posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 10:34 PM
I'm not exactly sure my blood type, but my mother and sister are RH negative or positive, not sure..
Anyway, I was born with white hair, but it turned dark/light brown as I aged. The hair on my arms is like dirty blond. My eyes are brown as well.
I was born with huge bones, hands and feet. I can heal very fast, and I can take a lot of pain. When or if I get sick, my sickness goes away very
fast. I have always been muscular, and very athletic. I have very fast reflexes, and very good ears. My eyes are not so good with range, but nothing
gets past me when I wear contacts. I can see the most smallest changes in light which is a skill I think I picked up while playing video games too
much. Oh, and art comes natural to me, all kinds of different art from 2D to 3D.
When my eyes are closed at night, and I hear noises, a light will flash in my mind in the exact direction the noise came from. Different noises make
different flashes of light in my mind. For instance, when there is a "scary movie" and there is that silent part of the movie that you just know
someone is going to pop out and make a loud noise. If my eyes are closed and that noise happens, a flash of light will appear in my mind/eyes right
when it happens. Of course though, I am not scared of any movies because I can predict what happens, and I can never stop thinking about the camera
being in front of the actors at all times.
I have predicted the future in my dreams. 0ne time being the northridge earthquake. In my dream I was on a monorail type train in an underground
tunnel. I saw up ahead that there was a huge pile of rocks on the track, and the train was going to crash into it. As it got closer and closer I
feared the crash would be huge, so I woke up about half a second before the crash. Right when I woke up the northridge earthquake happened in real
life. So it was like I had seen the earthquake coming towards me, the earthquake was the pile or rocks in my dream.
I also was able to sense people through walls while in a balance between a dream/awake state. 0ne time I was half asleep, half awake, but I was having
a visual dream of my mother walking towards me from the other side of the house (i was young). As I was dreaming I was watching her walk towards me
through the walls, and I woke myself up right before she opened the door to my room in real life. So I was able sense her position while dreaming, and
I knew she was walking towards me. So I woke up just before she came into my room. It was odd.
Also, I totally predicted the way my ex-girlfriend and I would break up. I also predicted who I would find her on a date with (an ex-friend), and I
also predicted who her next b/f would be (another ex-friend). All of this was in a dream that I didn't think much of, but it became true.
Not all of my dreams are predictions though. At least I sure hope not, because I had some crazy dreams before.
I also have this ability to completely sense other peoples emotions. Or I could get an idea of what the other person might be thinking, like reading
their mind. It's like everyone in a room emits energy, and some reason I am able to tap into that energy just by looking at them. Distance doesn't
matter. I also hate being in really large crowds of people, because there is so much energy that it's annoying. I prefer quiet peaceful places.
I have always had natural musical talent, and I could perfect any musical instrument I lay my hands on. I can hear mistakes in music, and I can even
feel what the musicians are feeling when they play. I can totally sense when someone is acting, or not. Lying or not. But sometimes I could get
confused because their emotions match their lies. Usually emotions don't match their lies, so I can detect a lie.
I have always had a special bond with all animals. Almost like I can feel their emotions too. Just by watching their movements I can also get an idea
of what they might be perceiving or thinking at the moment. I found most animals are exactly like humans. When they are young they are like babies,
when they are middle aged they act exactly like stubborn teenagers, and when they are older they act just like human adults. It's odd.
I have always been a problem solver. Any problem that is given to me I can think of many ways to solve it. I am very mechanically inclined, I am very
electronically inclined. I also have a very wide range of talents and hobbies, mainly involving computers.
I hate reading really long books that try too hard to create detailed mental images, because I would rather make my own detail in my imagination. I
also hate when people use words that you don't normally see every day, just to add more non-existent detail. I have a photographic memory, but some
complex things don't stay in my memory as long, unless I have seen it for a very long time. Some people have mistaken me to have OCD because before
I go to bed I flash the light on and off one time, so I can get a photographic memory of my messy room. Then I can actually walk through my room in
complete darkness just by photographic memory alone, to get to my bed.
I have a flash light that has a quick push button, and I can actually walk around in complete darkness just by flashing the light 0nce like a camera
flash. As I walk to a new area, I flash the light 0nce and get the photo in my memory, and I can actually walk around with the flash light off, and
only use my memory.
I always seem to have a messy room, only because it is all organized in my memory. Usually when I clean my room and put things away in neat places, I
forget where I put those things because I didn't put them there for access, I put them their to be clean. When I loose something, I REALLY loose
them. It is very hard for me to "not find my keys" or something, because I always know where they are 24/7. But those rare times that I can't find
something, they are gone for good.
I don't know if this all has to do with my genes, and blood type. But I think most of it is do to the fact that I care about everything around me. I
do not live in tunnel vision. I am totally aware of my complete surrounding at all times. When I drive my truck in traffic, I always care about the
person behind me. I don't want to be the reason they push their breaks, and I don't want to be the reason they switch lanes. I drive more in my
mirrors then I do in my windshield, because it is very easy to "sense" traffic in front of me. I sometimes joke with my friends and tell them that I
am not even driving and that someone else is driving for me, because I can sometimes multi-task perfectly while driving. I don't know if it is a
talent or just something I find easy. But I notice 1000's of people have a hard time doing this. Most people would say I am dangerous and careless,
but they don't understand how easy it is for me. I crashed only 1 time in my life, and that is because of the car's power steering, and not me. At
the time I was actually paying attention too...
I never ever thought of any of this being "superpowers", and I believe anyone could do it if they just pay attention to detail.
Hope this information helps.
[edit on 1-7-2008 by ALLis0NE]