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Ronald Weinland (nothing yet...)

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posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by SirPaulMuaddib

It is NOW + one far, God has not heard Ronald Weinland's prayers to bring judgment upon America "NOW" (as Ronald Weinland the false prophet has asked for).

Rather than taking the task upon himself (after-all that is what the bible states his task is), he's asked his members to pray for this judgement to come "NOW", when it does not happen, who will he blame?

We will see.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 06:17 PM
So Spaznotz, did you follow RW and be a good boy and follow his damnds to pray for an increase in the Thunders and Trumpets.?

I suppose you listen to his broadcasts and therefore did in fact pray for more destruction on the earth. I'm just looking for either a scriptural or spiritual example of Christians asking God to bring more destruction on the earth contrary to Gods heart until the day arrives when no more time is available.

1 - So where do you sit on this, were you a good boy and prayed hard fro more death and destruction?
2 - If you didn't, ae you disobedient to RW?
3 - Don't you think that RW asking for prayer help means it isn't coming as fast as he'd like and he can't control it and actually needs help to bring it on to prove him right - yet after all he is THE prophet isn't he? Can't HE say it and it happens? Oh... sorry, how silly of me. he hasn't predicted anythign specific yet has he.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:56 AM
"NOW" - as Ronald Weinland would define it, is six months from now.

From and including: Tuesday, March 1, 2011
To, but not including : Sunday, May 27, 2012

It is 453 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date

Or 1 year, 2 months, 26 days excluding the end date

So, there are 2 months, 26 days, before the final year, according to Ron's calender.

Yet to be seen: False Prophet, Beast Leader, any kind of real Tribulation, nuclear war, United Europe, enforced Mark of Beast, Martyrdom of Saints....rivers to blood, 1/4 of all man dying....or the later 1/3 of all man dying.

I do not say these will not come, but they have most certainly not occurred yet.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:11 PM
"Judgment Can No Longer Be Delayed" - from Ronald the lying false prophet Weinland , from his site.

So far, it's been delayed for almost 2 weeks. (well really...over 2 years)

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 09:55 AM
Regarding Ronald Weinland, asking for prayers for these prophetic thunders and/or other prophecies be fulfilled...

I note Moses.

Moses never asked anyone to pray for any of his prophetic announcements to be fulfilled.

In my view this insults God, that one would have to pray for God to fulfill His own prophecy, seems to show a lack of faith in God's ability to fulfill it.

Neither Moses nor any other prophet in the bible, ever asked for prayers for any prophecy they uttered.

The pattern is always:
1) God speaks directly to prophet. (in some form or other)
2) Prophet speaks to leader or nation
3) Prophecy is fulfilled.

From Genesis to Revelation....that is the patter for all prophets.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 10:50 AM
Well surpirse surprise, Japan, on the worlds mosty active faultline has had another. But it's a biggie. Ron will claim success of prayer for this one of course. Although what will happen is already known by God, tell every japanese you know that certian people prayed for it... No, don't it brings a bad name for God becuase they'd still see RW as Christian.

Becuase RW will cliam this is proof, can anyone find predictions about Japan tat he's talked about?

By the way the earthquakes in the Bible talk about the likes of what the ''earth has never seen before' so while this is big it's not the biggest and it's not anything like what I'd expect to see of a tribulation type event and even I know we are close to the end. A tribulation type event would be a 10+ in California, splitting LA city, completely unindating 1/2 of it (LA is 22 million right?) and levelling the rest. That, would be something that I would sit up and say, ok, now we have a year or two left.

In 2008 RW said 1/3 of stuff would die in the US. 2009 no, 2010 nope, 2011 (he's hoping) 2012 probably not, 2013 ?, 2014 could happen then, it has to happen sometime we all know that.

The issue is not will stuff happen, we all know it will and some who read this forum will be dead when those things do. The key is is RW a prophet. A real Prophet would say "Cyclone in Queensland, city levelled in NZ, Large tsunmai in nthn Japan. A real prphet does not say increased destruction becuase my kids can work out that sort of stiuff is happening by what God puts in their spirits and they read in the word, which makes them equals with RW, which is a low comparison. In fact one has predicted stuff more accurately.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:44 AM

Ronald Weinland
Since the beginning of this year, the Thunders of Revelation have become louder and are now overlapping each other. Severe storms of destruction are not just in the distance any longer, but coming down quickly upon us. These begin harshly upon the United States, first and foremost. The Second Trumpet is being prepared to sound, and the Thunders will be intensified dramatically in this nation and throughout the whole world.

It happened in New Zealand first, then more worse in Japan (a non-Israelitish nation).

Success/Fail (?)
1) Date mentioned (fail, never mentioned)
2) Place mentioned (fail)
3) Type of plague (fail)
4) Who would get it first (fail)
5) Timing ('s been about 3 weeks since "NOW")

It should be easy to determine if this man is a true prophet or a false prophet.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:54 AM
Ron’s latest post is interesting and I will not deny we are in the end times. Ron however is still no prophet as my teenage son predicts things more accurately than Ron can.
Ron said several statements in 2008. NONE have come true. Of course now we are told a 48 hour fast prevented it. 48 hours from a few thousand people? I know people who have fasted for much much longer for smaller things than trying to turn Gods hand away from what has already been set in eternity.
Ron once again states a time-frame which no doubt he will revise due to another series of fasts. 15 months. We once had 36 before utter devastation.
If, and only if, 1/3 of the USA (not 1/10 or ¼ but 1/3) is utterly destroyed, people, plants and animals, will he be shown to be right as that is something he has said should already have happened a year ago.... !!
Christchurch, Samoa, Japan. They are events you would expect with the earth groaning and decaying as it is. They are serious events, but not devastation of a global scale. The US has not collapsed though we all know it will, along with China.
Ron states the commodity markets are falling. The Bible is clear a bag of gold will buy a loaf of bread. Well it’s at US$1416 an ounce, a bag would weight about 5 ounces. That’s US$7080. I can buy over 4500 loafs of bread with a bag of gold still... and there’s only 15 months for it to drop to US1.53 an ounce!

“Jesus Christ IS going to return to this earth. This time Christ is coming as King of kings, as a Lion, and not as a Lamb”.

But Ron, Christ’s kingdom is already here or have you not understood what we are... sons of God, brothers to Christ, our spirits being in nature of the God kind, the kingdom is already here!.

“NOW is the time of transition when everything is going to begin to change, from man’s self-rule to God’s worldwide rule”

You said that many times already. Has God not been listening?

You have 15 months to be lying dead in the streets of Jerusalem along with your ‘wife’. The truth is that you will be dead long before those months end, and the world will continue for a little while longer without you.

"Saying “I am a prophet,” does not make someone delusional".

True but getting it wrong time and time again and changing timelines with the excuse God keeps changing his mind IS delusional.

“This nation, and the rest of the world, has not yet suffered destruction as God had revealed previously in prophecies” the only true word you have printed so far.

“the coming of His Son on May 27, 2012” your date yet the scripture you claim to know already disputes your claim as no man, nor indeed Christ himself knows the day, unless you claim to be above the firstborn Son in relationship with God?

“If this fast had not taken place, the Second Trumpet would have sounded shortly after that. But it was God’s will that the fast should happen exactly as it did. So God gave mankind a year of mercy for each day of fasting”

This does show delusion as the mercy occurred before the fasting. God does not work like that. Find an example in the word Ron, where God asks people, to fast so that he can do what he’s already done. The fact is you were wrong – that is all. And you will be wrong again or if by chance your timing happens to be accurate because we are in the timing of events, you’ll die before you see it to save you from hell, lest you be marked as a false prophet before all mankind. Now that would be God being merciful.

“Thunders begin harshly upon the United States, first and foremost”.

Cool, but they haven’t at all yet and there is only 15 months left and that’s after we once had 36 months and it didn’t happen then either!

“The book, 2008—God’s Final Witness, revealed that 2008 was God’s last great warning to mankind. We have now entered the year for total economic collapse, with worldwide tribulation and destruction.”

Actually you said it would begin in 2008. Prophets don’t get it wrong Ron, you did. Anyway, you now have only 7 months to prove the total financial collapse of the USA. That can only happen with an event large enough to wipe out 1/3 of the USA so you had better ‘pray’ for destruction to come quickly otherwise in 2012 you’ll have to fast again to show why God didn’t do it in 2011!

You have talked about people repenting and because they didn’t events will occur. Look humans only react ‘after’ events occur. Many come to Christ after disaster don’t you know that? Yet I bet you’re not in Japan preaching your heart out to save millions because life would be too hard for you in Japan right now wouldn’t it Ron. You might die there from radiation poisoning! Ah but a prophet of God yet to die as a martyr in Jerusalem couldn’t die in Japan could he? But you still won’t go where a harvest could occur because harvests need reaping, and they need workers and you are not a worker.

“The Middle East is in great turmoil. Commodity prices are surging. Governments are struggling. Europe is in crisis. China is at a crossroads and is now acting accordingly to preserve herself and become dominant in the world. Food is rapidly becoming more scarce.”

Really, food scarce? What planet are you one? They said the same things in 1915, 1943, 1958, 1967, 1985 ... ho hum. Give us something new please, you’re sounding like an old Hal Lindsay book..

“Earthquakes, extremes in weather, destruction of crops, economic turmoil and uncertainty, government uprisings, inflation, terrorism, and many other calamities are about to increase many fold over. We have entered a most sobering period for man’s history. Death and destruction is NOW at our door.”

Correct, and anyone with a TV, computer and a Bible could have said that. It does not take anyone who thinks they are a representative of the Gods word to the world to point that out. Babes in Christ can see the writing on the wall. As I said my kids, even when they were 13 knew we were approaching the end and what would happen. Makes you looks silly aye!

“God’s Church has called upon people to enter into a one-day fast in the beginning of April” ..............

Nooooooooooooooo, don’t do that! So far a day's fast stops God for a whole year and you’ll delay the thing yet another year giving us only 5 months for everyhting to be squeezed into !!!!! (At least you said something that was funny)

“We need to be spiritually strong in order to serve God in the great harvest that is now before us”

What harvest Ron?, you’ve already said they didn’t turn, and you’ve already prayed for the destruction of millions you were supposed to harvest through sings and wonders as a prophet of God. You’ve healed no one, shown no miracle, no sign, no wonder, had no prediction come true, have been ill once already (another to come yet), have contravened scripture, and on and on and on......

I know this means nothing to you, but it is in writing so that some who may read this who follow you, may somehow be saved in time. Even one would be worth any amount of time I could put into it.. even one!

edit on 13-3-2011 by daggyz because: line split (well side split actually the bit about Ron fasting another day and the potential result still cracks me up!

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 01:44 AM
You guys are truly beginning to sound desperate. I mean, if there was truly nothing to what Ron is saying, why, spend so much time trying to refute him and the growing obviousness in the signs around us? What are you going to say when the 2nd trumpet blows? Another fluke? What about when the ministers begin dying soon? Yet another fluke? What about when the US is truly decimated and Europe rises, WAY before you guys expected. What will you say then? When Europe rises you will have no choice but to admit we are then at the 5th trumpet, though I suspect you still won't. Seriously guys, repent while there is still time.
edit on 14-3-2011 by spaznotz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by spaznotz

Are you kidding. We do it becuase guys like you still believe him. Are you really serious in asking that question ????

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 04:23 AM
Rons list of nations ot be hit incl USA, NZ, Australia, UK, Canada etc etc

Since 1900 no 'western' nation has suffered the top 10 earthquakes recorded in the world based on magnitude.

NZ (167) is the only western Christian nation to have loss of life in an earthquake since Wyoming in 1995 (1) and Northridge (60) and before that we have to go back to the 1930's. Compared to over 200,000 elsewhere in the world

That's an interesting fact considering there's only 15 months left. I'm sure there must be a chance soon mathmatically as well as biblically but I thought it an interesting fact.

Historically, the deadliest storms (by loss of life), have never occurred in a 'Western' 'Christian' country.

Historically no serious disease outbreak has occurred in a 'Western' 'Christian' country.

An awful lot would have to happen in a very very short time for Ron to be even close based on the facts as they are as at todays date being two years since it was all about to begin and nothing has that is out of the ordinary for cyclical storms or the like.

No Christian nation that Ron listed has yet had a financial collapse (that I can see).

No Christian nation has had a holocaust.

No western Christian nation has sufferred more than minor damage from tsunami

No Christian nation has yet had a war fought on it's own soil, eg England, Aussie, NZ, USA etc

No Christian nation has had an invasion from a foreign country (excluding mass immigration from Middle Eastern Muslims)

and the list goes on.....

So WHEN... yes, but he's been 'whening' for two years with nothing and you obviously haven't digested my long addition above properly, you've just 'reacted' as you always do, like Doctorex did before he was exposed and ran off.

But if "when' doesn't occur by 2012 will YOU repent instead? Thats the balacned question.

edit on 14-3-2011 by daggyz because: add

edit on 14-3-2011 by daggyz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by spaznotz

Here's the complete answer to your blurb...... WHEN !

There is a story about the impending invasion of a strong nation to, I think it was a part of Greece. The envoy said "Due to defiance, if we invade your country we will decimate it". They sent a one word in reply.... "If !" They never did come !.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 04:49 AM
Spaznotz I have just thought of something I'd like you to answer honestly.

Whilst earthquakes and floods and natural disasters stuff have happened, will happen and will increase to happen, we know, as you do, Ron has never ever said where and when specifically so lets move aside from natural disasters for a while and examine something he has been very specific on.

This is a direct prophet test.

Ron prophesied the death of many people who opposed him. SirPaul could probably number and name them for us soon. Ron prophesied this about those people way back in 2008 and it was suppossd to happen very quickly thereafter.

Can you please explain why none have died in the two years since, yet some of Rons own flock have died, and been sick - including Ron himself?
edit on 14-3-2011 by daggyz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 12:44 PM
It is Ronald Weinland who sounds desperate.

In light of his latest sermon, he is basically saying he "might" be a false prophet.

You have to translate this: "might be a false prophet" = he is a false prophet.

He still wants to hold onto the title of apostle.

You can not be a false prophet AND still be a true apostle.

Such simple logic, yet so many fail to grasp it.

I like how he said he prayed (after NZ earthquake) for something 10x worse.
The Japanese earthquake would certainly qualify.
It's nice of RW to state he did this, AFTER the fact.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by SirPaulMuaddib_2

Two issues.

1. That a prophet can only 'prophesy' after the event
2. That any real Christian could PRAY for death and destruction (not that God answers such prayers) but that their heart is so in the wrong camp they'd actually believe they were doing Gods work in praying for death to occur on a grand scale. Rons heart is dead! Mind you he still thinks he Gods man man on planet earth.

Sapznotz !!! Wheres your answer to my post above? I'm not attacking, just asking because it's a clear stated event that didn't occur and involved death of named human beings being prophecied..

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by daggyz

If you think I'm going to reply to your post after post of rants, you're mistaken. It's pointless. For instance, you say God doesn't answer such prayers, when He clearly is. Even SirPaul says that Ron is hinting he is a false prophet, when he did nothing of the sort. If he truly listened to that sermon and reported on it truthfully, he would have pointed out that Ron clearly and simply stated what he would do if he was so that people like you guys would address what you would do when it finally becomes clear to you that he IS a prophet. As more events take place, your desperation will grow, and instead of posting 3,4, or 5 posts in row, will it be 10 in a row as you stew on things at your computer? I won't be wasting my time responding to all your demands for me to answer your rants. Your hatred will continue to eat you inside out, just as Ron said it would, unless you repent.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by spaznotz

If there was no embarassment of Rons lack of death as prophecied you wouldn't have replied as you just did. If you can't answer becuase you don't know, you would say that. The fact is your doubting inside, it eats away at you ans you become despoarate, shotuing at others and accusing them of things when all they want is proof and answers. There is proof of increasing events as the Bible fortold, but there is no proof about Ron because he has not given one specif accurate prediction yet.

I gave you and easy one. Whereare the dead named persons he prophecied. You answer is "I'm not interetsed in telling you what I think". Physcologists will all explian why you answered as you did. Think about it. Every post you place I will ask the same question "Where's are Rons named dead?" until you either answer or fade away in yoiur insecurity.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:49 AM
Earthquake facts:

Globally, earthquakes were not increasing in frequency. Worldwide, there was one magnitude 8 quake each year, and one magnitude 7 every three weeks.

Magnitude Average Annually
8 and higher 1 ¹
7 - 7.9 15 ¹
6 - 6.9 134 ²
5 - 5.9 1319 ²
4 - 4.9 13,000
3 - 3.9 130,000
2 - 2.9 1,300,000

There is no increase in the number or frequency of quakes since records began but there is an increasing in the reporting of them and awareness due to the two recent ones being in cities and causing widespread disruption. The key is whether furture quakes increase in number above the average and whether any major ones (7+) occur in cities (and in particular for this forum), cities of USA, Britain, Australia, Canada, NZ etc

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by daggyz
reply to post by spaznotz

If there was no embarassment of Rons lack of death as prophecied you wouldn't have replied as you just did. If you can't answer becuase you don't know, you would say that. The fact is your doubting inside, it eats away at you ans you become despoarate, shotuing at others and accusing them of things when all they want is proof and answers. There is proof of increasing events as the Bible fortold, but there is no proof about Ron because he has not given one specif accurate prediction yet.
I gave you and easy one. Whereare the dead named persons he prophecied. You answer is "I'm not interetsed in telling you what I think". Physcologists will all explian why you answered as you did. Think about it. Every post you place I will ask the same question "Where's are Rons named dead?" until you either answer or fade away in yoiur insecurity.

If I wasted my time and gave a lengthy reply, you would have respsonded with the same, and you know it. I have never shouted and accussed anybody of anything. If you are talking about capitals letters, they were simply for emphasis. There is nothing angry about them. You want to know where Ron's named dead are, you don't have long to wait. Will you respond with repentence when they do begin dying?

I actually couldn't help but chuckle at your insuation that I was doubting inside. Why would I be doubting when the signs are being magnified as they are? but hey, whatever makes you feel better. The great thing about my situation is that I simply have to sit back and watch, while you have to constantly respond with attempted refutations after every magnification of those signs, demanding that I respond to your posts, and if they aren't signs, then you wouldn't even have anything to talk about, would you? This is really going to be interesting to watch. I think I'll just sit back and watch you talk to yourself for a while now.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by spaznotz

Thanks for your reply. So you're saying they still will all die. ALL (not shouting just for emphasis) die soon? Can you preidct when becuadse according to Ron they should all be dead now.

Can you explain why they aren't. Did the church pray for there lives to be spared longer because I'm sure they didn't? Is there anything in Rons sermons or book that suggests why it didn't happen or has taken so long?

You have to give us unbelievers some slack here. Ron specifically said they would be dead by now. So if they aren't why is that? It's no godd saying well they will soon.... why haven't they if Ron said they would be dead by now. Ron can only be right or wrong, nothing in between. His prediction is wrong unless you can show us where h has stated the death timeline has been graciously extended. I'll accept it if you can show me, just show me or stop hiding your doubts.

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