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"Gun Control is the Only Answer"

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posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 12:45 PM
I didn't see this here already, but I like the one that says something like, "If guns are responsible for killing people, then pencils (and pens, keyboards, computers ...) are responsible for mispelled words."

An analogy that exactly explains the issue IMHO.

[edit on 2/22/2008 by centurion1211]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by -0mega-

It is against federeal law to create or manufacture firearms without proper license and fees. It is also just as illegal to manufacture or posses improvised explosive devices. Yes I am fully capable of creating a firearm of my own but I am not at this time willing to take the cost of said ownership. It is much easier to go buy one legally. Even if bought illegaly I believe the penalty is much less severe.



posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by reluctantpawn

A violation of Federal firearms laws will usually earn you free accomodations in a state lockup for the next 10 years. Doesn't matter if you were using it in self-defense or not.

In all honesty, I'd rather have the bad guy just shoot me.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:10 PM
I will give up my gun rights if they will give me their power structure.



posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by GBBumblebee
I just don't see the need for the general public to own automatic weapons. I believe that the public should have access to firearms, but automatic weapons? there is just no need.

A restriction on automatic weapons and large ammo clips is not "taking away all the guns", just making the more dangerous types harder for the loonies to get a hold of.

Of course the public should never allow themselves to be completely disarmed, but the line has to be drawn somewhere. Automatic weapons are just overkill IMHO.
As was stated earlier Automatic weapons are no longer readily availabe to the US public, and have not been for over 50 years... As far as highcapacity magazines, I have a closet full that I bought over 20 years ago, some hold 100 rounds, and are still in thier original boxes..

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:42 PM
Oh, hey y'all gotta go for now,, UPS just deliverd my "home meth lab" and my Czech made Ak47 with 15, 30 round mags, and my "home brew kit" So I gots work to do... See y'all in the headlines....

(BTW this is sarcasm) possibly in poor taste but please take it as a bad joke...

UPS. did however just deliver the home brew kit I ordered online, I do make my own beer...

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 12:53 AM
lets look at switzerland, almost no crime and every male citizen over 18 is in the militia, they keep there guns and uniforms at home, if we give an inch the govt will take a mile, if the doc quit givin "antideppresents" to all that ask for em then maybe the number of school shootings would decrease,

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by audas
Funny how only Americans think they have the right to possess the greatest means of killing another human being at their personal disposal.

Seriously messed up train of thought, train wreck.

There has been no greater misinterpretation of anything than the slant placed on the Bill of Rights pertaining to self defence.

The greatest threat posed to Americans is their government, the reason for guns, and yet you have the best means of dealing with this threat (the ballot box) and yet you are all so caught up in your right to be able to kill whomever you wish you simply lost your most potent weapon, democracy and human decency.

Time for Americans to learn some history outside their own myopic, parochial solipsist epicentre.....

Australia holds the record for the worst mass shooting, Port Author, 35 dead with semi automatics, we removed guns from our society. Sure knife crime went up, but I feel safer there than anywhere on earth.

We don't just need to get rid of guns in the States, but the whole world, and as it stands now, the states are the main pushers....thanks.

just one problem, by nature humans are not decent logical beings, and id much rather be shot then stabbed, now when those blue helmeted commie "peace keepers" come marching down broadway i want something to shoot at them with
oorah simper fi

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:51 AM
We are at war with human nature,look at any color chart of the U.S. and see the differences in violence and population.It goes hand in hand.
Small countries in europe might stem the gun violence only to have larger(continents)have trouble,why would this be?Lots of things my gun loving friends have said before.
Technology plays a part i believe too.It can bring us closer but also(for some)distance all of humanity and equate them to a number(add psyco drugs handed out like candy)deadlier than a machete in africa!

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 03:36 AM
I've always found it funny how some people are such control freaks. It is human nature I suppose to control everything around them as a sort of defense mechanism. Well some things are beyond the realm of control, in fact when you try to control them it makes matters worst.

For Instance our current nuclear program and denial of any other country developing theirs, once they find the necessary ingredients it will be developed whether we like it or not. Once this happens the main target is their oppressors, or U.S. We restrain them from developing their country for however long then what once they break from these chains, they come for the oppressors.

You cannot control technology and knowledge, you can opress it for so long, but once the secret is known through general public it is fact, uncontrollable, unargueable. There is nothing anyone can do to stop the people from building on this knowledge. You cannot stop this and limitations of it are to be ridiculed as it only amplifies the problems and may put the opressor directly in the line of fire.

Anyone who spends their life looking into physics will eventually be able to build a nuke, same for guns. The situations that cause people to be this driven to harm others is the definate underlying problem. Controlling behaviors and judgement are the underlying problem. Alot of times when we feel the need to control we should realize our own controlling behavior may be at the root of the problem.?

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 04:17 AM
Restrained U.S.,not since the boston teaparty and eventual war.
Now we do that to ourselves.
history is for the most part writen down.
It's not all good.Lots of it went down in the old world long before the U.S. and all i can say is it was drowned in blood.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 11:32 AM
as far as waiting periods go, those who atrade in guns shouldnt have to wait, if they trade they already have a gun, so what difference does it make

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by audasThe greatest threat posed to Americans is their government, the reason for guns, and yet you have the best means of dealing with this threat (the ballot box) and yet you are all so caught up in your right to be able to kill whomever you wish you simply lost your most potent weapon, democracy and human decency.

If the ballot box is/was the "best means" for dealing with the threat of government, then the government would be trying to ban them as well. Oh wait... they have, in essence-- spend a couple hours reading Bev Harris' research on voting fraud; you won't hear it on CNN.

Personally, the belief that anything can be changed at the polls, is to me, naive. It's not a war of political ideologies, of political parties-- it's a class war-- always has been, and the sooner people wake up to that reality, the sooner their arguments will make some sense.

If we as Americans have, as you say, lost our most potent weapons-- then all the more reason we cannot simply roll over and allow them to neuter us like they have the UK. Look at the UK now-- is there a so-called free society on earth more locked down and surveilled than that? How did that ballot box thing work out for you all?

If you don't think it makes a difference to the powers that be that millions of Americans have guns, you're kidding yourself. It matters. And that is why they are trying to find any way possible to twist the second Amendment to their purposes and disarm us.

You mention history, thank you. Check it out then, what happened to numerous countries after their goverment got their guns away. History speaks for itself.

Twist it up any way you like-- call it American blood lust in our desire "to kill whomever we like"-- blah blah blah-- fact is, there are plenty of Americans who will not just roll over with their tails between their legs when the PTB/government comes to neuter them.

Rely on the ballot box? End up like the UK? Thanks, but no thanks-- we here will take responsibility for our own freedom.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 04:55 PM
a wise man once say, "Those who cast the vote decide nothing, those that count the vote decide everything"- Stalin Dictator od Soviet Russia, he understand just as the politicians in all "democratic" countries understand, its funny how in online polls Ron Paul comes in 1st for pres, instead at the "ballot" boxes he comes in last, instead the 3 antigun politicians win, here in fla. we dont even have paper ballots, we have computerized digital ballots, papers alot harder to changer than a bunch of 1s and 0s

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by SideWynder
The ban on assualt rifle and automatic weapons was allowed to expire recently you have to fill out paper work and be registered, and I believe it costs 1500 dollars a year. That's just the info I've got so far in my attempts to get one.

Everyone in America needs to start their own defense contract corp.! Blackwater is the most dangerous entity in the U.S.!

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 12:06 AM
if i stabbed people in the eye with a pencil will the govt ban all pencils?
if i choke people with the belt from my trousers, will they ban belts?

guns dont kill people, people kill people.

gun control means using both hands

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by azblack
reply to post by SideWynder

Everyone in America needs to start their own defense contract corp.! Blackwater is the most dangerous entity in the U.S.!

agreed blackwater is very dangerous, problem is blackwater works for the highest bidder, terrorists, china, the cia, the brady people, theres a thought, what if the antigun ppl hire blackwater ppl to commit gun crime so they can ban guns

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by goodshotpayne

Waiting periods are evil. Say I've never owned a gun and never wanted to own a gun. One Saturday for apparently no reason, maybe they think I'm somebody else, maybe they think I have solid gold furniture, a car full of guys id obviously "staking" out my house. Let's say I even catch one or two of them walking around the backyard at night. I call the cops and the cops play the "We can't do anything unless they've actually committed a crime" card.

I call up a buddy of mine whose hunted and participated in shooting sports and is a firearms instructor and ask him to help me get a gun for home defense.

Handguns requiring all sorts of permitting and work in my state and going on his suggestions we shop for shotguns. I end up going with a Mossberg 590. I have no pistol permit or hunting license so I have to wait two weeks to pick it up.

Three days later at 2:15 AM I hear the sound of breaking glass. I look out the door and down the stairs and see 4 guys who shouldn't be in the house in the house. I call the cops as quietly as can be. The operator can't hear me. The whole time I hear things smash and footsteps stomping around. I don't know if they know I'm there or not or even care.

All I can do is keep the door shut, stay really quiet and hope the cops get here 5 minutes ago and while I'm waiting hope the guys downstairs are more interested in taking stuff than assaulting/killing me. 10 minutes of terror seems to go on for hours.

Thank you mandatory waiting period.

I should note this has never happened to me and I've always been involved in shooting sports and training. But this case can happen anywhere in the country where waiting periods are the norm. How many women have gone to get a gun and trained after receiving threats or discovering stalkers only to be told they have to wait 30 days or more for a pistol permit and ended up raped, beaten or dead?

Waiting period is supposed to stop crime? When's the last time Joe Criminal was told by the guy with a trunk full of illegal guns he had to wait two weeks?

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 09:44 AM
Gun crime can be stopped without taking the LEGAL guns away from responsible citizens. All we have to do is place the blame on the criminal who commits the crime. Instead of blaming guns, the people who make and sell them, and the people who legally own them.

I propose a national law to the effect that if you commit a crime with a firearm in your possession, then you get the death penalty. The penalty must be carried out in 12 months. All appeals involving persons sentenced under this law would be pushed to the top of the stack to ensure timely hearings.

The only reason gun crime persists is that the punishment is not yet severe enough to deter the criminals. Once we start putting down these mad dogs who endanger our civilized way of life, gun crime will go down. It will also clean up the gene pool leaving those with more intelligence to procreate.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by St Udio

Another 'common thread' is that they all happened in schools, places that don't allow licensed concealed carry.

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