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A second thesis:
The Thesis
I really do believe these guys running this country are playing by a master plan that accounts for the division that we see between people today. We
also see an ever widening rift between the U.S. and the rest of the civilized world. It appears to be planned and deliberate. There seems no remorse
or effort to unite domestically or internationally. There are no bridges being built, only wedge after wedge being driven into place at every
With our existing beliefs it this seems implausible until we shift our own paradigm models and recognize that they (this force driving our politics
and business today) may be playing with a different set of rules than we are (We, being the average guy on the street.)
Most of us have probably never read the "Turner Diaries." That is the reactionary novel that has circulated throughout much of the right wing and
gun rights people. It is a piece of racist trash, but it has inspired people like Timothy McVey and others in the reactionary right.
While I doubt it is the model for these neo-cons in charge, (if for no other reason than these neo-cons are largely a Jewish group and the Turner
Dairies are very anti Jewish, it does present the narrative that creating division has a rational motive) I think the current events we see being
played out is similar and can tell us a lot about the politics of division. That model is that the world can and will divide, (remember the adage of
divide and conquer) that internal wars of self destruction will occur. And the kicker is that this will allow a weeding out of all but the prepared
and strong who help set all this in motion. This corresponds with the Thomas Robert Malthus model of limitation to population growth. They need to
cull the population and they also need to strengthen their own geo-political-economic and religious hand. They need to create chaos and cull the
population down to more manageable proportions. Call it Zionist neo-con downsizing of the population.
This seems a cynical, Nietzsche-ion world view but one that seems to be playing out. In this case instead of the wars, famine, pestilence, etc. that
Malthus said kept the population under control, those attempting to create the new world order are taking draconian measures with, Nietzsche-ion Will,
to manufacture wars and global conditions to do the same.
Now you think who could or would survive such chaos? Well those with the most assets of wealth, land, and weapons would be the most probable. Those
with great big ranches removed from the major urban areas for one; these are the Crawford Ranches of the world and they are many and are not only in
America; places with airplanes, loaded with weapons, and people with access to large sums of wealth in various forms and in various places. These
people will be able to ride out the chaos and self destruction that will follow the man made and natural disasters.
For these; "to the survivors go the spoils." It all sounds weird, but that is because it does not fit into our paradigms.
The Neo-Con, Imperial Fascist took over both the fundamental religions, and the Republican Party. They needed a Party for legitimacy. The Republicans
were the ones most in line with their thinking already. They also needed sufficiently motivated voters to help them obtain and hold power until they
could execute their end game strategies. This accounts for the eclectic mix of what at first might seem groups of opposing values; this being the
Christian Fundamental Right and the more worldly neo-con right. The one group (political fascist and imperialist) is merely using the other (the
religious fundamentalist) to gain and hold power. The used group (religious fundamentalist) is largely naïve and oblivious to the manipulation being
used on them.
The Religious Right has never been very savvy. In fact they have always been rather naive regarding political affairs. They were naturals for this
plan. The Religious Right was already keyed up for over a generation in expectation of an end time. All that these Neo-con, Imperial Fascist had to do
was play off those fears and desires that the Religious Right already had.
Now substitute End Game for End Times and you have how this works for these Neo-con--Imperial Fascist. By creating a world in chaos, the Religious
Right only sees prophesied times. This Religious Right is too naive to see that they are the ones bringing much of it about, or allowing it to be
brought about. By their putting the politicians in office who are executing the plans they have created a self fulfilling prophecy. They only see the
symptoms, not the root causes. The root cause is coming from the political, economic, and military actions of these Neo-con--Imperial Fascist. I want
to add though that these neo-cons are probably not the masterminds; they are the agents for even more hidden sources called the Illuminati.
There may be a reason why Bush and his Reich failed to get Osama Bin Laden. They needed him out there. They needed a foil, a straw man to rally the
ignorant against. These people need war or a cause to keep people distracted and patriotically loyal--they do not need a resolution to Bin Laden or
There may be a reason the U.S. National Debt has nearly doubled in just the last seven years, they need the economy to be on the brink of failure! An
economy on the brink of failure creates a ready and cheap work force and ample enough volunteer soldiers to wage the wars necessary to achieve the
planning. The use of mega-buck, no bid contracts also allows the funding to flow into the hands of these neo-cons who control those companies (search
out the military-industrial-political complex) and thereby fattening those treasure chests for the chaos to follow.
This is the reason that some have profited so phenomenally by the current tax codes, lack of enforcement against corporate abuses, and massive
inflated government contracts! They have been fattening the treasury chest of the few that are involved in this grand End Game Plan. It flows out of
the U.S. Treasury and into the hands of the selected neo-con supporters.
Just as in the Turner Dairies scenario of world chaos, many will die, much chaos and destruction will follow (this could be seen played out on a small
scale following hurricane Katrina with a slow response to an obvious need), in the end, the plan is that those with the biggest treasuries, most guns,
and most understanding of what is going on will survive to take over what is left.
The kicker may be that using these same fears the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” proclaims that the masters of the plan will be able to
convince this now chaotic and scared world that they are in fact sent by God to bring peace. This group will also control most of the economic
resources of the world so there will not be a lot of options anyway.