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Life on the other side of the fence

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posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by psycho81

Psycho, don't forget about screen memories. They can make you remember something that is far from what actually occurred.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Sickscent]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Anubis matched very closely to the beings I saw in my first thread about time gap events unless what I saw was a variant but the metallic suit was an identical description to what I saw. The one thing that varies is the head description. The ones I saw kind of had an alligator head but with and extended neck like a cobra and the legs unfortunately are at question as the hologram blocked them.

I noted the "HE" part that was mentioned, as far as I know me and one other person have been connected to them. The other contact I had actually encountered them the same as I did, they unlike the grays are stern and will give warnings if they have to.

I would like to know if it was five years from now or whether is was five years from when you last saw them. I was first adducted was around 1995 to 96. If this event happened within that and, if these figures add up than the HE they referred to may be me. Its a far stretch but, as they said I among with one other are connected to them. They are the only species I know that ask for proof that you are connected or they will make you turn around and pretend you saw nothing.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by Sickscent

Thats right you have to filter events and memories in your mind. Sometimes a fake memory can be used to "plug the gap" in a way. If they left every space of time gather unfilled in your head you would be more confused in the end.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by Drakiir
reply to post by Mr Green

Id like to know the companies behind the whole concocted tale, next they'll tell me in the year 2010 all the toasters in the world will explode simultaneously.

it on 14-2-2008 by Drakiir]

Exactly. Beware of what you buy into.

Oh Drakiir I really don t think the Anubis was you. No really it was majestic, unbelievable, out of this world. Amazing something to behold if it had been you , you would not have asked what an anubis was. It was truely amazing something that would blind you so much it would stay with you forever. Surely you can t think it was you. Maybe you have seen it and you are remembering it so vivid you think its you.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Sorry, no what Im saying is that the being you described could be like the ones I saw as for some features that you didnt see leaves it open as to whether it was or not.

Its a far stretch to assume when they said "Now he knows they know" that the "He" mentioned was me, I admit. But if when this happened coincides with the same time I got taken than its an unusual coincidence to say the least. I dont mean it was me being projected, it would be cool to do that. But I know there are only 2 people connected with the beings I saw, and if what you saw was the same well that remains a mystery.

As to wether they mean me I don't know, it just sounds a bit coincidental. Than again it could of happened in 2004 which in that case means it had nothing to do with me, and thats probably the case. It just seems strange how they seem pretty close to what I saw and out of all things said he, not it or being or she. Thats the part that got me curious.

My ego bubble got a little to big

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Drakiir]

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by Drakiir

Drakiir , this happened in early 2003.

If I get anymore negative quotes i think I may have to leave this thread. This is real to me , I have accepted it , it is part of my life I do not need negativity. Has anyone else noticed how they can t be around negativity. If I see it or hear it I have to move away. Its almost like Im allergic to it. Its non productive it serves no one it accomplishes nothing. I feel I must help people rather than stab them in the back. Is it just me???

I just want to talk to people about what I saw I do not want to be ridiculed.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Mr Green]

Oh and before you all say but I never saw the Anubis and im saying I just want to talk about what I saw. No I never saw the Anubis Im speaking for my partner when I talk about the Anubis, I have never claimed to have seen this creature ever. See how suspicious this thread is suddenly making me feel. Why is that? Drakiir any ideas??

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Mr Green]

further edit for spelling ! Im paranoid now.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Mr Green]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

No it's not just you. I have the same problem with negative comments. I was beside myself with greif when this thread first started up. I felt so bad for all the experiencers that were posting. Yesterday I began to think that people here at ATS are going to lay off. Nope. I get home today and read some more negative comments. I still have a lot to learn about not letting it get to me, don't leave the thread we're all in this together.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

You asked about memebership here at ATS. I had a major sighting in Jan 08, I posted it with HBCC. A couple of weeks ago I noticed on google it had been Listed on ATS. Diplomat had picked it up from The rense site and started a thread with my sighting. I have been here since.

I started the Negative Blood Type thread because some where during one of my experiences I asked the question of "Why me?" The answer I got was "Blood lines."

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

Yeah Im going with Witness2008 on this one, look how much flak I had to cop before the barrier was smashed down, I mean how many negative posts has there been since then? I admit it was very harsh of the skeptic post a couple of pages back to try and put you down, it was uncalled for. I beleive you as well as many others on here I know the things you have seen are true and with your own eyes.

Its a tough road to go on but its one thats worth it in the end. The skeptic post I think your talking about was a insult which held no truth. He seemed to forget that being a skeptic by definition means you cant say yes or no, he's a fence sitter for life and thats nothing for him to boast about. Hes a doubter and nothing more.

Plus there is always u2us, no one can criticize you then.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:36 PM
OK, I have an experience that I want you guys to comment on. I ended up having to write a journal to keep my experiences in. This one happened when I was about 28.

February 3, 1998

The Spinning of a Black Box.

The roaring/rushing sound started in the dream seemingly caused from an object flying towards me. The object buzzed without sound but instead with a feeling that reverberated inside my head. It brought me to lucidity.
Conscious remembrance of the dream starts with me standing in a field. There was a strange airplane that was heading towards me at perhaps ten feet above the ground. As I remember the plane in my mind’s eye, I remember to be a UFO, though in the dream I took it to be some misshaped plane. It lands in the field about thirty yards from me. It is back dropped by woods. It starts to come towards me again floating low over the field grass.
I am startled awake, the buzz that it emanated now louder than ever. A vibration is going throughout my body. The frequency of the vibrations is matching the roaring in my skull. I couldn’t move. Sleep Paralysis. I know an altered state of consciousness is extremely close at hand. I concentrate hard on not falling back asleep. I am not in fear, but anxiety is coursing through my thoughts. At the same moment I can barely keep my eyes open. It is a struggle to not drift off.
I look out the window that is at the foot of my bed and catch a light blinking that I don’t remember ever having been there before. A small ‘black box’ comes into view. It is really just a pinpoint of darkness when I first see it, but it grows quickly as if it is moving towards me, not actually getting larger. It is difficult to figure it out because there is no frame of reference. When it gets to a certain size, about the size of a fist, it stops moving forward, or stops getting larger. It seems to be spinning about 18 inches above my chest. It is not spinning on an axis like a diamond; rather it is spinning flat, like a black cube its sides parallel with the ground. I try to reach my arms up through the sleep paralysis to try and get my hands wrapped around it. It is a struggle but I do get my hands up to it. Strangely I cannot see my arms or hands, but I know they are reaching out for it, I could feel them lifting up. I try to wrap my hands around the spinning black box and cup it. It feels like grabbing a ball of energy. Not energy as in electricity, but energy as in a magnetic field. Soft, giving, though pushing my invisible hands away as if they are gently repelled. The harder I try and close my hands around it, the stronger the force repelling them gets. The feeling is like putting two magnets together like pole to like pole, and the soft pushing away you get from them.
Instantly the roaring stops. My hands and arms are at my side like they were never lifted up. The spinning black box is gone. I have not moved in position since the UFO dream startled me awake. It was that same feeling of being in two places at one time.
I lay there for awhile trying to figure out what the hell I just experienced. To this day, I cannot explain it.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by Sickscent

Maybe this was some kind of test. I remember my kids being tested for preschool to see where they would best fit in. Some children were behind others in certain skills and the class make up would be to fit those that did not test high with those that did, the class as a whole would teach those that needed a little more. This is what I was reminded of while reading your account.

I had a similar experience a few years ago except mine was with a perfect ball of dim light, but instead of reaching for it with my hands I felt a need to hear what it was saying. For the following years my pregognative dreaming was amazing. I can not say what the ball was telling me however.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by Paul_Richard

There are very few people in this world who truly understand this Universe. There are an exorbitant number of civilizations and life all along the Universe from the oldest side to the youngest parts. In our Galaxy alone there are more than 456,304,293 different civilizations and non-intelligent species, around one third of them coexist peacefully. There is one Universal Organization (Mayeistheuaos) that rules this Universe. Those that were born with the Stars are the ones who rule. The planet Earth is a rural planet on the youngest side of the Via Lactea, there are about 1,000 representatives of such Organization her eon Earth and usually they're involved with society very well. Most of the times they report and work during their hours of sleep, because the human body is just a disposable suit. When one of them goes to sleep they leave their body immediately letting their physical side to rest while these are beings that never rest in the essence side. The Earth is one of the planets that the Ihesirs (these are the group of 120,203 representatives from the southernmost part of the Universe) are most concerned about and they are always on the look for any danger that could affect the life in here. The main task of the 1,000 representatives here on Earth is to help Humans develop their spiritual side, so most of these people usually have certain traits that do not usually fit to the regular standards of society, they also know the courses of their lives at a very young age, meaning they know that at certain age they will for ex. travel to another country, etc. About the different civilizations that have come into contact with the Human Being they're usually given permission to do so, however they must meet certain guidelines. Most of the time a time limit is imposed and if human contact is authorized most of the times they must disguise themselves, yes, your strange neighbor could be an alien. Most of us have seen people mysteriously appear on our lives and the same way the disappear. The most important guideline and rules is to no leave any kind of physical or emotional trauma on the human being contacted, if such rule is broken either accidentally or on purpose the being exposes himself to one existence in IAKEISLARSES (a planet in the northernmost part of Andromeda, which conditions are the worst in the Universe, it is composed of a plasma material unknown in this Galaxy that if in contact with any being causes tremendous pain, it will not kill you but will make you suffer, it is singular because it has the same effect in all species). Another ruling could be to never be born again, and that means the cease of existence in the Universe, and that's the worst thing it could happen.

It is interesting to know that the Human Race it is descendant from the Andromeda Galaxy and not native of this Galaxy. However, I'll tell you more about that later. Also, I will post some scans of the Universe's official writing system.

By the way, I am not kidding, this is true.

[edit on 15-2-2008 by falucho05]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:27 AM
" I know more about aliens than you!!!", he said.

"No, I know more about aliens than you, deusch!!!!!!", she said.

"But really, i have this knowledge from a undisclosed source that i can't prove, but really they tell me all these things that are true, so therefore, i know more about aliens than you!!!!", he said.

"well that is great, i have information about the galactic federation of our milky way that makes me superior in my knowledge about aliens, so i, therefore, know more about aliens than you!!!", she said

and so on and so on.

The fact is, none of use know anymore than the other about aliens and their intentions toward the human race, even if you have been contacted, which i have. Who friggin cares!!! they are going to do what they are going to do no matter how much we talk or debate about the subject.

Drakiir is doing something in this thread that is bringing people together in a positive light. SO, who really cares if he is lying or not, i don;t think he is but, who really cares. If this brings about positive emotions in human beings, even though it is only a few, then it is doing some good to our collective conciousness. I for one support drakiir in his fight.

Who cares if you have "more" alien knowledge than he. post it in your own thread and let the intelligent minds that are ATS decide for themselves if it is true or not. Let drakiir do his thing here.

I could come on here claiming that i have a contact from a system that isn't even of our galaxy explaining truths that would blow any humans mind, but still, the only thing that is important here is what drakiir is trying to do which is awesome because it is bringing people together.

screw everybody's ego and their craving to be in the lime light. Get away from the ego, cause the ego is unimportant anyway, and let drakiir do his thing, which is a good thing, whether you think it is B.S. or not.

even if we have been contacted we are still as in the dark as the regular joe walking the street.

until we die, that is.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by FremenBlueEyes

Im 100% with you on your post, the one thing all of us who are coming together on this thread has is that we have all seen or experienced some form of alien intervention. Whether it be telepathically or physically those who come forward are in the same boat as me. We are messengers who are being guided by superior forces, and the most important thing happening here is that we have discovered we are not alone and there are others out there who have new experiences or ones we can relate to.

The main goal of this thread is to bring all the people who have been in the dark in fear of ridicule to come out and be welcomed. I and others here are urged to help the ones who are in most cases telling their events for the first time, to be supportive and helpful in answering questions that other people ask. Support is the main goal here we are to rid the loneliness in every individuals lives and make it disappear for good.

Your right about being contacted and abducted as they inform me and others of plans and ways to spread the message but they don't tell me or anyone else every tiny detail of their knowledge because it is to be done in steps. We are all pieces here slowly fitting together to form a complete puzzle. Im happy to welcome and help anyone on here who needs support and Im sure everyone else does to.

These newcomers are guests to this thread and they deserve respect and support in sharing there stories. Everyone here is doing well and more and more people are feeling welcome in knowing they aren't alone. Anyone coming on to this thread trying to debunk or humiliate anyone else is not helping the matter, we need mutual respect and understanding to take precedence over insult and disbelief.

We can see we are all making a difference and for that Im grateful for all of your support.


[edit on 15-2-2008 by Drakiir]

[edit on 15-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by Sickscent

I had a black box go silently over my head once in Cyprus. It was dusk and I just caught it out of the corner of my eye, it seemed to be on a set course. It looked like it had hollow bits at each end and actually it was more rectangular then square. It made no sound and was maybe 2 metres above me. The other people did not seem to see it, well they didnt look up anyway. I quickly pointed it out to my family and they said they could see it. I have no idea what it was.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by falucho05

How do you know so much about the Universe?? You say this is all true can you tell us who told you? You seem to have alot of information there.

Oh I asked my partner if he could remember anymore details about the Anubis hologram, he said that it looked directly at him for about a minute and that it had this long tongue that was going up and down its large teeth. He said it could have easily snapped his head off no problem if it had been a solid being. He also said he could have reached up and put his hand into the hologrm if he had wanted to but of course he didn t!
What interests me about this is the radios all going off at once even though they had been turned off. He said the frequency was one he hadn t usually heard from any radio. Any radio transmitter experts out there like to comment please do. There was also some banging sounds but this was not coming from the radios.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Drakiir
reply to post by Mr Green

Anubis matched very closely to the beings I saw in my first thread about time gap events unless what I saw was a variant but the metallic suit was an identical description to what I saw. The one thing that varies is the head description. The ones I saw kind of had an alligator head but with and extended neck like a cobra and the legs unfortunately are at question as the hologram blocked them.

I noted the "HE" part that was mentioned, as far as I know me and one other person have been connected to them. The other contact I had actually encountered them the same as I did, they unlike the grays are stern and will give warnings if they have to.

Its a far stretch but, as they said I among with one other are connected to them. They are the only species I know that ask for proof that you are connected or they will make you turn around and pretend you saw nothing.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Drakiir]

So what do you think it was doing there? Giving a warning about what? What do you think "now he knows they know" mean as a "stern warning"?
Why is is asking for proof of connection, connection to what? So seen as my partner does remember it and they didn t make him turn around and pretend he saw nothing what does this mean. Do you think Im connected to it? I hope not it sounds very threatening to me.

I really do connect it to the Green we both saw 3 weeks earlier, I took it that its refering to the Green when it says "now they know" it just seems too unbelievable that the two cases are not connected to me. I got the distinct feeling the Green wanted us to see it but this Anubis was not happy that we had seen it.

I ll have to check out your time gap thread!

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:35 PM
What really gets me is the number of people who claim to have been abducted or to be "contactees". They stories are relatively the same. Light outside my window (these events only happen at night mind you), beam of light at my feet, floating, hovering outside of my window before being pulled into a ship yada yada yada...

Given the number of reports of this occurring, this is what we have:

No pictures/video of aliens
No pictures/video of a UFO above anyone's house.
No pictures/video of people floating or caught in a beam of light.

You would think that on any given night, you could look out over the landscape of any given neighborhood and see a glowy disk above a house. Do you? I don't.

I DO believe in contact and in some cases, abduction (Travis Walton) but please folks, there's many other explainations for things which don't involve "extras" from Close Encounters running around under your bed.

It really gets old...

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by TXRabbit
What really gets me is the number of people who claim to have been abducted or to be "contactees". They stories are relatively the same. Light outside my window (these events only happen at night mind you), beam of light at my feet, floating, hovering outside of my window before being pulled into a ship yada yada yada...

Given the number of reports of this occurring, this is what we have:

No pictures/video of aliens
No pictures/video of a UFO above anyone's house.
No pictures/video of people floating or caught in a beam of light.

You would think that on any given night, you could look out over the landscape of any given neighborhood and see a glowy disk above a house. Do you? I don't.

I DO believe in contact and in some cases, abduction (Travis Walton) but please folks, there's many other explainations for things which don't involve "extras" from Close Encounters running around under your bed.

It really gets old...

Thats what makes me think that really loud engine sound above my house can t have been a ship the whole street could have seen it. Im thinking maybe its a dimension thing. Ive never seen lights at my window or at my feet but I must admit to the cliche being pulled up through the roof. Sorry.

what can I say yes it does all sound so repeated and similar I wish I had an answer but I don t. All I know is that I still can t talk to my friends and colleagues about any of this and Im really sad about that. I can t even go on ATS at work they d think I was cracking up so I mainly have to surf boring stuff when really Im dying to try and find out more about whats happened to me.
I agree with you the Travis Walton story is one of the better ones out there .

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Springer
I have tinnitus and what you described is exactly what it's like. I ultimately had to buy a very expensive, completely in the canal, digital hearing aide to function. This model actually blocks 80% of the white noise in my head out and amplifies the ambient sounds I want to hear.

Oh man.. .that is going to suck if I have to do this! I mean... if HE has to do this.

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