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The Sorcery Conspiracy

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posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 05:58 PM
Note: I am a Christian. The topic of this thread is not my faith or anyone else's. This is a conspiracy theory involving the suppression of a Biblical teaching. If that bothers you please have some courtesy just read another thread. I welcome people of all faiths to share insight into why this teaching might be suppressed.

My contention is there has been a conspiracy to with hold the true meaning of the Bibles teaching on Sorcery.

When the Bible speaks of sorcery most people picture kindly old Merlin in his pointy hat or perhaps a precocious young Harry Potter. Well it might be more accurate if you picture Keith Richards. What the gehenna’ am I talking about? Well in Galatians 5:19-21 the Apostle Paul gives a list of practices that are not acceptable for Christians. One is sorcery (sometimes witchcraft) from the original Greek word Pharmakia.

PHARMAKIA (or -EIA) (Eng., pharmacy etc.) primarily signified the use of medicine, drugs, spells; then, poisoning; then sorcery. . . . In sorcery, the use of drugs, whether simple or potent, was generally accompanied by incantations and appeals to occult powers, with the provision of various charms, amulets, etc.t

Now does the Keith Richards reference make sense?

The Book of Enoch teaches that fallen angels corrupted mankind in the ancient times by teaching the use of roots and plants for opening oneself up to spiritual influence.

And all the others (Fallen Angels) together with them took unto themselves (human) wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants.
(Enoch 7:1-2)

So sorcery in the Bible refers to plants and roots used to put people under an outside influence bringing them into an altered state. It is always associated with evil. Sorcery is forbidden in numerous passages, as is drunkenness caused by the drug alcohol. Spiritually, we believe drugs leave one vulnerable to the influence of demons or evil spirits.

In the end times it is prophesized that this will increase and be a part of people’s lifestyle.

And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts." Gr. pharmakeus); from pharmakon (a drug, i.e. spell-giving potion); a druggist ("pharmacist") or poisoner, i.e. (by extension) a magician: sorcerer.

It is a well known fact that drugs have gone hand in hand with sexual promiscuity, abusive relationships, robberies and other crimes. Roughly 75% of inmates were drunk or high when they committed their crime. Recreational drug use /abuse destroys many lives and obviously does not fit in a Christians life style.

So why is it that we never hear this taught as it was meant to be taught? Why aren’t better translations used? I contend that drugs are a powerful tool to enslave and profit off of other peoples misery. Our banks in the United States make a fortune of the laundering of illegal drug money. There is a private prison industry making millions off the incarceration of non violent drug offenders. Meanwhile insurance companies are no longer paying for drug treatment. Just build more jails is the American way.

Maybe I am an idealist but I think prayer and people of faith hold back the powers of evil from overwhelming the world. We are the restrainer spoke of in Revelations. Are the Churches teaching this meaning of Sorcery? I hear cries against drugs but in a wishy-washy non spiritual sense. Perhaps the illuminati want this teaching to remain in the dark. They prefer that we have a murky understanding of the spiritual evils of drugs. I say let’s drag it out in the light.

some relevant verses

[edit on 2/29/2008 by Bigwhammy]

[Mod Edit- repair page format]

[edit on 21/4/2008 by Sauron]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 06:11 PM
I think the Bible makes it pretty clear that when they're talking about sorcery, what they're talking about are actual nasty disembodied spirits, demons, that would infest people. I don't think they're talking about drug addiction. Jesus actually spends quite a lot of time and energy in his ministry engaged in sorcery, which would be the calling and controlling of these demons. He does it so much that it would cut out a huge portion of the narrative to hide it, and it's obvious that it becomes such a big business for him that it's one of the big reasons why the Jewish elite in Jerusalem put the hit out on him.

And when you consider that Jesus himself on a couple of occasions were encouraging people to drink alcohol, I don't think there is a veiled reference there to drugs or drug abuse.

What is hidden, though, are the specific incantations, spells and actions that would allow people to call and control demons. Maybe there are better, hidden books dealing with that. I don't suppose, however, it would be a good thing for every Tom, Dick and Yusef to learn to control demons. But that is certainly a fairly large bit of functional, specific knowledge that is conspicuously absent from the Bible, a book where so much of the narrative includes mention of sorcery and other encounters with demons and unusual creatures.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 06:21 PM
We are not allowed to discuss illegal activity on ATS, but let me just say that natural mind altering substances are far less evil than some of the stuff we are given as 'medicine'.

There are substances put in our food and in our medicine that completely alter our health, our consciousness etc. without us even knowing. That's real sorcery. That's putting a 'spell' on someone in a literal fashion.

When a person takes a drug recreationally, he does it with intent to experience his consciousness in a different manner. When he starts to take it habitually, the experience becomes meaningless and he is an addict.

I DO believe that people can be affected by outside entities of consciousness, I hesitate to use the word 'spirit' but this is how people would have understood it before the modern age.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 06:31 PM
You are absolutely right, BW. Although sorcery in terms of witchcraft is strictly prohibited, in this context and original Greek that is exactly what is saying.

The passage is prophesying how things will be in the last days. Included in the description of a declined moral society, 'pharmacies' is listed as one of the 'signs of the times.' And if you need 'proof' that people are being over medicated with dangerous 'mind altering substances' or that illegal drugs are rampant then you need to get out more. There is most certainly a drug epidemic, both legal and illegal.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 07:10 PM
reply topost by NewWorldOver and AshleyD

Excellent point from both of you concerning legal pharmaceuticals and food supplements. I got so wrapped up in thinking about the illegal drug trade I wasn't seeing the forest for the trees.

I'm not wanting to go "Tom Cruise" on you; of course there are completely legitimate uses for psychiatric drugs. But I would say many people are dependent on psychiatric medications for questionable or even spurious ailments. It's an easy way out.

From a spiritual point of view, people used to seek spiritual counsel for emotional problems. The drug companies don''t make money off people solving their issues. They profit off of treating them.

I don't have evidence that the pharmaceutical industry is discouraging churches from teaching abstinence from mood and mind altering drugs. But perhaps in a subtle way they are. They do have a vested interest.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 07:28 PM
You're Exactly RIGHT!
Pharmaceutical drugs almost KILLED me!

Let me begin by saying that drugs were with me from 16 up.
After many traumatic events, I ended up in a private mental facility for depression. After spending time with certain doctors, I was diagnosed with bi-polar, agoraphobia and I had psychotic features.
I was on lithium, tegratol, wellbutrin and others I can't remember.
The doctor decided to put me on Haldol.
That same night in the facility, after meds, I felt sick.
I didn't know for sure if it was the medicine, but I didn't want to go off any meds that might help 'cure' me.
Little by little, I blacked out. "Where is my purse?" (We were allowed personal items, as long as they weren't 'sharps'.)
I 'came to' one time and I was finishing a pastel in art.
What was going ON?
I was STILL taking my 3 time a day meds, I was also wearing a nicotine patch,(Put on by the nurses)It was 21mg AND I was STILL smoking marlboro Reds!

The next thing I know, I'm laying in my bed watching a couple of baseball players pitching back and forth(They had uniforms on). My favorite nurse was holding my hand and telling me it was going to be alright.
Then, she was GONE. I went to the nurses' desk. All the other patients were gone to therapy or somewhere and it was really peaceful and quiet. I asked the nurse where my nurse was and she said, "Virginia's not here today, honey."
I told her about what was going on in my room just a couple of yards away and she grew concerned and said that I HAD to tell my parents to get my meds changed. The nurse and I told my Mom the next Sunday visit.

She told the Administrators, but they defended, saying that it MUST be a drug I had taken outside of the clinic. That it was permanent and for her to join a support group.
I had signed myself in to get help for depression and to 'get myself together'.
So, only I could ask for a change, but, I couldn't!

Well, My Dad came up there and threatened them with a shotgun if they didn't change my doctor and they brought in another, younger doctor.
I 'woke up' and looked at my room, which had some new things in it and, later, when my Mom came, I was like, "What is going on?"

Of course, my depression and suicidal tendencies only got worse.
I eventually quit ALL my mental medications, but I still did recreational ones to keep me going.
You know what happens if you O.D. on Stelazine?( a pharmaceutical drug)
Your whole right side seizes up, WEIRD!
One of my dear friends(Who was about 20 years older than me got caught in the doctor prescribed stupor, also.
I went to see her , when she could still drive. She was on MANY meds. I told her to tell her doctor to take her off and let her mind clean up, but she couldn't and a few years later, she was dead of complications.

I've only seen a devil twice, once when I was slipped a mind-altering hallucination liquid.
The DAY I got saved, I was TOTALLY healed and I haven't even smoked a cigarette in 10 years!

SORRY for my long story, but it won't cost you a dime and it's TRUE!

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Bigwhammy

Maybe I'm over simplifying it, but basically what you are saying is that anyone who uses "drugs" is a sorcerer? I wish I would have known this during my High School years.

I could of been the leader of any sorcerer based religion.

Second question on that same thought. Why would god create a plant (i.e. marijuana) that is naturally grown, and the only processing done to it (besides some people who genetically engineer (still a fairly natural process, but it involves utilizing rooting gels and snippings from a plant) is hanging it upside down to dry it out... So by your definition does Marijuana truly qualify as a drug?

If So I know a LOT of Christians who are violating their own religious beliefs.
another example to validate my point would be the Rastafarian Religion. (Christian, but with a belief that marijuana actually brings one closer to God)

So basically... Does pot fall into your classification of drugs? I noticed Alcohol did (which is strange as the most popular alcoholic beverage in the world was created by Monks... BEER!)

I agree that drugs can lead to a degradation of the human spirit (especially processed/synthetic drugs) but I have to say I've always interpreted the passages referenced to mean that MODERATION is a key to the usage of these mind altering substances. I've actually taken it a step further in that I personally believe as a Christian that Moderation/Mediocrity are keys to being a Truly Spiritual Christian. I.e. we all make mistakes... but a continued drive down the wrong path will steer us off course... We are all destined for greatness, but we must accomplish this greatness by being humble, vibrant, and living in our own way. If we specialize ourselves we take away chances.


posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by Bigwhammy

Please excuse this small voice of dissent. But.................

Drugs aren't really the problem. It's people that can't handle such things. Native American traditions alone have long used hallucinogenics for certain rituals of their, the spirit quest comes to mind. And yet their cultures were not debauched evil things. If I was asked I would say their way of life was the purest we've had in a while.

Of course when someone uses a hallucinogenic just for the "high" they are abusing it and not using it right and will suffer the consequences. But when used in moderation and for ceremonial reasons ONLY it is not bad and can actually be a positive thing.

Just my 2 cents worth.
But I am a spiritual mystic and not a Christian. But if you wish to follow those rules, more power to you, I won't judge you and neither is it my place to do such.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by coven
reply to post by Bigwhammy

Maybe I'm over simplifying it, but basically what you are saying is that anyone who uses "drugs" is a sorcerer? I wish I would have known this during my High School years.

I could of been the leader of any sorcerer based religion.

What I''m really getting at is a poor translation, we don't understand the true meaning of the scripture because we understand sorcery to be something different today.

Second question on that same thought. Why would god create a plant (i.e. marijuana) that is naturally grown, and the only processing done to it (besides some people who genetically engineer (still a fairly natural process, but it involves utilizing rooting gels and snippings from a plant) is hanging it upside down to dry it out... So by your definition does Marijuana truly qualify as a drug?

Well I used to do it. Honestly it was a bad influence on me. IMO Alcohol is far worse. But pot made me lazy and stupid. Some people get paranoid and freak on it. Now on the why would God create plants that were spiritually dangerous? Remember when sin came into the world? In the Garden? God cursed the ground. Gen 3:17-18

Cursed is the ground because of you; "
It will produce thorns and thistles for you,
and you will eat the plants of the field.

Also note he didn't intend for us to use them as drugs. Read the OP, Fallen Angels introduced the idea into human knowledge.

Originally posted by Clearskies
reply to post by Bigwhammy

Wow clearskies thanks for sharing that testimony. I am glad you are healed form all of that. That story is pretty damning evidence against the medical establishment. Note that spiritual help solved your problem! Perhaps the King Sorcerers are big pharma I ran across this article as well.

Article about antidepressant caused suicides

[edit on 2/29/2008 by Bigwhammy]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 09:53 PM
When you have 'visions' and you KNOW they are evil, not a cute, 'helpful spirit', then you stop the fun and games.
I am part Cherokee.
After I became a Christian I wondered if some drugs might not be as bad as others, but, I remembered that I didn't need to get in 'TOUCH' with a spirit, except with Faith and prayer!

What made natives BETTER than the Europeans?
They warred, had superstitions, some practiced human sacrifice.
Some practiced slavery.

Thanks Bigwhammy!

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Clearskies

You know, CS, it makes me wonder if that is why the Bible strictly prohibits sorceries [read: pharmacies]. Because some say they can open a door and let in false spirits. It also makes me wonder if the similarities between the words sorceries and pharmacies were similar for this reason. Perhaps in antiquity they were used for an interconnected purpose.

EDIT: And I am trying to reply while still being as careful as possible about the T&C's that prohibit 'drug talk.' But if a mod has a problem, then please update this comment accordingly. I'm in no way condoning the use of any substances to 'open your mind' as I am very outspoken about disapproving of such things.

[edit on 2/29/2008 by AshleyD]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:03 PM
A question for the poster, which version of the Bible are you using? The King James version removes all references to a difference between magic being good and evil. Keep in mind, King James hated magic (Part of the reason why Shakespeare wrote Macbeth with the witches, probably) and had the Bible edited to suit his beliefs.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Clearskies

When you have 'visions' and you KNOW they are evil, not a cute, 'helpful spirit', then you stop the fun and games.

Nah, I find they are rather like people. Some want to help. Some are apathetic about you. Some want to harm you.
The first is great to deal with.
The second can be difficult.
The last I avoid like the plague.

I am part Cherokee.

Good. ME TOO! =)

After I became a Christian I wondered if some drugs might not be as bad as others, but, I remembered that I didn't need to get in 'TOUCH' with a spirit, except with Faith and prayer!

Hey. Whatever works for you. I find communicating with them as intensely interesting. But if you choose not to that is your right.

What made natives BETTER than the Europeans?

Well R E S P E C T for the world they lived in.
Amongst other things.

They warred, had superstitions, some practiced human sacrifice.

The Central American tribes were not what I was talking about.

Some practiced slavery.

Of a form. But not like the word slavery denotes. Seemed more like an enforced adoption. Individuals were integrated into the tribe.

Once again not talking about the Aztec's etc. They were more violent and twisted bunch.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by RuneSpider
A question for the poster, which version of the Bible are you using? The King James version removes all references to a difference between magic being good and evil. Keep in mind, King James hated magic (Part of the reason why Shakespeare wrote Macbeth with the witches, probably) and had the Bible edited to suit his beliefs.

That's the NIV but I do not understand what you mean by "references to a magic being good and evil"

What does that mean?

edit --> you mean good or evil right? Feel free to correct me if you have any evidence to the contrary but I don't believe there is "good magic" in the Bible. Not to say that supernatural means evil, obviously not. Jesus did miracles and healings... I guess it's just semantics. The disciples cast out demons, healed people as well. The context of "sorcery" was never good.

BTW -> You're right King James was a real sicko too!

[edit on 2/29/2008 by Bigwhammy]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:18 PM
I don't have an informed opinion on the topic, as it was something that I had never considered before. Thank you for bringing it up. Interesting and 'out of the box' thinking.

Good job!


posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Bigwhammy

Originally in the Bible, there was a distinction in good magic and bad magic. King James hated magic in general. So when he had a translation done he had it all blacklisted.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:21 PM
as a long-time member of ATS who would enjoy a thorough discussion I am displeased that we can discuss the negative personal effects of drugs yet anything crossing that border gets stomped on quickly.. for a site that boasts denying ignorance I think the guillotine should be sharpened for both sides to be fair.

Especially in a thread dealing with sorcery and the amount of times I've seen the word drug used... either there has to be a mature approach to this or a section where it's allowed because to have an open discussion concerning this topic the flood-gates have to be opened.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by RuneSpider

Magick is a tool. It can be used for good as well as ill. It's what you do with it that determines if it is bad or good.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by Bigwhammy

Aha....just having of of those moments! Yes, sure makes more sense to me now.

Big Pharma is the Great Sorcerror....and following in that vein the abuse of licit or illicit drugs.

Just getting some things resolved here in my mind.

Good useful topic, BigWhammy

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by PuRe EnErGy

I'm inclined to agree with you on your assessment, PureEnergy.

But what's to do, if anything.

I sympthasize with ya on the associations that go floating around about the connection between wiccans with drug use.

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