OUTRAGED! Are yous kidding me? "If this was my wife there would be hell to pay?" is that the best Americans can do or say?
I have always wanted to live in America since I was young, but now I would never set foot in America now. Yup keep talking and in 20 min from now
you'll be saying "hrmmm I wonder if there is anything good on TV." This is your sister, as we are all brothers and sisters regardless of skin color
or religion or Nationality.
You Americans make me sick. After this post, I'm going to mass email everyone to start getting the Canadian Government to act against the Nazi
America. Even Hitler is a saint in comparison, at lest the Jew's were war criminals. The Jew's were the ones to declared war on Germany in 1933. No
I don't agree with the killing of Jew's as my dad is a Jew's, even he said American has gone way to far.
Americans have become desensitized, why are yous not doing anything.... what the hell are yous waiting for RAMBO to come in and clean up your country?
Or better yet yous are probably waiting for the second coming of Christ.
Americans just cant see why the hole world is against America..... my god, WAKE UP!
And of course police will denni everything, that's what they do best, do you really think a cop is going to implicate himself... LOL
I know this is probably against the ATS rules but it's true and I hope I don't get penalized for stating this but if i get in trouble for this then
it is worth it I guess.
I have smoked with several cops and even as they are puffing on it they will still denni they smoke. Denni, Denni, Denni...
Why? so they believe there own lies and if they are needed to take a polygraph test they will pass because they will truly believe there own lies that
they don't smoke. Not to mention that you might be recording them.
This is just Sick! if this happened in another country Americans would be at war with that country, like "poop" stains on underwear.
But as long as it's done by Americans in America that makes it OK.
I sure hope the second coming of Christ hurries the hell up, cause there wont be a world left for him to save at this rate
Stared and Flagged. I wish I could do more... Oh! wait there is lots one can do... it's called protesting and speaking out and acting on your anger
of the situation. According to the American Constitution yous have the right to defend yourself with GUNS against unjust actions.... oh yeah!
Americans have given up the Constitution and are giving into the Nazi Administration, they would rather lie down and die like sheep than to fight for
what right and unjust.
I have no respect for the American people anymore. I truly think Americans have become fascist. GO ahead start more wars, borrow more money from the
Federal Reserve Bank that yous can never payback. America at war with all nations but cant even protect it's own citizens. Wakey, Wakey... hello
anyone home?
Our forefathers obviously went to war for nothing, they bled for nothing, they died for nothing. Had they known that our generation would just give in
and die like sheep, they probably would have just said "oh well, someone is trying to control us... but who care? Nothing I can do about it"
The American Constitution is nothing but tissue paper for wiping the private parts after taking a dump.
Honestly I really would like to know what Americans are waiting for? Because when it happens to you, your wife or your kids, speaking out then will
get you nothing because you don't act for your brothers and sister around the world yous only care about your immediate family. So why would anyone
care about you when it happens to you?
Canada better reconsider putting America back on the list of countries that torture there citizens because they should #1 on the list. Why? because
American are always preaching to be good to your neighbors but yous don't practice what yous preach. You just force your views on other nations.
America makes me sick! and so does your Nazi Bush Administration. Wake up America before yous find that the hole world has turned on America.
Bush even admitted he and his Administration are Terrorist when he put it in a bill for congress to sign. Why do you think Congress signed it? to give
them immunity? lol NO! so everyone will see that they admit they are terrorist, but it's up to the people to to do something about it! and no that
bill even though it has been signed by congress does not give them immunity. Only "We The People" can give them immunity. The Governments work for
the People not the other way around and that goes for congress as well...
"We The People" can over rule Congress, but then again you would have to believe in the Constitution and you would have to believe that our
forefather were fighting for FREEDOM and not just because they were bored, and they decided to have a war to spruce up there boring lives.
He who does not know there own history is always doomed to repeat his own history.
I really feel for yous but I also believe yous have it coming to yous. Maybe America like this new way of life and maybe yous like to be spoon fed and
have to hold your hand when crossing the street, you know because yous are incapable of doing for yourself?
I know Canada isn't the greatest place to live but we still have a pretty good grip on our government. So bash us if you want but it wont fix the
problems in America.
I'm Truly sorry I have to bash America but yous need it! and I'm so OUTRAGED by this video that I wanted to push the crap out of these cops and I
would have if I had been there, and I would not care what happen to me even if they shot me dead.... Come on people that many cops on one woman? If
this video does not cause yous to act in the name of JUSTICE then it's hopeless, and yous prove that yous would rather be dictated to than make
decisions for yourself.
I guess this is why they can tell yous what your kids will learn, eat, and you will comply with lethal injection of vaccines for you child and you
will act accordingly or be confined to prison.
P.S. Don't forget to start teaching your children to not call you mom and dad as it is a no, no now. Remember that gays have more rights than you or
your children. Ohh never mind the schools will teach them for yous.