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The End of The United States: The Bush Administration Plan

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posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 07:38 PM
Honestly i hope blind faith serves people well, because when the roof of reality collapses down upon you, it will be all that you have left.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 08:20 PM
But if the faith is warrented and rewarded, eternity awaits and those that didn't have the faith, will suffer greatly and for an eternity.......who wins. ?

reply to post by Maban

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by tgambill
But if the faith is warrented and rewarded, eternity awaits and those that didn't have the faith, will suffer greatly and for an eternity.......who wins. ?

Whichever fake holy-man can swindle the most cash from his "flock" before Gawd calls him "home".

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 04:47 PM
yes, it starts with the Vatican shams and the Christian Evangelicals that are taking advantage of the truth. The Vatican has been for hundreds of years orchesrating the path to a New World Order........soon to reach stage 3.

reply to post by The Nighthawk


posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 04:05 PM
Justin Raimondo and others wonder whether Bush's firing of Admiral Fallon, who said no war w. Iran would happen on his watch, signals a Bush attempt to do an attack on Iran--just to spite us all and foul up the '08 elections. I'm skeptical because no one in the military has to agree w. Bush. They've already taken epic stands against his bunker buster nuke Iran scheme, and told one source (good friends w. Bush's Treasury Secretary) that Bush had to be told he's only commander in chief during wartime, and we aren't at war w. Iraq.

Cheney reportedly wants an attack, but Cheney was pushed aside two years ago and has lost much power. Nonetheless, with so weak a man as Bush in the Oval Office, Cheney may think he can do it. Remember those nukes that were flown to Barksdale AF base?

The problem, of course, is that to attack Iran would cause Shiite Muslims in Iraq to go ballistic. So military men simply won't obey a Bush order to attack Iran, which leaves Bush only one option. A Bay of Pigs-like scheme like that of his mafia father: let Israel attack, then enter to prevent Israel from being savaged. But Israel just announced that it won't attack alone, meaning that Bush is over with. If he can't hold a gun to our heads--the threat of another epic disaster--then we won't be afraid of him. That's his only monkey grip on power. The intel. report saying Iran has no nuke weapons program ended Bush's presidency.

And if he tries to move on Iran, it's a simple, cut and dried case of competency vs. incompetency. The military won't do as he says because he's both a lame duck and a failure. To try and attack Iran would paint Bush into a powerless corner, and that would bruise his epically insecure, wanna-be ego. Bush lives for the thrill of looking competent like his father, and to deflate that thrill with a real, live disempowerment of the sort would ruin his sense of himself.

Better to screw up the US economy than to start another war... Now there's a place for him to do more Potemkin village-like fake photo ops! **After Hurrican Katrina, Bush place bulldozers, supplies and more for a photo op in New Orleans, but after the photos, the things were all carted off--not delivered for real use.

No one pays attention to the lamest of lame ducks, except Barney, these days.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by McKennalite

i agree with you...those that rule with great wealth (power), and the rest of us. this has always been a problem, from the head chief of an ancient tribe, accumilating women to mate, food to eat, and the best cave to live in, to the present billionaires. the wealthy have always hated government, and do everything they can to destroy or dominate it. it is the rest of us that need a government, mainly to protect our interests from the wealthy. the ultimate goal of the wealthy is to turn commoners into slaves. the wealthy have a motto, i heard from along time ago..."give the people just enough, so as they do not rob you or kill you". wealth has controlled kings, dictators, rulers of every kind, and have a unhealthy influence over the most democratic of governments. it is a common fight that has raged on for thousands of years, for common people to live with some type of dignity, and freedom from the ravages of poverty.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by tgambill
yes, it starts with the Vatican shams and the Christian Evangelicals that are taking advantage of the truth. The Vatican has been for hundreds of years orchesrating the path to a New World Order........soon to reach stage 3.

reply to post by The Nighthawk

More like the government has been doing everything they can to make people fall away from religion, and part of that is disinfo to make you blame the largest religions and you got sucked in by it.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 08:06 AM
The largest religions have their leaders in on it. Satan is an amazing deceiver.

reply to post by Relentless

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by tgambill
Bush has martial law set up along with efforts by Clinton. Its been a very carefully laid plan that these puppets have just signed the papers. All they need now in this year is a national disaster and Bush can declare martial law and suspend the elections in accordance with the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act, 2007, Section 1076, page 322.

if bush suspends the election it means he'll stay indefinitely at the white house?if so, martial law will happen this year I can't see this will happen under Obama or Clinton?

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 05:30 PM
Great thread! I also think this has been going on alot longer than just WWII the plan has always been to cut the world's population down by 80%. The Elite wants us to kill each other,they want wars and mass panic it's a good way to thin out the herd.

[edit on 17-3-2008 by mike dangerously]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:16 PM

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 05:41 PM
Thought I'd add my two cents.In 1913 woodrow wilson took us off the gold standard.Our money supply was turned over to the federal reserve a private bank.The federal reserve created the great depression of 29.In 1933 or so FDR turned all our gold over to the federal reserve.FDR in concert with the congress
made the federal government a corporation.And since this new corporation was bankrupt they sold it off to the federal reserve.This is why all our courts are now admirlety or maratime courts.The people think thier free however they are debters to the corporation of the united states.The constitution has no jurisdiction which our politicians know very well.Thier is no two party system.Both the democrats and republicans belong to the corporation.The media belongs to the corporation.Bush commits the crime and his supposed worst enemy Nancy Pelosi protects him?Bush wants fisa passed and she rams it thru the house?Obama votes yes?The corporation is owned by world bankers,Rothchilds,Rockafellers,etc.Fact Prescot Bush 41s father,43,grandfather
funded the nazis.Funding both sides of a war is very profitable.Oil has not gone up in price.Three mercury dimes(silver)will buy a gallon of gasoline today.The dollar has been devaluated.When they are ready they will destroy the dollar and the people in thier banker created chaos will accept the amero and the north american union gladly.These people control most countrys so they will have more wars for profit and to depopulate.The wars will be endless and the people of the world will be ready for the new world order where they will be slaves of the super rich bankers and thier cronies.
The remedy is to restore the constitution of the united states of america.There are some trying to do exactly that however most people in this country believe Obama is going to do something for them which he will.
He will continue down the path to end the united states.Some think McCain will do something.He will do the same thing as Obama.The only difference between the two is the manner in which they will carry out the world bankers plans for world domination.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 10:29 PM
You my friend, are one of the few that knows the truth of the reality of which is coming before us......You hit the nail on the head and what you say is, if Obama lives, who knows. However, they are looking for an incident to declare a national disaster and subsequently Martial law. The FEMA trains or one group of them are stored in Hammond, IN between East Chicago, IN, in the Train yard.....Hundreds of them are in line on 6 + rails......ready to go.

reply to post by pooty

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 10:30 PM
Obama could be assassinated to start a race war, stock crash and depression like they orchestrated in's coming.

reply to post by keops

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 09:11 AM
I apologize profusely for this gratuitous "bump," but given the events of the past four days, I find myself reflecting back on the opening post and lamenting that our options, as citizens of this nation, are rapidly dwindling.

While some believe this government-sanctioned and taxpayer-funded reward for global financial fraud (that is what it is, it's not a "bailout") will hold back a death-blow financial catastrophe, it will only result in delaying the inevitable, while further funneling more money to a select few. For you see, those select few desperately need that additional cash, as the devaluation of the dollar will surely be stunning.

Make no mistake. This has been the plan.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by

I shamelessly bumped 2 of my threads that I started about the time of this one and a little earlier. It is funny how we have seen this coming for a while now and now it is at our doorstep.

Maybe funny isn't the best word for it.......

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 04:52 AM

Max out your credit cards on ak-47's and ammo. Lets take our country back!!!!!

Quick way to be red listed. But I'm listening.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 12:45 PM

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by downtown436

I would not say that this is communism, it is actually a corporate fascism.

Fascism and communism are two different things.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 12:23 PM
I was quite sure during the Gulf war these Neocons were going after Iraq's oil with method available to them. I suspected when 9/11 happened, that was the method chosen.

Throughout the last eight years, the Bush Administration's extreme involvement in China's welfare has led to my questioning their motive. This is the administration who drags it's feet when it comes to U.S. future,
U. S. disasters, education etc. They have done nothing but take from and give away our country.

Do they plan on moving to China after they have destroyed the U.S.? ?Since they have plans to open the Mexican borders, I am wondering if they expect a civil war in this country and are preparing to make their home in the new rising Industrial Nation of the World, China while we with our low South of the Border wages become a Third World Nation.

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