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Chertoff Worries About 'Earth-Shattering' Events. Here comes the fear factor before the elections!

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posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:36 PM
The New Threat 'Feeling' Level
1 - Hunch
2 - Sneaking Suspicion
3 - Creepy Feeling
4 - Gut Feeling
5 - Anxious Anticipation

Hmmm.. last year it was "Gut Feeling", maybe
he's bumping it up to "Anxious Anticipation"

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:38 PM
Does anyone actually believe these people anymore?

I mean, honestly. They constantly talk about terrorist threats to the nation and how we should be invading X, Y, and Z country but nothing ever happens.

I said that to my dad yesterday and he mentioned how we don't hear how many have been prevented.

IF that were the case, don't you think the FBI, CIA, etc would flaunt their terrorist infiltration network?

Or maybe its elements of the government who are funding the terrorists and being foiled by other parts that don't want them to happen?

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:56 PM
I agree with a lot I've read here.

But you guys are too harsh to Mr. Philpott. He is a senior citizen and as such he deserves our respect. It's not his fault that his civics textbook didn't cover subjects like open borders, terrorism, and DHS. There wasn't a DHS back in the old days, you know.

I agree that Osama Bin Laden is dead. But if that is the case, how come we keep seeing videos released of him spouting his hate?

And if there are gut feelings in the gut of our crack chief of Homeland Security, even if he does hold dual citizenship with Israel, I think the borders would be the first thing you'd look at as a possible entry into our homeland.

I watched a debate recently (Fox; South Carolina, I think) in which some of the republican candidates were talking about speedboats chasing our navy destroyers. I couldn't help but notice a parellel with the reason we went into Viet Nam. Recently, official documents were released explaining that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was fabricated.

In that same debate, one candidate opened my eyes to the fact that Israel should be able to stand on it's own two feet. I agree.

What good is Israel as an ally?

As long as we all just trust the government to make sure we're safe, everything will be alright. I think Mr. Philpott would agree. The civics textbook says so. Also, please watch as much Fox News as you can. Sean Hannity is like a couple of walking civics textbooks.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by cryingindian

Originally posted by cryingindian
As long as we all just trust the government to make sure we're safe, everything will be alright. I think Mr. Philpott would agree. The civics textbook says so. Also, please watch as much Fox News as you can. Sean Hannity is like a couple of walking civics textbooks.

Tongue-in-check often doesn't carry well in on-line forums.

That which is typed in jest may in many cases be misconstrued as opinion.

I'm going to presume that statement was meant to be satirical, no?

I do agree we should afford our senior citizens more respect, but only if they deserve it.

Being elderly doesn't necessarily give one an edge on socially responsible wisdom, as evidenced by the multiple debacles we now face as a nation due to the short-sighted and self-enriching policies of the rich old white men now in charge.

Why is it so many sound ideas are now coming from, not the aged, but the young?

Perhaps it's because they've come to the realization that their generation, and the ones yet to follow, will be left holding the bag of sins committed and devastation wrought by the boundless unfathomable greed of the irresponsible, criminally negligent old-guard.

You think?

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by cryingindian

I agree that Osama Bin Laden is dead. But if that is the case, how come we keep seeing videos released of him spouting his hate?

If I remember right the last obl tape to surface was declared a fake by the so called experts, you can decide to believe that or not, as I am sure every one has.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 10:41 PM
Mikey Chertoff has another "gut feeling"? you know I have some pepto it wolud clear that right up!
please,Mr.Director your not James Bond or Jack Ryan give it up.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 10:46 PM
Osama this or Osama that..Whatever!!!
The man was murdered in 2003 folks so as soon as you accept that the sooner we can get on with living our lives in utter fear and desperation.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 10:51 PM
On another note, We've been had by our own people. The biggest threat to world peace and security we face is coming from right here in America. This is not a Dem. thing or a Rep. thing this is something EVIL that has been flourishing is the shadows of our democracy for 50+ years now. It's time to F'ing wake up and stop arguing with one another and come together and figure out some way to stop this madness.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 11:47 PM
I wonder when the next false flag operation will take place?

Will it be today?


Who cares, we are all going to die anyway, why is everyone so worried

But seriously, we are all going to die, sit back and enjoy the show!

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 11:54 PM
Interesting read, but it's the same old rhetoric... other than the addition of some fancy catchphrases like "CBRN" to keep the people paranoid and on the edges of their seats.

The truth is folks, hidden between the lines. It's not nearly as high in entertainment value as the fancy lingo and color-coded threat levels, but it's of a high enough priority that they did mention it in the OP's article. The "toppling of the American economy" is/was the goal?
Funny, it seems to me that we are well on the way of doing that all by ourselves... and I don't mean that with sarcasm either.

I agree that would be pretty 'Earth-Shattering' if our economy went down the tubes, but I disagree with Mr. Chertoff's assumption that it would be in one fell swoop. OBL himself stated on footage that he was going to bleed us dry financially... well... we are fighting an unknown enemy... and pouring untold amounts into funding this "war on terror" not good juju either way we can rationalize it.

Personally, I can only take so much of this administration crying wolf, as I'm sure we all feel, and I feel that if the PTB really gave 2 brown ones about Us and maybe the rest of the world how's about they try to see the forest through the trees for once. There is a much bigger picture out there, and they are staring at it blindly.


posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by mek12
On another note, We've been had by our own people. The biggest threat to world peace and security we face is coming from right here in America. This is not a Dem. thing or a Rep. thing this is something EVIL that has been flourishing is the shadows of our democracy for 50+ years now. It's time to F'ing wake up and stop arguing with one another and come together and figure out some way to stop this madness.

They're not my people.

They began this assault on our freedoms with the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913, that's at least 95 years they've been working towards their goal of absolute power over us all.

Here's an interesting read to put things in perspective:

The History of the House of Rothschild

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 01:11 AM
AMERICA WAKE UP ALREADY!! Haven't you figured out yet that "TERRORISM" is a replacement for "COMMUNISM"? Do you not remember the backyard bunkers? The daily drill of hiding under schoolroom desks? So the fearful Communism died with a whimper! And now Communist China is our biggest trading partner! Give the Neocons what they want (your freedom) and Terrorism will also pass away with barely a whimper. Afterall, many a Republican was elected on the back of the feared "Communism". Why would it be any different now that they have their manufactured "TERRORISM" to be the bogeyman. Where on this earth has RADICAL ISLAMISTS taken over a successful country? If they are interested in enslaving Americans why would they not start with one of the many countries of the world that are MUSLIM already? Wherever they have succeeded in taking over a country such as Afghanistan it has been with OUR HELP!!! WE HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR BUT FEAR ITSELF (to borrow a phrase).

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by Ameneter

Well the terrorists did kill three thousand people in this country, the communists did not do that. Saudi Arabia is a fundamentalist ruled country, and it is pretty successful.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 04:36 AM
One need only type "Chertoff's lies" in google and read all the links to see that Chertoff is a compulsive liar. If you put your trust in this man, then you truly are naive and gullible.

Liar, liar, house on fire........

Lies, More Lies, and Damn Lies

[edit on 12-2-2008 by kindred]

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 07:31 AM

Chertoff recognizes it has been more than six years since al Qaida launched the Sept. 11 attacks, but some experts say that's how long it took to plan them, suggesting the U.S. may close in on another spectacular attempt by Osama bin Laden to topple the U.S. economy.

Is really trying to imply that Bin Laden may have something to do with the HUGE recession we are about to hit? Talk about a spin...This guy has a career on FOX after his political time.

"Chertoff went on to explain that Bin Laden may be responsible for the recent surge in near-miss asteroid collisions."

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 08:40 AM
they have it, they will use it!

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by RedGolem

For sure there are agents of Terrorism, and various STATES do use them when it suits their needs, including US! When it's used against our enemies it's OK, but remember "there is no honor among thieves" or "outlaws" for that matter. Saudi Arabia may be fundamentalist , but aren't they one of our big allies in the region? There is a difference in being fundamentalist /conservative and being a radical espousing violence! I have a feeling that these MUSLIM RADICALS are being controlled through their funding.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 12:22 PM
Alright guys I am still a noob to this site but I am gonna try to be a responsible member and do less lurking and more posting.
I really believe that yes there may be something that could be bothering ol' Cherty but please, if you have any solid information, LET THE CITIZENS KNOW!

They say it is classified information when they do not release details and I understand that some information MUST be held close. However, the public will only become complacent about empty hunches or feelings.

Now, if these hunches Cherty has are truly only his feelings and not supported by any hard evidence then that needs to be kept to himself. Then he needs to do some investigating before he throws the public a bone that has no meat on it.

On another point if there is some hard information then what would it hurt to let us know as much about this "event" as possible without compromising agents or other linked investigations. The positive to this would be that the "event" probably would not happen if it was revealed to the public that we have information about it.

Bottom line, START INFORMING THE POPULATION!! If there are only hunches and gut feelings then keep quiet about those. However, let us know that you are still doing your job to thwart any future events as well as possible and give us the hardcore information if possible. The more people that know at least small details of what to look for will make us more vigilant and if anything is noticed then we can notify.

If information was passed in this way I am sure we would look forward to announcements from our officials in charge instead of just brushing them off as political maneuvering, which this reeks of.

Hotel one OUT!

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 12:45 PM
Not airlplanes with nukes -- oil tankers on highways attacking infrastructure -- attacks on churches of all christian denominations -- summer guys, summer.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 12:45 PM
Not airlplanes with nukes -- oil tankers on highways attacking infrastructure -- attacks on churches of all christian denominations -- summer guys, summer.

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