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The Cross is a Satanic Symbol Used by the Illuminati to Control You!

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posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 09:39 PM
I felt so much compassion for Jesus on the cross as a child, I used to try with tears in my heart to take him down or off any cross I found. I was really disturbed by the whole thing. It was suggested at some point that that would be sac religious. The cross although a symbol for Christianity, is also an ancient shape used from the beginnings of man. It is a powerful symbol and therefore whether or not its intended use is for Christianity or other, it is still just a symbol.
If you believe that it is a satanic symbol and you give it that energy, then for you it is. I choose not to accept that particular reality. So therefore for me it can be a altogether different experience.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 09:53 PM
There was a guy on the Phil Hendry radio show once from I think it was the Global Society for Overweight Christians, or Glutans for Christ or some such thing...anyway, he was a guest on the radio show that day, and it was difficult to hear what he was saying when he spoke because he was enjoying a Pestromi sandwich with a foot long loaded sub on the side and his mouth was often full...Phil had to stop the program several times and had to remind him they were on national radio and to not eat while on the air...anyway, he want on to say that he firmly believed that because whenever you look at the crucifix you see how thin and under nourished the Jesus figure was...and so he said if only Jesus would have ate more, he could have had the strength to will his way off that cross! Then they took some phone calls, and you can just imagine the response off of that one!!!! It was really one of the funniest things I think I have ever heard
Well that and the "Rusty Nail" drink special down at the local gay bar on Easter morning...

[edit on 31-1-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by defcon365

Originally posted by skyshow

That alone aside from the morbidity of it, should be enough to take down your crosses and throw them out, but then as we open up the bible and read from it we see that Idolatry is forbidden.

Let's get you corrected since you lack the proper knowledge of the Christian life. You are corect, idolatry is forbidden according to the Word of God!!! But let's look at the word "Idolatry" which is the physical worship of an object as God.

Well my friend, just so understand this, Christians do not worship a cross, or look at an object as a God, they worship the Savior of the World, Jesus Christ. If that cannot be comprehended, then truly, I feel sorry for you!

I have a question. Why worship physical encapsulations of Mary, the cross and Jesus (I don't know the type of Christain you are so correct me if I'm wrong)? Have you no understanding of the implications and reprocussions of this? Or do you believe that your faith is so strong that you are not susceptable to recieving negative inputs?

I'm not Christian but I love the Bible. I read it and I see what goes on and it seems like the entire point is missed with these figures.
*My frame of mind is that it's unquestionable that Christian doctrine has been infiltrated a long time ago, and another belief system has stained itself onto it - to what extent, I do not know. *

What is the point?
Christains often say this to me:
"It's like a picture for remembrance or to pay homage to important figures in Christianity".
Definition of worship: reverent honour and homage to a sacred personage.

Ok, well that's fine but the moment you pay homage to something THROUGH an object, you've objectified it.

Definition of idol (Bible) : an image or object of a deity that is not God.

So by definition, you are worshipping an idol. It's not good enough to say "Oh well we know better...we don't really worship the idol".
I'm sorry but that's ridiculous to me. The Bible clearly states that this type of behaviour is extremely detrimental. The best question is why even have them? There's no need other than that of inverse.

I picture this cartoon:
GOD: Do not worship any idols. This is forbidden.
person: I'm not worshiping's not an's just a memory or recognition.
GOD: Oh in that case, ok.

That is exactly what the Pagan's did. You can't seperate that from fact, they are using the exact same object! But you're eliteness makes it different? Pagan's get a bad rap because people don't see how the same darkness took over them as well..

Wait isn't that a reprocussion of these idols..segregation? It's doing a great job...
*I'm here to discuss, I understand the depth of this type of questioning but I want to understand this better because I've talked about this before and many Christians were blind and couldn't give any logical reason for's like they just accept it which is a sign of inflicted thought, not their own.

[edit on 1-2-2008 by 1nelove]

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by 1nelove

I have a question. Why worship physical encapsulations of Mary, the cross and Jesus (I don't know the type of Christain you are so correct me if I'm wrong)? Have you no understanding of the implications and reprocussions of this? Or do you believe that your faith is so strong that you are not susceptable to recieving negative inputs?

Let me begin by stating, there are some denominations that seem to worship or offer reverence to Mary, Crosses, Saints, etc. such as the Catholic faith. I oppose that completely!

I would fall under the Protestant umbrella of the non-denominational churches. Why? Because I believe that only Salvation is available through Jesus Christ, not the brand name of a particular religon or church. I detest the robotics of man made teachings and traditions, and turn to the Bible for what is expected of me. There are good sound teachers out there that I like such as Charles Stanley, Gene Scott, and Adrian Rogers.

Sadly there are many so called "preachers" that manipulate/taint the true Gospel and decieve many like Prosperity Gospel, Guilt Preachers, etc.

That being said, l'll move on...

I'm not Christian but I love the Bible. I read it and I see what goes on and it seems like the entire point is missed with these figures.

That's Awesome, keep reading it!!!

*I'm here to discuss, I understand the depth of this type of questioning but I want to understand this better because I've talked about this before and many Christians were blind and couldn't give any logical reason for's like they just accept it which is a sign of inflicted thought, not their own.

I am glad you are here to discuss it, so I'll post this again:

Idolatry: the worship of a physical object as a God.

Let's use the Bible for an example: God instructed Moses to build the Ark of the Covenant. On the lid of the Ark, there were two Angles on top. The Jews DID NOT worship the Ark, the Angels on it, or the contents inside. Because they possessed the Ark, is that grounds for Idolatry?

The cross for me, is a reminder of what Jesus Christ did for the World. I do not pray to it, I do not worship it, it does not save me, I do not make offerings to it. Only the risen Christ can provide Salvation and to Him directly do I serve.

A similar question could be raised to a soldier serving overseas "Why carry that wedding band, when you know your wife loves you?" Because looking upon it while out in the field, he thinks of her....

As for the "Illuminati" using the Cross as a means of control is quite laughable. If anything they would want to abolish it IMO

I believe the "Illuminati" (if they even exist) uses the Public School System to brainwash young minds into the THEORY of evilution, and myriad of many other twisted ideas...

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 12:08 AM
That last post reminded me of the strick requirements regarding the Ark of the Covenant. The Jews may have not worshipped the Ark, but keep in mind they couldn't even look at it. Only the high priest was allowed to look upon it and that was just once a year. It's hard to worship an object you can't look upon. It seems a though these regulations were setting a precedence.

There was a time when the Israelites were to look upon a copper serpent in order to be healed when they were bit by a snake in the wilderness. The belief in God's saving power enabled their wound to be healed. Eventually the copper serpent had to be removed because the people started to worship it. Some of the Isrealites probably didn't worship the copper snake, but the few that did made it an object of worship. God then decided it needed to come down. The cross would be in that category as well.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by defcon365

Personally, I think it's time we come clean, Defcon. They're obviously onto us. How much longer should we keep up the charade? Yes, it is true. Christians worship the cross as an idol while dancing around it naked in eerie candlelight, cutting ourselves with rusty razors, and chanting unintelligibly. No more conspiracy or secrecy. The truth is out.

We might as well admit it because they'll never understand we don't worship the cross or idolize it. We worship the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by AshleyD


Thanks Ashley - I needed a good laugh!!!

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by AshleyD

uh huh, and denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by AshleyD

and you proceed to post the cross all over the internet, and up on the stage in churches complete with fine linen, spot lights and rose peddles. You put the cross on everything possible to advertise religion, including solid gold and silver crosses and you gotta be kidding me....LOL how about kidding yourself..if you don't think it's an Idol...IDOL WORSHIPER CHRISTIANS.

The reality is that the cross isn't a cross, it was a stake that the romans used back then for capital punishment, but the former religious symbol the "cross" was borrowed (lol) from previous religions and now you worship the idol called the "cross"... get over it, you are an idol worshiper...and moreover you worship the cross put forward by Satan to show who is in charge... and all the while you think you are worshiping something that is going to get you to heaven....LOL

If it was as important as (the cross is the most important symbol even more important to the word itself...don't believe me, try to take down one of their crosses uh huh...just try'd have better luck arguing scripture LOL!!!!!) Christians say it is, then why isn't it written that Jesus said it was important to commemorate his execution by hanging on to the stake...ooops, I meant the cross...never mind...have some more cool aide...

[edit on 2-2-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 07:21 AM

We worship the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins.

What a great slogan...just like:

Delta...we love to fly and it shows

Coca Cola: You can't beat the real thing

General Electric (GE): We Bring Good Things to Life!

Toyota: You asked for it, you got it!

Christians" We worship the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins

Hustler Magazine: The Name you Trust, the Sexual Erotica You Desire

Please add your favorite slogan everybody!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 08:21 AM
LG: Lifes' Good...

I read an interesting article stating the 'prayer' position is an old sign of sub ordinance, or slave with the hands together and kneeling, as if the person is about to be tied up!

The word 'Messiah', in Hebrew meaning 'To Anoint' or 'The Anointed One', also a derivative of 'Messah', which is Egyptian for 'Crocodile'. In Aramaic, 'Messiah', meant 'The one anointed with Oil'. There was Egyptian rites where the person was initiated with crocodile oil/fat, and thus the Messah/Messiah.


posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 08:24 AM
Christians don't worship cross. FULL STOP.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by Im a Marty

you know that's funny, because if you really delve into the old old old translations and meanings, you will end up with the finding that "anointment" by oil, is really anointment by was all in the name of fertility... I love it!!!! It just keeps getting better and better!!!

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by Vojvoda

oh, well gee, that settles it then. thanks for setting us all straight!

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 08:42 AM
Anointed with Semen? Well thats an interesting perspective! Looks like I have a lot more reading to do!

Hey, I recently watched an episode of Home and Away (Australian Show). The story line was about the priest/pastor (whatever you call it in the demonination mentioned), went psycho and stalked many of the women, grabbing them, tormenting them, totally lost it. Of course, it was later realised he had a Tumor which was affecting his rational way of thinking (I think for the show to save grace), but it was rather courageous for them to include it in the story line of the show.

Last year, Neighbours, had a story line of a spiritualist undermining the towns most religious person, got a bit of a following, then boom - it was figured the spiritualist was a con-man. Another courageous ambition by the show to cause controversy.

I had an argument with an friend (Devout Christian) a while back. I was discussing with him my view on ETs' and all the stuff discussed on this forum, and he had the guts to say "You're deluded man, you seriously need some prayer". I looked blankly for a while, and responded with "Hey, I'm not the one who believes a man 2000 years ago was God". After that, he walked off, but later reconciled. We decided never to talk about our 'beliefs' anymore.


posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by skyshow

Of course. You non-Christians talk about what we Christians worship and trying to impose something what is simply not true.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by 1nelove
I have a question. Why worship physical encapsulations of Mary, the cross and Jesus (I don't know the type of Christain you are so correct me if I'm wrong)? Have you no understanding of the implications and reprocussions of this? Or do you believe that your faith is so strong that you are not susceptable to recieving negative inputs?

I am very sorry, but we don’t worship Mother of God neither Cross and neither their physical encapsulations.

Originally posted by 1nelove
Definition of idol (Bible) : an image or object of a deity that is not God.

So by definition, you are worshipping an idol. It's not good enough to say "Oh well we know better...we don't really worship the idol".
I'm sorry but that's ridiculous to me. The Bible clearly states that this type of behaviour is extremely detrimental. The best question is why even have them? There's no need other than that of inverse.

I am sorry, but idol is something else.
2 a picture or object that people pray to as part of their religion:
The ancient people of this area worshipped a huge bronze idol in the shape of an elephant.

We don’t worship idols as we don't pray to icon (Orthodox) or statue (Roman Catholics).

Originally posted by 1nelove
That is exactly what the Pagan's did. You can't seperate that from fact, they are using the exact same object! But you're eliteness makes it different? Pagan's get a bad rap because people don't see how the same darkness took over them as well..

No, Pagans worshiped idols, not Christians.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by DocMoreau

sorry for the misunderstanding .i was quoting from vine's expository dictionary which i believe is telling us the truth that the present cross this world recognizes-- is the chi or x of constantine-- not the stauros that Messiah was impaled on. the author has written what he says in a manner to try not get into hot water with the churches while at the same time trying to tell us the truth

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by skyshow
YOU proceed to post the cross all over the internet

I do?

and up on the stage in churches complete with fine linen, spot lights and rose peddles.

I do?

YOU put the cross on everything possible to advertise religion, including solid gold and silver crosses

I do?

YOU worship the idol called the "cross"...

I do?

get over it, YOU are an idol worshiper...

I am?

and moreover YOU worship the cross put forward by Satan to show who is in charge...

I do?

and all the while YOU think you are worshiping something that is going to get you to heaven....LOL

I do?

Anyways, now that you have me all figured out, can you take down the hidden spy cameras you placed inside my home? Everything you said about me is so true that hidden cameras is the only logical explanation for how you know so much.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by skyshow

We worship the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins.

What a great slogan...just like:

Delta...we love to fly and it shows

Please add your favorite slogan everybody!!!!!!

Wow, how demeaning and insulting. Pompous much?


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