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Holocaust Reparations Bill could cost Americans 200 Billion Dollars

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posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by NGC2736

Well you have to understand also that when Americans votes in elections time they are voting for the people that are to represent them in the government that after all is for the people and by the people.

Is not that people are lazy is just that our system of government is corrupted and broken, open for sale to the highest bidder and is no me or you the ones with that kind of money.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 06:41 PM
Let's see what this is all about....

It's called The Holocaust Insurance Accountability Act....

Experts estimate that the value in 2006 of unpaid life, annuity, endowment, and dowry insurance theft from European Jewry from the Holocaust and its aftermath ranges between $17,000,000,000 and $200,000,000,000.
This act will give Holocaust™ survivors, heirs, dependents, and others, access to U.S. courts for the purpose of entertaining legal actions against insurance companies, even when those claims have already been denied by European Courts. And let them pursue legal action and seek redress--MONEY--against insurance or RELATED companies and seek damages.

So it appears that some people paid premiums to insurance companies. They became victims of the Holocaust, and their beneficiaries never collected the monies due to them by the insurance companies that were willing to collect insurance premiums for years and years. The insurance companies gambled that victims of the Holocaust and their surviving families would never come back to claim the monies legally due to them.

But the piper returned, and now it's time to pay.

Ever notice that the tallest buildings in the city are usually owned by the insurance companies? Not surprising, if they use these types of scams as their business model.

So it doesn't sound like any "money -for-guilt" scam. It sounds like the people that claim they were wronged are going to be able to use the US court system to try to get their money.

So how is that going to cost you any money?

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 06:57 PM
Ah it may be time to do some research. Corporate America funded hitler. You supply the enemy with weapons and money and expect to not get in trouble. It is about time. People like george bush's grandfather did an awful thing and got away with it.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 06:57 PM
Ah it may be time to do some research. Corporate America funded hitler. You supply the enemy with weapons and money and expect to not get in trouble. It is about time. People like george bush's grandfather did an awful thing and got away with it.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with the payouts, as long as beneficiary's burden of proof is the same as what it would be had the loss occurred today.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 07:28 PM
It sounds like the Zionists oppose this...

The legislation, though, faces formidable opposition in the form of the Bush administration and an array of influential Jewish organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League and the World Jewish Congress, which argue that congressional intervention would sever existing international agreements that have paved the way for thousands of survivors and their heirs to be compensated.

Wasn't Ms. Ros's mother Jewish-born? I read many sources with that claim. If true would that be a conflict of interest?

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 07:32 PM
Is it not enough that Jews have their own country because of the Holocaust (well, not just because of the Holocaust, but still)? If this is legitimate news then, one could say that, the Holocaust is "caust"ing us all (sorry for the lame joke)

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by NGC2736
But once it turns out that it was Jews, it's OK? And the really funny part of this is that a lot of these insurance companies are run by Jewish Americans.


And now some of you dislike Jews to the point that you would rather see a bloated wealthy group like the world banking and insurance cartels get by with an outright theft, than to see a Jew get what his father or uncle paid for?

Nice. How dare we ask questions like, what does the bill mean, where's it from, who's getting the money, where's the money coming from... If we ask anything, we're foaming antisemites!

As I said, I'm for reparations where it makes sense. And now that we have more information on this act, it does make sense. I'm all for mugging the hell out of deadbeat insurance companies. What bugs me is that they are apparently going to be reimbursed by the US government - Which means US tax dollars are being paid and the insurance companies don't feel a single pinch.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

I never called anyone anything. I pointed out that some people, and that article did seem to come from a site that didn't care for Jews, seem to feel it's OK to stiff people they don't like.

And I still haven't found where the taxpayers are to fund this. Yes, our courts will handle it, but that is a trivial expense in the overall picture.

And it is refreshing to see you change your mind once in a while. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy that I can still be somewhat persuasive.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by NGC2736

As I said, my legalese is rusty. I read the bill and my eyes feel like they have cake icing spread over 'em.

And sorry man. By emphasizing that you think people are only opposed because it's Jews involved, you are calling people antisemites. "You all hate Jews, and can't strand to see them get anything, and will begrudge them anything at all! ...But I'm not calling any of you antisemitic!" How much sense does that make?

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

The word "you" was used in a generic sense. Please, don't protest so much, you know what a picture that paints. I was pointing out the absurdity of such a position.

As a Native American, I really find all the squabbles and racism from a bunch of people genetically tied closer than the hairs on dogs back, to be almost laughable. Except it's not funny when I consider that the world may have WWIII over this insane bickering.

And NO, I'm not accusing you of either insanity or bickering.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 09:24 PM
I'm not trying to de-rail the thread here(I'm too late for that), here is some interesting footage of Ros-Lehtinen at the 2007 AIPAC Policy Conference...just for context.

sorry I don't know how to embed a video.

I wonder if this could be connected...

As you can see, the ICHEIC or the International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims was paying out the individual holocaust claims from its inception in 1998 until it just stopped taking claims in 2004.

(PDF),500,%20500,%20%27toolbar,location,status,menubar,scroll bars,resizable%27)

Here we see that in 2006, ICHEIC all claims have been concluded with a whopping 48,000 cases and $300,000,000 distributed which averages about $6,000 per claim(please check me math)

70 European insurance companies involved as well.

What does it all mean?

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 09:30 PM
Why doesn't the government make Bayer fork over the cash? Oh wait, the FDA allows them to continue distributing their meds as 22,000 more are added to their death toll. We allow them to keep killing.
22,000 dead from Bayer drug

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 09:58 PM
(Ohhhhh, now I see why one should read the whole thread before one posts!)

Carry on!

[edit on 02/16/08 by themillersdaughter]

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 10:13 PM
Wow check out this article.

This is the first I read of this, but apparently, ever since Israel was created in the 40's(1948?) it has done absolutely nothing for its 240,000 holocaust survivors until 2003, wanting to give them $20 a month each. 120,000 are living below the poverty line and 60,000 are in extreme poverty.

Also, tax-payers of some countries (not Israel!) do give money to survivors of the holocaust.

Could there be a conspiracy against the holocaust survivors to benefit the Jewish/Semitic/Nationalistic/Israeli collective as a whole? The holocaust of Nazi Germany has been used time and time again as a smear tactic and a straw man to stem criticism against the Israeli government, since the beginning of modern Israel, yet those very same people, the "policy makers," are neglecting the roots from which their people gain that nationalism.

I don't know. I'm getting burned-out with all this reading.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
Is it not enough that Jews have their own country because of the Holocaust (well, not just because of the Holocaust, but still)? If this is legitimate news then, one could say that, the Holocaust is "caust"ing us all (sorry for the lame joke)

Yay, I got a star for this post. Thanks
. I guess I made a good point. As long as one ATSer agrees with me, I am good. Actually, even if no ATSer agrees with me, I will be fine
. Anyway, let's get back on topic: I am completely against this (as one might be able to tell).

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I'm sorry, but this just doesn't make a lick of sense... The way I see it, WE (americans) helped save the holocaust survivors (whom by the way, was not limited to JUST jews, there were also handicapped people who were put to death and POW's as well.) so... exactly why are WE, the people who helped save them in the first place, have to pay any reparations bill???? shouldn't they be nagging the germans/italians/japanese for this? Oh right... I forgot, this is just another B.S. bill for politicians to get even more of our hard earned money while they sit on their ivory towers.

Ok... can someone please tell me WHY do we need THIS federal government? Why don't we just get rid of the Fed. Govt. and go back to local state govt. control, because honestly, this is just getting to be too much.

Edit to add: I'd like to add though that I do agree with thewalkingfox in that if reparations are going to be paid, it should make sense and should not involve tax payers, but the people committing the fraud (A.K.A these insurance companies and the companies/individuals that actually help fund the german war machine... anyone up for rounding up the Bush's, IBM, et al?)

[edit on 17-2-2008 by Question]

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by biggie smalls

Hate to break it to ya biggie smalls... but even the whole "pay reparations to slaves" excuse shouldn't (key word, shouldn't) be any more valid considering a) why should I pay for something I wasn't even a part of to begin with and b) the real "culprits" behind the slave trade was actually a european trading company, not american, AND, the other party responsible for the slave trade, were the leaders of african tribes that traded their own people in the first place with the europeans (that's right... blacks traded their own people into slavery for european goodies)

But again... most people aren't really interested in the truth... only the illusion of truth. There are so many things in this world people are so unaware of it's scary, yet they go on their whole lives honestly believing everything is ok and that what they know, or rather, what they believe they know is enough to go through life. But, to borrow a phrase from George Bush senior... "If people knew what we've done, there would be a lynching in the morning" and that, my friend, is the honest truth.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by Griff

good point, and if the U.S. govt. is seriously going on this path, it might as well not only pay indians, but also pay the japanese americans that our govt. did hold prisoner in our own internment camps, jeez why does holocaust immediately have to be a "jew only" thing? many, MANY people were affected, not just jews... I hate affirmative action and political correctness

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by NGC2736

I agree with you wholeheartedly, except that there's a big problem going on, unfortunately, due to the expenses of our standard of living, many of us can't organize, not without risking our jobs and livelihoods, heck, I know someone who actually has 3 jobs just to stay a float, and that just ain't right... I don't know what it was that was different during the 40's-60's where it was still possible for at least mom to stay home and become proactive while dad helped pay the bills. But unfortunately that is rare now a days, in most cases, it's usually both parents that work and work long hours, making it difficult to organize.

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