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Martial Law…

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posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by darcon

Nothing wrong with that... lol

We will fire the weapons, you guys supply the entertainment!

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:25 AM
For fun let's say that on Jan. 20, 2009 GWB declares martial law on the whole country (which has happened only once in history, and it was during this thing called the Civil Freakin' War.) And troops are raiding the refrigerators of everyone's home, shooting people at random as they cross the street, and GWB is just sitting there in the White House refusing to leave.

What the hell happens next?

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 03:21 AM
This is a lot to absorb in the 3 1/2 pages I just read... I do have a question though.

Diana, how exactly were you contacted for this focus group? Phone call, mailer, etc.?

Now, in regards to what would happen... one of my concerns would be how my job function would be affected. 24x7x365 cable and telephony operation. Requires full staffing, and would be considered a critical function from the government perspective. Or would it? I really don't know what martial law would do to that (given curfews, etc.)

I would think in a time of crisis you would want as idle as possible without time to contemplate a counter attack. How do you do that? TV. Mezmorize them in front of the box, and you keep them off the streets. Would I be required to stay at work away from my family? Would I be prevented from going to work?

Honestly, it is a lot to think about.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 05:36 AM
Yet another, very, very interesting thread. It may not appear so to most people, but that's only because they lack proper background information to connect the dots.

Here are some pieces of info that you may need in order to bring some meaning into this little story:

Above story may read like a superb science-fiction (the best of science fiction is always close to the reality, trust me; I'm a fan of SF myself
), but there's much more in it than may appear at first glance. For one, Ingo Swann has credentials that the best of "psychics" can only dream of. A circumstantial proof at best, I know, but it carries some weight nonetheless.

There are also some other bits of information that closely relate to his story. All of them still circumstantial, but they allow Ingo's story to hold water.

What I find particulary interesting is the common thread between Ingo's story and this topic - the concept, the scene, the players, and the feeling of psychological experiments conducted in both cases.

Pay close attention to Ingo Swann's Mr. Axelrod, and then compare his behaviour to the behaviour of the man stalking diana. Do they seem strangely similar, or what?

But, enough of giving rational explanations. Here are some general feelings of background intent I have about this.

It's hard to explain, but I'll give it a try.

Those in the know know that every event can be viewed as a game in which players have some rules to follow, gains, and penalties, depending on how they play the game, which rules they follow, and which they don't.

Remember that Matrix scene when Neo has to jump from one building to another? Morpheus says to Neo: "What you must learn is that these rules are no different than the rules of a computer system. Some of them can be bent. Others can be broken."

All of this stuff is well known within Game Theory - a specilized field in mathematics that deals with "games". Like in "war games", "economy games", "political games". Feel free to pick your favorite game.

Game Theory is heavily used in today's world to model behavior of both individuals and societies alike. It's still pretty crude, but it shows the general direction in which modern society "should be pushed" to bring complete and total control over this planet's resources.

When I say resources I don't mean just oil, water, minerals and the such. I also mean "human resources" as a very specific, higly organized, irreplacable form of energy resource. You can't effectively control lower organized resources (like animals, plants, minerals, and the rest) without some intermediary between "higher" and "lower" levels. The level of "human resources" is that intermediary between the "higher" (human and above) and the "lower" levels ("lower humans", animals, and below).

It's a simple pyramidal scheme. And we all know that "secret-society-boys" like to brag about pyramids and "all seeing eyes", don't we? How many of them trully understand what they are talking about? Very few I'd guess... But that's not the point here.

Those who strive for such control see humanity as an energy resource. If you can look through their eyes for just a moment, you will see that they have a very rational approach. There's not a speck of emotion in their view. Actually, it's as rational as cattle farming. No surprises there.

Now, the really interesting question for me is what side the guys conducting this particular study are on. The problem with answering that question is that the "higher" in the hierarchy you get, the harder it is to descern between the "good" and the "bad" guys. The probability states that they are the "bad" guys, but you can as easily have a "good" guy masquerading as a "bad" one. Once inside a pyramidal scheme, you can't show your true self, or you're fried. Just another of the rules. Sad, but true.

So, to conclude...

[edit on 29-2-2008 by elendal]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 05:42 AM
I think martial law is going to be introduced in the coming disasters leading up to 2012 or planet x or possibly the aftermath of the incident.
It makes little or no difference who is your president as he is not at the top of the chain he is the public face of the secret societies.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 05:55 AM
The observation that psychological response to the questions (as well as to the events taking place right after the study) was the main objective, sounds quite right. And the fact that diana showed unusual resonses (the famous "only 5% of humanity has leadership abilities" study) serves as a very convincing reason for stalking her afterwards.

However, the show-off is highly unusual for goverment "suits" under such circumstances. Their actions resemble too much what Ingo Swann described, and since I'm almost certain Mr. Axelrod was not goverment, I have to use the same assumption here.

Either way, these guys are extremely interesting from my point of view. This is a perfect oportunity for you, diana, to learn of the things very rarely seen, or even spoken about. It is dangerous, that's for sure, but no true knowledge comes without putting oneself in one danger or another. It's always a personal choice, so I can't give you advice to go either way.

But, if you decide to Play Their Little Game, I'd go with this line first:

"Hello, Mr. Axelrod".

It would be interesting to see this guy's face after that greeting... to say the least.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 06:17 AM
Well that story is creepy. It is too bad that facts are scattered and disinfo is all around us.

I agree with one of the posts about birth pains... I believe all of the stuff you are seeing posted (besides the drug users) are reports on an emerging subject.

Who knows what the truth is. I can handle it... Im just looking for my cue and who to follow... what about yall?

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 06:24 AM
Ok that was odd...

Someone had called at that entry really brief and they mumbled something into my crappy cell phone... Care to recall?

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 06:41 AM
lol a little paranoia going on there.

Some guys called me from the Florida Location a wrong number perhaps... all he said is that he didn't speak english, in english.

Thats what happens when you get caught up in ATS
It was a 561 294 #### so anyways yeah that was weird. Maybe it was a connection from an unknown force... or maybe that guy is up to something and they connected me to find this guy... Who knows. I feel another ATS Topic coming abroad

I've heard that through your mind when you verbally tell the world you are looking for something you find it much quicker. I dunno

[edit on 29-2-2008 by rjmelter]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by rjmelter

Wow... that is kinda funny because the night I created this thread I got a call at 3 in the morning (blocked number) and I just heard breathing when I answered... The person I thought it was turned out not to be the caller and I never gave it any thought? lol until I read those last two replies... lol

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by elendal

I want to join her at the library one time and see if he is there, but I am always at work when she goes... I wonder if they want her to know they are following her or if they just "suck" at blending in... She does have a powerful sense of observation!

One thing she noticed that was very odd I have not yet mentioned in this thread... One of the guys running the focus group mentioned he had been working there for 13 years or so... The only problem was the picture on his badge had the same glasses and same shirt he was wearing that day!

Now I suppose he could have lost his badge and got a new one, but none the less, it was just another weird occurence that took place and she picked up on! I mean come on, how many people would notice that anyway?

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by altrock

I agree that it makes no difference who is president... but... a lot of people have had "visions" of the world disasters taking place while president bush is in office... so all of this other stuff just adds to that!

Evan my dad had a vision when daddy bush was in office that the world would come to rest while bush was in office, the only problem was at the time my dad didn't even know there would be a bush jr. so when bush ended his stay in office, my dad forgot about his "vision" until bush jr. entered... Now if bush jr. leaves office that would make him totally incorrect, if martial law takes place, that gives more time for the "vision" to come true...

This is just one example and my dad is NOT a psychic... but it's kinda like overtime so to speak!

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by TLomon

The first contact if I remember correctly... was through email... She will have to confirm!

Now... as far as your "job"...

Depending on how bad it gets, you might get a work permit allowing you to be out if you show your "pass" so to speak... If they get as bad as some could imagine (or as bad as they got in our history books)... they could simply "take over" any jobs that are of use to them... They all have more than enough training to effectivily do the work if necessary!

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by sparda4355

strange indeed, i got the same kind of call about a week and a half ago.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 11:00 AM
My family and I have been discussing this very scenario for the last yaer or so. If the election goes the way of the Democrats, I think you may see something like that. If McCain wins, I don't know. Regardless, it's going to be the same people in power behind the scenes. The military industrial complex.

I hope this doesn't come to pass, but I've got a bad feeling about it.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by pjsconcrete

I too hope to GOD that this does not come to pass! Trust me, I would much rather be "wrong" and made fun of for being paranoid than be right!

Some how I don't think an "I told you so" to all those that didn't believe me it was possible would have the same feeling of gratification in this scenario...

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
Originally posted by diana

Hi diana,

I hope you don't consider this too specific, but general questions. I don't expect you to name the company where you did the study.

The study was done on behalf for the Department of Homeland Security with the current President not any candidates running. They got approval, after i googled the crap out of the very limited info i have, in late 2005. The budget was like $650,000 to do this. there were a total of 16 participants two focus group studies.

i'll post more later.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by darcon
reply to post by EyesWideShut

you really hate those NWO SOB's eh?
On my thread you were all, peace and #, but anything to do with those Crazy Elites, man you gonna kill them.

Just Joking, i would do the same thing if i was in your position. But i live in canada, we don't really carry weapons down here.

lol... I'm all about peace and Love man!!!... Just don't tread on me!

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by EyesWideShut

They deserve what they get, they have been manipulating the public for far too long, too get away with something like that.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Dark_Ace
if martial law happens every gun loving American will be ready

I was watching CNN the other night and heard a brief section that Hillary, Obama and someone else (?) will not re-issue any new gun licenses.
Anyone hear anything about that?

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