posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 02:08 AM
Of course I have a negative blood type. I have a theory.
I want to present a clue and my thoughts behind something that is amongst the sky. The obviousness of the "Chem Trails".
Perhaps you have seen the commercials on TV about the new ID's and passports specific to Canada, United States, Mexico and islands in the Gulf?
What ever happened to the universal ID card the Bush administration proposed? It evolved into a appealing idea, WOW convenient now I can just get a
ID card that can help me get around the whole continent without a pain in the ass from other governments!!!! Hmmm. Well truth be told this is what
got me thinking about the sky again. DUH I thought, after reading so many articles on advanced telecommunication, such as the genetic engineering of
almost every molecule on a atomic level I read that a DNA sequence could be implemented into different atoms, and with specific codes, interact with
each other and create almost anything. So why the trails? Well perhaps we just need to test it to find out, so if a government such as ours is so
interested in and has huge investments in the people under whom they reap and control, it would be very easy and less time consuming to create a
artificial atmosphere that acts as a communications device with millions of codes compounding with millions of people in order to control a
population. Image.
Lets pretend everyone had one of those awesome tracking devices on them or in some cases if not for all future cases inside their bodies. Well then
there is really no reason to have a credit card, an ID or a wallet or purse. Just take what you want from the store in an orderly manner and proceed
past the gestapo Guard and if your chip says you have 200 Amero to purchase that 150 amero bike then all is well. If you dont, you will be flagged
and apprehended or punished somehow. Well #, no more investments, I can not invest in anything anymore because I dont have the means of any control
what so ever.
This is just an advanced form of the Gold standard being stripped away, turn in all your gold or your #ed.
Obviously we don't have Amero's in our hands right now, so just pretend I said Dollar.
Refuse the chip? 'Round em' up boys, get your tasers and your cuffs'