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Chertoff Worries About 'Earth-Shattering' Events. Here comes the fear factor before the elections!

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posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 12:52 PM
I was wondering where are all the terrorists? With our borders wide open, wouldn't you think there would be things like car bombings going on in the U.S., at the very least? No wonder Chertoff is worried... he left the back door wide open.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 01:53 PM
I very much look to see the elections postponed due to some big event or other. Whether it be terrorism or a nuclear bomb going off someplace or whatever they come up with.

That is what I predict. We'll see what happens I reckon. It doesn't take much for the president to order the elections postponed.

THis may be scare tactics, but I am very surprised that there has been no serious event within our borders since 9-11. The one thing people forget about the culture in the middle east is that they think long term, while we are focused on the immediate future. I don't think it is a matter of IF the terrorists get to us again, but WHEN they get to us again.

With the state of our borders at this time, they could drive a nuclear bomb thru the desert in a big SUV or 4x4 truck, and we would be none the wiser. Hell, they could ship it to a warehouse in DC in a shipping container, and chances are very slim it would ever be opened before it got to it's destination the way our ports are set up now.

Yeah... they will get one in on us sooner or later. IMHO of course....

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 02:01 PM
All chertoff should be worried about is when justice comes around.

The last thing any real American should do is listen to a Dual israeli/American citizen.

Conflict of interest is the first thing that comes to my mind.
That POS is not looking out for American best interests, period.
And like posted earlier "gut feelings" are nothing mor than BS.

And if indeed something catastrophic happens in America. Americans had better realize who the responsible party was.

Hint: it will have had nothing to do with Arabs and boxcutters.

[edit on 12-2-2008 by Critical_Mass]

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Krycheck

OK does anyone actually believe Chertoff? That's the real question.

I know I don't believe one single word that comes out of this administrations collective mouths.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by jfj123

I agree with you. This administration has ZERO credibility. How anyone can take them seriously is beyond comprehension. I figured them out from the very first year of the first term before 911. Since then they have only dug themselves deeper into a hole. Too bad they have to drag the rest of the country down with them.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Coopdog

You are on the same track of thinking I had. What if Bush uses the smallest excuse to maintain his presidency?

Some kind of "emergency" which they passed a bill on last year to enable him to keep power until that issue is resolved.

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