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Originally posted by kramtronix
Originally posted by KrazyJethro I agree, but there are so many screwed up kids now from straight homes that the arguement is almost moot.
a) Two wrongs do not make a right.
Trying to dismiss a claim by pointing out another negative is intellectually unbalanced.
b) The study showed that in COMPARISON, homosexual households produced a larger amount of children with "issues" than that of the same number of heterosexual households.
Moot it is not.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
Great arguement! Well, if you allow two consenting adults to marry, then why not let a jewish albino German Shepard marry a one legged blind deaf hindu 11 year old boy? Of course, that is not what is being argued, but somehow NAMBLA keeps popping up.
The reason is, is that hetrosexual couples can marry even if one member is underage with parental consent (which I disagree with). If gay marriage is allowed, then it must follow the same guildlines. Therefore folks like NAMBLA can marry even underage with parental consent which is rediculous. Is that a difficult connection?
The arguement is two consenting adults who love each other wanting to marry, LEGALLY, but the republicans/rednecks/christians/ignorants say marrige is a religous matter. Well, guess what? A marrige license is a legal piece of paper, not religous. In other words, religon is out the window.
Right and wrong. Yes, we do enjoy seperation of church and state which means we can not have religion infused in the government. It does NOT mean that religious ideals are not important or not to be considered. By the way, when you say Christian, do you mean Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jews, Mormons, and Buddists? They all are against it (majoritivly).
Anyways, please stop bringing NAMBLA or the Dog Lovers of Indian/Black/Mongoosian Descent.(DLIBMD, this is made up)Want a legal reason, not opinion, not religous, not scientific, but legal.
Legally, they are entitled to the rights, but not nessisarilly the priviledge. To make things equal, hetrosexuals who get married by the state should also be considered Civil Unions, subject to the same laws.
Sure, I don't care much for gay marriges, but I don't think it is my place to tell people who they can and can't marry. If they love each other, let them marry. Hell, it is like a republican telling a woman what she can and can't do with her body.
Abortion and Marriage are two VERY different things. But for short, yes, we do have the right to tell women what they can and can't do, much like they do everyday.
Wait, they do with abortion laws. Damn, controll the poor, the gays, and the women. Anything the republicans don't control? Oh yeah, FREEDOM TO LOVE!
Since when did the ability to marry have anything to do with love? Is it a stipulation that in order to love you have to be married? That is a falacious arguement.
Originally posted by jsobecky
I use ignorant as to mean lacking in knowledge or understanding. I have heard so-called Christians say that JC was against homosexuality. They cannot provide one written word to back it up.
By saying that JC was against it is due to the fact that Christ was not there to contradict the law of Moses, but rather to fullfill it. Since there is instance of Anti-gay material in the OT that is the basis in which they speak.
Regardless, the mere thought that a God would prefer one race, gender, or sexual preference above others is absurd on the face of it. After all, didn't God create everybody?
Is it so absurd? God created all people, but yet he allowed free thought and choice, therefore we are in control of the choices we make. God is against murder and adultry as well, but he created those people as well. Homosexuality is an action, not a race or gender. It is the action, not the people Christians SHOULD be against.
Originally posted by KrazyJethro
Originally posted by jsobecky
I use ignorant as to mean lacking in knowledge or understanding. I have heard so-called Christians say that JC was against homosexuality. They cannot provide one written word to back it up.
By saying that JC was against it is due to the fact that Christ was not there to contradict the law of Moses, but rather to fullfill it. Since there is instance of Anti-gay material in the OT that is the basis in which they speak.
Regardless, the mere thought that a God would prefer one race, gender, or sexual preference above others is absurd on the face of it. After all, didn't God create everybody?
Is it so absurd? God created all people, but yet he allowed free thought and choice, therefore we are in control of the choices we make. God is against murder and adultry as well, but he created those people as well. Homosexuality is an action, not a race or gender. It is the action, not the people Christians SHOULD be against.
Originally posted by jsobecky
Good grief, does everything need to be explained to you? We're talking about two consenting ADULTS here. Same blood-line rules apply, also, to answer your next question.
Originally posted by jsobecky
Well that is a good point, well taken. But the point is, what is wrong with being gay and getting married?
Originally posted by jsobecky
Lumping homosexuality with murderers is absurd.
I did not lump them together, you assumed I did. They were just other examples.
And I agree with the person that suggested to stay away from the's just too bizarre.
Free will? If God knows what the final score of the game is going to be before the first kickoff happens, where's the free will? If God doesn't know, is he/she really a
This is a huge question not to be answered lightly. If you really want to know, start another thread, it's too long and off topic for here.