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"Poor people don't pay taxes"

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posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 04:39 PM
what does the Federal Reserve have to do with the Grasshopper? you took the Grasshopper and turned it staright into an argument about the Federal Reserve....I don't see your logic there.

Sorry to hear you still have yet to find employment.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by theQuest

Sorry to hear you still have yet to find employment.

The official unemployment rate just jumped by two percent in my region last month. As you know, that doesn't include all the people like myself who have not been able to secure employment within the six month benefit period.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by theQuest

what does the Federal Reserve have to do with the Grasshopper?

Now I see that you really don't understand what is happening in this country. I'll bet you think the Federal Reserve is a government bank.

[edit on 3/21/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

No, I asked what what was your point connecting the Grasshopper to the Federal Reserve. If you read the "rant" again, you will see that the Grasshopper sat around and did nothing for his future, while the Ant did. When the hard times came, he had nothing while the Ant had plenty. The Grsshopper immedietly blames everyone else for his situation, ironically just as you did, instead of blaming the Grasshopper. Why would you do this? You read the story, why did you immedietly blame the Federal Reserve instead of the Grasshopper?

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by theQuest

You read the story, why did you immedietly blame the Federal Reserve instead of the Grasshopper?

The Federal Reserve is the green grasshopper, sitting around doing nothing but charging us interest on what is already ours. Or was ours anyway. We work, they get rich.

[edit on 3/21/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 07:36 PM
No, the Grasshopper is my brother-in-law David, who although able to work, is content to sit around and do nothing while I (the Ant) works, then bitches about not having anything. You changed his identity to the Federal Reserve, because they are the ones that are easiest to blame. Funny, David does the exact same thing!

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by theQuest brother-in-law David, who although able to work, is content to sit around and do nothing while I (the Ant) works...

Why doesn't he want to work? Does he have reasons that you just pay no attention to? I can't imagine anyone who is not mentally ill being content to waste their life.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by kattraxx

HEHEH that is just rediculous, anyone buying a yacht and paying over 125,000$ for it automatically pays a federal luxury tax of up to 33%....

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

Why does the driver of a mercedes have to be a scrooge? ...anyway...the situation you post is not at all realistic, if someone hit "scrooge" their auto insurance would pay for all liability and damages up to their limit is, while this may not be enough for all of scrooges damages if he does own a mercedes He would most likely have a Personal injury protection plan to rely upon, (rich people are not stupid and insure the hell out of everything) which will cover him the rest of the way, i don't see why you think that if someone is an invalid they will lose their fortune....That is just ignorant. Not to mention the fact he could sue the hell out of the guys who hit him...And if the person who hit him did not have insurance we all are required by law to have uninsured motorist coverages to take the place of that.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by Stumpy1

So you are comfortable with the idea of people riding around in unsafe vehicles, putting your life and the lives of the people you care about in danger, so that the rich can get a tax break?

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

Because he is too lazy to work, plain and simple. We have secured him numerous jobs, and he will work for a few weeks, then manage to get himself fired by calling in sick, showing up late or just not showing up at all. He is content to sit on his butt, making all these claims why he can't get a job because there are no jobs to be had, while the paper is full of Help Wanted ads. Yes, there are tons of people just like him, who would rather blame the Gov for their problems than getting out and getting a job. Which takes me back to the story. Why would you automatically blame the Federal Gov instead of Grasshopper?

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by theQuest

Because he is too lazy to work, plain and simple. We have secured him numerous jobs, and he will work for a few weeks, then manage to get himself fired by calling in sick, showing up late or just not showing up at all.

I would suggest looking into why he has such an apparent lack of energy. It could be caused by malnutrition, if not be long-term clinical depression. These are treatable afflictions.

Why would you automatically blame the Federal Gov instead of Grasshopper?

Not the Federal Government as much as the Federal Reserve, which has nothing to do with the government.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

????????????????.....Please tell me at what point I said it was ok for people to ride around in unsafe vehicles? Please re-read the post i was replying to before you try to put words in my mouth.....Why should those who make more money be taxed a lot more, so they can pull their "fair share"? I don't make a lot of money and i am not whining about being taxed...I believe that those who are poor are poor for a reason, some people are just lazy, and don't cry to me about jobs being hard to find.. If someone wants a job bad enough they will find it, what some of those "poor" people might not understand is that they will be required to WORK to make money!! A lot of "poor" people are poor because they try to live outside their means. When someone is poor it is always someones elses fault right?

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 10:29 PM
I would suggest looking into why he has such an apparent lack of energy. It could be caused by malnutrition, if not be long-term clinical depression. These are treatable afflictions.

WTF? Are you serious? You amaze me with your excuses on these subjects. How about he is just a fat, lazy POS who would rather collect Food Stamp Assistance than work a real job? He seems to have plenty of energy when he wants to shoot pool for 12 hours, or play hoops with his un-employed friends. But yeah, since he can't get his butt out of bed to go to work, he must have some kind of "clinical depression". What a joke.

Not the Federal Government as much as the Federal Reserve, which has nothing to do with the government.

Again, you dodge the question. Let me point it out for you again, its called reading comprehension:: The Grasshopper chose to play during the summertime instead of working like the Ant did. That is why he had nothing come Winter time. Period. Yet you chose to blame the Federal Reserve for his situation. WHY?

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Stumpy1

...what some of those "poor" people might not understand is that they will be required to WORK to make money!!

It appears that you fail to realize that there are many people who work more than forty hours a week, and still can't afford to pay the bills for the most basic living expenses. In fact, most people who are poor in the US, have jobs. Furthermore, these are hardly examples of people living beyond their means.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

Well i guess if someones ambition in life is to work for minimum wage then they should sleep in the bed they made. This is a land of opportunity if someone wants something he can have it if he works to get it. I have had a lot of jobs and always am looking for one that my work experience will apply to so I can make more money. There are lots of people who work..i know i am one..there are even more who want to better themselves...i am one of those as well....and there are even more who will bitch and moan about the job they have and how crappy the wage is and never try to find another job that will make them more money, or seek higher education ( which can be almost free) to better themselves. THere is no excuse for being lazy, and there are a lot of lazy people who will clock in for a 9-5 just to get a check and then bitch about how little they make, Life is governed by the choices we make, and that is their that will be their life.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

Actually after watching the video that is exactly an example of living beyond their means.....If you can't support 2 kids why would you bring them into the world? Way toooooo many people have children and can't support them.

[edit on 21-3-2008 by Stumpy1]

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by theQuest

How about he is just a fat, lazy POS who would rather collect Food Stamp Assistance than work a real job?

Quite possible. I have seen plenty of cases like that myself, I will admit. So what? If someone wants to live in a closet eating ramen for the rest of their life, too bad for them. They're hardly the tax burden you imagine. Do you have any idea what it has cost taxpayers in banking and investment bailouts over the years. Socialism for the rich. For the people who have no idea what it's like to put in a 14-hour day at hard labor under the July sun. Those are the people who are getting most of your tax dollars. People who have no chance of ever having to walk nine miles to a soup kitchen for the only meal they will get that day.

I think you have some deeper issues with your brother-in-law anyway.

Again, you dodge the question. Let me point it out for you again, its called reading comprehension

Go ahead, get snarky with me again.

Yet you chose to blame the Federal Reserve for his situation. WHY?

Because most of the people who are poor, work their asses off. No wonder people would rather be on welfare. Who's dumb now? Gee, would you rather work 60 hours a week for a crappy apartment, no healthcare, and ramen for dinner everynight? Or would you rather shoot pool and play ball all day, then go back to your crappy apartment and eat ramen? And then, you'll at least be able to go to the doctor if you break your ankle playing ball.

I have had to set and splint several of my own broken bones over the years, because my job had no medical. How is that fair? Meanwhile, I still have to pay taxes because some illegals get a free ride along with the silver-spoon crowd and their trickle-down that trickles about as far as their next foreign investment.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by jackinthebox
reply to post by theQuest

Because most of the people who are poor, work their asses off.

I would hardly call asking "would you like fries with that?" work their asses off.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by Stumpy1

Actually after watching the video that is exactly an example of living beyond their means.....If you can support 2 kids why would you bring them into the world? Way toooooo many people have children and can't support them.

Well, I have to agree with you to some extent there. Especially making the same mistake twice. I don't have any kids because I refuse to let my children grow up in a hopless environment that will only perpetutate the cycle of ignorance and criminality that we see growing in America today.

But what about the single person then, who only makes ten or twelve thousand working full time? Also keep in mind, that a single person actually carries a proportionately higher cost of living than a family.

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