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The Sorcery Conspiracy

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posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Howie47
Isn't it obvious; that the prescribing of behavior controlling drugs. To
what, half or more of U.S. children, is a bad thing. A sign of the degeneration of our society! It doesn't have to be mentioned in the Bible.
For common sense to tell us that.
Is it all a conspiracy to keep the population; dumbed down, under control
and useful slaves for the system. I would speculate it is.

I hear you Howie. But we have to be careful, in that some of some of those kids might be benefiting greatly. You are right that probably there are quite a few that just need parents who would pay more attention... instead they get a chemical straight jacket.

I also agree that as a whole, we are over medicated. Instead of facing tough emotional issues and spiritual problems people turn to prozac as a chemical solution. Our culture is dying spiritually and turning increasingly to chemicals as a result of materialistic philosophy.

Really alcohol is probably the most common way to avoid reality and your emotions. It also kills more people than all illegal drugs combined. Why do we do it? It feels good. hmmmmmm

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 12:03 PM
Disclaimer: I'm a theist but not a christian. Also I'm sorry to post so late as I'm also a newbie and came to this thread by a link in a posters response to a BTS thread.

Topic :
1 the Bibles teaching on drug use is suppressed by a poor translation.
2 Drugs are big business. Sorcery is really using drugs to control people.
3 The real sorcerers are drug dealers & pharms
4 Is there a satanic conspiracy to keep the Bibles teaching suppressed....?

Bigwhammy I had a quite long post to reply point for point that you make since you started the thread (I was attacking this and defending that) but I soon realized after rereading it and the entire thread many many times that all you require is 1) the example of holy communion wine use at passover to show another "Good" drug use in the bible and isn't it the greatest of all
christian medicines?(sorry for not supplying scriptures to base this on but I know its in the KJV bible somewhere) 2) and to answer "Has this biblical "Good" use of this "Drug" been suppressed in modern times"? Well I would answer this 2nd bit by saying yes and no. No its not suppressed (I know of it) and Yes it is suppressed as I have got no clue as to the exact appropriate and beneficial use of this communion wine or its ceremony and/or rituals ect and finding out can be very hard without being misled often! So is the NWO at work here in actively denying accurate information to the masses about holy communion wine and its use. I would say that the waters are so murky here that regardless of some NWO or not that you would be hard pressed to get the right answer from anybody human.I would therefor suggest that one READS ones bible and STUDIES it to the Nth degree using the tools of reason, logic and meditative insight (prayer) to nut out the case of appropriate holy communion wine use ect!

Personal Disclosure: I believe that what sorcery is to me compared to what the word meant ages ago are 2 different things. I don't deny the latters existence but call it something else (herbal medicine for the practicality of it and holy communion with the greater spirit whatever that spirit may be for the essence of the matter) and I see the former as much more EVIL from the outset. Communion is communion but sorcery..well there the Devils 100% involved and you better watch your soul, for I see all Deals with the Devil as sorcery and that leaves no ambiguity to its true nature regardless of whether you use drugs to contact him or not! As to sorcery being suppressed its the same with the holy communion wine know its out there but how does one really conjure up a physical Devil to deal with... this knowledge is suppressed and maybe it should be as if we all could directly deal with the Devil who wouldn't of consciously made a deal already? Does Big Pharma make a pill that directly summons the devils for deals? Maybe this shows that those in power really really want to keep it for themselves and therefor keep us blinded by the light and/or dark! As far as I'm concerned they're (NWO ect) suppressing both sides of the story! We're all being deceived from all directions as my paranoia tells me so!!!

Become totally disillusioned and finally see everything for real. Think Globally, Act Locally and Feel Internally.

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by coven
Second question on that same thought. Why would god create a plant (i.e. marijuana) that is naturally grown, and the only processing done to it (besides some people who genetically engineer (still a fairly natural process, but it involves utilizing rooting gels and snippings from a plant) is hanging it upside down to dry it out... So by your definition does Marijuana truly qualify as a drug?

Genesis 1:29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

Marijuana is concidered food being a green seedbearing plant.

Ge 2:16 And the Lord God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."

The only plant Adam and Eve was not alowed to eat was a certain tree with a certain fruit. In other words not marijuana. I don't know if it's ever been tried out in a court, but it would be interresting to find out if it would be possible to be allowed to eat marijuana from religious reasons. "I am a Christian and God allows me to eat marijuana". Maybe it would work in California...

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

Marijuana is concidered food being a green seedbearing plant.

This was covered extensively back in the thread. All you are doing is rationalizing getting stoned. God can tell if you are lying. Clearly marijuana is not used for food. You are using it to get stoned. The Bible repeatedly admonishes us to remain sober and alert.

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Bigwhammy
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

Marijuana is concidered food being a green seedbearing plant.

This was covered extensively back in the thread. All you are doing is rationalizing getting stoned. God can tell if you are lying. Clearly marijuana is not used for food. You are using it to get stoned. The Bible repeatedly admonishes us to remain sober and alert.

Marijuana is excellent for foods and is used for that purpose all over the world. You will get stoned from eating it, but so you would if you were on a grass diet. Common lawn grass containst great ammounts of the highly potent halucinogene '___'. I've been smoking for decades and still concider myself sober. Tests performed on drivers actuyally show that smokers have shorter reaction time and are infact better drivers than so called sober drivers. Marijuana was part of the remedies to make salvation oil for the priests and messiahs (kings) of the OT.

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

I've been smoking for decades and still concider myself sober.

Denial is not a river in Africa.

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 05:29 PM
I've scored over 140 on IQ tests after smoking serious amounts of weed, I've pained some of my best paintings and made probably my best music and literal work after consuming weed in one way or another. The plant is a blessing and we are allowed to consume it according to the Bible. Modern cellulose concerns led to the US ban in the 20's and massive media disinformation campaigns led by the same economies rooted out the productive weed as mere garbage. Today there's a wind of change blowing with the need for an efficiant fuel and paper source among other things. Hemp seeds could be used to fight poverty. According to ancient stories Buddha lived years on one single hemp seed a day. The seeds contain so many important fat acids and other nutrients that one could infact survive on such a diet so the story is not too far fetched. But fearing that this discussion will soon lead to some interference from moderators I'd say we let this part of the discussion be to avoid the hash prophets to surface and bring us all Californiacation.

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

I do not buy your argument for marijuana use being acceptable for Christians. Unless you live in Holland or somewhere it is also against the law. The Bible does tell us to live within the laws as well.

If we believe I Cor. 3:16, we will not do ANYTHING to intentionally harm our bodies, which are the temples of God. Marijuana, along with most other drugs of its kind, has also been proven to have harmful physical and psychological effects. Christians are also in a constant spiritual battle against Satan (Eph. 6:12). Marijuana's psychological effects include but are not limited to: paranoia, anxiety, fatigue, loss of ambition, lowered inhibitions, loss of concentration, and delusions and hallucinations; not exactly the traits of a godly warrior. When we realize that Satan is roaming around, seeking to "devour" us (I Pet. 5:8) and that we must be "self-controlled and alert", we must also realize that anything which weakens our resolve or chips away at the armor that God has given us is evil. Finally, Col. 3:5 tells us to put to death whatever belongs to our earthly nature. If we have died to self and live in Christ, we will not allow anything other than God to gain control of our lives. Marijuana will take over your life if you let it. Sadly, it sounds like it has already for you.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by Bigwhammy
Marijuana's psychological effects include but are not limited to: paranoia, anxiety, fatigue, loss of ambition, lowered inhibitions, loss of concentration, and delusions and hallucinations; not exactly the traits of a godly warrior.

That depends on the eye of the beholder. Faste and sleep deprivation brings about most of the same effects, still Jesus fasted 40 days and Paul tells his children to stay awake at any time and not fall asleep. Well it wan't exactly 40, but many. In Semittic tradition the number fourty means many. Ali Baba had many thief servants, not exactly fourty. Moses wandered many years in the desert, not fourty.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

Eh IQ tests aren't that trust worthy, I scored 165 twice while I was watching the X-Files.
Marajuana may have been good for food before the curse, but afterward, it became the same as every other plant that has thorns and such these days.
When man sinned, he started to die, as did this world.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 07:03 PM
Well I always score more or less the same score whether or not I'm stoned. I also find the plant a great influence to my art and design work. It seems to bring out the best of me. The psychological effects described above are novice diseases. In the beginning the effects of the drug is more severe than later on. To me a joint is no more narcotic than a cup of coffee or a cigarette.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

To me a joint is no more narcotic than a cup of coffee or a cigarette.

Dude all that means is you are so saturated with THC, that you never draw a sober breath. You can not make an honest evaluation, because it takes 30 days for THC to clear your system. Without a doubt it is having a profound effect on your brain and severely impairing your memory. If you ever sober up long enough you might notice.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 07:30 PM
And you know this since when? You are by far exaggerating the effects of cannabis. It is a drug that can be likened to beer or wine as for it's narcotic effects, allthough it doesn't last as long, and as medicine it has a variety of uses, from cancer treatment, to epilepsy and schizophrenia. Did you know that the ointment ordered by the Torah to annoint priests and kings included cannabis? If Jesus was annointed with the same oil which is ordered in the OT, he was bathed in cannabis.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

What verses mention that? I thought it was just good ol' olive oil.
Beer, wine and the like are bad news to a lot of people really, most of my family is a bunch of redneck drunks. Alcohol can destroy peoples lives much like any other addictive substance. It's one prime reason why folks become homeless, they spend so much money feeding there addiction that they can't pay rent, food and then lose there job because they can't keep up good hygien and the drugs have a negative effect on them.
Despite the narcotic effects, I don't think any kind of smoking is good for you, I don't know about you, but I know I don't wanna have a bunch of ash in my lungs, ew


posted on May, 8 2008 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by jimmyjackblack
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

What verses mention that? I thought it was just good ol' olive oil.

Read the recepee for the ointment in the Torah, Exodus 30:23f. God orders that it includes kaneh-bosem or calmus. This plant has been identified as cannabis.

As for your general warning about the use of substances like alcohol I follow you. Allthough desputed often by users themselves cannabis is not addictive. The kind of addiction users feel is the same addiction milk drinkers and carrot lovers feel. They just have to have it. You can always make the alcohol yourself, it's really easy, but it wouldn't help you not becoming an alcoholic.

[edit on 8/5/2008 by Neo Christian Mystic]

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by Bigwhammy

Well I'm a trained herbalist as well as a pantheist. I have to say that the use of drugs and medicines are a double edged sword. Sorcery is a bad word to describe the use of chemicals to alter the human physiological processes. Sorcery is a word of french origin used specifically to describe a soothsayer. The use of drugs and plants on living systems is NOT magic. It does not require the use of spells, summoning spirits or any form of nigromancy. It is a result of our understanding of natural processes and the ways in which we can manipulate them for better or ill. Perhaps a christian would equate this with nigromancy but then anything that promotes knowledge and understanding has been treated in a similar way by the superstitious christian church for centuries. Often this attitude has resulted in deaths of knowledgable individuals who were branded as "witches". Ignorance is not bliss, religeon is not infallable and the believer has no logical ground to stand upon when confronted by scientific fact. The dark ages are a great testament to the idiocy of organized faith, when the faithful saw things that they could not understand they destroyed it and those who taught it. For some reason a lot of people still harbor these attitudes today and it is quite disturbing. We are still killing in the name of god or more accurately, in the name of ignorance. You are a sheep who knows only what the priest tells you, you do not have the courage to think for yourself, to question and to invent. All this then is sorcery to you and heresy. In this you are more lost than those who have no faith. All things, be they drugs, machines or EVEN RELIGEON are open to abuse, it does not make it magical in any way. I'm not trying to flame you, just point out the reality of it. SCIENCE IS NOT SORCERY.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 03:12 PM
It directly states sorcery and divination, actually.

Don't make me break out the runestones and consult the oracle on you.

I didnt choose the name jprophet for nothing you know.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 02:20 PM
I am sure I have no place posting here or if this is even the right thread for it, but I have to share-

I have been diagnosed with chronic major depression and severe anxiety since I was 14. At 18 I was attacked and have since suffered PTSD. I have been on an array of medications. I am now 24, doing well in school, have a great family life, a healthy social life and healthy body and yet I am compelled to take these 3 drugs daily. One drug is particularly bothersome as I have begged to come off of it. The dr agrees, I'm more than ready however the withdrawl symptoms are terrible and I absolutely cannot bear the side effects of these chemicals leaving my system. When they are in me I am sick to my stomach but when they are not in me its so much worst that I almost swallowed a whole bottle to just stop the shaking, vomiting, stabbing head pain, severe dizziness, hallucinations...
Why continue to prescribe these to people and advertise for this medication when I hear from my health care professional that I am not the only one experiencing these symptoms?

I'm sorry, I guess I needed to vent, but can anyone relate?

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

yea dude ive been there before, its called withdraw, it will make u feel all the emotions in the human emotion book lol. its not fun no, but i ask you will u be better off with chronic anxiety? then taking the pill and keeping it undercontrol?

i was faced with the same problem, years ago i was taking 8 mg xanax a day, i quit, didnt sleep for about 2 weeks, well i got a hour or 2 here and there, sick, and went through the emotion thing.
lived my life for a year with anxiety problems, now im back on xanax 6mg a day tho, they work fine, i dont have the problems of people setting me off cause i can take 6mg a day lol.....its kinda sad but, the way the world is heh i really dont care...

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