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Originally posted by James the Lesser
Good point, Jesus went around with 12 guys for most of his life. Well, if you go by the bible the church gives you, points to Jesus being a homosexual.
Give me a break.
Now if you add the books that were left out by the church, then Jesus and Mary Magedline were lovers.
Like which ones? Example? Quotes? Something?
Also, Mary was never a prostitute like the church edited in, but the leader of the 7 women disciples, while Jesus was the leader of the 12 male disciples.
Perhaps, then again maybe she was. Who knows.
Wait, the bible isn't edited, it is not wrong, it is all that is good and caring in this world. Hahahahaha Sorry, couldn't keep a STRAIGHT face.(Pun intende)
Also, didn't I say this is a legal battle, not religous, opinion, or scientific arguement.
Yes, as did most of us.
So throw out all invisable all powerful people that live in the clouds. And no, I think it is wrong, or well it against nature, for they are born gay, and again, a LEGAL battle, so you have to use the law. In fact, the law says you have to treat people the same, no discrimination, so people who ban gay marriges are breaking the law.
Wrong, you do not have to treat people the same, people are afforded the same rights, that is the legal standard.
And also, a marrige is not a religous controlled activity, a preist does not sign a marrige certificate inbetween butt rapings of 6 year olds, but the judge or other legal people of the state do.
Actually, they sign a paper for the state. Just so you know.
People say the church controls marrige, so what about Hindu marriges? Do they count?
Not christian marrige, but still marrige. Or Wiccan Handfasting, that is a marrige,
~yawn~ Still yes (oddly)
but from most arguements I've seen, since it wasn't done by a christian leader, it doesn't count.
I don't know where you see that, but ok.
Originally posted by jsobecky
1. Most people want it; if put to a vote it would fail.
Not a good test. Most people would not pay the taxes that they pay if given the opportunity to vote on it.
Of course it is not a good test, that is why things are not done by popular vote. But that would be the only quality "poll" we could get. Anyway, the government is here to serve us.
Most people might have objected to what Rosa Parks did, also.
Hard to say, they are not really related. Rosa was fighting for rights that should be given to her, as in where to go/sit/eat/etc. Homosexuality has not been proven to be a qualifier in this catagory (as in the alleged gay gene), so it is still dubbed an action.
2. DOMA will fail a good challenge. It is also akin to saying "We do this because this is the way it has always been done".
There are many things that are the way they have always been, and we all like it. It is not nessisarily wrong.
3. Is marriage a right? Or an action? If an action, then it could be argued that the government has a duty to regulate it, as it pertains to the common good. This also fails, for the following reasons:
It does not harm existing heterosexual marriages.
It harms same sex marriages by discriminating against them.
The idea is to look outside of how this will affect marriage. This will affect myriad areas. Adoption, NAMBLA (slthough I'll go into this below), expansion of allowances, etc. Now, by expansion of allowances, I mean that to allow one "alternative" lifestyle to re-write the definition of marriage, we would have to allow others under the same reasoning. This is a serious problem.
4. I agree, current law is reprehensible regarding consent for minors. But how do we currently handle that situation? If state A says consent can be given to 16 year old, and State B says consent can be given to 14 year old, is state A required to honor state B marriage?
Should be revoked uniformly, IMO.
Yes, NAMBLA can kiss my ass and all those perverted straight folks who marry underage children. Sickening.
By saying someone cannot marry you are saying that they are less of a human being than you are.
Not true, but we have exsisted for quite a long time under the current definition, why change it, there is no need. Give them the rights, make all unions done by the state (straight or gay) fall under the new classification of "Civil Union" with all rights due to them.
There is no good, rational reason for denying same sex marriages.
Depends what side you are on. Twenty years ago, people would have laughed in the streets should this have been brought up, yet today it is happening and we laugh today about NAMBLA and other inclusions. Re-definition is a slippery slope.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
JK, I bring up something that is "off topic" according to you, and you go nuts, die! you have ADD! Die! Yet NAMBLA keeps popping up, but that has nothing to do with gay marriges. So how come I bring something up that is off topic, I get yelled at, yet you keep brining up stuff the catholic church, I mean NAMBLA does and it ok? And again, I have tried to answer your off topic subjects, but you just either disregard mine, say they off topic and refuse to answer, or say put it in another topic. Why? Can't think of any lies?
Anyways, still want a legal reason people. Also, a 16 year old can marry with parental consent. But unlike what JK says, it wouldn't be a 40 year old with a 16 year old, more along the lines of 18 year old and 16 year old.
Anyways, what does NAMBLA have to do with two CONSENSTING ADULTS! Me and several others have stated the fact that it is adults, not NAMBLA, not a dog, but adults. Yet NAMBLA keeps popping up again and again. Use something new, that is on topic!
Originally posted by James the Lesser
NAMBLA has nothing to do with gay marrige! NAMBLA, as said, is a 40 year old raping a 6 year old. What does rape have to do with consensual sex between two adults? And the neighbor thing, yes, you said DIE! Don't ask that1 That off topic, Die! No, not answering for I don't want to, it off topic, go to hell!
Originally posted by Bout Time
There's no activism on the judges part; they've sighted constitutional law to make their decisions sound.