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Life on the other side of the fence

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posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Im mainly curious the anubus thing you were talking about, Ive never heard the term before and am wondering what it actually is, it would be interesting to find out.

Most of my memories have been coming back or are being remembered. Sometime i think to myself how come I only just remembered this and that. I know what happened is true but I dont get the "delay" part if you get the drift.

I agree with the database, one is needed but the info needs to be let out slowly or we'll get criticism just like at the start of the post. All i was told was that we need one so we can log additional information and descriptions kind of like a guide in a way. I don't know how but there must be a way.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Drakiir
reply to post by Mr Green

Heres a question list of what you could of seen, please try and remember any details about them at all:

Was it about 6 to 7 feet tall?
Did it have a snaking head like a cobra?
Was there any gas or fumes emanating from it
Did it have 3 joint legs as in the way the front legs of a horse are shaped?
Did it talk in a resinating high and low tone?
Did it where what looked like metal plating of some sort?
Did this happen in the last few days since this thread has been getting more popular?

If you can remember anything about this being at all it would be good to get some description from you. I think I may of met them before and how do you mean anubis thing?

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Drakiir]

I am taking it you meant the anubis so the answers are about that.

Yes it was 7 foot tall
No its head was nothing like a cobra. It was like an egyptian anubis (God of the dead) It had more of a crocodile head with perfect symetrical triangular teeth . It was as a crocodile would look and stand today if it had evolved upright. Pale green skin VERY impressive almost majestic.

No gas or fumes as this wasn t a solid creature it was more of a projected hollogram.

Can t tell you about the legs only saw it from the torso upwards.

Uniform was shiny silver possibly metalic.

The communication "Now he knows they know" was telepathic but faint resonating in a low tone.

Yes everyone this sounds like Im making this up , Im crazy, wanting attention etc etc I do not want attention I just want to know what it was. If you think Im crazy then Im sure you ll let me know! Im actually quite grounded and down to earth considering all that has happened to me. Im not about to join any scientology group any day soon and I whon t be taken in by anyone claiming to be My Leader!!!

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 02:48 PM
Hey guys, I'll tell you about my first conscious face to face with the greys. It happened just a short time ago:

December 21, 2007

One was of Russ, my older brother, walking through grass at night, surrounded by woods. He seemed to be holding something bright in his hand. But it was big, like three feet long. He came closer to me and then turned around without knowing I was there. It seemed that he was not holding a light, but rather a glowing alien was walking with him. They receded back the way they had come. Nothing else occurred.

The second memory of a dream was of my twin brother Will and I sitting on what seemed to be a wall. We were discussing something about the coming changes. He asked how it is possible for we, as humans, to integrate with extraterrestrials. I answered him, “It is not how we do it, it is that we must.”

They let me remember being face to face, though I couldn’t make out any features of his face. My memory sees his face as blurred out. I was lying in bed on my back, arms lain down straight into my boxers (like I was watching football). I remember trying to speak but I do not remember what I was trying to say. Nothing came out. This was the trigger. I knew I had felt this before. I remember feeling this before, long ago, at the Ridge Blvd. house I grew up in. This feeling triggered me into a complete awakened state.
My remembrance comes back in full force. Not of past experiences, but of this one. He was bedside to the right of me. I say he, though there is absolutely no reason for me to say this save that that is what I felt. I could see his head, though it was blacked out in shadow. I believe that was on purpose. His head just extended over bedside which made him about 4 feet tall. My breathing was extremely hard and fast. I was scared, but not in a fearful way. More of a feeling of anxiety, you know, experiencing something so completely foreign to your life it will naturally make your body react in a ‘what the hell is going on?’ type reaction. I was as curious as I was alarmed. That is a good word, alarmed. He ran his hand above my chest area up over my forehead maybe two times with one finger extended. I was consciously thinking to myself that I needed to control my rapid and intense breathing. My breathing started slowing.
Accept this, what’s happening. I have experienced so much in this life; consider this just another of these many experiences. Remember this occurrence and think about how fulfilled my life has been. They are finally letting me remember...
These were not his words, but mine. I believe I almost smiled, though my pulse was racing.
I wondered if he would place comfort in my mind. I feel that he didn’t but I was getting calmer. When I adjusted and slowed down the anxiety, I tried to turn my head to confront him. I couldn’t move it at all. I guess he noticed I was looking at him because his head turned from looking at my overall torso area to looking at my face, and then the motion of his finger went to my forehead and began doing circular motions instead.
I became a little disoriented and began to get extremely groggy, but I was determined to remember as much about the night as I could. I couldn’t hold on anymore with his finger circling over my head. Everything is blank after that. I have a strong feeling that I didn’t go back to sleep, but my next memory was me laying there in bed, hands stuffed down in my boxers, and waited for the vibrations to subside, all the while enjoying them immensely. No sign of the greys.
Two minutes later… I don’t know… Maybe twenty minutes later, I heard my oldest daughter (she’s four and eleven months) talking with someone. She was very excited and not bothered in the least bit. I smiled and thought, they are making sure I remember. I contemplated going into her bedroom, but I could barely keep my eyes open. She quieted down and I tried to go back to sleep. It was about 5:30 am, so I just got up.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 03:01 PM
Jerry Springer Show how rude!!
Im not mad I am a research scientist with a family. How can all this be going on in my head I wouldn t be able to continue with my job for a start Id be sectioned, but Im not Im down to Earth and Ive just learnt to deal with these things thats all.

Oh and Im ready for the Stargate character thing jokes! edit for spelling

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Mr Green]

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Mr Green]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 03:15 PM
I am fully aware of what I call "Millenium Fever" I remember it all too well. The world is going to end, all our technology will shut down it can t cope with the extra digit bla bla. All those books we all bought, Cd s on how to meditate to reach the other side, all those TV programmes we all watched and admit it all fell for. I think everyone should be cautious about this but if its happening then its happening. I am trying not to go down the "Millenium " road this time. Everything I have posted is true so therefor I am not going down the Millenium route.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Oh yeah I remember that, the whole y2k thing. I guess if they cant suck money out of you they'll find a way to scare it out of you. Everyone went into fits of panic because they thought their were machines couldn't handle the code and year change, something along those lines.

Id like to know the companies behind the whole concocted tale, next they'll tell me in the year 2010 all the toasters in the world will explode simultaneously.

We do have to take caution Im the first to agree with that and like I said before a base of knowledge gets established and the information gets spread slowly to people experiencing the same thing. It has to stay mainly among those who share the same experience Im told its part of the transition for when things change. Public blurting of this info would be disastrous and we would be considered a cult, which me, you and others on here with there experiences are not prepared to be labelled as a cult member.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 03:52 PM
Originally posted by Mr Green

Im not mad I am a research scientist

I have to ask, and I know others are on the edge of their seat too, what do you research, and what country do you live in (can't be a predominantly English speaking country based on your posts and choice of words)?

[edit on 14-2-2008 by IgnoreTheFacts]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Sickscent

The good thing about your experience is that you were genuine, like everyone else posting there experiences here, in realising they were there to help you and assist you which is what they do for all of us who have experienced abductions or contact.

The one thing that really gets me is the whole little green men with probes mindset. That was like in the 60s it was donkeys years ago, its like still calling a UFO a flying saucer, its so ancient it doesn't even apply since the shapes are becoming more varied,

Aliens didn't come all this way to see me and others on here to have a proctology appointment with the space doctors. To those like SKEPTIKS POST "hint hint" they come here to provide guidance and new looks on life.

They don't come here with probes to provide cures for Irritable Bowl Syndrome like "Hi mr alien so I have an appointment with "you tick tock tock tick" oh ok what are the rubber gloves for......."

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 03:58 PM
Well, I am pretty positive I have had contact all my life, this was just the first time I actually have conscious remembrance of them.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 04:04 PM
Hey guys... quick question...

I have a friend who constantly hears a VERY high-pitched noise. During the day, at work, etc. it is not noticeable, but when things are quiet or he plugs his ears and concentrates it gets very loud.

It's a very high frequency, probably as high as a person could perceive. It reminds him of the high pitched hum that old TV's would make when you turned them on and the tubes or whatever were warming up.

He says when he is able to be in a quiet, dark place and he concentrates on it that he can hear like static noises and maybe bits and pieces of people 'talking' or conversing but it's all very garbled and VERY VERY subtle.

Does any of this sound familiar and if so, what does it mean?


Edit - PS I just wanted to mention that this hum and the other noises are extremely subtle and are not clear by any means. Just sounds like 'noise' like distortion, etc. but very very quiet and hard to hear.

[edit on 2/14/08 by emsed1]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 04:05 PM
OK back to when I said I saw something in the Ilkley moors, I also said that is another story. Well this is the story and I posted it back in 2006.

I'm so glad this topic came up. I live not far from Ilkley and i have been to Ilkley moor quite a few times and i can vouch that there is some really strange stuff going on up there.

When i was about 17 me and a friend took a trip up to Ilkley moor to kill some time while we were out of work. We went nearly to to highest point of the moors, once we got as far as we could without getting lost we realized it would be getting dark soon so we headed back down.

We then took a steady walk down, For those who know Ilkley moor you will know there is like a Cafe thing in the middle of the moors. As we reached this point it was fairly dark.

Both of us entered the cafe to get some drinks and some crisps, As soon as we got in there we had the strangest feeling that the people in this cafe (About 6-8 People) did not want us there. It was when we left this cafe we saw something that to this day still makes the hairs stand up on the back of my neck.

What we saw was not from this world as they were just too fast, There were about 4-5 white looking things. I say white because this was due to some bright light that basically made half the trees and everything around this light bright white. This light looks like it was coming from some sort of craft.

Just in front of this light were what i can only describe as what looked like skinny people crouched on there hands and feet running around and behind this bright light at a phenomenal pace. Never believed in anything like this before so i just ran like hell towards the Town center. Just as we were at the bottom of the moors we took a look back and this thing was about a mile and 1/2 from where it was when we first saw it.

I know people have there opinions about my story and how it could be real or could not be real. I have no evidence other than my friends word of mouth. I have nothing to gain by fobbing off some fake story. I will get some pictures off Google earth to show where i saw this strange event.

I am thinking of taking a camping trip to Ilkley more to face my fears, To this day i wish i would have taken a closer look at what ever this thing was even though it scared the life out of me.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by psycho81]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by emsed1

Sounds like it could be tinnitus. Has your friend had this checked out by a doc?

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Siblin

It could very well be tinnitus. The guy is a little loopy too though... :-)

No telling with this one!

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by emsed1

I have tinnitus and what you described is exactly what it's like. I ultimately had to buy a very expensive, completely in the canal, digital hearing aide to function. This model actually blocks 80% of the white noise in my head out and amplifies the ambient sounds I want to hear.


posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 04:28 PM
Now I can still see what I saw like it happened yesterday, This is the only time I think I might of seen them but I was not in any way in contact with them. My aim was run like mad and get away from whatever it was.

They did not take me on board and they didn't operate on me, Well as far as I am aware. Something is starting to make sense now after all that time, I saw this and refused to speak of it until posting in 2006, I still remember it clear as day but it's something I put to the back of my mind becasue me and my mate could not explain it. I had not intentions speaking of the voices back in that post becasue I my self though I was going mad I never even spoke to my mate about the voices.

Maybe thats it maybe that is why I can't step to the next level becasue I all ready have and I find it hard to fully accept what I saw because it's been so hard to understand.

Even trying to explain this is taking a lot out of me, It's something I know is there but I find it hard to understand. Yes they communicate but they way they communicate is hard work sometimes and you become very exhausted mentally but at the same time it's an amazing feeling and a feeling you trust with your soul.

I understand the mind can play tricks on you and you can see flash images or hear a voice thats not there. This is not anything thats over in a flash this has been with me for 10 years or so, I am just starting to understand it's not easy but it's a nice feeling and I have no reason to turn back. There is only one path for me and that path I am going to follow. Together we will understand

I can almost feel all the frequencies around me.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by emsed1

He's not loopy, he could have that condition but could also have something else, Il give you some advice. I have contant ringing in my ears as well I can only notice it in quite rooms. Thats the reason behind the saying defening silience because it is a high range signal that can be heard in those circumstances. And yes its sounds exactly like a tv pitch.

As for the voices he can hear experiment in different rooms and environments, see if he can hear them in certain parts of the house If its in one area then you know there is something more.

Hope that helps and when your friend is this perceptive and alert he is anything but lopey ask him if he can tune out, does he hear everything at once or can he block things, this should help out check it out with the dock and see what he says.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Drakiir]

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by Springer

Hi there,

I just wanted to say that if it wasn't for you starting the ATS site the progress Im seeing here wouldn't be possible. More and more people are coming forward, these people once labelled under many different names who have had the same experiences are being brought out of the dark.

We are being brought together for what I have been told is a global event and thanks to your site and the staff who manage it everyday, ATS is a big contributor to the changes being witnessed here. Its morphing into a support thread and thats impressive in itself, I believe this is the essential step in bringing people together.

Once again thanks.


posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
Originally posted by Mr Green

Im not mad I am a research scientist

I have to ask, and I know others are on the edge of their seat too, what do you research, and what country do you live in (can't be a predominantly English speaking country based on your posts and choice of words)?

[edit on 14-2-2008 by IgnoreTheFacts]

I was going to ask if you were being disrespectful to Americans but you have now removed this reference from your post. My nationality has nothing to do with this. My BSc in is Biology and thats all I'll say about that.
Most scientist I know are bad at spelling, hey we can t be good at everything!

Drakiir I love your toaster quote. Hey it may happen.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 05:01 PM
I get ringing on and off Ive had it since Oct 07. It comes and goes some times very loud especially at night. The doctor says Im fine so Ive just got used to it. Sometimes its almost like morse code.

No one has come back with an answer to what the anubis was? Drakiir??

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

The sounds I get in my right ear are first the beeping then after a few seconds the beeps turn into either a low of high pitch. When I hear it I know I'm about to disconnect and lose all of the other sensations around me. Most times I can tune in and when I do my heart rate slows, my breathing slows, nothing matters except for the guidance I am feeling. Many times when this happens it is as if information is being loaded into my brain. I will see clusters of stars, future events, faces of people I have never met, and it goes on, it's like watching a movie in fast forward.

This thread sure has grown today. I have to do some back tracking so I can catch up better.

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