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Video emerges of woman 911 caller forcefully strip searched in police custody

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posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Timmyboi23
After somebody is assualted and is bleeding, aren't they suppose to take them to the hospital instead of jail??? Even if they themselves committed a crime?

Of course it's the law, they broke many laws, they dont care because they are above the law.

Do you still feel safe with these facist pigs protecting you? Do you trust the cops? I will never trust another cop as long as i live.... sure it's only a hand full of bad apples of all the cops, but what are the good cops doing about this? this give them a bad rap too and people like us will point and accuse them too. If there are good cops then they best start speacking out against unjust actions from the bad apples otherwise they are no better off and deserve to be implicated as well.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by Cypher

Well Cypher I do feel qualified. As security in a hospital in a small college town I have had to forcefully restrain, remove blood soaked, urine soaked and vomit covered clothing on male and female college students. I have been swung at, puked on spat on and urinated on and yes blood slung at me. I have dealt with patients and visitors in various emotional and chemical states and have even told a nurse to take a walk and cool off when she drew back on a particually verbally abusive patient. I am fair.

Through it all only once did I ever cock back my hand in preperation to use coercive violence on anyone. That particular patient ended up with three police officers two nurses and the doctor piled on him within five minutes due to his violent actions. One of the officers even razzed me about not dealing with the guy myself not 90 seconds before they had to pounce him.

I have been friends with many police officers all my life and was brought up on the old school skull thumpers when it was needed and warrented. That is not part of the training for those officers in that video as you can tell by their ages. This I know because I was accepted to the academy for the OHP but declined due to accepting a different career offer. I am now too old for OHP but could go for various local and county departments that do not have an age restriction and may or may not do so in the future.

I always relied on mastering the situaton psychologically. By quickly figuring out the best course of action for defusing the subject. Be it threat of violence, pushing buttons or breaking the mood. Bear in mind I am more than able to back up that threat and would even ask them if they really wanted to find out just what I can do.

In the video you can see their game faces are on. It is a dehumanising technique that allows you to do things that you would not normally allow yourself to do. Without the facts, we can only speculate what brought this on. But I can tell you that when one officer sees the game face of another they go into the same mode. It is a very tribal "us" and "them" situation from there. The exception is the good cop/bad cop bit that is usually only used for information and defusing an emotional subject.

EDIT for typo but ignoring what may have some spelling errors.

In addition the officers should not be excused for their actions and should face trial by jury. But the honorable side of me that comes to the defense of the defenseless says they deserve a far darker punishment than will metted out by a court of law.

[edit on 2-2-2008 by Ahabstar]

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 01:57 PM
I just sent that pathetic Sheriff an e mail, is you search stark county sheriff can get it at his site... Just let him know I think hes making anyone who wears the uniform look like garbage, because he is garbage.

If that were my wife, someone would be dead right and it wouldnt be me.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:01 PM
Alright. Even if you feel that these cops are beyond respect ATS AND YOUR FELLOW MEMBERS AREN'T.

Post accordingly.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:05 PM
People get it into your head there are no good cops, the Police represent those who wish to enforce their rules upon us therefore its not just some human joe or jane doing their job. Their clothes and their whole demeanor is about power and control and it is that what they represent, they have to tow the party line and if that lene is you go out and terrorise people then that is what they will do.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that they are like you and I because they are not. We are not talking about shoot outs here or bank robbers but law abiding citizens whom are being abused by the system and those who make up the system. America is turning into a Fascist state and these events are just glimpses of whats to come.

Remember when the individual Nazi when home after his hard day of killing he hugged and kissed his wife and kids.
The Police are not your friends they are not there to protect you, your family or your property.

For all those who say they have friends who are serving Police Officers well they may be out of uniform but once wearing it they will happily lock you up, strip search you or whatever, just because some one has told them to do so.

And what stands out in that video when we think of these kind gentle family loving men and women is this, look at their faces, there is not the slightest sign of compassion, the fact that the women is screaming in distress has no effect on them what so ever, so no they are not human at all and only a fool would think they are.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Cypher

You know, I do understand what you are saying - and do agree with you to a point.

Ask anyone here - I'm a huge cop defender. And I get sick and tired of the cop bashing. I was even going to be a cop at one time.

I also agree that there is MUCH that we don't know about this incident - like how did it get to that point. We can not make correct judgments against that issue - because there aren't enough facts.

It very well could be that she deserved to get arrested. She could have been a drunk fool mouthing off and being a major disturbance.

However, even if that is the case - there is no justifiable reason to have men and women forcibly remove her clothing and leave her naked for hours. No justifiable reason. If they were that concerned about her well being. They could have just stood there watching her waiting for a doctor or ensure she didn't do anything to herself.

I emailed this to all of my cop friends. A couple responded saying they were disgusted and felt it was wrong. I havent heard back from the others yet.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:07 PM
While I realize that there is a lot of emotion here, and rightly so, there has been enough of the outbursts of threats and downright venom. Please re-read the T&C about threats towards people, here and elsewhere.

I too am upset by this event. I will be calling attention to this in various ways at a local level, and doing what I can to see that this is addressed.

But spouting rhetoric about what ought to be done to the real criminals is nothing but releasing anger. And even in such a situation, it is not doing anything to constructively change the outcome of this.

Please check excess emotion at the door.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by SpaceBits

That is not necessarily true. Yes, some departments do that. But many departments have a pretty strict sceaning process - including tons of test, and interviews before a board.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:10 PM
Well me and a few friends decided to take action since Americans will not do anything about this outrage.

We are proposing to hire a Crown Prosecuting Attorney to have these fascist pig's extradited to Canada to be tried in a Canadian Supreme Court of Law and have these cops prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity and Torture of an American Citizen. We need help with Donations and a list of all officers involved including the captain of the force as well as the Mayer of that state.

We really could use all the help and support possible since this will be the first in history that Canada extradites Americans for crimes against humanity and torture towards it's own citizens.

If you would like to donate I will be setting up an account soon and 100% of the money will be used for the trial. If more than is required is collected the rest will be given to the victim of the crime.

EDIT to add: I personaly will start a donation from my own wallet of $5,000.00 even if I have to sell my Acura I will do it. And I will enjoy walking to work knowing these criminals are in jail.

[edit on 2-2-2008 by SpaceBits]

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
reply to post by SpaceBits

That is not necessarily true. Yes, some departments do that. But many departments have a pretty strict sceaning process - including tons of test, and interviews before a board.

I understand that, but you see the problem is "many" when it should be "ALL" mandatory. and absolutly no exceptions!

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:20 PM
NGC, are you asking people not to be Human, any person watching that video will be shocked and disgusted and the only shame of all this rage and emotion is that the perps arent getting to hear it.

Whilst ATS rules have to be applied they should not obstruct those who wish to confront those members whom support such Police actions to do so only allows such events to prevail.

To bring about justice one may have to receive a bloody nose.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

2) Behavior: You will not behave in an abusive, hateful and/or racist manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack anyone.

No, we do not suspend the T&C just because a topic is heated.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
NGC, are you asking people not to be Human, any person watching that video will be shocked and disgusted and the only shame of all this rage and emotion is that the perps arent getting to hear it.

Whilst ATS rules have to be applied they should not obstruct those who wish to confront those members whom support such Police actions to do so only allows such events to prevail.

To bring about justice one may have to receive a bloody nose.

I think he's talking about the police bashing we are all doing. Like saying "if they tried that with me i would blah blah blah them..

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

What ever she did, did not justify that nude search by males. There were also two women (or at least I thought they were) at the beginning of the video, but I guess they got too sick to watch and left. The body search should've committed by the women.

The only thing that comes into my mind what could've justified the body search (if it would be committed by women), is that she(the victim, or suspect) was being suicidal. I mean, they could've just locked her there and let her cut her wrists or hang herself if they were concerned she might have sharp object with her.

You are right that we don't know exactly what happened, so everything is being speculation so far, but I reserve my right to speculate with the evidence at hand. I'm more than delighted to hear that she was an terrorist, madwomen, child molester, junkie or what ever of those modern dungeon&dragons monsters, but according to the evidence at hand, she was just ordinary citizen that showed wrong ID in accident - yet she had perfectly sensible explanation for showing wrong ID.

Whatever the reasons were, the search should've be committed by female officers. Isn't it in law also?

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by SpaceBits
I think he's talking about the police bashing we are all doing. Like saying "if they tried that with me i would blah blah blah them..

I don't think so:

Originally posted by magicmushroom
Whilst ATS rules have to be applied they should not obstruct those who wish to confront those members whom support such Police actions to do so only allows such events to prevail.

You can discuss the cops within the T&C. The other members are off limits. We've already handed out warns in this thread. I hope this trend will come to an end.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by v01i0
reply to post by greeneyedleo

I'm more than delighted to hear that she was an terrorist, madwomen, child molester, junkie or what ever of those modern dungeon&dragons monsters, but according to the evidence at hand, she was just ordinary citizen that showed wrong ID in accident - yet she had perfectly sensible explanation for showing wrong ID.

Whatever the reasons were, the search should've be committed by female officers. Isn't it in law also?

Even if she was all of those things.... does this make it right for men to strip a woman of her clothes and dignety then leave her to freaze for hours? If you do then i think you might need to go see a head doctor.

I take it you didnt read all the post or you would know that it is in fact the LAW to have a female strip a female.

Gee remember back in the good old days when you needed a female police officer just to search a woman purse? Ahh the good old day's.....

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:36 PM
Here's some followup news footage

Allegedly the dash-cam on the police cruiser was "not turned on" when the officer arrived. The claim is that deputy Richard T. Gurlea smashed her into the car during that time before the camera was on, and that's where Hope got the chipped tooth.

Also in the video is some footage from the prison camera that show an officer trailing being her with a handheld video camera, taping the whole thing. Video from the handcam has not been released.

Sounds to me like they knew what they were doing. It was a planned event, and they recorded it so they could jack off to it later. Another poster a few pages ago gave links to several criminal incidents also perpetrated by this same department, including previous illegal strip searches with teenage girls. Sounds like they knew the routine.

I think we've uncovered a great big cesspit of inequity here.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:38 PM
well I can say that video was repulsive and shameful.

I feel sorry for the woman, however that video does
not show continuous footage so we don't know all
the facts of this case yet, he said, she said, etc...

I think the courts will have a field day with this one
and I hope justice is truly served for whomever
is in the right.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

I did say that I too was shocked/angered by this incident. But we have people advocating violence, and that is simply not acceptable here at ATS. Period. When I said to check your emotions at the door, I meant it in the truest sense of the phrase. Check them to be sure that you have them under control.

There is no wish on my part for people to meekly see this police action as acceptable. I certainly don't. But I'm not going to advocate violent ad hoc justice either. Part of what is needed is for citizens to get involved at every level and to MAKE the system work the way it was designed.

And people are not going to take you or your position with the seriosness that it deserves if you sound like a wie eyed rabble rouser.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by SpaceBits

OK. Thanks for pointing out that it was indeed in law.

No, I don't believe it was right thing to do even if she were all of those I listed. I'm sorry if you had that impression about me.

Now that this being said, please proceed

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