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Negative Blood Type (RH Factor) and Alien History

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posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 05:37 AM
can I ask if anyone with the R-neg type blood here has suffered from clinical depression? just wondering if there was a link between the two

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 10:53 AM
I'm very happy with my AB+ blood.

If we have any major disasters - all your blood is mine

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 11:39 AM
I am not an RH-but I find the study of such an anomoly facinating and oddly, find that serious investigative research and scientific data to be elusive. It would seem this may just be the missing link, however, this missing link may not be missing but rather HIDDEN I fear.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality
I have AB negative blood type,Its kinda rare but I have no superpowers.
Not really sure about RH types.

Actually, AB negative is the most rare blood type, I think less than 1% of the population. So, get your arse down to the blood band and start donating

Actually, I'm AB positive, only about 3% I think. So, I'll see you there

I guess since I'm a universal recipient, though, I don't have to worry about not having my type available. So, like the above poster, all your blood is belong to me!!

[edit on 12/30/2008 by chickenshoes]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by chickenshoes

now chickenshoes, don't be greedy; I would donate my ab- to you and Annee both if needed; no need to get vampirish on us!lol

Anonymous, hidden is indeed the word, for just keep trying and see what you can uncover; it will not be easy.


posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 03:13 PM
This is kind of a strange encounter for me. Two nights ago, I awoke at
three oclock in the morning. Thoughts of finding out something important about my blood type. I'm O RH Negative. Logged on,googled and just
clicked random on the list. So here I'am, here I have stayed reading this
thread on and off since.
Little info.
64 soon to be 65
blood pressure has been the same all my life. 98/64 rarely goes up or down.
Pluse 70
glucose (blood sugar readings) 80 to 85
Temperature 92.4 to 94.6 Usually always 92.4

Born with black straight hair . Fell out within a month, followed by
almost white blond hair. Stayed this way until I was five. Turned almost
black for this many years. Now would be almost white, but I color it.

Any kind of pain bothers me hardly at all. Always been that way.
My eyesite is outstanding. Sense of smell is to darned good as my sense of taste. I can taste chemicals in food and it drives me nuts. Smell things so strongly it is not a good thing either.

Have had hundreds of experiences but won't go into them now.

My question is this.
I can take no manmade medicine. Herbs are just fine.
I guess this is a good thing. Go for a checkup once a year. My health is
perfect. This drives my doctor nuts. She spent my last check up writing
down the herbs I use

Also I heal so fast it amazes everyone. No problem with blood cloting either.
Are they any others here that can only use herbs?
This is enough info. Getting long.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 03:32 PM
I think it should be recognised that some of us with Rh Negative blood have obviously found good reason to investigate. Otherwise why this thread at all? Something in many of us makes us curious. Why, for example do I suffer from the cold so badly?
It is annoying to have a low "normal" body temperature - the doc thinks I'm fit when my temperature is rising.
Low blood pressure too. Maybe 100/65 - depends.
Lousy circulation and poor endurance however much I train.
I'm Rh Negative A.
Can easily agree a strong Celtic connection but also seem to have Greek connections with possible strong Jewish characteristics.
Nowhere seems like home.
Psychologically I worship personal freedom. However I am a bit of a socialist.
I do love life. For now I want to stay.
Have a reasonable IQ around 130 but am a lousy formal student.
I have discovered my own mental strengths without formal teaching.
I have an open mind about ET or other abduction.
I am probably female.
Rh Negative A and I love it.
Sillyold anon.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Got a kick out of your story.Couple of things happened to me a bit like that. When I was eight years old,a woman told my mother I was one of the evil ones, not of this world. Then at eighteen, friend took me with her to see her psychic. She told my friend she could not give me a reading because I was one of the others. Boy did that tick me off. Have no idea who the heck the others were. Personally I remember thinking both of those women were ignorant.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by Ampriz

Greeting to all,
A couple of days ago, I also experienced the urge to get some information on my blood. I was on another site looking up something completely unrelated, Lord Ganesha. And I kept having this nagging thought to look up rh negative, came out of no where, no reasoning behind it---haven't given my rh factor a second thought since I gave birth to my last child 14 yrs. ago. But I've learned, often the hard way, to follow my instincts, so here I am. I've never joined a forum, not much of a group person, but I was intrigued that someone else had the urge to find out about their blood. With me it was a really strong compulsion, I literally heard a voice, in my head, my own voice---I hope. I was just wondering if it was the same for you?
Anyways, I have the rh factor, not sure of my blood type, will be finding out soon. German/ French/Spanish heritage, born in Germany, brown/blue, low temp. and bp, pretty much have many of the traits. Not sure if I was born with a tail, haven't gotten up the nerve to ask my mother. I do appear to have some scaring just below my spine, but I get wierd outbreaks in that area, very painful, been tested---no explanation.
Ringing in the ears, sounds like radio frequency, almost constant---tested with no explanation. Temp goes down when I'm sick and I get really hungry, even with stomach flu. Issues with watches and electricity. I get extremely hyper during and after thunderstorms. Extremely intuitive, maybe psychic.
I have so many questions, but the thing that strikes me about the sites that I have been to is that there is no mention of animals. My compassion and empathy for animals is off the chart. I feel their pain, it runs through me like a vibration. I can't see any type of animal abuse it encompasses my entire being with pain and a deep sadness. I do not feel this type of compassion for humans. Don't get me wrong, I feel badly and I am by nature very compassionate and generous to a fault. But my connection to animals is so much deeper. I guess what I am trying to say is, I feel compassion for humans on a more intellectual level, with animals I actually feel it physically, in my soul.
Ironically enough I am ashamed to say I am not a vegetarian, have been in the past, but started eating meat again during my last pregnancy (anemia). I go through periods of time when I don't eat meat, and when I do I kinda go on auto pilot denial and try hard not to think about it.
I was just wondering if any of you feel a connection to animals that goes beyond what most people would could consider---normal.
Anyways, I'm glad I found this site. I have no doubt after reading for the last few days that the connection to alien life forces is within those of us that carry the neg. factor. Just one more thing, I do not feel that drawn to space, I actually feel a bit overwhelmed by it.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by Ampriz
welcome to ATS! and welcome to the thread; you sound like you fit right in with the rest of the negatives posting here; I was born with black hair, went blond, and share most of your listed traits.

hope you found the info you needed; herbs work better for me also.


posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 07:39 PM
What I know is we are all equally human, but different. In the beginning when man was created for a slave race to mine gold, our creators mixed their own DNA with the different evolved ape creachers to see witch would make the superior slave for the task. The outcome was a race of human suitable for every environment. When the creators left for their long journey, some of them were left behind to make sure the mining of the gold was to continue. When enough gold was found the slaves were granted freedom, and enough knowledge to start civilizations. As time passed, the ones left behind began to mate with the human females and introduced the negative blood type. They also taught forbidden knowledge of war and hate. Over time wars were waged for land and knowledge of the past was lost. Also type A humans found and mated with type B humans, and O humans, and now negative humans and vice verse over thousands of years. When the creators returned Noah proved that he was the created blood line and was spared. The negative survived and history repeats itself. We are all mixed again, and are in trouble when they return in 2012! Our Governments of the world are in secret trying to save us by storing gold in reserves, hoping they will be pleased and not destroy us. Yes, us negative blood have better abilities, but we got them the wrong way.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 02:03 AM
Hi all and Happy New Year too,
Sorry, I kinda got on to this thread late. But yes there seems to be a partial consensus from abductees re their blood types v. how far the abduction develops in terms impregnation and or tests done.

I'm not altogether convinced on abduction theories, less the /76 appx Alaghasi Wiener deal in Maine? and Kelly Cahill incident in Australia /94 appx. It just seems to me why have the ebes not abducted Airline Pilots, Stewards or passengers from moving aircraft at altitude. Though Valenich did disappear after reporting terrifying ordeal (see //

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by Trublood

Yes can completly relate to the connection with animals

Especially horses in my case...but have an connection with dogs too...

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
What I know is we are all equally human, but different. In the beginning when man was created for a slave race to mine gold, our creators mixed their own DNA with the different evolved ape creachers to see witch would make the superior slave for the task. The outcome was a race of human suitable for every environment. When the creators left for their long journey, some of them were left behind to make sure the mining of the gold was to continue. When enough gold was found the slaves were granted freedom, and enough knowledge to start civilizations. As time passed, the ones left behind began to mate with the human females and introduced the negative blood type. They also taught forbidden knowledge of war and hate. Over time wars were waged for land and knowledge of the past was lost. Also type A humans found and mated with type B humans, and O humans, and now negative humans and vice verse over thousands of years. When the creators returned Noah proved that he was the created blood line and was spared. The negative survived and history repeats itself. We are all mixed again, and are in trouble when they return in 2012! Our Governments of the world are in secret trying to save us by storing gold in reserves, hoping they will be pleased and not destroy us. Yes, us negative blood have better abilities, but we got them the wrong way.

This is the kind of information that reveals either something real, or partial related truths. Of course humanity itself is not up for being owned or someone's pet project anymore. We intend to evolve into the cosmos and need help getting rid of violent renegade leaders. Thats why its not as cut and dried as a group simply arriving to kick their weight around. The renegades have some serious contenders now, from at least two galaxies. The advancement option will be offered in time after much work is done. Though I think we may have several options, in progression, before us over time. 300 years from now, real changes may occur for this planet, and we will eventually toe into the cosmos.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 01:03 PM
hmmm...and I am not even sure if those "galaxies" even exist...that is how much I am suspicious of all the official "science" they teach us.

Poor me.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 01:16 PM

Blk hair
Brn eyes

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS
I believe you need to step back and re-examine your statement; Noah proved he was of the created slave bloodline, genetically engineered to be easy to control and program to remain a slave, with corrupted dna spliced to the primates;

negatives, altho afflicted with the same crippled dna strands, do not have the rhesus link; yes, we survived, and we are different; but not because, as you say, we got it the wrong way; we are here, just as the positives are, and our time of being slaves must come to an end; for all of us.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 03:44 PM
all this talk about people with don't have powers and aren't all blond and have blue eyes..haha

i guess u all don't realize that most people in the world thabe have rh- have dark features from the basque region

and all this talk about being aliens? what? if u are aliens then ur siblings and parents are aliens too...oh wait they can't be aliens because they have a positive RH...oh then are they really your family?

or were all ur mothers abducted by aliens and grandmother is O- and she has no super powers at all

you silly

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by the seeker_713g

What do you suppose we do then? How can we stop them? Negative bloodlines have 1% of the mind power and the rest of the world 0%, and we are half their size. We have 2,000 years of technology, and we know they had the technology to send androids to study Earth half a million years ago. They created us, and they know our strengths and weaknesses. They had the power to raise our ocean level thousands of years ago. The only thing we could do is piss them off even more. They know we have the atom bomb, and they are prepared. They are set on one thing, thats why we haven't heard from them. They were always concerned after creating us, that one day we might be strong enough to fight them back. Their planet is moving ever so closer to us and there is nothing we, or they can do about it. Prepare for revelations of Jesus Christ.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:19 PM
Intrigued to say the least. I stumbled across this during a search for more info relating to my RH factor other than conception of a child. I was born blonde but gradually went dark brunette around puberty. I also had my first menstrual cycle at the age of 9. I am a pale olive skin tone and only 5 foot 3 in height. I was always a great deal taller than others as a child until I reached this height at 11 and didn't grow a centimeter taller. My father still comments on my pediatrician claiming that I would exceed my father's height. He's 6'3" now but was 2 inches taller then. My eyes are golden brown but have a very thick black line around my iris that makes them appear black. My paternal descent is German. Appalachian mountain settlers to be exact. My mother did not know her father but her mother was Cherokee/Irish. All that genetically considered I can hold my alcohol quite well, but don't "need" it. My paternal grandfather was said to have "visions" but kept them to himself because of his religious beliefs. I once dated a man who was obsessed with aliens and their relation to biblical times. I considered him to be fanatical. He claimed he recieved info that I was "not entirely human" as he put it. He said he was told I was an angel, but not just one kind. I was a mutt. Not sure what his specifics were b/c I was not perceptive to his "notions". I tend to give more than I take so I thought he was using that to make his theory. My IQ is quite high but my profession is not that of intelligent people. My memory is quite amazing almost photographic at times. My brain tends to be over analytical and people ask my advice regularly. I'm not buying into all of this entirely but my brain is sparked. Thanks for allowing me to share this. Skeptic but intrigued!

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