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{Pune,India}I've been seeing UFO's everyday at sunrise for the past 1 week.

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posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:29 AM
They are bright objects, which appear a little to the left of the Sun in the sky, just before and sometimes during sunrise.

The time is between 6.55 AM and 7.10 AM.
i have been seeing them for over a week, everyday.

(This is not a bird, plane comet, asteroid, venus, shooting star, swamp-gas-reflecting-of-Venus, or weather baloon or even Superman...although that would have been cool)

They materialize out of thin air, travel slowly horizontally for 30 seconds or so, and then again disappear.
I have some photos taken my a 8.0 Megapixel Olympus digital camera.

where do i upload the photos?
Size is 2.25 MB each.

Edit:pics links added.

[edit on 28-2-2008 by vladmir]

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:32 AM
I wish i could help.....unsure, new myself but curious over these pics....

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by vladmir

Hi, vladmir

You can upload them here:

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:42 AM
well for now i've uploaded them to

now, only in full size will you see those 2 bright objects.
they are pretty much in the centre of the screen, and have not been tampered with in any way, they are uploaded,just as clicked.



Of the SAME above 2 pics, i will post 2 more with brackets or arrows that i will indicate where they are. this will be done thru Snagit, a imagecapture utility.

Now, in the second picture, you can see a swallow bird flying thru, and diagonally you can see these 2 bright round objects.

Also notice that there is NO OTHER STAR or PLANET visible, at all.

EDIT: sorry, i thought that thumbnail would enlarge on clicking, let me try again.

[edit on 28-2-2008 by vladmir]

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by internos

ah thanks, i just uploaded them to imagevenue!

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:43 AM
they are to small to view what you see.

can you make bigger?

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:49 AM

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:49 AM
Are they artificial satellites? They have reflective surfaces, and if they're rotating slowly (which they do), occasionally they'll reflect the sun, then abruptly stop reflecting, which will make them look like they disappear.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by internos

thank you for the clickable url links.
Well i really dont think these are satellites at all.
Thwy suddenly materialise, right in front of your eyes, where a second before, there was nothing.
How do i know where to look?
Because they have been suddenly appearing at the same spot, more or less at the same time.
There have been times where they have moved towards me, and so appear more brighter.
Sometimes a single one appears, and as this is going on, ANOTHER ONE POPS UP IN THE SAME PLACE, out of thin air, as the first one takes off , horizontally to the horizon.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:56 AM
Have you taken the pictures down already? Or has there been a glitch. Neither your posted pics, or the clickable links that Internos supplied work anymore


posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by internos
Image # 1
Image # 2

Darn! I couldn't get them to open!

Originally posted by vladmir
This is not a bird, plane comet, asteroid, venus, shooting star, swamp-gas-reflecting-of-Venus, or weather baloon or even Superman...although that would have been cool)

Hey vladmir! So how do you categorically state that it's none of the above? Could be Superman, though!

Seriously, can you tell us where exactly in Pune, India you're seeing these so called UFOs? Pretty interesting.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by Michelle129

this is dumb, why would they take down the pics? did they consume too much bandwidth already?
i'll upload them on

Edit: new links added to my original post above.

[edit on 28-2-2008 by vladmir]

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:12 AM
Could this be a sighting of nibiru? and our brown dwarf twin?

It could be a planets reflection or as said earlier satalites?

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:13 AM
Some minutes ago they worked: anyway:


posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

Its in the city.
Anyway, it sucks that the brightness comes dim in the pics.
Because, when i am seeing them, they are much brighter, and have a kind of glowing aura, so it makes them look even bigger, but of course in the photos, you cant make it out.
Perhaps, its the cameras fault, but its the best that i can do.
Subsequently, me along with a few friends have also seen this, but Pune is a sleepy city, amazingly nobody really cares if UFO's are visiting their airspace or not. If you ask someone on the street what the full form of a UFO, they wont know.
And if you talk about seeing them, they will laugh at you,ha ha.
Its pathetic, and makes me mad, but i cant do anything about it.

This month February is interesting, because believe it or not, it was last year, on feb 22 2007, that i had seen a similar UFO from my terrace.

I have even noted it on
Let me dig up that link, here it is in their archive.
Its dated feb. 27 2007.

so, you can see, these aliens/ufos have been for some reason, keeping a watch, or are curious about my city.

[edit on 28-2-2008 by vladmir]

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:31 AM
I've tried to enhance them, but it seems that the result sucks: it's really too small, imho;
i hope that it's better than nothing

Bicubic resample

Pixel resize

In according to Stellarium, there shouldn't be neither a star nor a planet in the vertical of the Sun, at least not at that time (gmt+5) from that location ...

[edit on 28/2/2008 by internos]

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by internos

thanks for that internos.
Here are a couple more snaps, these taken on 25th of Feb 2008.
This time, it is only a single one visible.
It will be visible only in full size of the pic, which is 2.24 MB in size, kind of in the center.

[edit on 28-2-2008 by vladmir]

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 07:42 AM
Could it be the ISS?

I have no idea where it should be from where you are standing, but a possibility?

Consideration of the light reflecting effects of space objects as dave420 has pointed out should be addressed with an open mind.

Regards S_G

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 07:49 AM
Interesting thread. Why you ask ?

Well i think i have been seeing the same object's myself now i have my Minolta on standby.

Good thread star and flag.

I will be back soon !

Take care.


posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 08:44 AM
If I'm not mistaken, either Venus or Jupiter is visible this month at sunrise. Looking at your pic, it seems to be one of those planets (I'm not sure which though). It would also stand to reason since it does roughly the same thing every day on a schedule it's most likely a heavenly body (and no, I don't mean Halle Berry.)

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