid when i dreamed it, i never been to hawaii.. in the dream i was on hawaii and i was a grown up... i thought dreams are a way of processing what happend that day or earlier in my life, or were formed because of some thinks you are thinking about while away... well, none of that was the case, and it was my first and ONLY dream in which i was a grown up while i was a little boy, i was 6 or 7 years old at that time.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by TheNetherlands

Thats interesting. I've had dreams where I will be going to a location that i've never seen nor heard of, yet will remember small details about the place that I find out later are true. Anyone else experience this? If so, what do you think it means?

Does anyone have any dreams involving shapeshifting of some sort?

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Mayan Pilot
Does anyone have any dreams involving shapeshifting of some sort?

Well I had something like that when I was younger. I blame Digimon for those

Shapeshifting is really interesting to watch in movies and such. Wish it was possible in reality

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 08:52 PM
My mother used to have dreams about typical "greys" shapeshifting between that form and wolves, cats, and other animals. Come to think of it, those dreams involved flying as well.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 12:24 PM
Hey all!

Just finished catching up on the posts. Can't wait to get my post count up so I can u2u with you all. For jkrog08, my birthday is August 28, 1978.

On the most recent topic of dreams, I've had some interesting ones too. And like a lot of you I can't tell if some were really dreams or actual experiences. One that I'm pretty sure was real happened when I was pretty young, maybe 8. It involved me waking up in the middle of the night during the summer, at my house in Colorado, in my back yard. I just remember laying in the grass, looking around, and the next memory I have is waking up in my bed in the morning. No abduction memory specifically, but I also used to get bloody noses a lot as a baby and young child. So I've always wondered if maybe I was physically implanted. I say physically because I know that psychological implants exist too that allow various entities to impulse people. Don't want to go into detail about that now but I've had personal experience with this. Anyone else?

But getting back to dreams, I've also had the dream about being stabbed in the chest by a large needle. I think another post mentioned this one but in the stomach. Mine was directly in my sternum and hurt so badly that I wonder now if it was real. This one also happened as a child.

Other dreams include flying, being chased, although I always feel like I'm running in slow motion versus fast like in other posts, going through portals, and a couple brief OBE types that didn't last very long. These feel like I levitated and then due to being startled, came back pretty quickly. Interestingly, all of these dreams happened during childhood with the exception of the OBEs, which only happened a few years ago. Not sure if there's any significance there.

More to come soon.


posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 01:52 PM
What a phenomonal thread all. Kinda sorry I'm late to the party but I'd like to offer a suggestion to all.

After reading the first dozen pages, everything became the same in this thread, and in a good way. In one way or another, everyone was describing the oneness that is filled throughout the universe and the dimensions. I can relate to almost everything in this thread and could contribute with many personal experiences. Those that think like us are not alone.

With that said, I have found that my best meditations are ones that are not preplanned. Recently, many of my meditations have come to this vision:

People sitting around the world, holding hands, using their own energy in combination with the others, to bestow the true existance that every organism that exists anywhere should be alloted.

You all have seem to come close together through this thread, and from this I feel deeply connected to many of you. With the help of you all, my question is would anyone be interested in organizing a form of a worldwide meditation?

I knew people like you existed, yet I've never seen so many like minded people connected through any medium. I've always been interested in something like this and would be willing to help coordinate, set up parameters, or anything else to make an event like this happen.

People many times feel like they can't do anything in what can be a dark world. But as said by someone before, I believe in the army of the light, and am a member myself. There is much we can do and this could be a great start. I can't imagine what it would be like to be globally connected to some of your energies at the same time. So is anyone down?

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Universal Light

I knew people like you existed,

How did you know???

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Since I was five, I always saw blue, red, and purple dots everywhere I was. I thought this was a normal part of life and never assumed anything weird. When I was thirteen, I became an atheist yet I could still see the dots. Ten years later I realized that I could see auras and then became a self-taught meditation student.

One day I had a mediation where I entered the fourth dimension. To no avail, when I entered for the first time, it was made entirely out of blue, red, and purple dots which I have now come to realize as vibrational energy.

In the same meditation, I also traveled to the fifth dimension. The fifth is a place of no bounds, where truly anything can exist.

Since then, my life frequently exists in the fourth and fifth dimensions. When I'm walking, not only can I see auras, but I can see the fourth dimension stacked on top of the third. From all of this, I've have come to know everything to be truly vibrational energy. I've been able to tap into that energy to answer many questions about this life. By no means am I claiming to know everything because on the grand scale, I know very little (and I'm perfectly content with that).

I can feel and see many things. I have always had this feeling that the world revolves around me. And not in an arrogant way either, more in that I'm a central point of energy for things around me and I have connected to that which I know others have as well. That is why I offered my proposal as I feel you all have the world revolving around you too. I'd be glad to explain more if you like.


posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by Universal Light

So how big were these dots,also recently I have started to feel(like seeing but not seeing)another dimension ontop of this one(its hard to explain,as Im sure you know)I also recently have been able to kinda see auras(I could kinda some years ago)againSo your saying you just felt there were others like you??I too not in a arrogant way feel like things work around me,also I have always agreed with the "string theroy"of quantom physics,which ties into your vibrational dimensions,I infact last year started telling my friends and trying to explin what I ment...compairing it to a radio frequincy(?) kida.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 02:59 PM
Edit: sorry, double post

[edit on 4-4-2008 by Universal Light]

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