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The Cross is a Satanic Symbol Used by the Illuminati to Control You!

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posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 07:48 PM
When Satan met Jesus on the mountain and showed him the Kingdom's of the Earth saying all that he saw could be his...he was talking about the government's, and since government and organized religion at the time were nearly the same in terms of governance of the masses, Satan was saying he had control of all control structures and that it could all be Jesus's the story goes, Jesus turns down Satan's offer, and soon finds himself crucified on the cross, a capital punishment device used by the Roman government and it was endorsed by the Jewish governing body.

The backbone of control today is the Illuminati. As a reminder to all who dare cross the power structure what will happen to them, the cross is prominently displayed in virtually all churches and remains the major symbolic cornerstone to the faith, because even the most powerful and most revered by the masses, even their god, will either bow down to them, or else will be killed by them.

That alone aside from the morbidity of it, should be enough to take down your crosses and throw them out, but then as we open up the bible and read from it we see that Idolatry is forbidden.

The cross is a satanic symbol and an idol worshiped (there is evidence it was worshiped before Christ was sentenced to death on it) by the masses. Moreover the gold and silver crosses are expensive and could easily be melted down and sold to help with shelter, food and clothing for the poor.

[edit on 28-1-2008 by skyshow]

[edit on 28-1-2008 by skyshow]

[edit on 28-1-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 08:06 PM
you know....
I never thought of it...
could the Cross... be the "mark of the beast"?

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 08:23 PM
I disagree. Though I do see the cross being used in Idol worship by many churches, I personally think it's a stretch to say it's Satanic. It's a flag. A symbol of Christianity. Do you have any more to back up your theory or did ya just think it all up and post?


posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 08:39 PM
I was just doing some thinking while out in the hot tub, and decided a post was really needed on this and that hopefully people would have more to share regarding the background on this topic. I know there are people on here at ATS who have some of this information, so in time I hope it can be provided here.

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, as they say. I found one at in the research section under "have you ever wondered"'s a picture of the Vatican Courtyard. Look very closely at it...what do you see?

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 08:44 PM
Well, judging by my avatar you'll know how I feel about the subject but here it goes...

Originally posted by skyshow
The backbone of control today is the Illuminati.

I know so little about the Illuminati but from everything I've read they are supposed to be a very anti-religious (all religions) group. I say "supposedly" because most people don't even know if they exist anymore or not. What is your evidence that the Illuminati and Christianity are connected?

As a reminder to all who dare cross the power structure what will happen to them, the cross is prominently displayed in virtually all churches

Er... actually it is a symbol (not idol) of what Christ did. Not a "reminder to all who dare cross [us]."

because even the most powerful and most revered by the masses, even their god, will either bow down to them, or else will be killed by them.

Are you talking about the Illuminati or Christianity? Again, many, if not most, people doubt the Illuminati survived its disbanding. If you are talking about Christianity then who exactly is running around killing anyone other than the occasional lunatic abortion clinic bomber or others of that ilk?

Anyways, sometimes I wonder why you put so much effort into your threads and posts. Seems like all you would really need to say is "I hate Christianity and Christians" and then move along. That's the basic gist behind most of your posts.

Who is going around killing people in the name of God? And you cannot say political wars because that is technically in the name of democracy just like the atheists who are killing Christians and other religious followers left and right are technically doing it in the name of communism. Where are the massive slaughterings taking place in the name of God? And you think Christians will "kill God" if He doesn't bow down to the cross. What are you going on about?

As Cuhail said, it's a symbol. I do not nor do I know of any Christians who "worship" the cross.

[edit on 1/28/2008 by AshleyD]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 08:56 PM
I think some people use the cross as a talisman, to ward off evil. The story of Dracula protrays the cross as a protection against him.
I don't think the cross has the power to help anyone. Your faith does the protecting, not the object. I agree with the OP in the fact that the cross can become an idol, which is strickly forbidden by God. Nothing made by hands can represent God or aid in your worship. The knowledge contained in the scriptures are more valuable than a cross symbol.

If there was one thing in the ancient world that should have always been a protective object for the Hebrews, it would have been the Ark of the Covenant. Even that did not protect them when the Hebrew leaders were in great error. The Israelites were losing the battle against the Philistines and so they brought out the Ark of the Covenant to be near the battle to make sure they would win. The Ark was captured by the Philistines and 30,000 Israelites were killed by them. 1 Samuel 5:1-5 tells a funny story about the Ark and the statue of Dagon and what happened when they were in each other's presence.

Anyway, the cross is more ancient than Jesus' impalement and it should not be used as a way to worship God.

[edit on 28-1-2008 by lostinspace]

[edit on 28-1-2008 by lostinspace]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 09:00 PM
The Illuminated Ones usually claim existing symbols as their own only after reversing them.
The reverse of a cross is still a cross.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 09:03 PM
Yikes. This is heavy.

We are going into symbolic territory where all kinds of conflicting ideas are going to meet.

I'll try to make my statement brief (yeah right): To the Illuminati, the cross is a symbol of sacrifice. Sacrifice, specifically, of goodness, of the Christ, of all the things that Christ stood for. In that sense... the cross is an extremely brutal and 'evil' symbol. Just like all the satanic lunatics at the Bohemian grove sacrifice a wooden edifice called 'Care' I believe the cross is used by the vatican to enforce the idea of sacrificing good... killing goodness.

But this is a symbol we're talking about. No matter who invented it, the people have adopted it, and imbued it with their own intention, their own love of Christ etc. In their billions, I have to believe that the people have turned the cross from a symbol of crucifixion into a symbol of all the good things that Christ stood for. I also believe this intent of thought carries into the higher dimensions and literally imbues the symbol with power. This is a totally different topic though.

The cross belongs to two separate interpretations, and is a LOADED symbol : very powerful, very diverse. David Icke said that the symbol is actually pre-history and pagan in origin, representing the fire-maker of rubbing sticks. I think again, he is interpreting the origin of the symbol and not what the people have turned it into.

Good thread.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Cuhail

I disagree. Though I do see the cross being used in Idol worship by many churches, I personally think it's a stretch to say it's Satanic. It's a flag. A symbol of Christianity. Do you have any more to back up your theory or did ya just think it all up and post?


The OP sure has given me something to think about with this thread, and I thank you for that.

Now what your saying cuhail, I respectfully disagree with, and here is why:

Exodus 20 verses 3 and 4 tell us:

"You shall have no other God's before me"


"You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or on the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them."

Now, as for worshipping the cross as being satanic...I don't know, but I know that any worship that isn't directed to God and Christ is from satan. If it is used in idol worship, it is not being used to worship God or Christ!

As for the cross being a symbol or flag of christianity, I agree with that; however, nowhere in the Bible does Jesus ask us to use the cross as a symbol or a flag. Jesus wants us to remember his broken body and the blood which he shed that ultimately gave us the hope of entering into his eternal kingdom.

In the old testament, God ordered the Israelites to build items to aid them in worship and gave them implicit directions on how they were to be used.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

In answer to your question, I was speaking of the Power structure of the time made up of the Roman Government and the Jewish religious leaders who had Christ sentenced to death.

Thank you again for your reply and in advance for your continued respect and good use of blogging manners.


[edit on 28-1-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 09:17 PM
There has been some controversy regarding the cross over the years and here's my take: Yahshua Messiah -The root and offspring of David was nailed to a tree, died, resurrected and ascended back into Heaven until the restoration of all things. ALL things. Including some of the faulty translations that have caused His people to err over the centuries. The cross is not found in the Scriptures, a stake, or tree is. HOWEVER, as believers we don't worship symbols, icons, churches, crosses, or trees, we worship Him and preach Him, Yahshua Messiah. The cross only holds meaning to the beholder, sort of like beauty in the eye of the beholder. I see the cross and DO think of my Savior and what He did for me, it is small token or a reminder for me sometimes. Do I adorn myself in crosses? No way. Maybe some people need more of a reminder? The point is is that symbols mean nothing to anyone except the one who believes THAT symbol holds meaning. A symbol cannot control you unless you believe it can. If the "ullumin whatever is using it for this that or the other, then it is probably because they need to

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 09:32 PM
on Jordan Maxwell's site, there are pictures of other's who were crucified on the cross and revered by the people such as the death of Quetzalcoat in the Aztec empire. Hesus (Druid) is on a cross. Krishna. Dionysus - Sion Christ, and Ixion (Greek).

We know that Constantine wanted a unification, and that the universal (Catholic) Christian church conspired for a unification of around a dozen belief systems all rolled up into one...Could it be that the cross not only is a co-opting, but also serves (as all symbols have subjective meanings) as a reminder of just how powerful the control structure under Satan's control really is? If the whole story is true, I suspect that he remains in power today over much of organized religion?

By the way, these are some amazing posts. Some of the best I've read on here in a long time. Some of you thanked me for getting them thinking, and I'd like to return the thank you for doing me the same...

[edit on 28-1-2008 by skyshow]

[edit on 28-1-2008 by skyshow]

[edit on 28-1-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 05:41 AM
This thread is disgusting and perfect example of twisted logic.

Anybody who studied Illuminati knows that one of primary targets of Illuminati is destruction of (organized) religion and creation of one world 'religion'.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 06:04 AM
Hrmmm Cross being Satanic? I thought that drinking of the wine representing Jesus's Blood (Vampirism) and eating of the bread representing Jesus's body (Cannabilism) was a bit weird.


posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Im a Marty
Hrmmm Cross being Satanic? I thought that drinking of the wine representing Jesus's Blood (Vampirism) and eating of the bread representing Jesus's body (Cannabilism) was a bit weird.

I agree.. never quite sat well with me as I was a 10yrs old dredging
my way through sunday mass..... I was wondering... why the hell
are we drinking his blood and eating him.. kinda SICK if you ask me..

but hey.. WTF do I know...
Im just a godless heathen...

well.. not godless.. Ive come to the conclusion that there very well
my be 'a god' but religion/people have screwed with it, twisted and
contorted it so much that its just pure un-adulterated BS...

reminds me of that 1liner from that movie Dogma...
"you better behave or im gonna come down there and Fing Spank you"...

[edit on 1/29/2008 by KATSUO]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by skyshow
When Satan met Jesus on the mountain and showed him the Kingdom's of the Earth saying all that he saw could be his...he was talking about the government's, and since government and organized religion at the time were nearly the same in terms of governance of the masses, Satan was saying he had control of all control structures and that it could all be Jesus's the story goes, Jesus turns down Satan's offer, and soon finds himself crucified on the cross, a capital punishment device used by the Roman government and it was endorsed by the Jewish governing body.

The backbone of control today is the Illuminati. As a reminder to all who dare cross the power structure what will happen to them, the cross is prominently displayed in virtually all churches and remains the major symbolic cornerstone to the faith, because even the most powerful and most revered by the masses, even their god, will either bow down to them, or else will be killed by them.

That alone aside from the morbidity of it, should be enough to take down your crosses and throw them out, but then as we open up the bible and read from it we see that Idolatry is forbidden.

The cross is a satanic symbol and an idol worshiped (there is evidence it was worshiped before Christ was sentenced to death on it) by the masses. Moreover the gold and silver crosses are expensive and could easily be melted down and sold to help with shelter, food and clothing for the poor.

[edit on 28-1-2008 by skyshow]

[edit on 28-1-2008 by skyshow]

[edit on 28-1-2008 by skyshow]

First of all LOL!!!!!

Second of all.. yes the cross has been used long before Christ was around. it was a religious symbol in Egypt, it was a symbol in Native America, it was a symbol as far back as when we all believed in 4 ruling elements. Keep in mind that these were cultures that had no concept of Satan.

The cross has many many symbolic references and was used in many different cults and belief systems long before Jesus was around.

Yes, there is a specific cross for the illuminati, but then again the Illuminati is not what everyone in the public thinks it is.

In order to really study religion, you need to divorce your mind from your own religion, otherwise you start interpreting stuff that just aint there.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by KATSUO

Originally posted by Im a Marty
Hrmmm Cross being Satanic? I thought that drinking of the wine representing Jesus's Blood (Vampirism) and eating of the bread representing Jesus's body (Cannabilism) was a bit weird.

I agree.. never quite sat well with me as I was a 10yrs old dredging
my way through sunday mass..... I was wondering... why the hell
are we drinking his blood and eating him.. kinda SICK if you ask me..

but hey.. WTF do I know...
Im just a godless heathen...

well.. not godless.. Ive come to the conclusion that there very well
my be 'a god' but religion/people have screwed with it, twisted and
contorted it so much that its just pure un-adulterated BS...

reminds me of that 1liner from that movie Dogma...
"you better behave or im gonna come down there and Fing Spank you"...

[edit on 1/29/2008 by KATSUO]

This is one that few understand. It goes back long before the priesthood of Melchizadek. 5300BC guess at time. That is the first instance of the wine and bread used in an occult manner. The bible tells us that it was used to replenish Abraham following the recovery of his brother. The deeper occult meaning is that it was the intake of living organisms that are inter penetrated with a form of spiritual life. That it had been infused from a cosmic or heavenly source. Later in the bible we read again that Jesus was a priest after the order of Melchizadek, and he again served both.

Even Gnostic Christianity is in the dark on this one.

The cross goes back even further in that Order,and was incorporated and used by that same Order. The Romans crucified on a T shaped cross.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 11:53 AM
Fish (Ichthus) as an Early Christian Symbol

Note the anchor, could the cross have morphed from the original anchor symbol?

I will make you fishers of men

Anchor, IV sec. d.c., Catacomb of Priscilla, via Salaria Nova, Roma

The Christian Catacombs of Ancient Rome: An Introduction

A "head stone", found near the entrance to the first century catacomb, is inscribed with the sign of the cross.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD

As a reminder to all who dare cross the power structure what will happen to them, the cross is prominently displayed in virtually all churches

Er... actually it is a symbol (not idol) of what Christ did. Not a "reminder to all who dare cross [us]."

[edit on 1/28/2008 by AshleyD]

I disagree. I have always viewed the Cross as a symbol of what the Romans did, not Jesus.

Jesus was dead, unable to control his symbolism. However the Romans were still going strong, and realizing the political control that the Propaganda of Jesus of Nazareth could have. Roman Catholicism anyone?

When I was studying Art History in art school, one of the 'eureka' moments came while discussing the role of religious symbolism in art throughout history. At some point in the history of the representation of Jesus on the Cross, the imagery changed slightly.

At some point, the imagery of how Crucification actually occurred was altered in paintings of Jesus. Real crucification with nails included 4 nails. Two were used for the hands, sent through the wrists, not hands, and two were used for the tops of the feet. But some Christian Theological Propagandist realized that 3 nails would better represent the 'Holy Trinity" so one of the nails was 'lost'.

I have little doubt that the symbols of Christianity, Judaism and Islam have deep 'pagan' meanings going back thousands of years, and that their use today is a 'bastardized' version that is still steeped in ancient esoteric knowledge. Its just that too many of us find it easier to be shepherded than to dig deep for knowledge and come back with answers that shake the foundations of our beliefs.

The question of whether Christ was crucified with three or four nails has long been debated, and can hardly be answered with references to medieval treatises or ancient iconic traditions..... The belief that three nails were used is called Triclavianism.

Nail (relic)


Edit to add:
Only image of a 2000 year old anchor I could find.

Matthew Monkey on a 2000 year-old anchor.
(Hey kid, get off of that!)

I don't know if that is 'real'. But if it's style is correct, I could see it maybe being an upside down cross.

[edit on 29/1/2008 by DocMoreau]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 01:21 PM
I heard somewhere the three nails was to play to the gypsy culture, in that they tell a story of the nailmaker stealing one of the nails so three were used. The fact he stole the nail gave all gypsies the right to steal as a people.

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