How is Killing for your God justified
It's not.
Men wrote the Bible .. wrote all the 'holy' books.
The Religion Industry works hand in glove with State.
The Religion Industry programmes you in this or that version of 'religion'.
'Give me the child and I'll give you the man'.
In childhood, you're programmed to 'become one' with a bit of cloth with a pattern on it (national flag) ... to become one with a piece of music
(national anthem) and to become one with a specific belief system ('your' religion).
They get you early. They programme you, just like tuning in a radio station or tv channel.
Your mind is wide open .. you trust those in 'authority'. You are the 'blank slate'.
Once they've programmed you, they 'own' you .. own your loyalties to flag, anthem, religion.
At any time in your future, your programming can be reactivated via sight of that flag, a playing of that anthem, an 'attack' or criticism of
'your' religion.
Watch people's reaction when 'their' flag is flown and 'their' anthem is played. 6'5" football players begin weeping or embarassedly swiping
away tears.
Ramp up their 'patriotism' by telling people 'their' flag and 'their' anthem and 'their' nation and 'their' religion is under threat or
attack ... and they'll dash to the fore in eagerness to fight and lay down their lives to save that bit of cloth, piece of music or their 'brand'
of religion.
Cannon fodder.
State and the Religion Industry tell these programmed sheep that they are 'heroes' and 'patriots' and 'doing God's Work / Will ' and
'fighting for what they believe'.
Amazingly .. few people actually question 'what' they believe in ... just 'how' and 'when' they came to believe in it.
Because we rarely realise, as children, that we're being programmed.
Once we're programmed of course, we obey the call to 'defend our beliefs' like robots.
Been going on for so long. And in addition to being 'programmed', the programming is very often reinforced by our parents and grandparents who
received identical programming .. and often died as result. We are assured they were 'heroes' and are left in no doubt that should State and the
Religion Industry want us to die to make them richer and more powerful .. then we should become 'heroes' too.
Rather than actually think about it ... or admit they've been programmed and are really no more than robots .. people become irate if you question
any of it, and call you a traitor, etc. etc.
'How is killing for your God justified'.
Again .. it's not.
The day you see with your own eyes God sitting down and writing a book of instructions with his own hand ... then you'll have something you CAN
believe. If you happen to respect that God, of course.
But to date, all we have are 'holy books' written by men who
claim it is 'the word of God'. Well of course they claim that.
They want to use you.
Just because an alleged 'holy book ' is two or ten thousand years old doesn't make it any more valid than something written ten minutes ago.
Most 'holy books' are actually political tracts written by those who claim God told them to write this or do that. Spin. Spin has been around as
long as mankind.
Gee, it's not difficult to see through these 'holy books', is it? Doesnt'require a Rhodes scholar. Page 45, the books claims that God demands we
do not kill. Page 62, the books claiming God told this or that tribe to slay everyong in a certain town.
Guess they had short attention spans thousands of years ago, just like now.
You'll also notice that it's the 'robots', the programmed ones, the sheepies, who do all the dying in these wars. Not the national leaders. Not
the heads of the Religion Industry either. Nope .. once they've programmed the baby sheep, the leaders and Religion Industry sit back and play both
sides against the middle whilst growing richer and more powerful.
When was the last time you saw the Pope duking it out with the alleged 'enemies of God' ?
When was the last time you saw a President or Prime Minister physically leading the charge ?
Never ? Never ? Lol, you're right. Never.
So next time they wave a bit of patterned cloth at you, or play a sorrowful rendition of a national anthem, or scream at you that Evil Doers are
threatening your nation, your life, your god ... take yourself in hand and remind yourself that the tears behind your eyelids are simply your
programming in action .. are trying to turn you into a murdering and suicidal robot-sheep. Then walk away and get on with your life. There will be
other wars. You won't have missed anything you couldn't live without. In fact, you and your life will be far better for the fact you were strong
enough to resist the foul programming and mind-control to which you were subjected, without your knowledge or permission, in early childhood.
You believe God wants to to rape, pillage, burn, shoot, maim or murder ?
You don't believe that.
If you do, you're fighting for the wrong god.