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Chertoff Worries About 'Earth-Shattering' Events. Here comes the fear factor before the elections!

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posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:34 AM

Chertoff Worries About 'Earth-Shattering' Events. Here comes the fear factor before the elections!

Chertoff recognizes it has been more than six years since al Qaida launched the Sept. 11 attacks, but some experts say that's how long it took to plan them, suggesting the U.S. may close in on another spectacular attempt by Osama bin Laden to topple the U.S. economy.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:34 AM
I wonder how much more we will hear this from the current administration as the elections come closer.

How much fear and dis-information will be spread in order to try to maintain the current stranglehold on all of our rights?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by Krycheck

I got to agree with you that we will be hearing more of this during the year, in regards to the election. On the other hand I do agree with some of what was said in the source you referenced.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:50 AM
We need to invade Iran before they blow the world up to smithereens...

They have been saying this every few months for years now. Nothing has happened. Something probably will happen eventually though, and it will be bad. In such a case we will see those at the top use the event to take away our rights and perhaps enter new conflicts that will make them profit and power.

Just remember, anyone can be a "terrorist".

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:50 AM

spectacular attempt by Osama bin Laden to topple the U.S. economy.

Hmmm, that sounds familiar... What is going on right now that could topple the US economy? Perhaps pouring trillions of dollars into Iraq? It sounds to me like they know full well that the US economy is going to collapse and rather than admit that it was their own idiotic policies that did it, they choose to blame it on the boogeyman.. Osama.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

A scapegoat definitely. They're not uncommon lol.

This may turn out to be a key object in presidential debate, as RedGolem noted.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:58 AM
They say this every year, what stat out there says your at any more risk from terrorism than, a pig landed on your head, in the middle of a city.

Drugs actually have an effect on all peoples lifes, whether they take them or not, it effects all of us, but do they ever stop that stuff. A big no, they just ship them in.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:59 AM
recall when Bush and his gang of lying traitors were manufacturing lies so we would invade Iraq and Afghanistan? Same old same old. The American people are SO dumbed down and Fox news droned that they simply have no idea what is going on.

Chertoff is a devil, and so are the resat of the neocon thugs that are destroying America. It is GONE. America is finished. It is all downhill from here, folks. No way back up.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 01:01 PM
I hate to use another parenting analogy -- but what the heck -- hasn't it been proven that threatening your children eventually is more harmful than successful in maintaining control? Terrorism has been used to quite opportunistically by our government to elicit greater control in the lives of Americans and to strip us of freedoms. Its not to late to begin taking responsibility for our country -- our economy, health care, education, -- as Barak Obama illustrated at a recent campaign speech the litany of things money spent on Iraq could have done to better life in this democracy.

The current administration has kept us on ORANGE too often without specifics. Its a bit like crying wolf. How will be know when to call their bluff?

And for that matter has anyone else started thinking since 9/11 about whether the terrorists aren't at least making some sense in their claims about the baseness of our culture? Rather than give up freedoms -- our national leadership ought to be taking a good look at human condition in America. I'm not talking force neocon values -- but look at what can be done to make life in America stronger. IF we have our own act together we'll be better world role models of democracy. Don't we think any other nation has a right to choose? Wouldn't it be better to say -- Look you could be like this...

Before we can fix the threats elsewhere in the world -- we need to get a better grip on the problems at home -- and without the fear factor threat from our leaders.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 01:05 PM
Chertoff must have had another "gut feeling." He should take antacid for that instead of tossing threats around.

Bush has done more to crash our economy than anyone. Too bad they won't ship HIM to Guantanamo.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 01:12 PM
All Chertoff has done is look at the mass consciousness random generators (the Eggs) and he knows that they show a major bad bad bad bad bad bad bad event is about to happen.

He also may know because he is the instigator of what is about to transpire. But sometimes the ways of the world deliver unexpected disaster to the masters of enslavement and destruction.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 01:27 PM
Sure...blame the economy on the terrorists! (Badum-Ching)

While we're at it - blame the terrorists for the US's poor education programs too!

Seriously though - this is nothing new from Chertoff. The only thing you can count on is a major escalation in this rhetoric leading up to the Major Elections.

Remember when he said this past summer would be a Summer of Terror?

Remember when he had a "gut feeling"?

The only surprise will be when this administration comes to figure out that people for the most part have caught on to this little game and won't put up with the BS any more.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Pellevoisin

No random generator needed when you are on the inside and are being told when the next "event" will happen. Does anybody REALLY think that Alex Jones is a mystic that could predict with 100% accuracy that the Neocon Junta would attack and destroy BOTH WTC towers? Predictions are easy when your making the "prophesy" come true yourself.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 01:34 PM
I think it is a combination of scaretactics to induce more panic spending to boost the economy (oh no stock up on P.B. and Tuna and paper goods!) Also Bush would have you think that we need McCain with his no nonsense military mind to keep a continuity of safety for the US and the world. That is what you will see.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 01:38 PM
Chertoff is just laying out he cold, hard facts.

It's his job to worry about such things and we should be glad that he takes his job seriously, instead of engaging in the fear-mongering that you accuse Chertoff of.

There is no greater truth than this and it's echoed here almost daily by those who just refuse to face reality.

"The great weapon they have is persistence and patience, and the one weakness that we have is the tendency to lose patience and become complacent," Chertoff tells WTOP.

[edit on 2008/2/11 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 01:39 PM
You are all correct here. I would much rather the Director state something like this,

"All is well folks. The terrorists like us Zionists and won't bother us ever again. They've decided their radical plan to enslave the world under Sharia law was really a mistake. So please don't any of you be vigilant or politically incorrect in any way. All is well. You are in no danger!"

I guess that's what some of you are looking for from the Director of Homeland Security.


posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 01:46 PM
I think there is a major difference between laying out the "cold hard facts" and saying things like "I have a gut feeling".

The space within that distance is called irresponsible.

Do I want Chertoff to worry? YES.

Do I want him to take his job seriously? YES

But when he makes reckless statements in public that JUST SO HAPPEN to correspond with elections or when Bush is trying to get new security reform pushed through - THEN I HAVE A MAJOR PROBLEM with what is going on.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by TruthWithin
I think there is a major difference between laying out the "cold hard facts" and saying things like "I have a gut feeling".

Besides the fact that your post seem contradictory to me, I could not find the words, "I have a gut feeling" in that article.

Did you note how many intelligence officials agree with him?

Did you note that the earth-shattering" events he fears most, like dirty bombs and nuclear attacks, are in his opinion, not yet feasible?

That doesn't mean that they will always be unfeasible, but they are possibilities and worrying about them now is a lot better than worrying about them after the fact.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 02:04 PM
It seems like it is time to point out that Chertoff is both a citizen of Israel and the USA. This is also true of Ben Chertoff.

I realise US Americans don't hear about this through their media, but it is important that you wonderful people south of the border
realise just how infiltrated your government is with individuals with whom the Nosferatu would not even consort.

I hope Judge Andrew Napolitano will run for President on the Libertarian or Constitution ticket (or both!) in the USA. He really is a remarkable jurist, and the USA would benefit from having such a man as President (who would throw in jail Chertoff & Co.).

As my son told me (he lives in Alexandria, Virginia) the next time Chertoff has a "feeling" someone needs to hand him a box of chocolate Ex-Lax and an enema bag.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 02:07 PM
It's absolutely an info-bomb into the public consciousness.

I feel the same way about the fact that they are finally going to hold military tribunals for Khalid Shekh Mohammad, et al. I mean really - six plus years later? After they have been denying them Habeas Corpus and have had them in complete isolation in Guantanamo?

I definitely feel they should be brought to trial but the timing suggests optimum talk and news coverage about events related to 9/11 from now until the election.

It's psychological manipulation - pure and simple.

[edit on 11/2/08 by kosmicjack]

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