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Negative Blood Type (RH Factor) and Alien History

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posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:49 PM
Oh my, I am rh neg! Do I come from aliens??? Sorry, no disrespect, have had a bad day and needed to laugh! Sorry

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 03:17 AM
O not I
one day coyote sat on a hill it was a high hill the highest hill around coyote cursed
well Iktomi came walking by spinnin' away at his web of lies
coyote responded
Iktomi laughed at coyote
coyote smiled
iktomi handed over the lie he had been weaving
needles to say coyote was how do the kids say it DOWN

well there is more to the story but coyote gets a hard time from the woman and falls in love with her and decides to stay coyote-like-man Iktomi having now claimed the hill and proclaimed himself creator sits atop the hill and is struck by lightning the thunder-beings laugh in the storm clouds above and smoke to the creator. AHO

any Asperger's correlating with the rh-

Im AB-
IQ 209
diagnosed Asperger's
I find myself far more akin to 38 hours awake with 10 hours of sleep
I'm descended from mound builders in america
Black Irish (maybe it was basques not Spaniards who made this mix)
Descended from Maccus king of many islands
Sephardic Jew
most of all o im the fool

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 11:06 AM
Blood type may or may not be relevant and I havent checked mine,but I definately was abducted by humans in an aerial craft that they claimed was space capable,I was "operated on",I was talked to[no great message ],I was told some things that were incidental to answers to my seven year old questions,I believe they thought I would forget the conversations after our interaction.I remember a lot of inane details but they are strong clear memories that havent wavered or dimmed .There have been references made to blue-blood or royal blood being connected to this blood type and abductions,HOW ABOUT THIS,I AM RELATED TO not one BUT two WOMEN WHO WERE BOTH QUEENS AND LENT THEIR GENETICS TO THE ROYAL LINE---BUT THEY WERE NOT BLUE-BLOODS THEMSELVES ,this is easily verifiable as historical fact.Others in my family both sexes have had events.Do you think maybe we are freshened up in the genetic powder-room once in a while by women like my anscesters,note they are women,there is probably a scientific rationale for women being the vessel of introduction of new DNA.There is definately an unknown past human or earlier advanced human race within our species that is much older than us.Maybe if we all begin to subscribe to one religon or global togetherness and recognise that our particular genetic profile excludes us from natural evolution at a definable point BUT WE NEED TO CONTINUE TO ACCEPT THAT EVOLUTION IS A CONSTANT IN THE UNIVERSE LIKE GOD IS,MAYBE THEY WILL LET US ASK THEM ALL OF THE QUESTIONS WE HAVE.They had no problem answering my questions .On a similar and equally important note to the DNA enhancement RELIGON IS VERY IMPORTANT ,WE HAVE TO ALL SUBSCRIBE TO THE COMMON PERCEPTION OF RELIGON THAT WILL ALLOW US TO ADVANCE SPIRITUALLY.I also have a direct relative who was one of two FOUNDERS OF A RELIGON that numbers in the tens of millions.I dont believe it is a coincidence.So recognition of our departure from evolution asbeing AN ACT OF A MORE EVOLUTIONARY ADVANCED MAN,and accepting that we would have eventually arrived at our current point without any SPEEDING UP is critical in the sense that these factors are necessary for us to be able to understand that there is a god above science and that THIS CREATOR HAS PROVIDED LIFE THE SAME EVOLUTIONARY PATH THROUGHOUT ITS CREATED EXPANSE.We can now ,today,genetically modify living creatures,but our god has not changed because of it maybe we have gotten closer to one single perspective of GOD BUT OUR GOD IS THE CREATOR OF ALL IN THE UNIVERSE AND BEYOND INCLUDING OLDER RACES OF OUR HUMAN SPECIES THAT CO-EXIST WITH US HERE ON EARTH.Negative blood type is most definately connected to our older brothers and sisters living on earth with us.We have no reason to be surprised by extremes of physical differences in our relatives either,ALL RELIGONS PROVIDE FOR THIS IN THERE HISTORYS.Small Grey.tall Nordic,tall reptillian,insectoid,WHY WOULD WE ASSUME THAT ANY OF THESE PHYSICAL FORMS COULDNT CONTAIN SOULS JUST LIKE OURS A CREATION OF GOD THE ONE GOD WHO CREATED ALL FORMS OF HIS SPIRITUAL REFLECTION.In the IMAGE OF doesnt have to have a physical connotation,it MIGHT HAVE A SPIRITUAL CONNOTATION.God himself knows how many perspectives have influenced our beliefs throughout history and God knows that once we reach a common perspective on his EXISTANCE WE WILL NOT EVEN BE ABLETO COMPREHEND THE SIGNIFIGANCE OF PHYSICAL FORM DIFFERENCES WE WILL ONLY SEE SPIRITUAL SIMILARITIES.This is what God has always wished for us and all of his sentient lifeforms.Negative blood type is what allows us all to be sentient in all of our different physical forms.There are other sentient lifeforms just as violent as us in Gods creation and we better not forget it ,and they may or may not look human BUT YOU BETTER BELIEVE THEY ARE CONSUMERS OF RESOURCES WITH THE SOLE INTENT OF ADVANCING THEIR SPECIES.sOME ARE GOOD SOME NOT ,JUST LIKE US .We have allies,just force our government to DISCLOSE by using your intellectual strength.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
OMG!!! I'm a FREAK! I have blue eyes - which based on another thread means that I am related to everyone else with blue eyes. I am O Neg. AND I have an uncanny ability of preconception or precognition (or whatever you call it).

I'd never really thought about ANY of this before until I read this thread. Can someone please tell me more about what this is all about? Thanks.

Well that makes two of us, pal! O neg, blue/green eyes, and have I got a story for you! A true one, at that. (mods permitting please):

My sister was dating this guy 20 years ago, who is still a good friend of mine. His now deceased step mother became my sister's good friend, and about 16 years ago, my sis swore I needed to go and meet her. I never had the chance to meet her after four years, just due to circumstance. So anyway, the reason that my sis wanted me to meet her so bad is because this guy's stepmom was a clairvoyant psychic and channel medium. And boy did my sis want me to meet her, because she knew I was into that kind of thing.

And so the day finally came. We walked up to the door, my sis knocks, and she opens the door, gives my sis a hug. Then she turned and looked at me. Immediately her eyes got wider and wider and then she stepped back, like right back into her house, threw her hands up pointing at me and exclaimed "HE'S NOT FROM THIS WORLD, HE'S NOT FROM THIS WORLD!"

Well you can imagine ALL of our shock at this.
I laugh now at it, but I tell ya it wasn't too funny then. She was deadly serious. And it took a bit of my sis calming her, and we finally ended up in a very long conversation about all kinds of metaphysical things. She told me the supposed galaxy I was from but I don't even remember.

In retrospect and since, I must say I felt like there was a screw loose in that woman. But you talk about something that has kept me wondering! Then I go on here and read this kinda stuff, and you can imagine what story comes to my mind every time!

PS. I'm having roast reptilian for dinner. Care to join me?

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 11:41 AM
Yes, and your story does bring to mind what some interesting people have said about rh - especially their et origin.
The rh - is a sign of a direct physical link. Though rh + also experience et abductions and are also given memories of origin in some cases.

Edit to add: I've also heard that they track all the rh - people and some can actually be targeted for mind control and abuses, and with women this includes sexual abuse. If any of thats true, its best to be wise and protect your loved ones, and ensure nothing is done , and especially protect your women from these sick guys.

[edit on 20-12-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
The rh - is a sign of a direct physical link.

Physical link to what? Gilliand's ranch?

So why does ATS need investigation teams when clearly we have our own aliens right here on the board?

'scuse me while I, I, umm, oh no, what's that coming out of my stomach?

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 11:48 AM
Physical as in genetically related to et. Not just your soul incarnating into a human, but incarnating into a hybrid.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 06:34 AM
I am surprised that no one replied to a post like mine ,I am the anonymous poster .Is there one singe person who is reading this thread that finds it odd two women from my family WHO WERENT BLUEBLOOD BECAME QUEENS AND THEIR ANCESTORS ARE BEING ABDUCTED???gET REAL!!tHEN THROW IN FOR THE HELL OF IT THAT ANOTHER OF MY IMMEDIATE RELATIVES STARTED A NEW AGE RELIGON WITH TENS OF MILLIONS OF FOLLOWERS--DO YOU GET THAT THIS GUY WAS RELATED TO THESE TWO WOMEN AS WELL?Who out there has a story like that?Ive read enough B.S ON THESE THREADS THAT I CAN TELL YOU THIS,ANYONE WHO WAS TRULY INTERESTED IN NEGATIVE BLOOD BEING CONNECTED TO ALIENS WOULD HAVE REPLIED.So whats up?Where are you??I am not alone ,so speak out .Im talking queens of england not queens of the county fair!!I am talking about ascending to the throne of what at the time was one of the most powerful ruling familys in the world--without being a blueblood?Im talking about intejecting your family DNA NOT ONCE,BUT twice INTO a very influential bloodline.Im talking about a regular guy who started his OWN BRAND OF RELIGON BECAUSE HE WANTED TO and has millions of followers--Do you think maybe thats something special???Come on, open your minds,look harder,question deeper,but surely question.You must know that this site is monitored and we all take great risk posting here anonymous or not ,so the least that people who havent had an event can possibly do IS ASK BLOODY QUESTIONS!Stop sitting on the fence thats not why you are on this site,did you think it was a hobby ??You came here to learn from your peers what you dont trust the current system to teach you.So WHO ARE YOU GOING TO LEARN FROM IF YOU DONT ASK QUESTIONS HERE?And why dont I ever see any moderators or members trying to stimulate exchange of information by pointing out the obvious like I just did?Ive read a handfull of stories that I FEEL ARE TRUE because of the similarities to my own event that I have never written or talked about,which tells me there are at least a few people telling the absolute truth as I know it,BUT I ALSO KNOW I NEED TO HEAR OTHERS TRUTHS THAT I FIND AS HARD TO BELIEVE FOR ME as it is for you to believe my story.We have to seek the truth ,to seek answers,not expect them to fall into place for us without us initiating any action at all--if that were to happen how could we truly believe the information!It would be like an alibi provided to us-- unless we asked tons of seemingly peripheral questions.Lets shake the sugar tree together.Heres a bone ,THE GREYS ARE AFRAID OF US ,DEATHLY AFRAID,there is no doubt about it in fact it is our mental capability that frightens them.Want to know why?Another bone,WHAT DO YOU THINK OUR COLLECTIVE THOUGHTS AS A SPECIES WOULD SOUND LIKE IF YOU COULD OR WERE FORCED TO LISTEN TO THEM?????I MEAN ACTUALLY HEAR ALL OF THEM??? HUMOR IS A TRULY HUMAN EXPRESSION OF EMOTION and the humans who took me were like us in every way, they were even funny, but more importantly they were ASTOUNDED AT WHAT I HAD TAUGHT MYSELF TO DO!! While I was being examined!!!ARE YOU EVEN BLOODY CURIOUS YET???RH negative blood is human,ANY BLOOD THAT PUMPS THROUGH A SENTIENT BEING IN THE FORM OF A HUMANOID IS HUMAN BLOOD.Our form makes us human but our sentience makes us one of gods children.Anothers form may make them something different than human --BUT IF THEY ARE SENTIENT THEN THET ARE CHILDREN OF GOD LIkE WE ARE.Why do we question blood type when we CONSIDER alien LIFE-FORMS?We know we cant survive with an asses blood running through our veins ,so from where does the question come??We will never be able to create life,we may discover how we were created but we will never duplicate our creation,only God can do that,we or older smarter humans can manipulate the human geonome as much as we want but we are only rearranging the blocks of a puzzle we will never solve --to quench our curiosity.ineif you could create and control the physical creation but not the spiritual incarnation??Sounds grey to me.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 06:34 AM
I am surprised that no one replied to a post like mine ,I am the anonymous poster .Is there one singe person who is reading this thread that finds it odd two women from my family WHO WERENT BLUEBLOOD BECAME QUEENS AND THEIR ANCESTORS ARE BEING ABDUCTED???gET REAL!!tHEN THROW IN FOR THE HELL OF IT THAT ANOTHER OF MY IMMEDIATE RELATIVES STARTED A NEW AGE RELIGON WITH TENS OF MILLIONS OF FOLLOWERS--DO YOU GET THAT THIS GUY WAS RELATED TO THESE TWO WOMEN AS WELL?Who out there has a story like that?Ive read enough B.S ON THESE THREADS THAT I CAN TELL YOU THIS,ANYONE WHO WAS TRULY INTERESTED IN NEGATIVE BLOOD BEING CONNECTED TO ALIENS WOULD HAVE REPLIED.So whats up?Where are you??I am not alone ,so speak out .Im talking queens of england not queens of the county fair!!I am talking about ascending to the throne of what at the time was one of the most powerful ruling familys in the world--without being a blueblood?Im talking about intejecting your family DNA NOT ONCE,BUT twice INTO a very influential bloodline.Im talking about a regular guy who started his OWN BRAND OF RELIGON BECAUSE HE WANTED TO and has millions of followers--Do you think maybe thats something special???Come on, open your minds,look harder,question deeper,but surely question.You must know that this site is monitored and we all take great risk posting here anonymous or not ,so the least that people who havent had an event can possibly do IS ASK BLOODY QUESTIONS!Stop sitting on the fence thats not why you are on this site,did you think it was a hobby ??You came here to learn from your peers what you dont trust the current system to teach you.So WHO ARE YOU GOING TO LEARN FROM IF YOU DONT ASK QUESTIONS HERE?And why dont I ever see any moderators or members trying to stimulate exchange of information by pointing out the obvious like I just did?Ive read a handfull of stories that I FEEL ARE TRUE because of the similarities to my own event that I have never written or talked about,which tells me there are at least a few people telling the absolute truth as I know it,BUT I ALSO KNOW I NEED TO HEAR OTHERS TRUTHS THAT I FIND AS HARD TO BELIEVE FOR ME as it is for you to believe my story.We have to seek the truth ,to seek answers,not expect them to fall into place for us without us initiating any action at all--if that were to happen how could we truly believe the information!It would be like an alibi provided to us-- unless we asked tons of seemingly peripheral questions.Lets shake the sugar tree together.Heres a bone ,THE GREYS ARE AFRAID OF US ,DEATHLY AFRAID,there is no doubt about it in fact it is our mental capability that frightens them.Want to know why?Another bone,WHAT DO YOU THINK OUR COLLECTIVE THOUGHTS AS A SPECIES WOULD SOUND LIKE IF YOU COULD OR WERE FORCED TO LISTEN TO THEM?????I MEAN ACTUALLY HEAR ALL OF THEM??? HUMOR IS A TRULY HUMAN EXPRESSION OF EMOTION and the humans who took me were like us in every way, they were even funny, but more importantly they were ASTOUNDED AT WHAT I HAD TAUGHT MYSELF TO DO!! While I was being examined!!!ARE YOU EVEN BLOODY CURIOUS YET???RH negative blood is human,ANY BLOOD THAT PUMPS THROUGH A SENTIENT BEING IN THE FORM OF A HUMANOID IS HUMAN BLOOD.Our form makes us human but our sentience makes us one of gods children.Anothers form may make them something different than human --BUT IF THEY ARE SENTIENT THEN THET ARE CHILDREN OF GOD LIkE WE ARE.Why do we question blood type when we CONSIDER alien LIFE-FORMS?We know we cant survive with an asses blood running through our veins ,so from where does the question come??We will never be able to create life,we may discover how we were created but we will never duplicate our creation,only God can do that,we or older smarter humans can manipulate the human geonome as much as we want but we are only rearranging the blocks of a puzzle we will never solve --to quench our curiosity.ineif you could create and control the physical creation but not the spiritual incarnation??Sounds grey to me.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 12:16 PM

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by rikriley

I am B-, Extremely pyschic, telepathic, black woman, brown eyes and hair, always known I was different, very high IQ. Very different from anyone in the family and everyone else I ever encountered. Very sensitive to other people's energies, and can read minds. Other special powers.

Always told by total strangers that I am very special from early childhood.
Ability to go into deep trance states and see future. Saw/Predicted the way my father died, who would find him and how 2 weeks before he died.

Family history of something or some soul standing at the edge of bed every night of mother and her sisters which I have heard is tied to aliens.
Mother claims of alien abductions.

My mom is dark skinned black woman with dark blue eyes. She and her sister the blue inherited from their very darkskinned father. Noone knows where they came from. My uncle on my moms side has webbed feet which I hear is a Reptilian connection. He also claims that someone implanted something inside him???? But doesn't blame aliens......

I found out I have only one kidney at 39-doctos told me I must have been born like that or maybe it was taken later in life? No kidney surgeries for sure in my past! Wondering if kidneys are tied in anyway to RH negative factor or alien abductions.

Had alien and UFO experience. Also saw a Pterodactyl flying in San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles as a child in the late 70's early 80's. Google search Battle of Los Angeles.......confirmation.

I am and always have had desire to know about our universe, where life began and Intense desire to learn about spirituality, space and cosmos...

Totally turned off by religion due to extremely horrible experiences, but now researching Shamanism.

Also just learned by research online that Rhesus monkey is tied to alien gene mixed with monkey to produce Caveman (1st generation man), then Caveman mixed with alien gene=2nd generation of man=then mixed again to produce modern man.....It makes sense... How else did man come from the Rhesus Gene. Isn't the Rhesus monkey mating with man a little ridiculous?

So i feel that reports that alien abductions to further create/mix genes is very believable.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
I don't get it... what is Basque origin... what does that mean?

I'm not trying toot my own horn here but I am O neg, blue eyed and have been tested several times to have an IQ above 140 (Although, based on typing abilities you wouldn't know it) . I have experienced episodes of precognition but have always chalked it up to uncanny coincidence (although I do feel it is more than that).

This thread has really triggered me to think about this more... anyone with any ideas on where I can learn more about all of this. I have never heard of any of this before.

I am type 'O'. A type 'O' blood-type is derived from a recessive gene. So really, anybody with type O regardless of polarity falls into the 14% mentioned by one poster.

I have large blue eyes, above average IQ-145-I scored at school. My parents said of all their children I was more highly evolved. I was interested and trying to understand war and politics at the age of seven.

I have had a plethora of paranormal experiences and have managed to record and photograph some of them. I have on a regular basis precognition relating to certain events. I use to scare my family and friends when I was younger with my ability to know things,before they happened. My grandmother, who died from Alziemers and my Nan, who died from pneumonia both called out my name on their death-beds.

My dad's mum (grandmother) came to me for consoling when I was about 12, when my grandfather passed away from cancer. Instead of my family explaining to me why he died. I was telling them that it was only his body that was left, and that he was (is) alive and well in spirit. Death didn't have the same meaning for me. Although, it hurts to lose a loved one-I see their passing, not as an end, but a beginning. It hurts that I won't be able to speak to them in the physical realm, but I have the knowledge and awareness that they have returned to spirit, from whence they came. Hence, I have asked for people to be happy at my passing and to see it as a joyous occasion. I have already had an NDE, so I am fully aware of what is on the other side, so to speak.`

My cousin calls me a 'changeling' as I don't really take after one parent more than the other. Also, compared to my siblings, I don't really look like them. I am not adopted, but my cousin says that I stand out, amongst my other relatives.

Now whether, all this means that I carry extraterrestrial DNA, I don't know. However, it is an interesting topic and it is nice to know that I am not alone.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 01:52 PM
Just to clarify, the people that follow rh - are the black op/cabal group. Not ets. They have other reasons, ie. you're one of their own, or they need genetics for the same reason the renegade cabal group keep close tabs. The history of earth is quite a bit more like the Star gate threads (2012 and star gates are real), and the renegades (the Enki group). Actually, Arizona Wilder talks about the nordics being pursued by this group who wanted their dna, and then attacking them on mars and pursuing them all the way to earth. Pretty good picture of things as well.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 06:21 AM
I have a question, maybe it has been answered before in this thread, then I apologize I missed it.

Are there any negative effects of the injections received when pregnant? I was pregnant and O-. Since my huband is O+ I had to get an injection in the 30th week. I got one more during delivery. My son appeared to be O- as well, so they didn't have to give me shots after all. Does this also mean that O- is genetically dominant or is it just a coincidence? If this is the case there should be more O negs by now, wouldn't there?
My mother in law was O- as well, she didn't get injections but when my husband (O+) was born he turned yellow and had to be put under a lamp. So there seems to be a good reason to get the shots.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by leapoffaith

I am not sure about the R-neg link,but alot of newborns are born with jaundice and they need to go under a sun lamp....I don't think the injections through pregnancy are to prevent the jaundice in the newborn but more to prevent your antibodies in your blood attacking the unborn baby....but I am no expert...I know I had the injection and it hurt like hell!!!

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by leapoffaith
I have a question, maybe it has been answered before in this thread, then I apologize I missed it.

Are there any negative effects of the injections received when pregnant? I was pregnant and O-. Since my huband is O+ I had to get an injection in the 30th week. I got one more during delivery. My son appeared to be O- as well, so they didn't have to give me shots after all. Does this also mean that O- is genetically dominant or is it just a coincidence? If this is the case there should be more O negs by now, wouldn't there?
My mother in law was O- as well, she didn't get injections but when my husband (O+) was born he turned yellow and had to be put under a lamp. So there seems to be a good reason to get the shots.

If it was your first pregnancy you didn't need the shots, for your body didn't develope the anti-bodies yet, and since your son was o- also you were in good shape; now, with a second pregnancy, if the baby turned out to be +, there is a very good chance that your body will attack and kill the fetus.
it is complicated,for we are the only animals that have this problem, and it is only when the mom is neg and the dad positive.

the jaundice is a normal part of being preggers and is not relted to blood type.


posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by the seeker_713g

I had to have the shot and was my first pregnancy & only pregnancy...but it was when I ws gone about 6 months as had some bleeding so whether that is the reason why I don't know?
I had to have blood tests all through the pregnancy though..

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by the seeker_713g

I had to have the shot and was my first pregnancy & only pregnancy...but it was when I ws gone about 6 months as had some bleeding so whether that is the reason why I don't know?
I had to have blood tests all through the pregnancy though..

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality
I have AB negative blood type,Its kinda rare but I have no superpowers.

My wife's AB (-ve) too, but heck, she does have cognitive powers, can predict future stuff through dreams which mostly come true and is pretty religious!

Yiiiikes! I'm married to an alien!!!

Ok, seriously, in North America, about 15% of whites and about 7-8% of Blacks are Rh-negative. But, then there is also worldwide subpopulation variation. For example, only about 1% of Chinese and Japanese, but almost 100% of Basques, are Rh-negative. Are they different? I don't think so.

But here's something you may like to read. Not up my alley though!

Blood Of The Gods


posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by mikesingh

Originally posted by Digital_Reality
I have AB negative blood type,Its kinda rare but I have no superpowers.

My wife's AB (-ve) too, but heck, she does have cognitive powers, can predict future stuff through dreams which mostly come true and is pretty religious!

Yiiiikes! I'm married to an alien!!!

Ok, seriously, in North America, about 15% of whites and about 7-8% of Blacks are Rh-negative. But, then there is also worldwide subpopulation variation. For example, only about 1% of Chinese and Japanese, but almost 100% of Basques, are Rh-negative. Are they different? I don't think so.

But here's something you may like to read. Not up my alley though!

Blood Of The Gods

hi mike, glad you stopped by; I had read that article years ago and couldn't find it, thanks for posting the link for us.

it is amazing to most of us the linked characteristics told of by many of the posters in this thread. but remeber, if your sweet wife is an alien, then so am I,old buddy! lol

maybe when I am issued my fighter I 'll drop by for some pics and we'll go for a ride,dude.


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