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adam was not the first man

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posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

Well I see scripture with your little brakets inseted with the name "adamah" into the english text, but, the hebrew bible I have says "adam" not "adamah" the name of the admiral on "battlestar galatica" the TV show.

Here is another link to a hebrew translation

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by heliosprime
reply to post by MikeboydUS

Well I see scripture with your little brakets inseted with the name "adamah" into the english text, but, the hebrew bible I have says "adam" not "adamah" the name of the admiral on "battlestar galatica" the TV show.

Here is another link to a hebrew translation

You do realize Adamah is a Hebrew word. Its the feminine form of Adam. Its used throughout the Bible, even the proper name of a city. Its used too in the titles of various modern Jewish organizations that are pro environment or connected to organic farming.

This is Adamah: אדמה

This is the translationאדמה/English

This is Adam: אדם

This is the translationאדם/English

This is Genesis 2:7
וייצר יהוה אלהים את האדם עפר מן האדמה ויפח באפיו נשמת חיים
ויהי האדם לנפש חיה

Note: Read from Right to Left,

Here's some more sources,

The Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon

'adamah ad-aw-maw' Noun Feminine
Definition: ground, land
ground (as general, tilled, yielding sustenance)
piece of ground, a specific plot of land
earth substance (for building or constructing)
ground as earth's visible surface
land, territory, country
whole inhabited earth
city in Naphtali

Parallel Hebrew Old Testament Index

Hebrew Transliterated

2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Hebrew Transliterated

2:9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Hebrew Transliterated

2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

As you can see Adamah is not simply the name of sci fi show character.

[edit on 24/2/08 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 01:32 AM
heres another possibility: "Jude 6-7 reveals that God placed the angels on earth as their “first estate…their own habitation.” His intention was that they use the earth as a testing ground—a proving ground—to build character.

The pre-Adamic world was populated by giant “prehistoric” creatures. This was a time of prehistory, as far as man is concerned. Men were created later, after the time that Satan and his demons ruled the earth as Lucifer and his one-third of the angels—and after the time of their change in nature.

Obviously, the potential that once belonged to angels now belongs to human beings" just wanted to throw that in the mix!

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by MOTOPSYCHO!!

Interesting point. I personal "thoughts" are that the greek (gods) were part of the pre-flood hybrid world. The myths even say they were part (gods) and part human, usually when having a human mother becuase some (god) found the earth woman a "babe". Additionally "things" like PAN (part goat part man) were from hybrid human DNA experiments.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

Well if you had finished your own analysis in the strongs link, you would have seen that 'adamah" is transliterated not translated. Go to the word origin in you own link (119) which shows the "origin" of adamah is the word "adam".

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by heliosprime
reply to post by MikeboydUS

Well if you had finished your own analysis in the strongs link, you would have seen that 'adamah" is transliterated not translated. Go to the word origin in you own link (119) which shows the "origin" of adamah is the word "adam".

Adamah: אדמה is the feminine form of Adam: אדם . They translate into different but related terms. Go back and look at the Hebrew I posted you should be able to easily see the two different terms. Adam is formed from the Adamah. Plus you can use the Babylon translation engine here:

[edit on 25/2/08 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by heliosprime

Hi heliosprime,

Try getting your head around this paper, it has a vast amount of detail that you will need to go through - but I have linked you to the The A&E section

Hope it helps?


posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Conspiriology
Yet that is EXACTYLY what I see so many atheists doing, joining any theist thread they can to stir up the pot with the same old tired BS lumping all religions into one, opposing hate crimes yet Atheists spew nothing but angst aggression and are INTOLERANT of not just one, not just two but ALL religions but specifically,, Christians and Christianity. So before you spot the speck in OUR eye take the LOG out of your own.

Read you own words and then come back with a better excused.
Very strong words there my . . .(I suppouse cristian friend).

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

Originally posted by Conspiriology
Yet that is EXACTYLY what I see so many atheists doing, joining any theist thread they can to stir up the pot with the same old tired BS lumping all religions into one, opposing hate crimes yet Atheists spew nothing but angst aggression and are INTOLERANT of not just one, not just two but ALL religions but specifically,, Christians and Christianity. So before you spot the speck in OUR eye take the LOG out of your own.

Read you own words and then come back with a better excused.
Very strong words there my . . .(I suppouse cristian friend).

Marg is this or is this not a thread regarding religion?

The strong words? it's ok for you to assault someone with empty reprisals but it isn't ok for someone to get ticked off about it. Don't bother with giving me some goody goody Christian Reputation to live up to. I won't buy into the manipulation. I call it like I see it REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU THINK IT IS THE CHRISTIAN WAY OF DOING IT OR NOT.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by Conspiriology

Actually this thread is about the creation sequence of mankind. If the earth was populated before the garden of eden was made. As the OP I welcome your point of view.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 02:53 PM
I'm not sure what the goal of the thread is. The Bible neither supports or denies that Adam was the first person created. The only thing I can figure is if someone wants to point their finger at a teacher (presumably from a church or in the family) who says he definately is the first human. To that, we will not find the answer neither by Bible nor archeology. This is a detail that apparently was not relevant enough to faith to have it included in the Book in the first place. Sure, it's fun to explore the possibilities, but at the end of the day, are we any further than when we started?

P.S. A discussion about race is both off-topic and not related in any way.

[edit on 26-2-2008 by saint4God]

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by saint4God
This is a detail that apparently was not relevant enough to faith to have it included in the Book in the first place. Sure, it's fun to explore the possibilities, but at the end of the day, are we any further than when we started?

P.S. A discussion about race is both off-topic and not related in any way.

[edit on 26-2-2008 by saint4God]

???? I think it is very relavant to understand the specific geneology of Christ and how it 'WAS NOT" corrupted by the fallen angels. The fallen angels did corrupt the 6th day manknd creations which lead to the great flood. It is also relevant to understand the meaning of the hebrew word "adam" and why it is important in tracing the location of the lost tribes.

Revelations in speakng of "Israel" talks about the entire 12 tribes not just "judah".

The geneology of mankind and the geneology of the line of "david" are specifically important to salvation. The uncorrupted line from "adam in the garden" to noah, on to david, Jesus and beyond.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 12:16 AM
Actually, Adam was "ruddy" per the Hebrew language interpretation, as was King David (1Samuel 16:12). As the Israelites were to keep the bloodlines pure per instruction, one could surmise that the Christ was ruddy as well.

One should note the different instructions given to mankind in chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis. In chapter 1, man is ordered to rule over the animal kingdom. In chapter 2, Adam is ordered to keep and protect the garden. With that, one could surmise that Adam came after those made in chapter one. Adam was to look after the garden of God, and, below, we see what God's garden is. It's not literal trees and plants, but.. people.

Another note: All throughout scripture, man is symbolized as "trees." Jesus is the vine, we are the branches, the two olive trees who are prophets in the end time, Nebuchadnezzer, Israelites, Joseph, Lucifer etc, etc. (Joh 15:5, Jdg 9:7-19, Dan 4:20-22, Zec 11:1-9, Isa 5:7, Eze 31:8-9, Rev 11:3-4, Gen 49:22)

Spirits are also symbolized as trees as the two witnesses are said to be in heaven before the Lord of the earth and they are said to be two olive trees. (Zec 4:11-14)

Seeing that, it is highly unlikely that the "trees" in the garden of Eden (or, garden of pleasure (per Hebrew translation)) were actually trees. It is a parable. Eze 31:8 tells us these trees in the garden were either people, or spirits. And, one of them ruled over the nations of the world at that time. The trees in the garden of Eden were definitely symbolic for something else. As it says, "For the garden of Jehovah of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant:" Isa 5:7

The trees in Eden were either spiritual beings, or, people. I personally am leaning towards spirits. But maybe we'll never know.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Thanks for the "thought". I agree the trees in the garden may not have been physical trees. But I also want to point out that man had direct access to technology and I believe that technology was far more advanced that even today. "nothing new under the sun" comes to mind. All the technology was lost during and after the great flood. Perhaps even up to the building of the tower of babel...........

Before the flood man was physically taller and perhaps even had use of much more of the brain. Research indicates the O2 levels of the pre-flood world was much higher than today...........

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by heliosprime

Yeah, this verse says a lot about nothing new under the sun:

Ecc 3:15 That which is, hath been long ago; and that which is to be, hath long ago been: and God seeketh again that which is passed away.

As for advanced technologies existing, we see that Christ returns with his armies on chariots and on horses.

Isa 66:15 For, behold, Jehovah will come with fire, and his chariots shall be like the whirlwind; to render his anger with fierceness, and his rebuke with flames of fire.
Rev 19:11 And I saw the heaven opened; and behold, a white horse, and he that sat thereon called Faithful and True; and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
Rev 19:14 And the armies which are in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and pure.

And the armies of the world go out to fight against them:
Rev 19:19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat upon the horse, and against his army.

Ezekiel tells us a little about God's chariots. They don't seem to be literal horse drawn wagons, they are something far advanced which are piloted by spirits ie. angels.

Eze 1:16 The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto a beryl: and they four had one likeness; and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel within a wheel.
Eze 1:17 When they went, they went in their four directions: they turned not when they went.
Eze 1:18 As for their rims, they were high and dreadful; and they four had their rims full of eyes round about.
Eze 1:19 And when the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them; and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.

I believe that the world will be led to believe it is an invasion from outside our atmosphere (heaven, space whichever). Which is why the armies unite to fight against Him and his armies coming out of the sky.

As Jesus himself said, he is not of this world, lol.

Joh 17:14 I have given them thy word; and the world hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

There's more going on than what we we're told in Sunday School! LOL.

Thanks for the reply.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 11:20 AM
I agree with the OP, there def was a 6th day creation, and lets examine the scriptures
before throwing around WHO exclusively or exactly believes this stuff. I don't want credit
for what some idiot group does that appears similar in nature. Although the concordance
refers to both 6th & 8th day Creations as 120 Adam, in the Hebrew Interlinear, it is clearly
denoted as a special Creation with the ARTICLE and PARTICLE,[ eth haa Aadam ] it stands out
from the other Creation as something special so it is not the same as the other and is not
an explanation of the 6th day Creation, the dialog YHVH has, does not support that theory at
all! And it was special because that's the bloodline where the Messiah was to come through!

AND It's EXACTLY like satan to poison/label a similar group, to add to the confusion and prompt
those who don't know any better to start to throwing labels around that don't belong due to
fears and ignorance, politically correct being the biggest offender today to truth.

Also the hyenas/jackals will be throwing accusations too, but I expect brainwashed
communists [ PC junkies ] to act just like they do, because that is the nature of the beast.

But normal people asking questions, I have no problem with! Don't forget, that everything that YHVH has,
satan has a fake of the same. So don't confuse the fakes with the real because they have some similarities.

Clearly to me, there is a 2,000 year gap in the two Creations. I believe YHVH created all
the other races on the 6th day, and they were made in the image of God too!

Remember when Cain [ the 1st murderer ] was tossed from the Garden, and went into the land
of Nod? Where did Nod come from if not from the 6th day Creations?! It didn't just pop up
out of nowhere! Cain certainly didn't build it before he got there, and neither did Adam and
Eve. It HAD to of been built by the earlier Creations.

Now, in whose interest is it to screw up YHVH's plan of salvation? Satans of course! And who
knew what YHVH's plan of salvation was? Again, satan! Satan was desperate to poison the blood
so that Y'shua could not come thru! That's why satan wholly seduced Eve in the garden!

Remember, YHVH warned about certain "trees" in the Garden?
What kind of tree do you folks have? Don't look in the yard!!!! Your FAMILY tree!!! Get it?

Metaphors and symbolism are all over the Bible, but here it's critical to understand that
some of these trees were people, it's the only knowledge that get's passed on in the blood!
We don't get knowledge from food unless that food is The Word of God! And as far as EATING
goes, there are metaphors there too, like in Ezekiel where he ate the scroll and the words
came out of him! Remember?

Anyways, satan got Eve pregnant and so did Adam and she gave birth to boys by two different
fathers! That's why Cain is referred to as he is, in a cpl areas of the Bible as being "of the EVIL ONE"/satan." he was a murderer from the beginning" If you get my drift.

If you doubt, go ask your doctor, it does happen. Anyways, that was satans attempt to spoil
the blood, his next attempt was the fallen angels who mated with ordinary women in attempt
to again spoil the bloodline. As you know the flood got rid of the nephelim and Noah had
pure blood with which to build on.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Heronumber0

Talking Snake? ..
[ oh dear ]

And whose consensus says all our ancestors were black? [ that's funny ]

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by saint4God

"" What if God did it in 7 days as written? ""

It was written correctly, it's the interpretor that has the issue.

If you'll study, you'll find that the number for DIVINE COMPLETION are 1,ooo years. You'll also find that a Day to the Lord is as a thousand years to man.

When man is speaking of time, it's in his time, when YHVH is speaking it can be either His time or our time, context reveals all to those who study.

Since the earth was made void, we don't know when the original beginning was, just the recent one is all He wants us to be concerned about, you have to stay focused.

This earth age was 8,000 yrs old when eth haa Aadam was Created in the image of God, just like the other Creation were. They were responsible for the citie[s] that Cain first went to and why he found a wife, there were already people here for 2,000 years!

[ todays terrorism is called PC, has turned many folks brains into mush out of fear of being the odd man out, and not correct! it is no accident, it is a product of satans who operates from a dimension we can't see, but I know he's there, and so do those who hear His voice and know His words, we know who the enemy is ]

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by St Udio

You seem to be sincere, so you may just find this book on language quite interesting.

Mozeson is brilliant.

And please don't read Hebrew as jew, if I spoke swahili, would you call me an african?!

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by heliosprime

You may be right when bringing the issue of the Chosen ones, the old testament is the blood line of the Israelis ending with their messiah (no particularly Jesus or Christ).

This is why my take of the bible as the word of the God of creation is no believable because is the historical accounts of one group of people the Israel people and their relationship with their god, Abraham God.

That is why the new testament had to be brought forward to extend that blood line to the Jesus of the Christianity and the deviation from Judaism

If we are to believe that the God of creation was only mean to create one pure blood line as the chosen people the Israeli, then were will that put the rest of the population?

Funny how religion works or is made it to work for everybody, because otherwise it makes no sense.


You really got that messed up!
Who ever said there was meant only one bloodline?
The 6th day Creations have their own bloodline and they were Created in the image of God/YHVH just like the 8th day was! You're confusing extremists groups propaganda with the facts of the Bible! Remember, that satan has a fake of everything that YHVH has, and those extremists groups are the fakes and they do parallel some other groups, but they ARE NOT the same at all.

satan knew about Gods plan of salvation for the world, which was to send the Messiah to preach to His sheep, and have the sheep spread The Word to all parts of the world to those who have ears to hear! But he could only come thru a pure bloodline.

satan tried twice to mess up the bloodline, one in the garden by seducing Eve [ you didn't really think it was a snake now did you? ] and producing Cain, hence the references to Cain as being OF THE EVIL ONE [ his father satan ]...then later the fallen angels tried their best to mess up the bloodline by mating with ordinary females, then YHVH wiped them all out with the flood! Because YHVH knowing that Noah had good blood, he could have a fresh start with clean blood, but there were others on the Ark who were not of clean blood, but that's another story.

And now, you have to keep it all in the context of why we're here! We're not here on vacation, we're here to be tested, you have to recall there was a war in heaven and 1/3 of His children picked the wrong side, so we're all down here [ spiritual being in flesh bodies ] to choose again...we're being tested to see if we'll again [ those who did ] make a bad choice, because YHVH doesn't want to kill His children, His Creations and wants to be fair and give them an opportunity to choose again. For he will set up a Kingdom and he doesn't want trouble makers , meaning those who do not hear His voice and they will be thrown out, so that the rest can live in peace and harmony for ever and ever!

Any questions?

[edit on 10-10-2009 by toasted]

[edit on 10-10-2009 by toasted]

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