posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 10:01 AM
The Navy is "bagging it" in the S Pacific for the day. "Maybe tomorrow" they said. Bad weather.
Interestingly, USA 193 is headed into/over SW Asia, then Russia and finally China (all darkside) and Japan before overflying the Pacific again.
follow groundtrack here:
I'm sure the thing is naked eye visible in areas of low light pollution like some of the areas it's overflying now and this afternoon.
Does anybody think we have the resources in place to take a land based shot? I know some of the places it's overflying do.
Who is going to shoot first?
Additionally, the SM's are basically guided inertial killers. Supposedly.
I believe that we will employ a directed-energy weapon,
The form of energy (laser, maser) will be dictated by the desired effect on the "hydrazine" (wink, wink). i.e. the guaranteed combustion of the
"fuel" before earth impact.
The Naval launch is a backup, in my opinion.