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Royal Order of Jesters testify about Illegal Drugs, Child Prostitution

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posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 04:17 AM
Here is an update on the jesters cases.

This investigation has grown from dryly describing numbers on non profit tax returns to exposing the Shriners' dirty-little-secret sub-group, the Royal Order of Jesters and their prostitution scandals.

It's been kind of shocking to discover that this American icon has been "misleading the public for years" (1), and then come to find out that some of these Shriner/Jesters have committed sex crimes under the guise of being a non profit group.

I will be sure to keep my eyes open for any updates on this topic.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 02:33 PM
Its rather sad to watch Sandy Frost continue to desperately and breathlessly drag this out in the hopes that it would get her some fame. The only people who believe her are conspiracy theorists looking for a reason to hate masons (even though once again the Shriners are a club of masons and not masonic).

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by LowLevelMason
The only people who believe her are conspiracy theorists looking for a reason to hate masons.

That is quite a bold statement.

Do you think human traficing is ok?

Under aged prositutes maybe ?

Perhaps i understand your statement totaly wrong?

Maybe you forgot she won some journalist price, so some sane people believe her.
As far as i can see she has more credentials than you.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 05:41 PM

reply posted on 10-3-2008 @ 07:47 PM by pacificwind Originally posted by yankeerose Are there any Official Freemason texts, or a Mason handbook that are available to the public? They are a secret society, and their manuals are copyrighted... so I do not think that there would be such a book that could be quoted without breaking the law. Yes, lots of them. You can find every single ritual you want to. Everything. You can even go look through the records of your town lodge, most of them keep archives at the universities close to them. Nothing is officially freemason, of course, because there is no "official freemason" body that speaks for everyone. There are texts published by state grand lodges, which are the "official" texts for that state. Originally posted by yankeerose Also, I am just telling you the way it was when the Shriners were in town. It wasn't the parades and such people were worried about... it was the drunken Shriners that were in every bar, massage parlor, and hotel in the downtown area... that's what people were concerned about. And there were hundreds of them, all in their little Ali Baba outfits raising I guess it's hard for me to respect any organization, once you have seen them behave that way in public. I have no doubt that you are over exaggerating because, as we have seen, you see the world with a very radical pair of glasses. I have been to many academic conventions, and let me tell you, those darn professors and graduate students were in every bar, massage parlor, and hotel in the towns they hold conferences in. Do you get frightened when people who share the same characteristic congregate? According to your logic, anytime people congregate and share a characteristic they should be feared, and oh, all non-masons share the same characteristics (since the masons do, according to your logic). I hope you also cower in fear anywhere large masses of non-masons (most of the population) gather. Originally posted by yankeerose I do not hate Shriners... I just think they are racist, sexist, adulterous, liars, that think they are above the law. I came to that conclusion by observing, and working with them for years. And before you even ask... no I never met one who wasn't. The irony amazes me. I'm amazed at such bigoted statements. Will you next tell me that all black people are criminals and stupid, or all white people are rednecks and illiterate? One day I hope you realize that generalizing to an entire group of people based on what you HEARD (since mommy kept you inside, you didn't even see any of this - its all hearsay) is not only bound to be incorrect, but it demonstrates a lack of critical thinking. Originally posted by yankeerose So say what you will about me, try and discredit me, do what you do best... but the truth still stands. It is MY truth based on MY experiences dealing with Freemasons both at work and socially... and there isn't anything you can do to change it. There is no need to discredit you. Your statements do it on your own. The truth still stands that you have demonstrated a shocking lack of knowledge about even the most basics of masonry (like the fact that there is no relationship between Skull and Bones and freemasonry). Then, you expect everyone to believe you when you start telling us **all shriners** are any number of horrible things...because mommy kept you inside when you were young. It is your truth, and only your truth. Because reality is much different. No one is trying to change your view because your radical bigoted agenda is quite clear. You are not here to discuss anything except forcing your agenda on everyone else. [edit on 10-3-2008 by pacificwind]

This is funny, I only stumbled across this website the other day.. I must say its an awesome source for information.

But this is not an isolated case, I live in the UK and my great grandad was a FreeMason and he also told me that the ROJ is a dirty side to FreeMasons..

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by jaamaan

Originally posted by LowLevelMason
The only people who believe her are conspiracy theorists looking for a reason to hate masons.

That is quite a bold statement.

Do you think human traficing is ok?

Under aged prositutes maybe ?

Perhaps i understand your statement totaly wrong?

Maybe you forgot she won some journalist price, so some sane people believe her.
As far as i can see she has more credentials than you.

Since when did winning a honorable mention in some organization that no one else has heard of make someone legitimate? By the way, I and many others have written to the organization that awarded her that prize and they have expressed some concerns over it
As far as I can see she has no credentials.

Do you have any proof that human trafficking occurred?
Do you have any proof that under aged prostitution occurred?

I can use your same reasoning:

Do you enjoy making accusations against people without proof?
Do you have any proof that this was done as a part of masonry instead of people in a club that happened to be masons?

[edit on 8-12-2008 by LowLevelMason]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by LowLevelMason

Since when did winning a honorable mention in some organization that no one else has heard of make someone legitimate? By the way, I and many others have written to the organization that awarded her that prize and they have expressed some concerns over it
As far as I can see she has no credentials.

Do you have any proof that human trafficking occurred?

Have you read the acual OP and the updates, it doesnt seem so.
People where convicted of human trafficing in these cases, even a high placed judge.
Maybe read the article, "again" for your requested proof in this matter.

Originally posted by LowLevelMason

I can use your same reasoning:

Do you enjoy making accusations against people without proof?
Do you have any proof that this was done as a part of masonry instead of people in a club that happened to be masons?

[edit on 8-12-2008 by LowLevelMason]

Well as far as i can see she has more credetials than you as you failed to show yours so far, so if you dont mind i take her word over yours.

To answer your question, i did not accuse these shriner masons, if you read the articles posted you can see who did.

And among the people who where accused there are quite some masons.
So there are masons accused of letting them selves in with underaged prositutes and some convicted of human trafficing.

But it seems that we go here right on the path of bashing, trying to kill the messenger.
Sandy frost has some credentials that some one heard of, maybe not yourself but others do think so.

Maybe if your own daughter was in one of these pictures you would think different about these accusations

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by LowLevelMason

Do you have any proof that under aged prostitution occurred?

[edit on 8-12-2008 by LowLevelMason]

Where in these posts did you find the claim for "proof" of underaged protitution?

The case is that these people where accused of letting themselves in with underaged protitutes on their "fishing" trip.

Would you think it is better to let these accusations slip by without beeing attended to?
I am getting a bit the impression that you would by downplaying these accusations underaged prostitution and human trafficing.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by jaamaan

I think it's quite obvious that some serious wrongdoing has occured here, and that the culprits are Masons.

As Masons, we have to be careful not to fall into the same trap the Vatican did with its child-molesting priests, trying to cover up or ignore sex crimes for PR purposes. We have a duty to call them out, and not make excuses for them.

The fact of the matter is that these men have profaned the name of Freemasonry, and not only victimized young girls, but also stabbed us all in the back by betraying their Masonic obligations to lead virtuous lives. A federal judge was involved in this mess, as well as a cop who had earlier arrested one of the prostitutes. Any which way you look at it, this stinks to high heaven, and demonstrates once again that the major problem with Freemasonry today is the lack of character and integrity found in many of its initiates.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by jaamaan
Have you read the acual OP and the updates, it doesnt seem so.
People where convicted of human trafficing in these cases, even a high placed judge.
Maybe read the article, "again" for your requested proof in this matter.

There has been 1 ex state level judge who pleaded guilty, and either has been or will be unceremoniously thrown out of every masonic association hes a member of (if it hasn't happened already). That would be a jester, not jester(s).

Just to make myself clear, because I know you have a habit of ignoring reality and trying to stuff words into peoples mouths: any shriners who are found guilty of any crime in this deserve to be locked up and thrown out - their names should be blotted out from the rolls of masonry and a big public affair should be made out of it. I am confident that will happen.

Frankly the entire shrine should no longer be a masonic club - the shrine should stop requiring their members be masons or, if they will not, every grand lodge should declare the shrine clandestine and ban masonic communication with its members.

That being said, Sandy Frost is on a crusade of yellow journalism that is taking away from the message - shes so hysterically focused on making masons look evil that she forgets shes dealing with a handful of sick people who don't represent masonry (again, if all the allegations are true).

Originally posted by jaamaan
Well as far as i can see she has more credetials than you as you failed to show yours so far, so if you dont mind i take her word over yours.

I think you've made it quite clear you'll go with whatever best fits your preconceived notions. If your easily swayed by minor associations handing out honorable mentions (not even an award, mind you, just a mention), then you would be absolutely dazzled by my or anyone else's resume who didn't make a living out of trying to defame people on a blog.

Originally posted by jaamaan
And among the people who where accused there are quite some masons.
So there are masons accused of letting them selves in with underaged prositutes and some convicted of human trafficing.

And so your true motive is revealed...again. Its happened a few times in this thread. These are people who did horrible things, if true. Some of them are masons. Very large difference.

Originally posted by jaamaan
But it seems that we go here right on the path of bashing, trying to kill the messenger.
Sandy frost has some credentials that some one heard of, maybe not yourself but others do think so.

So easily falling for fake credentials. I should make up my own organization and give myself lots of awards! Anyways, I don't have to kill the messenger, she slaughters herself routinely with yellow journalism hack jobs like this:

If she would just STAY on the facts and not resist her urges to go off on rants and tangents without proof perhaps a real journalist association would pick her up? Unfortunately she routinely fails to do so.

Originally posted by jaamaan
Maybe if your own daughter was in one of these pictures you would think different about these accusations

You are a extremely sick and disgusting person for wishing such things. That's low, even for ATS. In order to avoid breaking the T&C's after reading that, I will now put you on ignore. You have a clear agenda here and its not a good one.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by LowLevelMason

Originally posted by jaamaan
Maybe if your own daughter was in one of these pictures you would think different about these accusations

You are a extremely sick and disgusting person for wishing such things. That's low, even for ATS. In order to avoid breaking the T&C's after reading that, I will now put you on ignore. You have a clear agenda here and its not a good one.

Pfiew, i am happy you put me on ignore, aldo i believe you wil be just kind of ignoring the facts, like you did mostly in this topic.
You can twist facts so well i might think you are a proffesional spin doctor.

I will adress one here as an example of the emotional spin tactics.

Here above you try to make it seem that i "wish" your daughter would be in one of these posted pictures on sandy frosts page.
I call that emotional spin.
Please show me where i stated any wish like that any where.
I could think you misunderstood me but i think you are to intiligent for that.
Leaves me with only the conclusion you did it on purpose and you see it as a fair tactic in your crusade to defend the masons a a whole.

I think that is a pitty because when ever you do not seem to use those tctics your post can come oer quite interesting from time to time.

But you cant spin me dizzy on this subject.
3 masons at least where convicted, you tried to claim none where.
There where a lot of witnesses in a case where multiple masons where accused of letting themselves in with underaged prostitutes on here fishing trips.
No convictions here but the case rather smells, from both sides do.

Does that say anything about all masons, i dont think so and never claimed so.
But it can point in the direction that these secret orders can be abused and used for all shorts of shady bussines.
It does not mean all lodges are shady to me, but some realy seem to be.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 06:12 PM
I am writing as a Third Degree Mason (no advanced degrees) who has recently become aware of the actions taken by the “jesters.” The following views are mine alone. In reviewing the situation I find myself angry and disgusted with those on the fringe who have betrayed Masonry by their actions. The type of behavior Ms. Frost and others have reported on the part of the “jesters” is inconsistent with all Masonic principles that I know of. Actions such as taking sexual advantage of children or violating the Mann act simply can not be tolerated; not by Masonry nor by society. Masonry can be self-correcting as indicated in the book "Free Masonry in Iowa," by Keith Arrington. His chronicle unflinchingly points out when and where Iowa Masons crossed the line. I hope and pray that Masonry and our legal system do not flinch in this instance, but instead correct the wrongs that have been committed and take steps to prevent such events from ever happening again. For alleged activities, if the “jesters” in this circumstance have nothing to hide, then why do they not come forward and open their financial records and personal actions to Federal, state and Masonic review? For the proven activities, rapid removal from the fraternity, jail time, sincere repentance, apologies and restitution all seem to be appropriate. Else, another name for an organizational coverup can be criminal conspiracy. History clearly shows that denial in such matters can only harm the larger organization and surrounding society. It is time to let the light of knowledge do its work. Yes, this may be the work of only a few “bad apples,” but it only takes a few to spoil the entire barrel unless they are removed. Regardless, I pray that the victims in this tawdry situation are comforted, and healed and that the perpetrators are brought to the light of justice. It is time to clean house.
Footnote: I grew up in the midwest during the 1960s. Unfortunately, the Shrine convention stories presented earlier on this thread are consistent with stories about Shriner conventions I have heard.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by yankeerose

wow sounds like the knights of columbus who helped move and hide priests that wer accused of molestation.. how do you feel about your catholic friends now ??

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 11:06 PM
ROJ is not affiliated with ANY Masonic or Shrine body! Get your FACTS straight Sandy!

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 11:45 AM
I Worked at a Strip Club for awhile and have witnessed these men using their shriner attitude to solicit girls of all ages for weekly sex meetings and for their ceremonials. The problem is the police are shriners, judges are shriners, and no one would ever believe any of these women. Some of them are even pastors. I have known girls that have attended these ceremonials, young women who have been convinced they would be taken care of by the shriners if they would be their weekly sex toys. Its sick in every form. This is a national problem, this case is by far not singled out to one area of the united states or even one case.

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