posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 10:40 PM
I have become very intrigued by the O negative blood origin theories. My father is O- and my mother is A+- (meaning she carries a negative gene which
enabled me to inherit the O- blood). My husband is A+- and my oldest son is A- and my daughter is A+.
I wouldn't say I am extraordinarily different, but I would say I am unique. As a little girl, I had a strong belief in God that hasn't changed. I
have seen angels, UFO's, spirits and had dreams that have come true. I prayed for both my children to be conceived. I went for 2 years without
using anything and finally prayed and asked God for a child (after my son) and KNEW the day I got pregnant. I prayed for a good husband (if that was
in God's plan for me) and God gave me exactly the man I needed. I could go on and on, but it amazes me how I had nothing without prayer and with
prayer I got it. Not to say God gives you everything you want, he doesn't, but prayer does make a difference.
I suppose you could say I am philosophical, spiritual, analytical and curious almost to a fault. My I.Q. is somewhere between 125-135 range (haven't
tested lately except on I am terribly empathetic and pick up strongly on others emotions and sometimes thoughts. It is exhausting and I
have asked God to tone it down because it was so tiring. He has.
As for the UFO's, my whole family seen them in 1973. A mother ship with 3-4 smaller scout ships that moved slowly in broad daylight. This was
before Star Wars movie came out and this mother ship looked as big as those in the movie! I found out later that several people seen ufos at this
same time in the area we lived and was documented in the news and some ufo records. I have always been interested in ufos, aliens, god, angels,
spiritual occurances, alternative science and history, etc. We live in a mysterious, wonderful world and anyone who doesn't believe a powerful being
(God) exists is blind and missing out on the source (I believe) of all knowledge, life and love.
My personal belief is that the O- bloodline could possibly be of the original Hebrew people, because God emphasized the separation of them from the
pagan peoples around them, encouraging them to marry within their own kind. This would be required of a recessive gene such as the rh - gene.
Perhaps in time, the science (if discovered now or later) will be shared and give us more light on the origin of the rh negative factor. An
interesting note, I found out that because my paternal grandmother had a rare Mediterranean muscle disease that we have Mediterranean genes; which has
been said to carry the rh negative factor strongly. Supposedly, the royal family in England (Prince Charles, etc.) are decended from the tribe of
Judah and this is promoted by the royal society in England. Prince Charles has O- blood. Also through my mother, we are related to Queen Victoria
according to my great grandfather who passed away 20 or so years ago. As you can see, I have many stimulators to research and learn as much as I can
about this blood factor.