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Bush: US is not headed into recession

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posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by kleverone

Okay, the US President pretends to know nothing about economics. Fine.

Perhaps in part he was telling the truth. The US economy is not slipping into recession -- it is instead being sucked down the toilet.

Now what is slipping in the USA is the Constitutional Republic. And if the USA under Bush is slipping into anything it is absolute tyranny.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:15 PM
I dont know why people would want to SAVE money . If everything falls it will be worthless anyway. You figure if we were smart we would be spending MORE right now . Planning and covering our butts.

Maybe thats what there trying to cause ? Who knows anymore tho eh? Too bad my indoor garden wouldn't last long without 3000w of light :/

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by Pellevoisin

The most probable reality in all of this, is that he actually believes he sees light at the end of the tunnel.

Said light of course is merely an oncoming train, and he is steadfastly refusing to move his ground.

Hold that thought a little longer oh fearless leader of the free world, the train is a tad bigger than you, and you'll never feel it...........

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 07:10 PM
lol aaaaaauroaaaaa

fancy being disrespectful to somebody who has served his country, that in my book, is a get out of 'jail' free card for a lot of things, even more so when he has not disrespected you in any way shape or form. when i read your posts i get the immense feeling that you are probably some spoiled little such and such, sitting there with your father funded college education. (IMHO)

You sir are a testament to the education system of today. with the 'who cares about anybody else, so long as i get mine' attitude.

Yeah there have always been poor people and now there are more poor people. Does that mean we should just turn a blind eye? they are people non-the-less. just like you or i. Sure they may not have a father funded education. But i bet they have a lot more respect for people than you do.

How do you measure a mans success? in dollar terms? how many qualifications he has? OR how that person lived their life with what they had?

You are so quick to say 'there has always been poor people' it makes me shudder to think that somebody like you could in fact go on to be one of the uber-economists that have the world reeling already.

I can only hope that more people take on your attitude and eventually chaos will ensue - then thus, finally the reset button may be hit, and we can all start again. An optimist may say that then even people like you (from what little i know) might even begin to treat people like people regardless of race/wealth/nationality, instead of treating them like numbers. 1,000,000 people died today from xyz reason. nobody even blinks any more. Imagine that was you and your ENTIRE family, EVERYBODY you had ever met. I bet you would not be so quick to say half the things you say then.



p.s this is just my opinion only, i do have an open mind and realise that i am more than likely way off, but these things should not be happening in a world where two total strangers can have a discussion about the 'poor'

[edit on 28-2-2008 by blurryone]

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by blurryone

Well the cold hard truth is there WILL always be poor people. Its just a matter of how large the poor class is. There is no way to eliminate the poor class. The poor class may have better living conditions, but they are still the poor class.

I mean if you compare americans poor class to the poor class of a country in africa...well, you get my point, there is no comparison.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by grimreaper797

I agree is always division in classes, but what is going on in our nation today is the elimination of the middle class or may I say the extinction of the middle class, the working class that supports this nation tax to pay for the needs of the poor social needs and programs.

When is no more money coming from the middle class for support we all will become only two classes the very rich and the poor.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by aaaauroraaaaa
The nation. As in the USA... Is not in a recession. We are experiencing wealth re-distribution.

This is awesome. I've never seen anyone backpedal so many times to avoid adressing the situation at hand.

If you take a look at the thread title: Bush claims we are not heading into a recession. We disagree. All the signs say that we are, headed INTO a recession.

Are we currently IN a recession? You say no. And this difference of semantics is all you have had to lean on this entire thread.

Give it a rest. Now you are going to re-define an oncoming recession as 'wealth re-distribution.'

If that isn't backpedaling I don't know what is. Re-defining the same term over and over is a tactic politicians use.... I am always tickled pink when American citizens try to use the same scam on everyone around them. It is not your job to be a politician and dance endlessly around the topic... as an American citizen, you might want to consider accepting reality with the rest of us.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Gools
reply to post by aaaauroraaaaa

Wholly broken record batman!!!!

Enough already.

We know the textbook definition of a recession! K?

The astute among us know what any "educated" economist thinks about things. Of course my definition of "educated" probably differs from yours, but then that just me and my crazy conspiracy theories.

By the way, for anybody who believes any of the Government statistics I have this bridge in Brooklyn I'm trying to get off my hands...


Gov't reported numbers such as GDP are "POLITICIZED".

It is all about perception management.

ALSO the FIRE economy Finance, Real Estate, and INSurance make up the majority of our economic earnings, not the industrial sector.

The financial sector and Real Estate had grown to such a gargantuan size that the growth of the "economy" depended on ways for these sectors to "deregulate" and get creative with lending to increase "debt" . Much of the growth of last few years was ficticious growth , not tangible capital, just numbers on a screen or money created by a few punches on a screen, then inflated away in a frenzy of greed, financial "model assumption's" and carelessness.

The real economy isn't doing so hot, i would argue their is a complete disconnect from wall street to the "real economy". People think stock are a "good value" because they are comparing price to earnings ratio's against company's who's growth was due to inflacted debt driven "paper".

Keep in mind , if you choose to measure by unemployment numbers we could have recession while GDP numbers which may not go under according to "official calculation" driven by fraud as well as inflation (gov't monetizing debt)

If they don't find a way to bailout the housing market and put a floor under home prices then we will have a very bad recession by anyone's definition. If they do throw enough money at the housing market thru gov't agency led "silent" bailout then we may not have much of a dollar left (dollar heavily dependent on wether the european central bank cut's intrest rates also and OPEC)

here is a chart of the dollar

it is weighted against a basket of currency's with the Euro be weighted about 4 x more than the yen, yuan , Great britan pound, etc .

And most major banks are in no position to lend out the money that has driven growth, they are trying to stay above water, not knowing when major writeoff (will take away more of their capital/lending base) Watch the 10 and 30 year intrest rates on gov't bond's also. If they rise to high the "FED" may have to choose wether they let the gov't bond market and it's financial weapons of mass destruction (derivatives) explode, or the stock maket and it's credit derivatives explode.

also aaaaauroraaaa is right about the wealth redistribution the only thing is the poor are losing the rich american's are tying to keep pace with inflation and when you look at the global picture , anyone only invested in american denominated currency is watching their wealth get re-distributed to Asia and Europe as american assets purchasing power is taken by the YUAN and the EURO which have/are appreciated.

[edit on 28-2-2008 by cpdaman]

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by grimreaper797

Sad but true my friend, sad but true.

Sorry for the one liner but i feel it does justify a comment but no more than that.


posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:50 PM
You know, I only have to see the word 'Bush' anywhere these days and i burst into laughter..

Pay close attention to his reaction (#1.10) when asked 'if he had prior knowledge of 911'

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 02:43 AM
Where is the recession? I am looking for a plasma TV, I just refinanced my house with a much better interest rate, fixed at that, and my wife is getting rid of her Kia to replace it with a Ford (new)!

Oh, thats right, we both have JOBS and work at them instead of relying on government "freebies".

It never ceases to amaze me. People, if you think things are bad now (where you are whining because you can't afford a new plasma tv), wait until after the next election in November. Democrats will tear this country apart.

Barack Hussein Obama preaches "change......change......change......change......change......change..." I could understand this if I still lived in my mom's basement, hiding tattoos I got instead of saving to move out. I might want "change" then....

Darnit! I don't want change! I want to keep my job and I don't want to pay for universal health care and I don't want this country to go the way of socialism!

I DO agree on one side of this argument. Bush knows darn well that a recession is coming (it IS NOT here yet). Recessions happen everytime Democrats get into office and "redistribute" wealth. Hillary said it herself...
"I have a million ideas but this country can't afford them all!"

[edit on 29-2-2008 by CreeWolf]

[edit on 29-2-2008 by CreeWolf]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 04:27 AM
Bush and the gang have been putting the squeeze on us American tax payers for a while now, and they grow bolder by the day. They are seeing how far they can push us, trying to find out what level of corruption we are willing to tolerate before we get off of our cans and do something. Every fiscal year the taxes go up, the burden on the average consumer grows heavier, and each year the fat cats get a little bit richer at our expense.

When will enough be enough? When we are all made to be indentured servants to a tyranical, out of control government? How long before they decide to take 90% of your earnings, give you food rations and free (yeah right) health care and by doing so effectively turn us all into wage slaves?

It is infuriating to sit and watch this smug moron sit there and lie directly to the faces of the American people. I guess it wouldn't be in Bush Co's best interest to come out on national television and tell us all what a world of # we are really in, a move like that could spook the herd and would be a detriment to their profits and their bottom line.

"Ignore the man behind the curtain...we know what is best for"

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 05:44 AM
You know how they "acted" built up some death camps, kill off the people and then there is money for them and whoever they choose to leave.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
Pardon me for pointing out an obvious fact... President Bush has his head so far up his own arse that he must fart to breath!

I like that.
I am going to have to remember that to drop into the middle of some conseveration.

Actually I know quite a few small business people, shop owners and the like and they have been telling me that all the growth bush minor has been touting for the past 7 years hasn't trickled down to them... the only thing they see is rising costs.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 09:32 AM
Technically, I believe our President is right. We are not *headed* into a recession BECAUSE WE'VE BEEN IN ONE FOR THE LAST EIGHT YEARS!

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:37 AM
I think one thing we fail to allow for that we did not have in the 70's and even the 80's recession is the buying of goods and services that are essentially buying nothing. These items are not manufactured but out of thin air. Look at the money paid out for cell phone service, high speed internet, cable T.V., and Itunes. We are spending money on non-manufactured goods. There is no payment to suppliers as there are none. Therefore there is no trickle-down to others from these non-existant suppliers to their workers or suppliers. Just how this affects the economy is unknown at this time.



posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 12:42 PM
If the word is used academically, there may not be a "recession" yet. However, I have known too many idiots with academic credentials to put much stock in formal qualifications. To the common person, things are getting rougher. The further down the economic scale you go, the more gas, groceries and rent accounts for in one's budget. To us, things have gotten worse and the prospect of them getting much worse is frightening.

If anyone reading this is fortunate (and financially slick) enough not to be living paycheck to paycheck, good for you. You won't see what the rest of us do. You still might want to consider what we are saying, because once the crunch hits you, it may be too late to buy a woodstove, plant a garden and start trading in goods with you freinds in the countryside who live on acreage.

Though I would rather be wrong, I do at least take some satisfaction in the idea that very soon, the same well-to-do inlaws that look down on me for my "minimalist" lifestyle might have to eat their words. Maybe I'll be nice and share my gardens/livestock/wood heat/sustainable living resources/water/alternative energy/land/completely paid for housing & autos with them. Maybe not.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by reluctantpawn

Alright. Here's where you're wrong-when you're paying for all of those things, you're not paying for nothing. You're paying for whatever it takes to make those things possible, which is frequently quite a lot. Think about all the cell towers, miles of cable, server banks, etc., etc., etc. that have to be built.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 12:45 PM
"ex" in-laws, i should say. I am currently in the market, should anyone be interested.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:25 PM
I think a better question is how many times is the media going to report on this? rofl!

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