posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 09:59 PM
Bush is supporting a bill that states marrige is between a man and a woman. I'm sorry, but just because he is a republican meat puppet, doesn't
mean he can tell people who they can and can't love. Who, not just Bush, but anyone has the power to tell people who they have to love? NO ONE!
You can't tell a man he has to love a woman and vice versa, this is America, land of the #ing free! Freedom of speech, religon, and in my views,
freedom to love whoever a person wants to love.
What is so wrong with gay and lesbian marriges? Sure, christians say it wrong, but well, eating meet on a friday is wrong according to them, so I'll
let them go.
Main arguement is well, what next? animals? incest? But why do they ask that? What does two people who love each other enough they want to make the
ultimate commitmint(sp?) have to do with incest and dogs? That a whole other story. Besides, last I saw, straight couple's aren't doing that well
with a 51-53% divorce rate.
My freind Amber loves Rae(full name Rachael) and is planning on going to Vermont to get married for it legal there. But if Bush and the other rich
white heterosexual christian males(republican for short) get their way, she won't be able to marry Rae. Why? Hell, they been together longer than
28% of marriges that occur today. 4 years, both finally 18, love each very much, yet have to go to Vermont to get married. Why?
I don't know, republicans just like to tell the poor, nonwhite, female, gay, non christian, or democratic what they can't do since they are not
republican. Fight Bush, vote Dean, Kerry, Gore, Bill Gates, whoever, just not Bush and other corrupt politicians.(republican for short)