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I think I might be psychic?

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posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 03:13 AM
you would be distastefull anyways im sure. your mind is troubled, sorry for the things that led to it. there is no defense or offense. All it is is a connection. slight energy transfer. I then "purify" the energy i gather durring the day to make it usuable. It matters not. The thing is, i take nothing much compared to what a person uses.not like you are going to die if i take some energy. might have to have a can of coke/pepsi at worst.
Think of it like this, if you were a psychic vampire, and you had 1000 people focusing thier energy on you, what could you do with all the energy? Possibility count is extremly high. These are the true ways to clean the earth, to make crops grow, to save lives and preform miracles. They have been labeled so as to minimize these individuals influence over the world powers. But, there are many many people with these abilities coming to light every day now. For the end of old times is coming. Those who think it the end, wel i guess it is the end for them. But there are many that know they will make it through this. These will be the harbringers of the new world. The day will come when men will be mice, and the snakes will prey on them. But in he process man will become the first step into his upbringing.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 03:18 AM
In that case, you and i face each other across a gulf of understanding.

Do you not think it would be wiser to teach people to use their own power instead of simply taking it from them?

Although... it may be the case you're simply interested in what that power can do for you and not what it can do for them...

Uncertainty clouds my mind as to your motives.

But i warn you now; i could turn my 'defenses' into something you would equate as a trap.

And if i can do it, so can others.

[edit on 19-2-2008 by Throbber]

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 03:23 AM
your still not quite getting the whole picture. What happens when people see? they beleive. what happens when they beleieve? they do. You starting to get th picture a little? heres some more. Back in the 60's and 70 there was a large confusle about the coming of the indigo children. these were the first wave of humans to come and light the way for others. They would start the world in a new line of thinking. little bit by little bit. They would pave they way for the "crystal children" these would be the christ figures rused by religions. These things were not made up by these "hippies". It was information thats been around a long time, but these people knew it was coming soon. These indigo children, are the oens diagnosed with ADD or ADHD (some others as well but these 2 make up the majority). Most probably, you could be one of these individuals, and not even realize it yet.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by THIseNdsnowoldKings

First time i heard the term 'Indigo Children' was in a book called 'Time' or 'Artifact' or something like that, which was quite recent comparatively.

Do you have any research from the 80's i could rifle through?

Everything i know about as fact is based on my own creative initiative, so when people find me hard to understand i'm really not surprised.

It's the unknowns that get me excited.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 03:45 AM
why are you searching the 80's? Its more a late 60's to early 70's era. Plus a bunch of # all over the net about this and that with some truth to tem but mostly over stimulated housewives rantings through meopause......oops did i say that out

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by THIseNdsnowoldKings

Trust me friend, Look into the 80's.

All the good stuff happens at least a decade from the actual event, right?

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 03:50 AM
if you are wondering as to when the indigos started popping up? its the early 80's and up. maybe a few really late 70's. Why do you think there is such a problem with certain youths? why do you think they commit suicide? Its overly psychic individuals, who are lsot in the maze of lies and deciet. Once they step outside of reality to observe, they get disoriented, confused, single focused. And in the end lost. These is the traps the beast" lay down for us. Many will be used by the beast" then tossed aside. i use beast as a term because it is most widely accepted.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by THIseNdsnowoldKings

Look, babe - i know what the gib is with the jingo, so if you'll just put a * next to the bit you want to clarify*, that'll work out swell.

Anyway, the book itself was quite entertaining, lots of stuff about angels and turning Gold into a fuel.

p.s; it was 'time' btw, not artifact - artifact was about a small ancient box of unknown material that contained a black hole, so n/m that.

*like this.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 03:55 AM
once you step beyond reality, and see time for what it truly is, the 7th element so to speak. It is the womb for the other 6 elements, of which the universe is combined of. time as we see it odo i put a peive of a tree taken out and examined..the tree being the length of time. There are endless realities..the source is at the center of it all, wit endless clouds of reality spreading forth from it, and it does not end.

now is where people start to ..or moreso think i am crazy..

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 03:58 AM
this is when you atart to realize your purpose. when you see that...
i have, but..when i realized the true point of it all, the absolute end, i did not liek the answer. To lose "yourself" is all i can say. But the point is, thats where we are going whether we like it or not. though, it isnt so bad..
just, i lik ebeing human as we are

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by THIseNdsnowoldKings

Speak to me of the relationship of the Indigo and Crystal Children, do they get along together at all?

Is one more advanced than the other, and therefore more dangerous?

Crazy is a state of mind, so a man who is crazy merely has different perceptions from everyone else, some of which may be more real than the others.

Of course, one can only know which perceptions are real and which are not by being crazy, which unfortunately makes such things incommunicable.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 04:03 AM
all perceptions are real if beleived hard, the easiest way to explain this...would be ..the crystal children would be "like" the prophets of the koran, or bible. The indigo children would be "like" angels who come to make way, and protect them. Also reality would have it, there would be both sides involved in this of course. And several in the middle to moderate things. if you are one to cause "chaos" in opposition(losig side) does that not make you someone who balances, rather than disturbs balance?

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by THIseNdsnowoldKings

Not nessecarily, one can see chaos as a force for good.

And trust me on this - there are dimensions to reality which seem real but which are not, they are merely reflections, almost like an optical illusion caused by patterns.

It's important not to end up studying one of those which is merely a shade of something greater.

edit; many of those dimensions that are accepted in theoretical terms are merely reflections of a lone dimension, for example.

[edit on 19-2-2008 by Throbber]

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 04:09 AM
i never said it was good or evil. Chaos doesnt care which side its on. Too much good or evil = chaotic. and, your perception is different than you opponents on every ocasion..meaning what yoy see as good they see as evil, of course visa versa
now in this aspect, you most certainly are one to balance things out, if the scales are tipped one way, they must be balanced eliminate an opposite viewpoint is balance.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by THIseNdsnowoldKings

That depends on your perception of the inner nature of chaos, of course.

Don't forget, everything changes eventually.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 04:13 AM
and without choas this could not happen i know

I am well versed in the laws of reality

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by THIseNdsnowoldKings

Then you should probably be aware of how the inner nature of chaos interacts with the fabric of the dimensionary universe - i have stated before that there are infinite dimensions, but that needs a little more clarification;

The Dimensions change, therefore they are infinite.

Can you imagine if the Dimensions we reside in - those that are physical - were to change in such a way?

To wield chaos in a conversation is to wield a double-edged sword, you understand?

edit; it's almost like once you start swinging, you can't stop.

[edit on 19-2-2008 by Throbber]

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 04:19 AM
lol, you are way too agrivated. You need some time to study some metaphysics, and understand what makes man strong. o use one side at a time is never as strong as using both in harmony. Makes my conersations into an Ak 47 in comparison.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by THIseNdsnowoldKings

I'm not talking about metaphysics, and tbh you can't fire bullets at quantum mechanics either.

You can leave the pseudo-scientific investigation to people who get paid for it.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 04:24 AM
because of this i am abnormaly mentaly and abnormaly physically strong. Im am a person to be agreed with. becasue i see both sides of the coin, i am understanding with all but extremists of either side. To inittiate choas is a want to end this course of reality...and those that do, do not understand the consequences of such things. you life will reflect these things. Perhaps it is the other way around. But someday you will understand. Choas takes no friends, onnly extremes, and extremes burn out fast. To be in hramony is the key (and that means more than what it appears,). harmony means it in all it forms, including equal and opposite reactions to balance out chaos. i wonder if you are a fire sign.

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