posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 02:48 PM
Hey guys, I'll tell you about my first conscious face to face with the greys. It happened just a short time ago:
December 21, 2007
One was of Russ, my older brother, walking through grass at night, surrounded by woods. He seemed to be holding something bright in his hand. But it
was big, like three feet long. He came closer to me and then turned around without knowing I was there. It seemed that he was not holding a light,
but rather a glowing alien was walking with him. They receded back the way they had come. Nothing else occurred.
The second memory of a dream was of my twin brother Will and I sitting on what seemed to be a wall. We were discussing something about the coming
changes. He asked how it is possible for we, as humans, to integrate with extraterrestrials. I answered him, “It is not how we do it, it is that
we must.”
They let me remember being face to face, though I couldn’t make out any features of his face. My memory sees his face as blurred out. I was lying
in bed on my back, arms lain down straight into my boxers (like I was watching football). I remember trying to speak but I do not remember what I was
trying to say. Nothing came out. This was the trigger. I knew I had felt this before. I remember feeling this before, long ago, at the Ridge Blvd.
house I grew up in. This feeling triggered me into a complete awakened state.
My remembrance comes back in full force. Not of past experiences, but of this one. He was bedside to the right of me. I say he, though there is
absolutely no reason for me to say this save that that is what I felt. I could see his head, though it was blacked out in shadow. I believe that was
on purpose. His head just extended over bedside which made him about 4 feet tall. My breathing was extremely hard and fast. I was scared, but not
in a fearful way. More of a feeling of anxiety, you know, experiencing something so completely foreign to your life it will naturally make your body
react in a ‘what the hell is going on?’ type reaction. I was as curious as I was alarmed. That is a good word, alarmed. He ran his hand above
my chest area up over my forehead maybe two times with one finger extended. I was consciously thinking to myself that I needed to control my rapid
and intense breathing. My breathing started slowing.
Accept this, what’s happening. I have experienced so much in this life; consider this just another of these many experiences. Remember this
occurrence and think about how fulfilled my life has been. They are finally letting me remember...
These were not his words, but mine. I believe I almost smiled, though my pulse was racing.
I wondered if he would place comfort in my mind. I feel that he didn’t but I was getting calmer. When I adjusted and slowed down the anxiety, I
tried to turn my head to confront him. I couldn’t move it at all. I guess he noticed I was looking at him because his head turned from looking at
my overall torso area to looking at my face, and then the motion of his finger went to my forehead and began doing circular motions instead.
I became a little disoriented and began to get extremely groggy, but I was determined to remember as much about the night as I could. I couldn’t
hold on anymore with his finger circling over my head. Everything is blank after that. I have a strong feeling that I didn’t go back to sleep, but
my next memory was me laying there in bed, hands stuffed down in my boxers, and waited for the vibrations to subside, all the while enjoying them
immensely. No sign of the greys.
Two minutes later… I don’t know… Maybe twenty minutes later, I heard my oldest daughter (she’s four and eleven months) talking with someone.
She was very excited and not bothered in the least bit. I smiled and thought, they are making sure I remember. I contemplated going into her bedroom,
but I could barely keep my eyes open. She quieted down and I tried to go back to sleep. It was about 5:30 am, so I just got up.